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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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and he closed the field of islamic jurisprudence near the holy shrine of fatima masoumeh, peace be upon her, with a machine gun, and killed a large number of innocent young people from the seminary and religious zealots of the religious city of qom in the dirt and bloodshed. and this strong spirit and indomitable courage promise victory. after the qom uprising on 19 january 1956
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, the season of silence passed and the sound of the revolution echoed everywhere in iran. and other cities reached the spring of victory in the days of bahman 57.
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he left iran with his family until january on the side of the link, that day when young people of qom, from students and non-students, from different walks of life and religious people, came to the streets and streets of qom to defend the imam and to defend the truth. in defense of the raised flag of the struggle against
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the taghut and facing the bullets of the mercenaries of the taghut regime and their blood was spilled on the asphalt of the street, no one died that day, and no one ever died around that area. he did not think what effect this incident would have. with the announcement of the neighborhood policy by the 13th government , relations with neighboring countries, muslim countries, neighboring countries, among the characteristics of which
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economic and commercial exchanges with neighboring countries improved. including with the countries of central asia, i.e. the five countries of kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, and tajikistan, by reducing disputes such as gas prices in turkmenistan with the entry of the 13th government and its resolution, and the policy of neighborliness and reducing tension with neighbors in the 13th government and increasing trade and economic relations in this our government is witnessing the remarkable growth of trade with the countries of central asia, for example, in the 13th government, trade exchanges between iran and tajikistan increased five times in terms of the development of economic cooperation. during the life of
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the 13th people's government, we see significant growth. the volume of relationships has grown almost 5 times during the last two years. one of the fields of this cooperation. it was in the field of issuing technical and engineering services, including in the field of dam construction. iranian engineers work in many projects of hydro and wind power plants in tajikistan. well, this dam works as a hydroelectric dam. its height is 335 meters, which is actually the highest dam in the world. the volume of the lake behind sadr is 14 billion meters. it has a water storage cube, which is considered to be very large in its own way. 6 power plant units each with a capacity of 600 megawatts will be installed in this section they have been installed and with their completion
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, it is possible to produce 360 ​​megawatts of electricity. fortunately, today the iranian engineers of iranian companies are building large layers that our commercial relations will reach at least 3 billion and then 5 billion, however, the share of iran's trade with the central asia region is still very small and about a discussion of exchanges. money and banking
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increases our risk, trade disputes , as expected, it also increases the cost of exchange, and what we in our development plans, which we expect to increase our trade, is acceptable compared to the volume of trade between the two countries. my two obstacles are solving the resources and the very important financial issue. there is a suitable platform there for the rail field, and if these opportunities are used , we can have more activity in the cis field, and according to the definition of the north-south corridor and according to that there is such an opportunity, if this opportunity. if it is provided by the ministry of roads, we can now define the same tariffs or lower deviations , we can have foreign exchange and investment in this area. however, the increase in the visits of iranian officials to this region and the visits of their leaders
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to our country is a strong will to expand relations it tells a story. we hope that these trips and these meetings can develop relations. i would like to point out that constructive political dialogues have been established between our countries, economic and cultural relations are actively developing, very good works. it has been discussed in the field of infrastructure in the field of ro-ro shipping, now the connection between the port of akte and the port of korik to the port of amirabad, which will seriously increase the volume of both our exchanges and transit. expectations for increased trade relations since that day, iran and central asia have been linked geographically and culturally. four of the five countries in this region are members of the shanghai cooperation organization. the two countries
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are located along the shores of the caspian sea. five central asian countries are also members of the eco economic cooperation organization. it is expected that an important and effective step will be taken to implement the action plan contained in the eco vision 2025 regarding the establishment of a free trade zone in eco and also the successful implementation of mosom's limited preferential trade agreement to ekota after two decades. in addition , kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan are members of the union there are also eurasian economies that recently signed a free trade agreement with iran. the free trade agreement between the islamic republic of iran and the eurasian economic union is considered the most important cooperation document with iran, and with the signing of this document, iran
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will become one of the important partners of the eurasian union. in my opinion, this will create an explosion of import export. especially on the goods that are needed by these countries. and the geographical location of iran is for these countries that do not have access to the open sea, the railway route mentioned above goes from china to kyrgyzstan to uzbekistan, turkmenistan and iran. which is connected to the south sea . it is a very important road network in order to complete the chain of east-west corridors in this region. a very good decision was made . there should be a joint working group in all countries . fortunately , they accepted that the islamic republic of iran agreed with our proposal. they put a lot of emphasis on
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the north and south corridor and the countries of kazakhstan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, tajikistan and kyrgyzstan, on the issue of the corridor through iran to the persian gulf and vice versa, especially the connection between china and kyrgyzstan that was raised and from that route. we can say to the side all the prime ministers of central asia emphasized on this issue that the countries of the central asian region declared their interest in connecting iran's road and rail lines. one of the important topics of the logistics discussion was that fortunately, iran is also important for kazakhstan, which is landlocked. kazakhstan is a reliable partner of ours in the caspian sea area. the route of transit goods to the north-south channel can
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be very important for us. kazakhstan has strengthened its infrastructural areas in the logistics sector . azad inchibroneh, fortunately, in terms of logistics , investments have been made in our northern areas, our northern ports, the interest of our food parties in the area of ​​our southern ports, agreements have been made in bandaab. currently, this region is connected to iran's railway network through two border crossings, sarkhus and chebron, as the gateway to central asian countries. from the inche barun area to visit the inche barun area as a transit route to confirm their own goods and it is assumed that they are on the spot. this is definitely a joint venture with the parties
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reach iranians, because in any case, one of the reliable routes and the north-south corridor route is from the route of the northern border areas, which is the border of our free zone , the free zone of free zone, the free zone of inchbronn , inchbronn, in terms of easier access to the country of kazakhstan and even reaching russia it is of great importance for kazakhstan and other countries to connect central asian countries with different regions of the world, including india, so that kazakhstan, uzbekistan, and turkmenistan have expressed their desire to invest in this port. there are three or four of this device in the world. full the most useful equipment in oil refineries for
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times when oil harvest increases. a device that is not for sale. he made this device and does not sell this device, he only provides service. this equipment is used to detect the amount of solid particles deposition in oil pipelines. now, most of the countries that want to check this issue take their oil and samples to the testing company and finally transfer the data to them, that is , they don't sell the device so that the technology of making the device stays with them and can generate income . in our country, the refinery is one of the methods they used others. costly methods that were associated with challenges. he wanted a lot of laboratory space, he wanted a large one, and it was time for this test. now this flow assurance equipment can predict the amount of sediment in oil pipelines. device which required more time for research and development than for its construction, we
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checked the work from the catalogs that were available and the data that the university gave us that we are going to check this with this method and this method and we came up with a preliminary plan we did it and then finally the initial design was approved and finally it led to the construction of the device it means that we had very detailed information that we could build the device, but the level of the device. hey, it was updated and updated until we reached the device that is available now, and considering that we have fixed all your defects, and thank god, we can now take real tests with it . you have been using this device for a few years. it took almost one working year to make it and its research and development. how much time did it take for my research and development to take about a year and a half , that is, from the time the prototype was made until we can say 100% that the device will work without any defects. it took a year and a half it took time to update the part, the challenge was to build it. again, we
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had some bottlenecks. for example, this device has a magnetic coupling that was made for the first time in the country. a magnetic coupling that can rotate at 6,000 rpm and withstand 10,000 psi or about 700 bar pressure. this was the biggest challenge of this device that we were able to solve thanks to god. with the rotation of a magnetic coupling installed in that device , it can simulate these different speeds of current passing through the tube by rotating up to 6 thousand revolutions. you with the temperature and pressure that you create through the pump itself and the temperature through the quid flow system itself , exactly the conditions inside the well or transmission lines of the nef are simulated, and the amount of asphalt deposits that can be formed are tested. a device that can save time and money to predict the solid deposits of oil pipelines
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. now, a test of this device costs about 25 thousand dollars. a test that will take 20 minutes. we made this device for the university complex 25 a thousand dollars cost means we made the device with less than these numbers well, i am saying that a device test of about 25,000 dollars is being done right now, a test that you may need to spend a day on , a device technician can deliver the test to you in 10 minutes, all the life cycle processes of the parts from design to the final product. to hand the founder of this knowledge-based company, vahid zakari arad , sed and sima news agency, if we want to change, if we want to reduce some crimes, if we want to succeed in preventing some crimes the emphasis of the head
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of the judiciary on the use of new technologies for discovery. crimes and reducing court cases if possible we want to reduce the number of cases to the judiciary. if we want to shorten the processes , we have to use new technologies . the transactional credit system has been launched for people to enter the platform or enter the offices of the applicant , their own national code or the applicant's national code is presented to the user . you
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will be directed to the report page. someone else perform transaction credit authentication and show it. can this person with this national code and this number have no negative record in the judiciary, the system that completes the criminal record information by validating people at the time of the transaction helps to discover crimes and prevents the occurrence of disputes that we have in the transaction. we take the chance to make the deal very clear. after checking 11 possible situations, it actually gives us that two people who want to make a deal with each other know that the other party has the right to make a deal. or not, the ability to trade means that it is prohibited to trade or not we have a court ruling, is the party incarcerated or not, is he bankrupt or not, and there are some situations that can seriously affect the transaction itself, that is , the person who filed a claim for extortion in the judicial system said, "i don't have money, and you should know that somewhere. " he has officially made a claim or
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has been convicted by the judicial system, which means he has been convicted by me. and whether he executed your sentence or not , he is still committed to me. now this system is also available to private sector platforms. as i said , this is the first time we have this service, and we are making it available to the private sector on the national information exchange center . it increases the efficiency of the government and the government , reduces the costs , gives the people a sense of well-being, security and a better mood. there are a thousand and one more reasons that are a priority for us to be able to. in cooperation with the government, let's help the network of daneshmouni companies to be created and developed in this field, and they can hire and provide services, a movement that in
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the dome that has been completed is definitely the beginning of creating and completing effective databases in the field of monitoring financial flows in the field of monitoring individuals suspected of doing suspicious transactions and it helps us to have a healthier economy and credit system. from now on , it is available to people in electronic food service offices and car, property and loan trading platforms. now, with the completion of the accesses to the trading credit system of individuals in public and private platforms, transactions will be done on the meter platform. malih pejman of sed and cima news agency. remove the wheels of the bike to turn the pedals to make it a little easier for him, he turns both
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their sewing machine and the wheel of their life. these days, abdullah's work is 15 years old, generating electricity for abdullah's father's sewing machine, according to his father, necessity is the mother of invention. in the current situation, i tried to do something that is necessary for my compatriots, because there is no electricity, we have to use the bicycle to generate electricity, which currently does 50% of the work of the electric motor. thank god, they can be useful in this matter. dawood has also expanded his hairdressing . among the tents and displaced people of his compatriots, he says that it does not matter how much he wants. that's your hope it is enough for him to refresh the hearts of those around him. many men here come to me to cut their hair. i don't care who pays how much
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because i know the situation here is difficult. i had not cut my hair for 40 days. this will at least change our mood. on the other hand, although there is no news about the four walls of the classroom. but the classroom is strong. sometimes between the tents. but they say they will not let their hopes be disappointed. they use these destructions as a playground and practice to achieve their desires. this is the way
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we can prove to the world that nothing can take away from our dreams, our values and give up our identity. this exercise helps us to remove negative energies from ourselves in this situation. life continues in gaza. war, though home. and he took their family from them, but not their hope. sanazani tv news agency. a 10-page document to displace a nation from their homeland. the security apparatus wants to present these documents to the international community as a humanitarian necessity. an official document that advises governments to clean up. a tribe in gaza is carrying out a document with the aim of moving the entire population of gaza to the sinai desert, just like what they did 70 years ago, in order to establish a fake state
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, they forced the palestinians out of their homes and forced them to move to other regions or countries. now, after seven decades, the zionists have again planned to move the palestinian people. in the ministry of foreign affairs , we have the number of the arab country that accepts syrian, ukrainian and other refugees, so if any country wants to accept refugees, they are invited to contact us . to eliminate the american zionist plan that was opposed by egypt. the issue of palestine is very dangerous, we are displacing people we do not accept palestine from our land, the zionists, but in practice they have implemented their plan step by step . they lied about the security of the southern regions and displaced the people of qadr towards the egyptian border. we came here by force to have security here. it is very close to the borders of egypt . this is a sign that they want to force us to
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go to egypt, but we don't want to go. his finance minister says that residents of gaza must move to other countries anyway. the next destination is not important. if not in egypt, then saudi arabia and the united arab emirates, and if not there, europe and the united states, according to the report of channel 12 of the zionist regime's tv, tel officials avivo has asked tony blair, the former british prime minister, to negotiate with western countries as a mediator for the resettlement of palestinians to these countries.
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they do all their work in this small room . hello, this is the base of am melayam university of medical sciences, sadouqia, mrs. abedinzadeh and her companion, who for several years decided to sacrifice the narrator of jesus, the founder of the base was amin, from shahid shamran, and started a congress to memory of the martyrs they also wrote many books to remember the position of those who gave their whole life and youth in the way of giving their homeland. this book is about martyr paknejad. written by ma, a lady who, when i talked to her more , the story of her life can't be put into words, said that i was the first person to sleep in the sisters' basij at the same time i was leading the movement.
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and during the war years, i was the head of the women's group to collect aid behind the battle fronts, and i myself was responsible for 8 years. the front and the war being the issue of this life, the mother, the sisters of the martyrs, gathering for you , sewing at that time, there was no concern about salary and money, and this was not concern , she had a heart to do the work, many years have passed since those days, but mrs. abedinzadeh dedicated her whole life martyrs from holding the national congress from the martyrs of paknejad to the martyrs who defended the shrine since 1990 , which is almost the congress of these martyrs
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on the sedav sima news agency, the blood pressure is 120 to 80 mm of mercury and less than that is normal. blood pressure above 140 to 90 needs to be examined and referred to a doctor. national health survey.
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