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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] he invites different and currents of thought who have different opinions on that issue and starts a discussion with them. one of the issues that mainly our businessmen, our traders, our economic activists have differences of opinion on, is the discussion of horizontal outsourcing and the way to return the currency that we want on the table. let's look at the economy , let's see what the opponents and supporters say. first , let's see a picture together. there is a reference. the first thing is that the approval letter of june 26, 2018. the council of ministers has an approval letter. we don't need any foreign exchange contract in your presence for the export of goods and services we also have another knowledge that on april 22, 1997, in the working group for the system and management of the currency market, there is a practical order that says how to return the currency and the government determines how it will be , in general, according to the laws we have, this is the government that determines
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what is the way to return the currency to the management of the foreign exchange market? monet shows how much capital we had inflow and how much capital outflow naturally, you can see that we have had capital outflow for several years. i agree with this point of view , which says that foreign exchange contracting should be done rigidly and at a specific price. this is what he says, sir , we are having currency outflow from the country , we have capital outflow, so the government should have a management. be serious about the currency flow of the country. on the other hand, there are other groups who object to this method of contracting , especially for micro and small enterprises or exporters who work in rial, for example, or the problems that exist due to sanctions, this method of contracting increases the cost of exports. it reduces our exports . i would like to add all these explanations that i gave you and invite you to a report that my colleagues, mr. kazmenia , prepared for you from the foreign trade group. let's go and see together and
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come back. let's see and hear it in more detail and then start our discussion. lahouti, the head of the export confederation, we think that contracting and obtaining a commitment to return the width of the export is against the export and import law. amir hossein taheri, a faculty member of kharazmi university, the implementation of this policy can reduce non-oil exports, reduce domestic and foreign investment, reduce employment and it will lead to the creation of a foreign exchange market. masoud daneshmand, a member of the chamber of commerce. from the beginning of the revolution until the end of the 7th government, there was foreign exchange contracting, and the effects of foreign exchange contracting were so severe that the amount of non-oil exports slowed down over the years, but after this policy was not implemented in a short period of time, many problems were solved and exports increased. seyed yaser jabraili , an economic expert in foreign exchange contracting , is an anti-sanction policy and causes the currency from non-
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oil exports to return to the country's business cycle. mohammad. hemini , the former head of the center for economic research and investigations i wholeheartedly agree with the implementation of foreign exchange outsourcing, and if the offer of export is not returned, it should be decided that the export should not take place and the goods should be explained inside the country even for free. we cannot continue our production process in any way, and for this reason , the return of export currency is necessary for producers, especially in the field of food and luxury products . boss the joint chamber of commerce of iran and china is present, as well as mr. rezvanizadeh, the head of the iranian chamber of commerce and agriculture commission. while saying hello to both guests of the program, i would like to allow mr. hariri to start with mr. hariri and the question of how mr. hariri will return now. how should our manufacturer, who exports a product
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, return the value? i also have a small note that what i am saying is my personal talk and has nothing to do with the iran-china chamber or the board of directors of the iran-china chamber. this statement is my personal opinion and has nothing to do with anywhere else in the chamber. there are opinions of people who can agree. see, anyway, the process of returning currency is being done . how it is depends on the product. it depends on the model of buying and selling. it is definitely not the same model that big companies return. it is not a model that small and medium-sized companies can do in the same way . it goes back to the discussion of sanctions and those things that cannot be expressed in the media space
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. bypassing sanctions, but it seems to me that we should enter into the discussion from another angle, and that is, what is a fight about, an open fight. how much of this goes back to non-export non-oil currency? people understand the concept of the private sector and how much of it goes back to the government. more than 80% of our non-oil exports are oil-based products or mineral products , which are done by dozens of large government companies, which means that there is no connection to the private sector at all. that is, if you think that you have, for example, 40 billion dollars of non-oil exports or 50 billion dollars, for example, in the past years, this 80% has nothing to do with the private sector, we are talking about 20%, the point is that this
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20% their voice is louder than that 80%, but the benefit of that 80% is the ruling managers attributed to the government they are leaving, it means nothing. let me tell you the situation of the problem and let's go back to why this is happening at all, why are we reaching a point where we have several land price models for import , as a result, the central bank is also facing a shortage of foreign exchange resources resulting from the sale of oil. in his possession , he will face problems that should come to the side of the fund whose currency is supplied by non-oil exporters. just give us a summary of this history. if you want, i will tell you in this summary , the reason is not history at all. we can sell, the central bank has come
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whenever you look at all those graphs that you showed and these, you will see that every time we sold oil and the government was good at it, and it did not remember what to do with non-oil exports, every time something was stuck. let's see, the reason is that we believe that the income from oil and other exports should be under the control of the government , now the central bank as the representative of the government is because we heavily subsidize the production process in our country . their fuel is for their food in the mining area. they give very low ownership interest and very cheap energy that they use they are doing this to produce products based on mining , these subsidies cause the government to rightly say that you got a subsidy from me, you produced it, now
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you are exporting it, bring the land, i will set a price method like the one that is here now, it causes a dispute that i now in the next section, i will tell you how we should resolve this dispute so far, that you , my respected viewers and my good colleagues in the agricultural field of the country, who establish food security and in fact a resilient economy, with this method, a point that is correctly
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our colleague, mr. hariri, also said that the share of the private sector in non-oil exports is minimal as they said, and the statistics of the graph that you presented at the beginning of your program show that in these ups and downs of the graph , whenever the government gets into problems in the sale of oil, it puts the pressure on the shoulders of the people for the most part. this pressure also affects the agricultural sector, which provides food for about 85 million people. today, you see that the government and state-owned companies export products that
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are mainly from national sources and sell them at 25%, maybe 25% lower than the world price. i will interrupt your speech for a moment and invite the viewers to watch our discussion on the news channel if they are interested. thank you. well, you are with the economy table, mr. rizvanizai , i ask, thank you, yes, i told you that in the field of oil or other oil derivatives products, which are mostly sanctioned, we are witnessing that the state-owned companies sell their export products at more than 20 % lower than the prices they offer a world that can bypass the embargo. and on the other hand
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, the bad thing that is happening is that there is no domestic producer, at least in the field agriculture, who are my colleagues, i have no thief who returns the width of his export, because if he does not have an oil well to cover the cost of his personnel, workers, and other production costs, you are against this way of contracting, he should return the width. will return the important thing is to return it and see who it is sold to. from the return, it is sold to a smuggler , it brings contraband with it, not to someone who wants to buy a house in canada. answer, see that the person who takes canada is definitely looking for the same person who got 3 billion dollars from
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government resources, no, i am not saying that he should find a farmer or a producer, just as you, the exporter, should bring your dollars into the market and convert them into rials that you can buy back. buy agricultural products and send them. if there is no supervisory authority here , look at it. we have about 10 billion dollars of illegal capital outflow every year, compared to the central bank , we have 15 billion dollars of illegal goods smuggling. now illegal goods are drugs. i don't get into it, i want it let me tell you what is being done
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, who will respond to this 24.5 billion demand in a country where the central bank does not give me a remittance to go to work with them , for example, to bring smuggled clothes, the central bank does not give me a remittance to go to toronto or istanbul to buy a house, you are an exporter. i am an importer who bought a cheap offer for sale. i am more or less hesitating and i keep some of my offer there. this is a pure system. now, an exporter as an exporter of the agricultural sector is quite clear that it is through the official exchange channels of the bank. what exchanges are actually under the supervision of the central bank with this the work is being done with this mechanism, but at what rate, the important thing is that the central bank wants to tell you the rate at which the deficit that exists in its exports
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will be seen from you now at the market rate. see how many percent the export product is. let me tell you today, the foreign exchange commitment per ton of potatoes is 400 dollars. i have an example. there are other items as well. 400 dollars per ton of potatoes. our exporter must return the entire year, the entire last year , that is, every ton that exported potatoes , the exporter should send 400 dollars, 400 dollars should be
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returned to the right country, what does that mean? it goes, so you see, he has to pay the 200 dollars for his corruption, the cost of sleeping on his truck, his rent, and the money for the product. now, assuming that all these damages do not exist at all. how can an exporter return 400 dollars for a product that he sold for 200 dollars? how can you see in the domestic market that a kilo is 40 cents and a kilo is freed for 20 thousand tomans, mr. potatoes, people in tehran are 30 thousand tomans a kilo. you are in tehran, you
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are in the market and in the market. now, see the ministry of jihad's approved price that the farmer is allowed to sell in the market, how many kilos is 9,000 tomans, 1,000. if you say potatoes are worth 200 dollars , i promise to return 200 dollars instead of 400 dollars for each ton. you have no objection to it. see , the exporter, especially the exporter of the agricultural sector, definitely wants to return the value of the country within the framework of the law, because he must be able to cover the costs.
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he should be accountable for his production, so with this forgiveness, the main problem is this, the main problem is with the central bank. you see, i was looking at this research site of central bank's monetary code , there was an order from hazrat amir, which is the order of hazrat amirah. i have a request. central bank managers, i will give them 15 to 20 truckloads of agricultural goods, i don't want to pay them, now in 6 months , they will send my money to four to five export target countries , return the money through the same mechanism that they take, return it themselves. with the same basic prices that exist in the market today, let's allow it. so, farmer, see that right now
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, the central bank has caused the exporters to do the same . there are four rates in the market, which has actually caused the private sector it cannot play a role in stabilizing its own export market , it cannot maintain the market with its brand and in fact its stable presence , it is forced to use disposable cards, which the central bank must
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see today, the government is offering a subsidy. 28
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if we also consider the transparency of oil exports to china. which central bank has come to study or the chamber of commerce that the amount of supply, the amount of energy , the amount of subsidy consumption in which of my items. what is the amount of export products? what percentage of the value of our export products is due to the 285 dollar
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which is the main corruptor, and what part of it is subject to the 50 dollar there is no money, when should this happen, mr. central bank of shamal, which is commercial, look at the research center of the iranian chamber of commerce , an experiment is being carried out in the last few months
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, in which the exporters of the agricultural sector import products from the agricultural and food sectors. what are they doing without receiving the land at an agreed rate ? what are they doing? they are clearing the horizontal obligation . it is also helping to regulate the market . now the items may not be needed. i will give an example of the regulation of the meat market. agricultural products that are exported can you tell me what you are exporting to india ? they are exporting kiwis. they are exporting agricultural enclosures. these are the sum total of kiwis and dry goods that go to the indian market, for example, 100 million dollars in this market. if we have 800 million dollars of rice, not this market, if in fact the basic export prices are a regulation that is between the government rate and the market rate, and the management organization must predict the difference, instead of giving the
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subsidy to the importer and the consumer. i agree with you, but i am asking for your solutions. i will answer i will take it from you myself. my answer is yes or no . it seems to me that you, if this number is the right number , now, for example, i will go back to the same example several times . you say potatoes, potatoes. now it is 400 dollars. it's an equation, one , one, one, i'm coming, this one is ok, so if the number is correct, you say we don't have a problem with returning the width, returning, returning the width
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is not a problem, anyway, for example, you say, sir , they have us now, for example, for 2 years, they say, bring 400 dollars, we are 200 dollars, they don't pay 200 dollars we can go back . this is an example. now i have your example i will come forward, so if it becomes 200 dollars , that is the number desired by our merchant, our farmer, our exporter , there is no problem, now you
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say the price, how to return, basically, i cannot see what is happening today in the foreign trade of the agricultural authorities. the trend that is going on is actually contract production , contract agriculture and consortia. the activation of the trend leads to the fact that the exporters are the beneficiaries, that is, other garden centers have a problem with their own exporter . please tell me the number and the method of return, and i will get the answer from mr. hadidi, see the real number of junk is not 28 and 500. you will return to 28 and 500. 2850 will cost you 42 tomans . in fact, it has more than 7 thousand billion tomans of debt and deficit. they should close it tomorrow
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, which will affect the price of masoud kavrizi. it exists today because the central bank itself is a tool and capability in stabilizing the exchange rate. this flow is not necessary. in fact, the fight between the private sector and the government has been strengthened because of this the gap and this shortcoming, if there is rate liberalization , passing the mandated rates, in the discussion of width, width is also a commodity in the market, just like steel is a commodity, petrochem, petroleum products, loan is also a commodity, we cannot lock the width rate and this
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spring every moment that the government elections and issues. the other one that was held, let's leave it again , a multifold jump and such an effect . yes , mr. hariri, what do you think? i myself am a product i don't have anything to export. i am a buyer of iran's export products in the country of origin , which means the issue starts here, well, maybe, but the issue is not at all how beautiful i am or how beautiful they are, no, as a matter of fact, in general , our sir we have about 50 billion dollars of non-oil exports, all my money is taken by the exporter and sent inside , it becomes rials.
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let me give you an example kiwi product. or any other goods that remain in the customs, or simply agricultural goods, billions of 7 billion dollars, my part, why 7 billion dollars, part of the waste and in fact the damages that you see with dairy products and all, you call them products, but not the agricultural product itself, you just like that i don't know which product, i don't want to say that we or the rest of the cultivated products
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, i call them agricultural products . is it subsidizing imports? is it subsidizing an importer? will this importer transfer this subsidy to the producer and exporter or not? definitely, a part of it will not be transferred. i agree, that 's why i say the issue is wrong. we decided to apply a part of it in our currency rate. all the words are under the umbrella that i want to defend the people's table. it actually happened. it doesn't work, in my opinion, the best thing is for us, sir, to specify 10 or 15 items, a maximum of 15 categories of products that benefit from subsidies for their production inputs, whether it is energy subsidies in the form of electric fuel, gas is feed or another subsidy, like
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the subsidies given to the importer, which is the production input, calculate these. those who have received subsidies, these potatoes will be taken back from them until they reach the border, take the product, sell it and bring the value to a place like the exchange center for all applicants. it is legitimate to express my land there. whoever wants to import machinery, i don't know . whoever wants to import whatever he wants, bring it there, supply and demand, the price is reasonable, but the subsidy on the border is from petrochemicals, take it back from agricultural products, take it back from sweets and chocolates, whatever. whomever we gave a subsidy to take it back at the border, now i am entering the subsidies


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