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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful , we offer our greetings to you, dear viewers of the 13 o'clock news. on the occasion of the anniversary of the 19th qom uprising in 1956 in support of imam khomeini, may god's mercy be upon him and against the pahlavi regime, thousands of people from different walks of life of this city met the leader of the islamic revolution this morning by attending imam khomeini's hosseiniyeh in tehran . emphasizing the importance of the people's power to play a role in major accidents , he pointed to the current situation in gaza and said: the role-playing of the people's presence and
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standing in a huge incident means a small group of a limited number of people, for example, ten million people in a ayatollah khamenei called the 9th incident of qom much higher than this and said that on that day the people of qom came to the streets and gave martyrs. some of them went to prison, but they were the beginning of a movement that was able to overthrow an arrogant, oppressive dependent regime dominating this country for about a year. the leader of the revolution further pointed out the importance of the presence of the people for the administration of the country and emphasized that everyone should strive for the presence of the people on the stage.
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the presence of the people, which is one of the essentials of the proper administration of the country the progress of the revolution and the achievement of the results of the revolution and the achievement of the goals of the revolution, the presence of people in the scene, this should be promoted. everyone has a voice, everyone has a language to speak. everyone has an audience, everyone can make an impact, work with you in this field and expand this trick. it is everyone's right to be a cleric, a university professor, a pulpit, a broadcaster, a political official, a manager of a certain organization . be wise, whoever is the authority, it is the duty
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of the people to be present in the square, to stand in the square and familiarize themselves with the square 's equipment. imam khomeini in 1941 and 1942 is a miracle worker on the stage with actions, words, logic, and reasoning. he showed it to all the people of iran. ayatollah khamenei also pointed to the terrorist incident in kerman and emphasized: we insist on suppressing the real and behind the scenes perpetrators of the terrorist incident in kerman. in this sad and disastrous case that happened in kerman, which caused a disaster to the nation in the literal sense of the word.
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we do not insist on accusing this and that, but we insist on finding the real behind the curtain of this incident and suppressing them , god is great, god is great, god is great, khamenei is the leader the thought of velayat leaves amen. the spokesperson of the government announced the amendment of the new car import regulations. mr. bahadri jahrami
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said in a weekly press conference with the media: this resolution will be announced in the next few days. based on this, the import and clearance of new public transport vehicles and electric and hybrid vehicles will be done more easily. the possibility of issuing a motorcycle license for 16-year-olds was another news of the government spokesperson. mr. bahaduri jahormi said that this announcement will be implemented in one year to provide the necessary infrastructure. the spokesperson of the government also said about the wide market: due to monetary measures and banking has been done, the currency market will be stable and the inflation trend will be decreasing. alhamdulillah, our experience of the past few months shows that due to the increase in foreign exchange resources, the release of some blocked assets is a very good management by the central bank .
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management of the land and gold market, god willing, with this path , we will see relative stability in this market . paying attention to the stability that has been there before , the investments that are happening in the field of growth and the forecasts are positive, god willing. by the way, the minister of health said that 50,000 planned forces during the corona era were recruited to this ministry through a test. mr. ainullahi, who was present at the public meeting of the parliament to answer the questions of the representatives, pointed to the provision of the necessary supply and the completion of all procedures for the import of medicine , and said that the continuation of bank sanctions caused the disruption in the import of medicine and medical equipment . the head of the program and budget organization also defended the performance of the ministry of health and said: the majority of the allocation width
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the findings have been paid to the field of healthcare so far. mr. manzoor also informed about the issuance of employment license for 25 thousand nurses. unemployed rural and nomadic mothers get free pension insurance. the managing director of the farmers, villagers and nomads social insurance fund announced that the condition of benefiting from this plan is to have at least three children. the beneficiaries of this plan do not pay monthly insurance premiums and retire after 30 years. someone who was insured during insurance payment, for example. he had four children and was insured, if he gives birth to a fourth child while we are insured, he will give birth to a fifth every person adds two years to their industry . the ministry of health has announced that 60% of
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the country's population over 18 years of age has been surveyed in the national health survey. although this survey is being conducted in more than 180 cities of the country, the participation in big cities is lower than the national average. in this regard, i am talking to the director of the non-communicable diseases office of the ministry of health so that they can inform the viewers about the latest statistics of this survey. mr. dr. etamed, i greet you . please let us know the latest statistics of people's participation in this survey. in the name of god. i am at your service and the esteemed viewers of this news section. hello and have a good day. in the last 24 hours ending this morning, the 19th of january, 6,605 people participated in this national health survey, of which 1,712 new high blood pressure patients and 4,593
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new diabetes patients were identified . evaluated in the national health survey since the beginning of the survey. november has reached 38,584 people, which has made the performance coverage of this evaluation reach 611 in the whole country, and according to this report, the probability of people with new hypertension is 7,3928 people, new diabetes is 4,195 people. high blood pressure is 8 million and 627 people, based on the evaluations of 33 universities , they have reached the coverage of over 70% of the population over 18 years of age
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, mr. doctor. has this number of people been in the systems? all this information has been recorded in the electronic health records of these people from the beginning of the campaign until today, which is based on the national code, and it has the ability to connect and transfer the files to the electronic health record system, and i wanted this point. let me emphasize that all processes the care service will not be offered after this menu and it will continue until the next years and the care will be permanent and always . well, the participation rate
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of men is still higher between 60 and 65% in the provinces of the country and it is expected that in the last days we will have more participation of women . i want to emphasize that this national health campaign is in line with the family health program of the ministry of health and family doctor meditation is health and i hope that people with the same enthusiasm and welcome in this campaign they had. continue their own follow-up care and actively participate. god willing , thank you very much, mr. dr. etemad, director of the office of non-viral diseases of the ministry of health, i bid you farewell. continued news the zionist regime's aerial and artillery attacks on the center and south of the gaza strip continue. al-maghazi camp is one of the areas that have been targeted by the occupation drones and helicopters since this morning. latest news from nasirat. it tells about the martyrdom and wounding of dozens of people due to air and artillery attacks.
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the attacks on khan yunis are also reported to be very severe. the area around nasser and european hospitals of this city is heavily bombarded. according to field reporters, the intensity of the attacks is so high that rescuers cannot approach the affected areas. local sources describe the previous night as one of the bloodiest days in gaza. zionist soldiers attacked tul karam camp in the west bank of the jordan river with their bulldozers. after entering the camp, the zionists deployed their sniper rifles on top of the buildings and their bulldozers destroyed the side entrances of the tul karam camp. after this assault the resistance forces confronted the aggressors and responded to them with hand grenades. the zionist soldiers also disrupted the rescue activities for the wounded by stopping the ambulances from this attack. the quds brigade, the military wing of
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the palestinian islamic jihad movement , targeted sadirwood, niraam and surrounding towns in gaza with several missiles. according to palestinian sources, in the last 24 hours, 9 military officers of the zionist regime were killed and several others were injured in two separate attacks in the gaza strip. one of the attacks caused the explosion of ammunition in a truck , which killed or injured several soldiers became in another attack, a building in the south of the gaza strip where soldiers were present was targeted. zionist sources also reported that at least 20 soldiers were injured in clashes in the gaza strip in the last 24 hours. the medical organization of the zionist army announced that since the beginning of the war, 9,000 soldiers of this regime have received psychiatric services, and a quarter of these people have not returned to the war. the spokesman of
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the zionist army announced the beginning of a new phase of the war in the gaza strip. daniel hagari said: at this stage, the number of military forces in the operations will be reduced. the zionist media has previously been ordered by the ministry the war of this regime was announced for the gradual release of reserve forces due to the high costs of continuing the war. the head of the central bank of the zionist regime also warned prime minister netanyahu about the high costs of the war. at the same time, the news is about the resignation of a cabinet minister in protest of spending public funds for war. according to yediot aharonot newspaper, several other ministers have threatened to resign in protest of the high casualties of the military, the non-release of asra and the high costs of the war. the us foreign minister
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entered the occupied territories in the continuation of his regional trip to west asia. anthony blinken in after arriving in tel aviv , he met with the president of the zionist regime. this is the fifth time since the start of al-aqsa storm operation that the us secretary of state has discussed with the zionist authorities about the war in gaza and developments in the region. blinken traveled to saudi arabia, uae, jordan, qatar and turkey before the occupied territories . blinken, without referring to the us arms aid to the zionist regime in saudi arabia in the last 3 months, said that he is talking with the countries of the region to restore stability to gaza. yiddish hebrew newspaper. since the beginning of the war, america has sent more than 230 cargo planes and 20 ships carrying weapons to israel has done. pro-palestinian protesters interrupted the us president's election speech with slogans in support of a ceasefire in gaza. supporters of palestine with truce cries just now
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joe biden's election speech in the charleston church in the state of south carolina. the supporters of palestine attended the legislative council of the city of san francisco in the state of california in the united states and demanded the approval of a resolution for a cease-fire in gaza. those present at the rally , holding the palestinian flag and handwritten notes , emphasized the need to stop attacks on palestinians in gaza
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. the demonstrators also protested the murder palestinians in gaza lay on the floor of the council building. the san francisco city council of legislators is the anti-war body that is working to pass a resolution for a lasting ceasefire in gaza . the san francisco legislative council is going to vote on this resolution today. in this resolution , the need for immediate humanitarian aid, the freedom to attack hostages and the condemnation of the zionist regime's genocide in gaza are emphasized. aid to ukraine was removed from the us budget. the american hill expert base reported that the 2024 budget bill that was approved by congress yesterday does not include aid to ukraine and this section excluded from the budget. aid to ukraine is one of the main differences between the two major parties in the united states, and for this reason, the approval of the annual budget bill of the united states
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has been delayed. the administration's proposal should include 60 billion dollars for aid to ukraine in the year john kirby, the coordinator of strategic communications of the white house national security council, said last week that the united states does not have new resources to help ukraine, and new aid requires the approval of congress. america is the biggest financial and arms supporter of this country against russia, with more than 79 billion dollars in aid to kiev since the beginning of the ukraine war. security measures after a car hit the outer gate of the white house the spokesman of the us secret service called the traffic of this car illegal in the white house and said that the driver was arrested and the streets were blocked. this american official did not mention more details about this incident. the white house
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did not answer reporters' questions about the identity of the car driver and his motive for the attack. a terrible explosion occurred in a hotel in the center of the city of fort worth , texas, usa, 11 people were injured, and two of them were reported to be in critical condition. gaz announced that the publication of the news of sending the american ship to our country was met with local protests in the country. america after half a century claims about sending man to the moon. yesterday, a manned spaceship was launched to the moon. this ship carries the ashes of some famous people and some former presidents of this country. the head of the largest native american group protested this action and said: we
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are not a cemetery or a garbage dump. russia, china and india are the countries that have managed to send an unmanned spacecraft to the moon. a new sub-branch of amicron has caused a new wave of corona infections created by australia. victoria's health officials announced that the new strain, named jn , has caused more than 377 patients with covid to be hospitalized in the state in the past week. south wales state health authorities also say that at the end of 2023 , they saw high levels of covid cases. in the last two and a half years , afghanistan and pakistan experienced various tensions in their relations. now the head of jamiat ulema pakistan has gone to afghanistan to reduce the tension in the relations between the two countries. contrary to previous perceptions, relations between pakistan and
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afghanistan have not improved in the last two years rather, every day has become worse than yesterday. in this regard , these two countries have been involved in disputes and border conflicts, until the arrival of american drones from pakistan's airspace into afghanistan, and recently, the mass deportation of afghan refugees. experienced in the past two months , pakistan has forcibly expelled more than half a million afghan refugees from its country. this is the turkish border crossing bordering pakistan and afghanistan. i rarely saw a migrant who was expelled from pakistan and did not complain about the government of this country and its police. we had to do it right there. ashtray is studying at school. these are our girls was. our system the process of mass deportation of immigrants from pakistan is still going on. pakistan says
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it will deport these migrants following the increase in security incidents in its country. but in kabul, the ministry of defense of afghanistan has something else to say. afghan officials hold the citizens of pakistan and tajikistan responsible for some security incidents in their country. we killed more than 20 pakistani fighters in the clashes, and the pakistani cleric, who is respected by the pakistani government and the afghan taliban
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, has come to kabul to reduce these tensions. we hope that he will take a good message from afghanistan and we hope that his results will be good. pakistan said: it will also meet the leader of the taliban. the visit of the pakistani delegation to afghanistan has created many hopes that this delegation will open a knot of tensions between kabul and islamabad. behnam yazdani , sed and broadcasting news agency, kabul. the construction of the longest bridge over the waters of southern china has been completed. this bridge was built in 3 years in the waters leading to guanshi province, and its length, with the construction of the new bridge, the travel time between two cities on either side of it have been reduced from an hour and a half to 25 minutes, and rescuers in slovenia
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rescued five people who had been trapped deep in a flooded cave since saturday. it has been reported that a family of 3 and their two guides were trapped in the križna jama cave in southwest slovenia since saturday due to heavy rain. this cave is the fourth largest underground ecosystem known in the world and one of the tourist attractions of slovenia. thank you very much for your attention. and have a nice day with you.
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in the name and memory of god, greetings to you viewers dear khabar network, we are expecting the rainy system to affect our country from the western part of the country from late tonight. for tonight, the rains will start in the western part of west azarbaijan and kurdistan provinces. on wednesday, we expect that with the expansion of the activity of this system, the pattern of the regions will be affected. we expect rains from the north-west of the west on wednesday in the provinces of ardabil, east azarbaijan
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, west azarbaijan, zanjan, kurdistan, all of kermanshah, parts of ghazvin, alborz, tehran, semnan, gilan , mazandaran, golestan provinces and gradually rains for north khorasan. to have in these areas. we will mainly have rain, we are expecting snow in the high areas . slippery roads, we will have the possibility of blizzard on mountain roads, which reduces visibility . we request that full information be provided in this regard. also, for the next few hours , the wind speed will increase in the north-east of our country up to the north-west, and we will have strong winds in the slopes of alvarez . on friday, there will be this ablution the pattern of the regions of our country is happening, also for wednesday and thursday, the state of shabbat and the
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northerly currents will cause the sea of ​​nazar to be rough and turbulent, so we will have the height of the waves. maritime warning issued. marine activities should be limited. some parts of the persian gulf will have an increase in the height of the mesh on thursday, and the sea is expected to be wet. another important point that should be mentioned is that we expect a noticeable increase in temperature on the shores of the caspian sea in the northern parts of our country in the coming hours. but this condition is temporary. from wednesday with the northerly currents in addition to the fact that we will have rain in the northern coasts, a noticeable drop in temperature will also occur in the northern belt and the northern coasts of our country, which will cause the precipitation to be mostly snow for the altitude of alborz. for tehran , we will have a clear to slightly cloudy sky in the coming hours. as we mentioned , we are predicting wind in some parts of the province, and we expect rain from day 4
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due to the activity of the barista system, which causes rain in the northern parts and the slopes of alborz , for tehran province on wednesday as well. increasing scattered rainfall and wind sports we are anticipating. i sincerely thank you for your attention and companionship, and i will leave your news to the great god until the next parts. may god protect you. ammar is breaking the spiral of silence in order not to see the oppression of the people of iran and the people of the region and the islamic nation.
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the press conference of the 14th ammar festival was held with the presence of media members. this time, the festival reached the festival with more than 300 productions . now the animation sections of documentary films , fiction films, popular films, which have reached more than 800 works and have plans. this year, we have a special prize for the gaza program ammar people's prizes added a prize in the color of resistance from yemeni friends living in iran, a
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yemeni dagger. it has been donated to the festival, which we will, god willing, this year in this dagger festival and this people 's award of the resistance front to an artist or an activist who, with limited resources, will give a blow to the domination system and make money for them, and we will also give some resistance awards. and the tireless efforts of anonymous artists , we have the support of mr. maziar bijani, the revolutionary cartoonist , the late ms. parvaneh masoumi, and also mr. seyyed mohammad jozi, recording the memories of the parents and parents of the martyrs, the mothers of the martyrs, and the amar festival. one who needs to become professional in production in terms of study and research.


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