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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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iran has donated a yemeni dagger to the festival, which , god willing, this year we will award this dagger and this people's award of the resistance front to an artist or activist who, with little means, inflicted a blow on the domination system and made money for them. both resistance and tireless effort. an anonymous artist , mr. maziar bijani, we have the support of the revolutionary cartoonist , the late mrs. parvaneh masoumi, and also mr. seyed mohammad jozi sohea, recording the memories of the fathers, mothers and parents of the martyrs, the mothers of the martyrs . study and research. enter into the discussion and
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be in direct contact with the consumers of the audience so that they can understand the real needs of the audience . god bless ali muhammad. in this meeting, the poster of the 14th festival was also unveiled. will be. samira jalilian, sed and cima news agency. one of the reasons that can lead to early heart attack and stroke is diabetes. stroke and heart attack in diabetic patients are almost twice as many as people without diabetes. may
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women and provide the heart's habitat. these conditions can increase the risk of heart attack in a diabetic patient. cigarettes and hookah. cigarettes and other tobacco products, like diabetes, damage the blood vessels and narrow them, increasing the risk of heart attack. high blood pressure. when the blood pressure is high, the human heart. in order to pump the blood in the body , it faces difficulty and has to spend more energy to make the blood flow in the veins, and this high pressure, like high sugar, can damage the veins of the body, especially the veins of the heart itself. high fat and cholesterol. when the small vessels of a patient's body people with diabetes or pre-diabetes are damaged, high fat and cholesterol can cause fat clots. and this blockage
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increases the risk of heart attack. obesity and abdominal fat. obesity makes the immune system unable to do its job well , and the damage caused by high blood sugar increases. be aware of your health status as soon as possible by participating in the national health survey and measuring sugar and blood pressure. to participate in this campaign, it is enough to go to health community service centers, health centers and health centers all over the country. as well as people over 18 years old referring to the link that is sent to them by sms, they can record their fasting blood pressure or blood height as a self-declaration. the national health campaign in the first phase continues until the 30th of december. early awareness, effective care. public relations
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of the ministry of health, treatment and medical education. hello, as you have information and as in the pictures that were broadcasted now. the national health campaign, which was started with the aim of identifying people with diabetes and high blood pressure in the country, has exceeded 38 million people by the ministry of health. about 32 percent of the country's population over 18 years old has announced are suffering from high blood pressure and about 14 % of the country's population over 35 years old are also suffering from diabetes, considering that this campaign has been started all over the country for some time and will continue for some time . dr. khos and pannah hello, mr. doctor, please tell me
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what is the latest status of people who have been screened in the cities covered by this university. yes, it seems that our communication is not established, that is , we had the picture, as if we did not have the sound, let's go now , i don't know if we are in lorestan province at this time. he is with the president of lorestan university of medical sciences. it is in place, mr. dr. bahram delfan, hello , i am at your service, sir, and all my fellow countrymen, mr. doctor, please speak louder, i am weak , please tell
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me what is the state of people's participation in the national health campaign in lorestan province, in the name of allah , the merciful, the merciful. that the target population of 1 million and 126 thousand people was predicted in the plan for the growth of gerbilgari for the provinces, and until today, about 1 million people, equivalent to 88 , have become the target population of gerbalgeri. among these people , 181,000 people are suspected of being hypertensive and 57,000 also, among these people , 19,000 people are suspected of having diabetes and 8,380 people are suspected of having diabetes
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, which will increase by the end of the project, which is probably on december 30. meli salamat created an electronic health file for them. may that context be mentioned. did this happen in your province? yes, all these cases have been recorded, and god willing, after the completion of the project , these people will be contacted again, and additional tests and examinations will be done, and medication and diet orders will be given to these people. it will be given that, god willing, the complications of these diseases will be reduced. here is my point, these people who have been identified. it means that you actually take your blood pressure and test, then it's up to you whether you follow it or not . this is exactly the case. no, they follow it. when will it come again? in fact, they will be appointed again after this is over for more detailed examinations. and the more detailed tests
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will be followed up again and after the definitive registration of the results , god willing, treatment will begin , mr. doctor. it is called experts say that, for example, if the person is overweight , a small percentage, i don't know now, i heard about 7-8% that they should reduce their weight , their diabetes will decrease a lot. please give a suggestion regarding this. and it actually prevents the effect of insulin and therefore with exercise and diets and reduction. how many centers do you have in this complex of your university that people come to and what are your working hours and
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how long do you have? all our health centers, which are 922 centers across the province, are open during working hours until four in the afternoon. there are and we also have bases that are known and in addition , we visit some places ourselves, such as offices , and we carry out surveys and the project will continue until december 30th, god willing. greetings to you, thank you very much , thank you. with the president of lorestan university of medical sciences, we are going to contact the university of medical sciences, which had not been established, but before that. i would like to point out that about 14% of the population is over 25 years old. it is correct to confirm this. well , we have established contact with mr. dr. khast wapanah , the president of dastool university of medical sciences, mr. dr. salam. peace be upon you
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. thank you very much, doctor . please tell me what is the current state of the national health campaign in your university complex , and how is the reception of the people? well, alhamdulillah, we are with the whole country and the national medical university, the national medical university, for this national health campaign and diabetes and hypertension screening. i started and it is being actively completed in 29 community health centers, 24 urban and rural health centers and 58 health houses. the population that was our target group in
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the city of despol medical university had about 347,123 people, and now 81 of these people have been recruited , that is, about 2,795 new diabetes cases that have actually been identified so far , which is about 148 people. there are about 159 people with blood pressure. also, we had about 1724 newly identified people, a total of 22 thousand and 371 people have electronic records
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of high blood pressure. well, they are over 18 years old, the same population as us we have identified that the target group is over 18 salmons , how many have been covered, i.e. what percentage ? yes, the target population is the same high population. 18 years ago, i said that there are nearly 2,735 people in despot university of medical sciences who were identified as being bullied. this is my question to you . what is the identification of these people in your university's program? whether their pressure has come down, their diabetes is the same. yes, the plan is the same as it is now that
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it is identified by health care and referred by the blood pressure test you can go to a university-level doctor, that is , this is done at the same time as the doctor, and the doctor there will confirm or deny that this patient has high blood pressure , this person has high blood pressure or diabetes. no , if his blood pressure is proven , he will be treated for the disease right away, it cannot be postponed , and if it is necessary for a specialist and level two doctor to actually visit him, it will be done immediately. this is done permanently. thank you very much, dr. panah, the president of dastpol university of medical sciences, from you, dear viewers, i am from ajman. thank you very much
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, may god accept them, i am the martyrs al-shababite o allah, please grant my sons to be my martyrs. may allah mostafa saeed be the best . o allah, accept me. for further differences, the storm that blew from gaza
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has messed up the situation of the city dwellers in the occupied territories , a fierce conflict has started in the war cabinet between ganesh netanyahu and gallant, the zionist media announced that the war cabinet of this regime fell to each other to default. in the battlefield accused and in front of the army officers the chief of staff of the army has asked to start the investigation about the failure to deal with the al-aqsa storm operation before it is too late. the crisis of mistrust in the zionist regime is beyond the individual and party dimension, but has spread between the cabinet and the army of this regime. since its founding, israel has tried to keep the military out of all political conflicts. the zionists considered the army a sacred institution. but today the members of the cabinet accuse the army commanders of incompetence. some experts
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believe that the security doctrine of the zionist regime has collapsed . the outbreak of war and the quick end of war is another principle in the 2006 war with hezbollah in lebanon the title of internal front solidarity was added to it, all these four principles were completely destroyed in al-aqsa storm operation. residents are disappointed with the improvement of the situation in occupied palestine and demand early elections. this is the first time that in a place where there is a war, everyone wants to hold early elections. this shows that the zionist society is coming to an end. as this expert on the issues of the zionist regime says, in the cabinet, everyone throws stones at their chest, every
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political official is a militarist. he tries to present himself as someone who takes the initiative and
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deutschland finanziert deutschland finance stop the genocide, stop the genocide, stop the genocide, stop the genocide, stop the
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genocide, stop the genocide. hey scholz, where are you? hey scholz
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, where are you? besatzung stopp den krieg genozid ist genozid genozid ist genozid genozid.
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lebanon's hezbollah air surveillance control base miron
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targeted the zionist army, which was located in the heights of jarmaq, the highest mountain in the north of the occupied territories, by firing 62 missiles of various types . in addition to the control and monitoring of air information in the skies of lebanon, syria, turkey and cyprus, this base is also used in electronic warfare. and the gathering of zionist soldiers in the ramim and avivim barracks and the jalal alam and al manara bases
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were other targets of hezbollah's offensive operations. zionist fighter jets targeted siad, kafarkala and ita shab. the artillery of the zionist regime also fired at 8 the region in southern lebanon. including khayyam's attack on hassan azimzadeh, sada and sima news agency, khayyam's meeting on the border of lebanon with occupied palestine, on the front page of many people, but not with the people. just like the first page , stand up for justice, with my own reports, we test that the balerk train is on the ground .
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1:57 pm
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golliz kashi for. solving your challenges in the field of construction, participation in the development and construction of national housing , for more information, you can visit the golliz kashi website. tile your dreams . now is the time to buy a refrigerator. it is time to buy an installment. his name is qastiye keli. you can go to the city of home appliances because the fees are less and the commission is calculated only from the cash balance. it is very easy to pay up to 300 million tomans. no real estate collateral is required, no blocking of the guarantor deposit up to 50. my guarantor doesn't want to repay the million for 5 years, i said not the real one, wait
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2:00 pm
hello, welcome to the half-day news, leader. the islamic revolution meets the people of qom. the presence of the people is one of the necessary requirements for the proper administration of the country and achieving the goals of the revolution. everyone should work for the participation of people in the elections. ayatollah khamenei's emphasis on suppressing the main factors of the terrorist incident in kerman. we insist to find the real and behind the scenes factors of this incident and find them


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