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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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by announcing the topic and also introducing the guests of this program, allow me to invite you to accompany us on the news network and say goodbye to the viewers of one sima. thank you very much for being with me. you are on news network , as i mentioned, we want to talk about financial discipline and transparency, of course , and the issues that were discussed today in the assembly of financial and administrative deputies of the executive bodies, and mr. raisi, the president, agreed on this. they emphasized the topic, mr. dr. davoud abadi, i greet you , welcome, the fourth assembly was held, and the usual slogan of the state court of accounts is financial discipline. and how much transparency
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is what i respect and respect today. to mrs. emami and the respected viewers of vijeh news talk , i am at your service. the fourth assembly of financial administrative assistants of the executive branch was held today in line with the implementation of the motto of transparency and discipline. dear mr. dr. dastghaib, this meeting was held today with a wider level of managers of executive bodies. madam emami, today we had about 1,200 guests in the meeting hall at the country level, with the presence of all the deputies of the financial department of the executive body, financial managers of the top companies. this company 80 budgets of state companies to themselves.
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a number of honorable governors , the presence of the honorable president and the importance of the issue showed that we should work harder in order to create transparency and financial discipline, because the court of accounts in line with the pathologies it has conducted during this period, in the presence of mr. dr. dastaghe. those in the past year. we did this and we came to the conclusion that in order to create financial transparency and discipline, the managers of the executive branch should be more familiar with the rules and regulations. this forum was formed with the aim of familiarizing these managers with the rules and regulations. there were 6 panels, we had 6 specialized lectures in line with various topics, including the internal control system and the need to strengthen these systems in the executive branch, the role of the country's budget subtraction report in
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the financial regulation of the establishment of the public finance system, the provisions and duties of the budget law of 142 the country oversees part of the duties of the executive body, the abundance of financial violations with the current turkish approach in the executive body , because we are really controlling now , we monitor a lot of the executive body. log in. kennon and familiarity ratio add more regulations to the laws so that we can have both financial transparency and financial discipline . we believe that by increasing financial transparency and discipline, the accountability of the executive bodies to the public sector will increase and this increase in accountability will lead to people's trust in the system and institutions. one of the most important axes of the court of accounts, which is planned and carried out regarding the transparent sector, will be implemented.
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it was brought up with the entry of the court and it was followed up with the help of the broadcasting organization and your colleagues. today we have reached a very good place. the same follow-ups that the audit court did with the help of the broadcasting organization and the cooperation of the executive bodies in the direction of transparency , today we reached 4300 illegal accounts, because it is a detailed discussion, i want to go to the account of the treasury unit and those functions in a separate section. the accounts court of the country said a number and figure, 42 accounts other than 2,42,000 illegal accounts, which became 4,300 with the help of the executive bodies
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of mr. dr. omrani . abadi mentioned the role of the deputy of the device administrative and executive. there is an important point , how much can the correct appointments advance the goals that are currently in the court of accounts, which is a matter of transparency, and how important is the issue of financial discipline? dear and dear, well, you see, the issue of appointments is a discussion, really, my servant, because from the point of view. i am about to process the cases. for many years in the court of accounts , the issue of assignments is an important issue.
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due to the fact that people have general qualifications to enter the public domain of the country, but qualifications. they don't have the necessary expertise and competence to do the things related to the organizational position they hold. well, one of the reasons for the violations is the main reason for the violations that are happening due to this issue . the governing regulations and the description of the post are organizational, which means that i am really bothered sometimes when dealing with cases. this issue bothers me , why does a manager of the department, an expert of the department , not have full respect for the subject he is in charge of? this is in addition to the incorrect appointments that you mentioned, you must see that we
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must have a reliable appointment system, which of course is more important than the existence of this appointment system , is that it has a guarantee of implementation and is properly implemented. we have the system , there are these guarantees, i don't see the guarantee , in fact, there is a system written in some places for assignments, but it is not followed properly , it is not followed correctly , well, we have to look for the reasons why, for example, if they say that you are a manager that you observed the issue during the proceedings you are supposed to have determined the reason. we, of course, see why we do not have the necessary executive guarantee related to which cases do you know? i mainly see the root of the show in the executive body, that is, in those institutions that are in charge of the appointment
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, for that we have to provide a performance guarantee . there, those people who attributed this person must be held accountable. we do not have this accountability and we do not see that the court of accounts has entered into the jurisdiction of the court of accounts. it has no entry in this section, and the consultations we conducted in this regard should be done by the court authorities, who must take measures in line with this discussion of transparency and financial discipline, which is a very appropriate slogan that the honorable president of the court should carry out in accordance with the mission of the court. giving should be evaluated in that direction and be followed up , mr. dr. dawood abadi, 42 thousand illegal accounts, which has reached 4300. yes, and
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we have passed the deadline and the time frame considered to complete this work . these 43300 are supposed to be determined and assigned. which devices are they related to? see 43300 there are still illegal accounts that, well, as i said, a very worthy action was taken in the country in the same year that the accounts court entered, out of these 4,300 accounts, 4,000 accounts belong to universities, which are mainly universities of medical sciences, due to its spread and extent in the level of the country is very low, the balance is very low . please note that there is an account in a hospital that they are not doing. we do, but an interesting thing happened
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now, diwan eshraf has full control over these accounts . we are monitoring and controlling them daily . this number is decreasing and it is decreasing, god willing, we hope by the end of the year. if this account reaches zero, we are constantly monitoring it. we have also announced one point . you are now mentioning the end of the year . we have a lot of rulings , we report every year, reports of violations, deviations and omissions of the executive body, this has been an omission until this year, we entered this year , and we are collecting it. the accounts court of violation will eventually go to the prosecutor's office. we have announced that many of the accounts have gone to the prosecutor's office. we have announced that the devices are being used to close
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their accounts . you went to the next year, how many accounts did you introduce? you said that you introduced many accounts. well, i have a lot of accounts . now , we gave the statistics of the cases, for example, which institutions do they belong to? it is illegal to have them i said, and their efforts are their efforts. they are trying to close the accounts faster, of course , what we are trying to do is another legal violation , because they stopped taking action within the time limit . dr. dastqib recently said that we are withdrawing until today and announcing that we will come. close the account , don't do this violation, we will announce it, we will give the necessary notices to our device, if it is done, we have already made these announcements, why don't you make it public, which ones we will announce, now we point out that if it is done we will make a public announcement
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. almost last month, we had a meeting in one of the main companies, dr. dastqib announced there and said that if this transparency becomes cloudy, the information will be submitted to the court of accounts on time, if the accounts are not closed , then he will make a public announcement. we all announce by name . well, we are doing it. madam, i told you, look, out of 422, out of 42,000 of mami's, it has been done under the supervision of the diwan, with the help of the diwan. this is a very interesting task. why has it not been done yet? well, the ministry of economic and financial affairs he comes and closes the accounts, why didn't he close them? well, he is crazy about this we are doing it
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, we are helping the ministry of oil. in our executive bodies, this violation or other violations are now defined and carried out. yes, before i answer your question , i need to know, because it may be unclear to the dear viewers , why the court of accounts does not enter into the appointments, because it was the question of his highness, you see, we have a specific qualification now. the emphasis of the honorable president of the court is that we should not interfere in the work of the executive branch in any way. well , appointment is an action that is related to the executive branch. in fact
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, we are explaining the root cause of the violation here. by this time , we will make the roots available to the devices, but the necessary actions will be taken, it will definitely be done, in any case , we cannot pursue this as a violation to the resident first, because if we get involved in this matter, in some way we entered the scope of work of the executive body i emphasized that we should not interfere in the work of the executive branch , but as for the question you asked , there are many reasons for violations . forgive me. an organization that is very important is the subject of internal controls and weaknesses in internal controls. it is in the executive body , in other words, the manager of the executive body or the person in charge of each unit
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must ensure the adequacy of the internal controls in the executive body, which are sometimes discussed in the media, such as financial violations and non-financial did not happen. by the way, one of the ways in which the court of accounts helps the executive branch is also one of the policies of the court these days, that we must help to prevent the occurrence of violations by establishing an adequate internal control system. in devices, it means that we go to. on the side of the device , let us help them with what controls should be done to prevent violations because you know better , my dear viewers, they know better that if major losses are incurred in the treasury, it is usually very difficult to compensate, so it is better that the court calculations go in this direction and any other monitoring device in this direction that no violation has occurred, it is necessary
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that we enter into the discussion of preventing the occurrence of violations, which is again the emphasized policy. honorable president of the court, these days we are also strictly following up on this enforcement of violations. this is a point that the court of accounts emphasizes in many ways. now, from your point of view and from the point of view of the authorities, it is not too late to enter into this matter with attention. regarding its importance in the executive branch, because we are going to enter , i want to see if we entered. for many years i would like to say that these years, most of us have been strengthened in the discussion of training, where and in what cases, please tell us what you are observing now as prevention of violations in the executive bodies , now in the cases you handle or cases what do you feel were the cases, now i will tell you, for example, something that the accounts court is doing
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is not really the job of the accounts court, but it is doing this preventive work. regarding training, we now frequently hold courses for managers of executive bodies, managers financial executive the same examples of violations and we explain the rules and regulations to them. indeed, the surveys that are being conducted of those courses show that it is very popular , that is, our managers and the managers of the devices themselves say that we did not know the things that you are saying. well, this itself leads to the prevention of violations. and that this manager is obliged to implement or should i say better. executive guarantee , what is what you define as education, the law itself is the law , see the law, first of all, we have laws in many places, dr. omrani, but we have seen and defined the executive guarantee, in general, the guarantee law itself it is implemented, for example, you can see that any law that is violated is subject to a lot of punishment, that is , the law itself is the guarantee of its implementation
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. regardless of whether it has a non-criminal description, if it is violated, the relevant authorities, including the supervisory and judicial authorities , will deal with this violation and violation of the law and the city and its duties. the handling of this legal executive guarantee , which is defined in many cases, for example, you see, in the discussion of leaving verbs, we have cases and cases that heads of devices, device managers. in the protection of public property, in fact, neglecting negligence is one of the most obvious examples of the current abandonment . let me tell you one thing, because you say that there are cases and cases. tell me , i will give an example. yes, see, for example, in one example of a
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construction project, this is a file that was filed without being finalized. a construction project has been put into operation and before it has reached the stage of operation and the device has been delivered, in fact before it has been delivered to the operator. the project has been abandoned for a year as a result of the project's employees being stolen and other damages caused to this project as a result of the manager's resignation . if you allow me, because the vote has not been decided, i will not say it here , but we have this example and many other examples. it is investigated and it leads to the issuance of administrative punishment, it leads to the issuance of a decision to compensate for losses. there are many cases
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mr. dr. davodi , there is a point that mr. president stressed on in today's session of the assembly , that the companies under the executive bodies should be strictly monitored so that cases of violations do not arise . what has the court of accounts done about these companies? what things have been felt so far and what is the plan for the future? yes, we told you that we had the fourth assembly today . the financial administration of the executive department of the ministries, the presence today of the financial managers of the top companies in the country, i said that 80% of the budget government companies are allocated companies to this company, the presence of this shows that the court of accounts is getting into the important issue of auditing companies in a wider dimension. we used to check with the measures
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taken by mr. dastagib, and now we have identified more than 2000 companies, as opposed to public institutions and institutions, which are under the control of the audit court , in addition to the government company that is connected to it. there is a budget law for the entire country, only monitoring, monitoring, monitoring , monitoring and auditing in many companies now i have an auditor, things are happening , they are controlling, they are controlling what cases are taken, see the audit of the court, the control of the standards, the laws , the regulations are in force and there are no deviations or violations. of these rules, when a rule is not followed , there is definitely a violation behind us. when we say the salary cap is arreal, if it is not done, this is a violation. well
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, when we enter , we monitor it. these violations can be prevented , astronomical payments or foreign payments. it is taken from the rules . yes, it is limited. we have one of the weaknesses that today's discussion of financial transparency and discipline is one of them the topics that were raised. failure to accurately enter information in the country's information systems. we have the system of article 29, where all the executive bodies are required to enter whatever they pay to the personnel in this system. we are witnessing this today. some devices do not record part of their payments . we warned you today. it was announced that we warned. if the devices do not fix, we will take names. and after naming. calling another name at that time is farrakhan. in general, then they will have public supervision, today they have the supervision of the court of accounts, then it will be public supervision, i don't think so, i don't think so. a company should allow its own system
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to stand in front of the people, and when it is announced , it will be made public, and they will have to correct this issue of transparency and financial discipline. one of its branches goes back to the use of the system and systems that should be used in order to strengthen internal controls in the executive body. it should be designed as one of the requirements of our work, we announced today that we have observed ms. emami in the discussion of internal controls, we entered in a 5-year period of information that we felt from the executive bodies , we counted more than 12 thousand weak points of internal controls. and we announced that this is your control they must be corrected, and this correction of these controls means prevention of violation, which means advance. these are all in line with the same policy of guidance and prevention
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, with the obligation of the colleagues of the court of accounts not to interfere in the executive duties of the executive body, mr. dr. omrani , and you and mr. davodi emphasize the supervision of this opinion in accountability in financial transparency in what that for the field. how important is the country's finances, how effective is this supervision now? look, in any case, accountability is one of the important components of good governance. they should be responsible for their own performance . well , we are providing performance in the insurance monitoring department . what i mean is that the monitoring device is responsible for
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its performance, as you can see in this program , it is also asking the device questions. there should be a pardon for the regulatory body, it should be for the people , it should be for the public opinion. in that answer section. as if to public opinion i'll go back to the root, maybe it's my personal expert opinion that i see that if our managers are capable, if they are legal, it seems that they are accountable, that is, we have capable and legal managers who respond, but on the other hand , there are managers who are responsible due to weakness. in fact , their abilities and weakness in their law enforcement do not answer. naturally, it goes back to the point you said first
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. now we are returning to the same cycle again, why are the managers not accountable you see, to sit at the table , it's very easy to go and sit at the table, but after that task, the task of answering this section begins , we have a very difficult task. the important components of transparency, which is the motto of the court of accounts, is accountability. mr. dr. davodi , a series of paths was the usual path of the accounts court to create transparency. find out in the executive bodies of the court of accounts in these years, well, in line with its legal duties , that siyant from the treasury has
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had its own continuous supervisions. we are talking about the continuous monitoring of crying guidance. crying guidance is very important in the executive body. thank you for using the farsi word . i would like to give a moment's notice to the body . i can warn you about the violation. i am watching next to him if at the time of subtraction of my budget at the end of the financial year, i see that this deviance has continued , i will definitely have legal action there . see, let me criticize the subtraction of the 1401 budget . it can be read as the subtraction of the 1401 budget. well, it has been presented to the
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honorable islamic council. today, apparently , it was wrongly announced that mr. dr. dastghi said that the reading will be held next week, if the parliament is closed next week, we are waiting for the delegation of the speaker of the parliament. please announce that mr. dr. dastaghi , based on his legal duty , will appear in the public court and for one hour, when he has the time , i will present the important issues of budget subtraction in 1401 to the honorable nation of the islamic republic of iran, in two minutes. one of the very important and interesting actions that the court of accounts took was done almost last week , mr. dr. dastqib , adding two advisory boards to the advisory boards of the court of accounts
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. for the first time in the history of the islamic republic of iran, and before this, we have the first female advisor in the court of accounts we were elected and it was an interesting initiative that we congratulate the women of the country who are the first advisors. we have proof in our court that these are the same two advisors whose addition will lead to a reduction in the length of proceedings, which mr. dr. omrani noted to that in the field. let's enter the violations and deviations of the executive body . mr. dr. romerani, thank you very much for your presence. mr. dr. davodi, thank you for your explanations .
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashem zadegan with the world today. the file of tonight's program is dedicated to reviewing the latest developments political and military on the 95th day of the war against gaza, in this regard, we will host mr. saadullah zarei . but before anything, let's take a look at the latest pictures from palestine.


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