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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm IRST

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hello, welcome to the half-day news, leader. the islamic revolution meets the people of qom. the presence of the people is one of the necessary requirements for the proper administration of the country and achieving the goals of the revolution. everyone should work for the participation of people in the elections. ayatollah khamenei's emphasis on suppressing the main factors of the terrorist incident in kerman. we insist to find the real agents behind the scenes of this incident and suppress them.
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financial discipline, elimination of discrimination and justice in payment, the three priorities emphasized by the president in the conference of the vice- presidents of the financial department of the institutions, mr. raisi, recruitment in the administrative structures should be completely transparent. the head of the hamas political office of the zionist regime has dropped 70,000 tons of bombs on gaza so far. but it has not achieved any of the goals of its declaration. the former head of the israeli intelligence and internal security organization will not win because the palestinians will not surrender. the design and construction of the gamma meter surface and density measurement system, a widely used product in the steel and petrochemical industries, and in the economic desk, we are reviewing the contract for fixing. what are the legal and
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natural persons included in the horizontal obligation, what are the goods related to , what do the proponents and opponents of it say? bismillah the most merciful the most merciful may god bless muhammad and his family and hasten their salvation. good day, dear viewers , we are at your service with the news section at 14:00. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution this morning on the anniversary of the historical uprising of the people of qom on january 19, 1356, in a meeting with thousands of people of this city, referring to the unique role-playing power of the people, the presence and flag-bearer of the nation in every arena and field is an effective and path-breaking strategy of imam khomeini and
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they called the islamic system and demotivating and pulling people out of the scene as the strategy of the enemies of the pure land of iran, especially america and zionism, and emphasized that anyone can speak any language anywhere. as if the influencer has an audience, he should call people to participate in various political, economic, cultural and other fields by increasing knowledge. hazrat ayatollah khamenei called qom the city of the uprising of knowledge and jihad, and referring to the lasting lessons of the uprising itself, the zeal of the believing people of this city. this huge incident, which took place in protest against the action of the dependent regime in publishing an insulting article against imam khomeini , is proof of the power of people to play a role in major events. he considered gaza as a concrete example of this great power of the people and said: a small group of people in a small land, america with all its claims and regime.
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they defeated the zionists hanging on america with their power of patience and resistance. the leader of the revolution listed the overthrow of the dependent and tyrannical taghut regime within about a year of the uprising of the people of qom as a tangible result of the presence of the people in the scene and said: "this great lesson was taught to the nation by the honorable imam in the years 41 and 42 by words and actions. he said that the presence of people in the square. hazrat ayatollah khamenei considered relying on the masses of people as a strategic choice of the imam in the face of common political methods, including sitting and standing with political parties and figures, and added: imam came to the square on 12 khordad 42 in fiziyeh and the people he brought the flag to the square and gave them the flag that the people's uprising on 15 khordad 42 in tehran, qom, varamin and other cities was the nation's response to this call.
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he called the uprising of the 19 people of qom as a response to imam's lesson to be always present in the field. of course, relying on the people is the lesson of amir al-mu'minan, who says in nahj al-balaghe that the masses of people are the support of religion, the main body of society and the reserve for the day of confrontation with the enemy. ayatollah khamenei criticized those who call the presence of the president among the people as populism and said: people's support is the main point of the system's policies. of course, the quality of working with. people is a great art that should be interacted and meditated on. the leader of the revolution listed accurate orientation and cognitive rehabilitation as two requirements for bringing people to the field of struggle and standing up and said: the purpose of inviting people to attend
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is islamic governance, islamic honor, complete righteousness and upliftment of the nation, and against arrogance. he is responsible for increasing people's knowledge. after 45 years, the americans, with their simple thinking and wrong calculations , are still justifying the face of the ostracized and dependent regime that was pushed out of this pure land on 22 bahman 1957 by the kick of the nation. the leader of the revolution by expressing direct involvement when reza khan came to power, the british added that this manipulative element with the help of the british agents started the cultural transformation of the nation after a few years . hazrat
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ayatollah khamenei referring to british involvement in muhammad's coming to power and the joint us- british coup to bring back shah firas. they added to the power in 1332: the taghut regime, first, middle and last , came to power with the help of foreigners and continued its disgraceful life, and in return for this help, not only iran's oil, but also the dignity, religion and honor of the nation. foreigners sold, but now some people are trying to justify that corrupt regime, bringing the people to the center of the stage, placing the flag of struggle in the hands of the people , this is the strategic policy of the imam, in contrast to this policy , there is another strategic policy.
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get out of the field of the arena and the competition and battle and who is that policy, the policy of the enemies of the revolution, the policy of the united states , the policy of the world's powerful , the zionist policy, the policy of the zionist exploitative companies all over the world , this policy has been going on for 40 years in the country , today this policy is fully satisfied. activity does pay attention to this. they try to get people out of the scene. what you see is about whether or not to participate in the elections. no, what's the point? this is not a simple thing. this is the strategic policy of america. this
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is the strategic policy of the enemies of the revolution. he considered the attempt to belittle the presence of people in important occasions as one of the tricks of the enemy to remove people from the scene and said that mocking the arbaeen procession casts doubt on the people's respect for the great commander of iran and the region and also creates doubts about the grand presence of the people in the celebration. religious like nimsha'ban, one of the examples of the enemy's strategic policy is to take the people out of the field. the leader of the revolution added: the reason for this enmity is that they have understood that the reason for iran's progress and prestige is its emergence as a leading power in the region and the creation of unique strategic depth. for the regime, i.e. the resistance forces throughout the region and the defeat of all conspiracies, from
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coups and imposed wars to security conspiracies, the presence of the iranian people is on the scene. ayatollah khamenei added: of course, where people have been prevented from coming to the scene for any reason, the enemy is pleased , which is the same in many economic sectors. taking people out of the scene is one of their jobs to discourage them from the future. you see how much these media are affiliated with the enemy, either openly or not . some of these media are openly affiliated with the enemy. they are disappointing about the future
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. there has been a variety of things that have continued . well, yes, we have an economic problem. there is no doubt that there are weaknesses. these economic weaknesses exist . there is no doubt about this. let it be researched. most of these economic weaknesses are due to lack of attendance people where people are present, these weaknesses
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are less. they considered intimidation of power and of america and the zionist regime as another trick to drive people out of the field and said: if the iranian nation was supposed to be afraid of a certain power, the islamic republic would no longer exist, while many powers today. who claimed to dominate the region and are afraid of the iranian nation. hazrat ayatollah khamenei called the aliens' other tools to remove people from the scene to make people not believe in the factors of presence, courage and power and said: the top factors that create power is religious faith and sharia law. the enemy's efforts and propaganda are done with the aim of weakening these factors. he added: the issue of hijab and its likes should be considered and worked with the view that
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the problem is not only the ignorance of some people about the issue of hijab , but a few people oppose these things with the motive of opposition. creating differences and polarizing the people in such a way that the issue goes beyond friendly differences and leads to condemning every word, even if good, of the other side was another way to empty the square from the presence of the people, which the leader of the revolution, after explaining it , said: the way to deal with this maps, people's participation in political, economic, election, and even security issues. ayatollah khamenei said: in the field of security issues, the people can help the security agencies by identifying the enemy's agents, as so far many security problems have been solved with the help of the people, and the agencies from the occurrence of similar tragedies. they have prevented the incident in kerman , which can
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be said to be tens of times more than what happens in the issue of people's presence, which is one of the essential requirements for the proper administration of the country and the progress of the revolution, the achievement of the revolution and the achievement of the goals of the revolution. the presence of people in the scene should be promoted. everyone has a voice everyone has an expressive language, everyone has an audience , everyone can make an impact, they should work in this field , and this trick is right, it is everyone's right to be a cleric, a university professor. it's okay, it's a pulpit, it's a radio station, it's a political official, it's a director
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of a certain organization, it's a scientist, it's a reference, whoever it is , it's the duty of the people to stand in the square and familiarize themselves with the equipment of the square , the leader of the revolution. the huge gathering of people on the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of sardar soleimani, the presence of people in the marches on 22 bahman and holy day and the gathering on the days of god, such as the anniversary of january 9, are signs of the readiness of the people to participate in the field was evident and they said: people came from far away to visit kerman on the anniversary of the martyrdom of the proud leader, and despite that disastrous event, the same people's gathering continued with the same intensity, strength and motivation the next day. this means that the people are ready and we, the officials, must
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prepare the ground for their presence. he in particular. they pointed out the sad case of kerman, in this sad and disastrous case that happened in kerman, which caused a tragedy to the nation. let's find the curtain of this incident. and let's suppress them, god is great, god is great, khamenei, the leader of merck , return merck's leave to america, it's not the
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same as that, the religion of israel has been damaged, god willing. they are working well, they are working well, they can be punished for their actions. in the final part of his speech, ayatollah khamenei paid attention to the issue of gaza, and pointing to the gradual realization of the predictions of the clairvoyants in this matter, he said: it was predicted that the winner of this field would be the palestinian resistance, and the one that would be defeated is the accursed evil regime. it is the zionist who is here today. they considered the 3 months of crime and childishness of the zionists as an unforgettable event in history and added: even after the destruction and erasure of this regime from the face of the earth, these crimes will not be forgotten and they will write in history: one day some people in this area came to the government, which
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killed thousands of children in a few weeks, but the patience of the people and the standing of the palestinian resistance. forced them to retreat. in explaining the signs of the failure of the zionist regime, the leader of the revolution noted that after about 100 days of crimes. they said hamas we destroy the resistance and transfer the people of gaza who could not, and today the resistance is alive and well and ready, while the zionist regime is tired, humiliated, regretful, and a hot criminal. it hit its forehead. they considered this match as a lesson and said: the same line should be followed. the line of standing against oppression, against force, against arrogance, against usurpation. the resistance must find this danger and
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keep up to date with its strength. and be ready and do not ignore the tricks of the enemy, and by the grace of god , strike wherever you can, and god willing, this will happen. it will happen and this day will come, god willing, the people of iran, muslim nations and religious groups all over the world will see the victory of your standing, strength, and patience. the whole face to god against the enemy and enmity and the demons of the world. ayatollah khamenei said: god willing , a day will come when the people of iran and the muslim nations will see the victory of patience and steadfastness and trust in god over the enemies and demons of the world.
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the president's advice to the financial administrative assistants of the executive bodies to establish administrative discipline mr. raisi said in the fourth assembly of the financial administrative assistants of the executive bodies that all those who are paid in the name of the government they must be under the same criteria. i briefly described this inappropriate process of some affairs and the inappropriate flow of affairs. he considered transformation in work necessary and cognitive transformation, institutional transformation, transformation in processes and accountability four months. in explaining the importance of the accountability of the institutions, mr. raisi also mentioned the importance of monitoring and controlling the institutions and departments and said that
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it is a blessing that the audit court audits the institutions. it should be considered a blessing that the court of accounts or the supervisory and control departments do an audit, it is not an obstacle in any way. know for sure that control and... control systems in the direction of continuity trusting the management is trusting all of you . the president emphasized on the accurate evaluation of the functions and considered the quality of administrative work and human resources very important. we criticize the system of punishment , we believe in the system of encouragement before punishment. we believe that the incentive system should still be there. it is very important to be encouraged. mohsen should be encouraged. musi should be the case. mr. raisi emphasized the importance of the transparency of the recruitment structure in the administrative bodies. administrative justice means that there should be complete justice in all areas and that this
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justice should be felt in the private life of the companies. they shouldn't be, we say that he receives, he says that his rule is with him, his payment is his own, he is traveling abroad with him, because it is the name of the company there, he is bound to what he wants. correct the corruption in the devices . the correction of the corrupt platform will make sure that if the motive for the crime arises, the crime instrument is not in the hands of the offender, and if for any reason the instrument is available, the mechanism is set in such a way that, as you say, alarms. let the device scream to say that there is a violation. the president also wanted the payment system to be fairer. eliminating discrimination in payments is very important. that organizations
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offices. in today's monitoring session, the mps followed up the performance of the ministry of health in the field of medicine and the transformation of the situation of the planned forces during the corona era . also, with the approval of the representatives, the violations of the 11th and 12th governments in developing the power plant capacity of the electricity industry were sent to the judiciary. in the opinion meeting of the parliament, the case of the problems of supply and distribution of medicine was placed on the table of the representatives. if the demand is not realized in time , the country's drug supply will be delayed. pricing error, increasing the cost of providing drugs for patients, neglecting the demands of drug distribution companies and insurance companies, are the most important problems in the field. medicines and equipment. the doctor said in this report: although the uncertainty and disruption in the insurance systems do not have an effect on the lack of medicine, it causes delay and confusion
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for several hours and the patients are forced to buy freely. in this meeting, the head of the program and budget organization announced the allocation of 295 thousand billion tomans of resources to the field of medicine and treatment. the places where we allocated the most width this year are the treatment section. we allocated 4 billion and 27 million dollars, 3 and a half billion dollars were only 28 and 5 days. we are seriously following the treatment issue of both width allocation and rial allocation. minister of health referring to the establishment of the special pharmaceutical measures camp , he said that the number of drug shortages has decreased compared to last year. this year, our drug shortages are much less than last year, and this year, due to the very hot summer
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, there was no shortage of injectable serum in the country. in summarizing this report, the speaker of the parliament gave two months to solve the problems in the field of medicine and treatment. the court of accounts says that it must be reported in two months. a detailed report on the location of the allocated funds and the locations where the expenses have been spent must be submitted to the parliament. in continuation of the agenda of the parliament a question was raised from the minister of health and medicine about the reason for the adjustment of the medical staff and the non-renewal of the nurses plan. what did you do for the treatment staff? for the sake of the nurse. last year, in the first exam that was taken, about 2891 people were hired, of which 229 people had the corona score. having and this is actually
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compensated for them, finally the representative of the questioner was satisfied with the answer of mr. today, with the agreement of the representatives of the ministry of energy, violations in the 11th and 12th governments were sent to the judiciary. fatemeh alikhani of sed and sima news agency. head of the department judiciary at the meeting of the secretaries of the specialized working groups of the supreme council for the affairs of iranians abroad. the expertise and capital of iranians abroad, he said , in attracting and provoking people, the behavior of those in charge of the law.
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laws, regulations and policies are more effective . our work has a series of bottlenecks . we should pay more attention to these bottlenecks. most of those who create such bottlenecks are actually people who should come in through this channel and solve their problems . they should have communication. one of the ones that is our home embassy. are they in konsungrim or anywhere else where most people go business there, if we can make it easier and the people we put there are people with good character
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who are members of the political office. the hamas movement announced the death of dozens of senior zionist military officers in the north of khan younes. the media of the zionist regime also reported the death of 9 zionist soldiers in two ambush operations. according to the gaza ministry of health, in the last 24 hours , at least 57 people were killed in the center of the gaza strip. the zionist regime's aerial and artillery attacks on the center and south of the gaza strip continue. al-maghazi camp is one of the areas that from morning today, it has been targeted by drones and helicopters of the zionist occupation. the latest news from nusirat
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is also about the martyrdom and dozens of injuries. nafer tells about the effects of air and artillery attacks. attacks on khanyounes have also been reported to be very severe. the area around nasser and european hospitals of this city is heavily bombarded. according to field reporters, the intensity of the attacks is so high that rescuers cannot approach the bombed areas. local sources describe the past day as one of the bloodiest days in gaza. the head of the political office of hamas , pointing out that the zionists in the last 3 months, 70 a thousand tons of bombs have been dropped on gaza. he emphasized that the zionists did not achieve any of the goals of their declaration. ismail haniyeh stated that the al-aqsa storm operation belongs to the entire islamic nation and the history of mankind and said: "the resistance will continue to stand against the zionist enemy with strength ." goals.
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