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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm IRST

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after your purchase , we will host you at the central branch until 2:00 am. in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, greetings again , dear compatriots. dear friends of the khabar network, at 17:00 , we present the news of this section together with all my colleagues. the first meeting of the palestine committee of the asian council of assemblies with the slogan of co-operation of the assemblies for palestine has started an hour ago at the initiative of the islamic council. we will now join the reporter of sada wasima news agency , ms. alikhani sarkar. i greet you. please tell the viewers about the details of this meeting. i greet you in the name of god
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viewers of the khabar network, yes, we are located in the azadi hotel, where the first meeting of the palestinian committee of the asian assembly is being held from 16:00 with the presence of the speaker of the parliament and 16 countries . countries such as turkey, palestine, indonesia , malaysia, saudi arabia, china, bahrain are in this meeting. are present the people present in this meeting, while condemning the zionist regime , demanded the trial and punishment of the leaders of the zionist regime as war criminals. and saying that gaza is the first problem of the world and this is a test for the people of the world and he said: saying that
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the events in gaza are a crime of genocide, mr. ghalib continued to say that gaza is a real holocaust, schools, mosques, churches and even hospitals. the attack will take place and the international community and human rights have closed their eyes to the crime and exploitation of their child regime for 75 years, immediate and complete stop of the implementation and implementation. it should be on the agenda and the future of palestine belongs to the palestinian people , as you mentioned, the cooperation of the parliaments for palestine is the motto of this meeting. 19. i think that this is the end of this meeting and at the end of this meeting a statement will be read in a few minutes, mr. ghalib will leave the meeting place now. they will be present in the adjacent dialogue and
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will be present in bilateral and multilateral meetings. i think it was at 13:00 today that mr. qalibau had a bilateral meeting with the speaker of the syrian parliament regarding palestine and the events that happened in gaza. kardan yes, thank you very much, mrs. ali khani , sada vasima news agency reporter. yes, we have seen and heard my colleague's report from the meeting. assembly of asian parliaments in support of the people mazloum palestine, which is currently being held. continued news. the armed forces of yemen targeted an american ship in a joint naval operation . the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces announced: in this operation, it is the first response to the us attack on the yemeni forces. an american ship that supported the zionist regime was targeted with a large number of ballistic missiles and ppads. yahya
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seri said that the yemeni forces will prevent the movement of ships to the ports of occupied palestine until the end of the aggression and the lifting of the blockade of gaza. but the new statistics of the increase in the number of martyrs in gaza increase the number the martyrs of gaza are more than 2,357 people, according to the authorities of the gaza ministry of health and according to the latest reports from hospital sources. the spokesperson of the gaza ministry of health also announced that medical groups in gaza hospitals reported the use of non-conventional and prohibited weapons by the zionist regime. the health authority of gaza also said that because of the disastrous condition of the hospitals, the zionists practically sentenced 800,000 people to death in northern gaza . one day before the establishment of the hague tribunal to
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investigate the genocide of the zionists in gaza, the vice president of the knesset of the zionist regime stated that gaza and the people they should be burned, he said: there should be no mercy for the people who are still in gaza. we follow the news with a report on the beginning of the national competition of holy qur'an education. the national competitions on the teachings of the holy quran, nahj al-balagha and sahifa sajjadiyeh began in qom with the message of ayatollah makarem shirazi. 40 thousand people from all over the country in different stages of the educational section of international competitions.
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in a message to these competitions, shirazi considered the noble qur'an, nahj al-balagheh and sahifa sajjadiyeh to be the healing version of mankind and said that these noble books. and they learn the customs of life, peace, praise, justice and anti-tyranny. getting this knowledge and taking advantage of it is necessary acquaintance, learning, ounce and companionship, and then
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its action and application. 40,000 people from all over the country participated in different stages of this competition . the competitions that started in may , one stage of the competition was held in august, another stage was held in october, and the oral stage was held in november and december . in qom, the gathering of these educational competitions is in the sense that, for example, the qur'an is not simply recited, the meaning and content are in the text of the attention, which means that we interpret the qur'an with the teachings of the qur'an. the contents of the qur'an, the teachings of the qur'an, as well as the nahj al-balagha, which is a part of the words of amir al-mu'minin, peace be upon him, as well as those teachings that are in the sajjadi sahifa, the 40th
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national competition of the holy qur'an, nahj al-balagha and sajjadi sahifa, will continue for the next 3 days. and finally, on saturday, with the introduction of the selected people in the toy fields , they made it to the final stage of the 8th national toy festival . the 8th national toy festival. for a few years , designing in the toy industry was very common. attention it would not have been possible, but thanks to the grace of god, this point is now very important and manufacturers care about toy design. 573 toys were sent to the secretariat of the 8th national toy festival. out of these 573 errors, 223 errors actually enter
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the judging stage, and in 11 different categories, they are judged. 6 related categories, six are actually categories related to production quality, five categories are related to the purpose of the game and, so to speak, the value of the toys are judged. the quality of the toys of the 8th national toy festival compared to the 7th festival according to the judges compared to last year and recent years, the quality of alhamdulillah's works has improved, both in terms of creativity and design, as well as in the quality of construction. in the past, in the field of production of control machines, many items have entered the festival, one of the sectors that has really attracted attention this year is the field of production
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of control machines . we are observing both in terms of the design of our new products and in terms of packaging graphics and all the angles in the cycle. the toy industry chain is taking shape, this trend is growing and can be seen in the field the economics of children's culture and the promotion of valuable children's products in various fields , from toys to children's books, children's films, and various other fields , are in the process of serious summaries, and i am giving this good news, god willing. announce your decisions in this area soon . and there is also education for the field of toys, there is also for the field of board games , and there is also for computer games. ahmed amin fard
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of sed and sima news agency. well, we have reached 17:10 and the end of this news section. good time, god protect me, he said this. half-finished projects or half-finished plans i see that it is being followed, well, some of it was done in the previous government , some of it was done in the previous government , some of it was done earlier, but the debate is in whose name will it end, everywhere, i announced that this is in the portfolio of the islamic republic of iran. let's discuss in the name of which government it should be completed. finally, 20% should be done or not , 30% should be done or not. it should be done by any government. to create hope for people. the one that is important for us is to create hope in the hearts of people and
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this is the mission of all of us. now the literature may be different. this is how it is in all the courts in the world stand up no one needs to bow down to the smallest courts. but we see that sometimes in the same meeting, the third person stood up . i said 3 people were talking. the third person, a woman stood up from the crowd and said let me. talk, i said, talk. he said , i just came from iran yesterday. some of the newspapers that i saw had so-and -so headlines like the bbc and like some of the media that we closed in america. it was a woman. now my hijab was a hijab that was already in america. i don't know, i didn't know him, he said , he is one of the faces here, he is respected some of the newspapers that i look at call people names, some words call people names , why did i have this there, i mean
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, if we criticize a person, we criticize a government or the parliament. it's good for the law, it's good for growth, it's for perfection , it's definitely like that when i was in the judiciary, there was a meeting between mr. rouhani and mr. ali larijani. it was a meeting of three branches . all the cases that are on my table , i will point to the same result and you too help for the benefit of hamest, for the benefit of hamest, whether this work has been done or not, let 's reach a definite point, people hope that the problem of theft will not be solved by calling a thief a thief. one of two things will give people hope , or catch and punish thieves. or correcting corrupt platforms means , for example, in a certain place, because the law was clarified
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, the trade system began to work. after 20 or 30 years , which we all said, today the trade system has been activated, there will be less in this case, we are not saying that it is impossible to steal in that space. less transparency will help to reduce corruption in many of these areas issuing licenses in i don't know the tax law in many of these systems, the good thing is that it makes it clear. the reason for many of the things that give hope to the people is that we say that a person committed an offense, the offender was punished, or a corruption platform was corrected . this is our hope for the people. it is better to say it in the interpretation of a leader, say thief, because people do not have hope, they will say what happened to you. therefore, i agree with the opinion that there should be a final result and an end, people should be assured, people should be given hope, see this case, i believe. according to the leadership's orders, something should happen to them the title of the guideline, as a policy
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maker, as a leader, we are executors, my servant in the government , our friends, in the executive boards, in the boards , in your opinion, everyone, strive for a glorious election , everyone, give people hope that it will increase, participate in the elections, know that it is for everyone's benefit. it is in everyone's interest that the number of our participants in the elections increases . this is certain. this is very important and you should not worry about the presence of different tastes in the parliament. the parliament has always been the place of presence of various political elites. in the previous round, mr. medzikian was the deputy speaker of the parliament, and i was the head of the judiciary most of the time cooperation in the judicial commission , which was the judicial commission, being people, now maybe some of them are friends with us, some of them are not, the presence of different tastes in the parliament is not a concern in any way, the formation of a strong parliament
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will definitely lead to a strong government and a strong iran. my strength is that both expertise, commitment, and being a revolutionary are also the concern that is necessary for my transformation, that the tastes of all are present, sir, we, our friends, who sometimes disagree with each other , do not settle for the same difference of taste, we go to stages that are not much higher than this. there are also governments that go together between parliaments they have a difference of opinion, they have a difference of taste, the leadership also said that there may be a difference of taste between the members of the house, but i agree on one thing that the family should be preserved, here we have the same thing that the system of fruits is really a system of charity and many blessings, this system should be preserved. today, this good family tree that has had many effects must always be preserved. it is the duty of all of us to take action in this matter
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. what are the obstacles to participation in this discussion? be somehow that encourage and increase participation. surely, these mechanisms can play a role in increasing participation. economic issues can definitely encourage people to participate in elections more. friends, parties, groups , express their views and opinions in the same way as mr. haddad . in this regard, our suggestion is that they should say that, sir , in this regard, our economic issues are like this . .
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this will definitely cause problems for the society. we should work together with you. creating hope , we in your government are in the position of the parties it is very important for political groups and personalities to act in this regard, see how they act in this regard. regarding the other cases that friends have mentioned, i have noted them here . i don't want to take up much of your time. find the shape of the tribe, let's say there is no problem with someone in our tribe making a mistake. they are safe, but in the opposing tribe , no, it should not be, no , if we look at it tribally , this is a plague for all of us. it's a slip, this look turns our look into the same tribal system, even
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if we don't think we are modern, in fact , it's a completely tribal look. wherever it is, it may be the country's job . let's quickly say that china should not be something. let's stop china from being something. if we look at it this way , it can definitely lead to solving problems and actually more cooperation and coordination regarding leadership qualifications. i took it from what he said. they are qualified people, i said it myself i said to express my desire. they said according to their own community, i said that competent people are only denominators because of the reason, unless there is a documented reason that someone is not competent, people are based on their competence, if the reason is solid , it is because the monitoring bodies check to see if there is a reason, then naturally they say that there is no age but competence. yes, and we
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should welcome the fact that these people who are coming now are ready to participate in the elections. it is based on the same qualification , their presence will bring glory in the election and it can definitely be a reason for their presence. most of my friends, thank you for your good points. again, i believe that this meeting should not be enough , especially regarding the solutions and ways out of the problems and hopes of the people . be sure to let me know your views to other friends who somehow let us know. in the house of parties, god willing, give mr. hashmtian a good place . don't be my flock. the same opinions, different opinions that may be between the parties, should be discussed at the round table let's reach a common point of view. i think this is a correct proposal that you can
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see many of these issues. we must know that we are obliged to increase social vitality , increase social participation, and increase the social capital of the country's administrative system and organization. now, friends. saying that yes, poverty is very dangerous , so much so that if someone becomes poor , he will stop revolutionizing the system, this is not the case. we have many people whose financial situation is favorable to the revolution of the system and the leadership. there is a problem be that as it may, adherence to the revolution is definitely one of the missions of the revolution, removing corruption, eliminating discrimination , one of the important missions of the revolution, that is, the beautiful face of the revolution. poverty
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in my country, many things have been done during this period, but mr. adad, tell some of the services that he has done, now without mentioning the government, say that this service has been done, say that 6 million health insurance has been provided in the country, say , sir, that 4 knots have been opened. it doesn't hurt that it may have some blessings after all, god willing from that side some people should be told that there is no problem with criticism, there is no problem with criticism, the government accepts criticism , you know that today some people do not have morning or night at all, until they write 67 letters, headlines, subtitles, articles, editorials, such and such pages, and such and such services. but we didn't complain to anyone to say, sir, answer this , sir, the court, tell me why you said such a thing. they have a threshold of tolerance in the government. go see the country move forward, we all moved forward, we must do this day by day, with our activities and efforts
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, with our pen, with our steps, with our activities, we in your government, in the members and groups as effective figures , god willing, we will try to improve it , and god almighty will bless the blood of the martyrs that you see. we are commemorating the martyrs every day. the capital of the revolutionaries is being poured at the foot of this tree, according to the leadership , this tree is growing more fruitful day by day. created by man, when he looks at the greatness of this revolution, he is remembered by the blessing of the blood of the martyrs , this is the power of creation, this is the power of the imam. faridah, we must preserve this power . my preservation is that we should really try with all our might , god forbid
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we question the basis of the work by accusing each other . increasing the participation of the government's role in solving problems to increase the participation of the product of this meeting and the results of these meetings. increase participation as much as possible in the elections and for all the friends and tips that you have said, i am very grateful and i hope that god almighty will help all of us, god willing, that we will be able to know our duties and fulfill our duties for the happiness of the souls of the martyrs in this country. the role-players of scholars, peace, elders , officials, managers in all departments, let's write a blessing
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, in the name of god, hello, have a good evening . we are in the northwest of the western areas of the western part of the caspian sea and the western slopes of the alborz, due to the intensity of the rains, which in the form of rains cause flooding of the roads. it is accompanied by rains in the form of snowfall , which causes slippery roads and disrupts road traffic . therefore, our dear compatriots who are planning to go to mountainous areas, must bring the necessary winter equipment and warm winter equipment with them. we are witnessing heavy snowfall tonight in the southern parts of west azarbaijan province, the western half of kurdistan province, as well as the northern parts of zanjan and ghazvin provinces. it will continue to rain tomorrow.
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these rains continue in the northwestern parts of the southern part of the caspian sea and the southern slopes of alborz it will gradually reach the northern parts of khuzestan province in the slopes of zagros to chaharmahal bakhtiari province. we are also witnessing scattered rains in north khorasan province. we are seeing snow tomorrow in lorestan provinces, central hamadan and albert heights. we expect that on friday, only the intensity of the rains will subside in the southern part of the caspian sea , the rains will gradually end in the southern part of the caspian sea, but there will still be rains in the western parts of the country, the southern slopes of el bard, and the northern parts. the east of the country continues. on saturday, the rain system will enter the country from the north-west and the west . rains will start again in the north-west of the western areas of the western part of the caspian sea and the western slopes of alborz
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. on saturday and also on sunday , we are witnessing heavy snowfall in the southern parts of west azarbaijan province, the western half of kurdistan province. on sunday, the rains will extend to the eastern coasts of the eastern slopes of albort, as well as the southwestern parts of the country, and we are witnessing heavy rains in this region. in our regions , we expect that due to the wind from the caspian sea and the northern parts of the persian gulf, it will be rough tomorrow i sincerely thank you for accompanying us until this moment. allah is great, in the name of allah
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, the most merciful , the most merciful. the truth of allah, the most high, the great , allah, the one who created the light is hated. praise be to god, the one who created the light, i am the light. praise be to god, the one who created the light, i am
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the light. and the light came down and i realized that allah is the greatest . god is the greatest . god
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is the greatest. god is the greatest.


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