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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 12:00am-12:29am IRST

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let's not forget the creation of the people . imam's strategic policy is to bring people to the stage and the enemy's strategic policy is to remove people from the stage. they try to get people out of the scene. what is the point of what you see about whether to participate in the elections or not? this is not a simple thing. this is the strategic policy.
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the president's emphasis on making the payment system fairer, mr. raisi , should not allow companies to become the private life of the devices . whether it works or not, there is a problem, sir, it is involved. severe violence in the central and southern axes of the gaza strip, the zionist media reported the death of 9 more soldiers in two small iodine operations, the al-aqsan storm has left 9 thousand mental patients on the hands of the israeli army, and the localization of the cooling port of the madab furnace to steelmaking is due to the efforts of technologists knowledge base.
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construction engineering until delivery and after-sales service are done in the same company. in the name of god. peace be upon mohammad and his holy family. dear compatriots , dear viewers, welcome to the 24 hour news section. welcome. supreme leader of the revolution. islamic in the anniversary of the historical uprising of the people of qom on the 19th of december 1356, in the meeting of thousands of people of this city, referring to the unique role-playing power of the people, the presence and standard-bearer of the nation in every arena and field, the effective and path-breaking strategy of imam khomeini and the islamic system, and expressing and the enemies of the pure land of iran have taken the path of pulling people away from the stage, to anyone
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, anywhere, it has an effective and expressive language , the audience should be called by ayatollah khamenei to the city of qom to participate in various political, economic, cultural and other arenas. they called the rise of knowledge and jihad and referring to the lessons of the lasting uprising of the people. this huge incident, which took place in protest against the actions of the affiliated regime in publishing an insulting article against imam khomeini , is proof of the power of the people to play a role in major events. america with all its claims and the zionist regime
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failed america with their patience and endurance. the leader of the revolution enumerated the overthrow of the dependent and oppressive taghut regime within about a year of the uprising of the people of qom as a concrete result of the presence of the people in the scene and said: this great lesson in 1941 and 1942, the venerable imam taught the nation by his words and actions and showed that the presence of people in the square is a miracle. hazrat ayatollah khamenei considered relying on the masses of people to be a strategic choice of the imam in the face of common political methods, such as meetings and petitions with political parties and figures, and added that the imam came to the field on 12 khordad 42 in fiziyeh and brought the people to the field as well. and he gave the flag to them that the people's uprising on 15 khordad 42 in tehran , qom, varamin and other cities. the nation
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was invited to this. he also called the uprising of the people of qom on the 19th of january as a response to imam's lesson for his constant presence the field of enumeration and they said: relying on the people: of course , this is the lesson of the commander of the faithful, who says in nahj al-balagha that the masses of people are the support of religion, the main body of society and the reserve for the day of confrontation with the enemy. ayatollah khamenei criticized those who call the presence of the president among the people populism and said: popularity is the main point of the system's policies. of course, the quality of working with masses of people is a great art that should be pondered. the leader of the revolution listed accurate orientation and cognitive rehabilitation as two requirements to bring people to the field of struggle and stand up and said: the purpose of inviting people to attend is islamic governance, islamic dignity,
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it is the perfect salah and upliftment of the nation and confronting arrogance. he said that it is the duty of thinkers, professors, intellectuals, students and other influential groups to increase people's knowledge. they read in the public opinion and said: americans with simple thinking and wrong calculations , along with their loved ones, after 45 years , are still justifying the face of the disgraced and dependent regime that was pushed out of this pure land on 22 bahman 1957 by the kick of the nation. the leader of the revolution stated the direct involvement of england in reza khan's coming to power and added: this is a manipulative element with the help of agents: after a few years, england started the cultural transformation of the nation, which discovered hijab, closure of mosques and mourning ceremonies and similar actions should be viewed with this eye. ayatollah khamenei, referring to the intervention of england in the coming to power of muhammad and the joint coup of the united states and
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england to return the fugitive shah to power in 1332, added: the taghut regime first, middle and last: came to power with the help of foreigners and continued its disgraceful life. he gave and sold not only iran's oil but also the nation's honor and religion to foreigners in return for these donations, but now some people are trying to justify that corrupt regime, bringing the people to the center of the scene and handing over the flag of struggle to the people of this strategic policy. imam against this policy. there is another strategic policy, what is the point of confrontation, that policy of taking people out of the stage, pulling people out of the stage of gathering, competition and battle, and
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who is that policy, the policy of the enemies of the american revolution. the policy of the powerful in the world of zionist politics , the policy of exploitative zionist companies all over the world, this policy has been going on for 40 years in the country , today this policy is working with the utmost satisfaction, pay attention to this, they are trying to remove the people from the scene. you see about whether to participate in the elections let's do it, no, what's the point, this is not a simple thing, this is the same strategic policy of america, this is the same strategic policy of the enemies of the revolution. they
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considered the attempt to underestimate the presence of people in important occasions as one of the tricks of the enemy to remove people from the scene and said: mocking the march. arbaeen is an example of the strategic policy of the enemy to get the people out of the field by casting doubts about the people's respect for the great commander of iran and the region, and also creating doubts about the grand presence of the people in religious festivals such as the middle of sha'ban. the leader of the revolution added: the reason for this enmity is that they have understood the cause iran's progress and recognition, its emergence as a power. the indicator in the region and the creation of a unique strategic depth for the system, i.e. the resistance forces throughout the region and the defeat of all conspiracies, from coups and imposed wars to security conspiracies , is the presence of the iranian people in the scene. ayatollah khamenei added:
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of course, where people have been prevented from attending the scene for any reason, the enemy is pleased that many economic sectors are the same. to keep people from. taking them out of the scene is one of their jobs to discourage the future. you see how much these media are affiliated with the enemy. either explicit or otherwise straight. some of these media are openly affiliated with the enemy. some are not explicitly dependent, but they are dependent. these make people disappointed about the future. they find a negative point and ensure it. they raise for people to be disappointed. most of them are young people. disappoint joona. what is the benefit of participating in political activities? what
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is the benefit of participating in elections? they promote this, they work methods . showing off the lack and hardships in economic affairs. well, yes, we have an economic problem, there is no doubt. there have been various strikes and they have continued. there are these economic weaknesses there is no doubt that they are flaunting these things, while if a case is carefully investigated , most of these economic weaknesses are due to the lack of people's presence in places where people are present . they considered it another trick to drive the people out of the field and said: if the iranian nation was supposed
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to be afraid of such and such a power, the islamic republic would no longer exist, besides, today many of the powers that claimed to dominate the region are from the iranian nation. are afraid hazrat ayatollah khamenei used other tools of foreigners to remove people from the scene. making people not believe in the presence factors. they read courage and strength and said: religious faith and sharia are among the factors that create strength, and the enemy's efforts and propaganda are done with the aim of weakening these factors. he added: the issue of hijab and its likes should be considered and worked with the view that the issue is not simply the ignorance of some people about the issue of hijab, but that a few people do these things with the motive of opposition and conflict. creating differences and... polarizing the people in such a way that the issue goes beyond friendly differences and
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leads to condemning every word of the other side, even if it is good , was another way to empty the square from the presence of the people. after explaining it, the leader of the revolution said: the way to deal with these plans is the participation of the people in political, economic, election and even security issues. ayatollah khamenei said: in the field of security issues, people can be. enemy agents should help the security agencies, as so far many security problems have been resolved with the help of the people and the agencies have prevented the occurrence of disasters similar to the kerman incident, which may be said to be the level of the level of conspiracy prevention is equal to what is happening. the issue of the people's attendance, which is one of the necessary requirements for the correct administration of the country and the progress of the revolution, and the achievement of the revolution's results and goals
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the revolution of people's presence on the stage, this should be promoted . everyone has a voice, everyone has a language , everyone has an audience, everyone can make an impact , they should work in this field and so on. by the right, this trick is the duty of everyone, be it a cleric , a university professor, a pulpit, a broadcaster , a political official, a director of a certain organization, a scholar , a reference, whoever it is, it is the duty of the people to stand in the square. in the square, getting acquainted with the square equipment, the leader of the revolution forced a huge gathering
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of people to attend the marches on 22 bahman and quds day on the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of general soleimani. and gatherings in the days of god, like the anniversary of 9th of december , were considered as clear signs of people's readiness to be in the field, and they said that people came from far away on the anniversary of the martyrdom of a proud leader. they came to kerman for a pilgrimage, and despite that disastrous event, the same people's gathering continued with the same intensity, strength and motivation the next day. this means that the people are ready and we , the officials, must prepare the ground for their presence . he mentioned about the sad case of kerman. in this sad and disastrous case that happened in kerman, which caused the nation to suffer in the truest sense of the word. we insist
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we do not have to accuse this and that. but we insist. to find the real behind-the-scenes agents of this incident and suppress them, god is great , god is great, khamenei, the leader of the anti-state of mind of america , fard bard, england, fergan, israel, god willing. respected officials who are busy with my work , i know closely, worked well and are working well, they can be punished for their actions. in the final part of his speech, ayatollah khamenei paid attention to the issue of gaza, and referring to the gradual realization of the predictions of the clairvoyants in this
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matter, he said: it was predicted that the winner of this palestine is the field of resistance and the one that will fail is the regime. it is the accursed evil zionist that today this prediction is coming true. he considered the 3 months of crime and child killing by the zionists as an unforgettable event in history and added: even after the destruction and erasure of this regime from the face of the earth , these crimes will not be forgotten and they will be written in history, one day some people in this region will join the government. they arrived and killed thousands of children in a few weeks , but the patience of the people and the steadfastness of the palestinian resistance forced them to retreat. the leader of the revolution in explaining the signs of failure and failure of the regime after about 100 days, the zionists pointed out the crime . they said that we will destroy the hamas resistance and move the people of gaza, which they failed to do, and today the resistance
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is alive and well and ready, while the zionist regime is tired, humiliated and abandoned. it is man and the heat of the criminal's falsehood has hit it on the forehead. they considered this match as a lesson and said: the same line should be followed. the line of standing in front of oppression, in front of force, in front of arrogance, in front of greed, this line should continue, the resistance should continue to be updated with its own power. keep it and be ready and from don't ignore the trick of the enemy and hit him wherever you can, and god willing , it will happen, and god willing, this day will come, the people of iran, muslim nations and believing groups all over
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the world will see the victory of standing, strength, patience and trust . to god, against the enemy and enmity and the demons of the world. addressing the managers of the executive bodies, the president said that the managers should evaluate and identify the capabilities of the human resources of each force according to their capabilities. use appropriately. mr. raisi also asked the managers of the executive bodies to become more familiar with the laws, regulations and transparency as much as possible more required in the financial administrative system. i mentioned this inappropriate process of some affairs and the inappropriate flow of affairs, shorten it and make it precise. the
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president, in the group of financial and administrative managers of the institutions , considered it necessary to create transformation in the work and transformation. the cognitive transformation of the institution called transformation in processes and accountability as the four components of transformation. in explaining the importance of the accountability of the institutions, mr. raisi also mentioned the importance of monitoring and controlling the institutions and departments and said that it is a blessing that the audit court audits the institutions. that the court of accounts or the supervisory and control departments should make an audit statement a blessing should not be considered a hindrance. it is not disturbing to know for sure that the control of the control systems is for the continuation of the trust in the managers . the president trusts all of you on the evaluation. he emphasized the accuracy of the functions and considered the quality of administrative work and human resources very important. we believe in the system of punishment , we believe in the system of encouragement before punishment. we believe that
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the incentive system should still be there. it is very important. be encouraged mohsen should be encouraged. obedience should be pointed out and praised. mr. raisi emphasized the importance of transparency in the structure of recruitment in administrative bodies. justice that is, in all fields there should be absolute justice and this justice should be felt. companies should not be the private life of the devices. we say that he understands that he has his own rules, his own payment, and his own foreign travel. because it is the name of the company, he is not bound to act within the framework. this is wrong. sir, the president asked the officials to prevent corruption in the system. they should correct it, correcting that corrupting platform will make it so that if the motive for the crime arises , the crime instrument will not be in the possession of the offender, and if
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the instrument is obtained for any reason , the mechanism is set in such a way that, as you say, the alarm will be raised. let the device scream to say that there is a violation , but the reasons for corruption in the device managers and experts present in this meeting, the lack of internal controls in executive bodies is one of the factors that cause corruption in the executive body . it is easy to prevent corruption, because money can be rejected, it can be monitored during implementation . one of the problems we have is the dispersion of regulations information.
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these are not private, the property of the treasury is at their disposal, they are public property at their disposal it is general and slow. there is also the control of governments and the head of the country's audit bureau announced that next week in the public hall of the parliament, the report on the subtraction of the budget of 1401 will be read and the institutions that deviated from the budget law will be introduced. perisaf of the radio and television news agency. the head of the judiciary said that trust must be built for the return of iranians abroad. mr. mohseni izh at the meeting of members of the supreme council of iranians. from the country, he added: sometimes there is a need to build trust face to face, and if this trust building is not done, the problems of iranians abroad may be difficult to return.
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the law should not be removed. let us know that every iranian, both inside and outside, is under the protection of the law. the head of the judiciary among the members of the specialized working groups of the supreme council for the affairs of iranians abroad. to sit i was a member of the general assembly in new york , mr. mohseni, you deliberately called me on my cell phone and said that i wanted to emphasize that if you meet with iranians there, tell them to count on our actions to solve their problems and facilitate their affairs. mr. mohseni is a special feature of the two-hour meeting following the words of the members of the first council, the report on the legal assistance of iranians abroad of the sana system. that some of it had some problems , the most important of which was actually the issue of iranian mobile phones, because if it is not there, it is not possible to register, until after
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various investigations with the statistics and information technology center of the judiciary and the ministry of communications , we solved this problem. also, the last details of the follow-up of the iranian support bill were presented. i think that with one or two more meetings in the commission, the proceedings in the commission will be completed. some of the problems are the obstacles to speaking, there is a harsh and bitter and dark atmosphere outside the islamic republic. they beat the head of the judiciary also called the law-abiding iranians the season of rhetoric and the opportunity for them to return to the country. every iranian who loves his country, every iranian who is law-abiding and obeys the law is respected. mr. mohseni suggested that we should pave the way for the return of iranians abroad by creating trust. dear brothers
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, i just don't trust you. i can sit here and say 10 times , sir, i am the head of the judiciary. i promise , i guarantee that i will take the cell phone of mr. wazir or anyone else. d to we have shown the action, these two actions are as much as 100 pulpits, in our opinion , may create more trust abroad. use electronic judicial services of the single window, pejman , sada and c. news agency.
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shoot the drones of the zionist regime are heading towards the displaced people in khanian. the zionist regime fired at the refugees who have taken refuge in the vicinity of nasser madara hospital in khan yunis, south of the gaza strip. the ministry of health of gaza announced that the occupiers committed 12 murders in the last 24 hours, in which 124 people and 126 people were martyred. the news another thing is that the european mediterranean human rights watch has announced that the zionist regime has martyred 2124 palestinians and wounded 3463 people after south africa filed a complaint with the international court of justice on the 29th of december last year. at the same time
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, the british foreign minister said: what is happening in gaza cannot be described as genocide, and they do not agree with south africa on this matter. lebanon's hezbollah , in addition to attacking several bases and gathering of israeli soldiers , targeted the spying equipment of this regime in the north of the occupied territories. the offensive of this movement is also the headquarters of the northern command of the zionists the white targeted the sound of the siren sounded in the zionist settlements today. in the gaza strip, the palestinian resistance destroyed a merkava tank in the south of this area. an armored vehicle was also targeted in the center of the gaza strip. zionist forces and military equipment were also targeted by the resistance in different areas of gaza. the zionist army announced that
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27 of its soldiers were killed in the last 24 hours of fighting in the gaza strip. were injured the zionist newspaper yedioth arnavut wrote: "storm operation has left 9,000 mental patients in the hands of the israeli army." according to this newspaper from since the beginning of the war, 9,000 soldiers have requested psychological counseling, and a quarter of them could not return to the war. in this report, it is the most difficult day in the last 24 hours. it happened for the israeli army in gaza and 13 soldiers were injured. a soldier from the golani brigade who had already returned from gaza had a stroke and died due to the pressure of the problems caused by the war in gaza. media


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