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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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we hope that with this, in fact, the possibility of new projects that we have, god willing, and these 7,000 that will be added, we will, god willing, be able to actually achieve a factor of two on the average , which, god willing, we will reach it by the end of the government, god willing, yes, god willing, this will happen. it will fall, well, along with this, in relation to our specialized forces, well, the specialized forces are helping in the form of assistants. approximately 65% ​​of the assistants were added to the specialized forces, that is, we got approximately 320 assistants per year, and we increased this to 5,400. we added, but you know that when you get an assistant , he will graduate in 4 years, or if you get a specialist, from those whose assistants have already passed, sometimes it will take 3 years to get to the m stage, but this is a prediction that
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will be done. according to the interview held by the cultural revolution council, in fact, 20% has been added to the medical capacity this year . in fact, we have received nearly 12,000 medical students. now , mr. khosravi, we are hiring approximately 10,000 nurses per nursing year, that is, 10,000 nurses in there are nearly 67 of us in our universities university. we have a faculty of medical sciences, and this is actually the training of human resources, which makes us finally create these centers that we have , and these can be provided in terms of human resources . specialist doctors up to the age of 5 to 12 should be added. it is true that we have the necessary infrastructure to be able to increase them. there is a cultural revolution council in relation to general doctors
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. well, according to my infrastructure, we should do this . i think we are almost face to face now. it means that we may not be able to give another increase. why? because these are the reason that they have enough patients , not enough classes will be added, do you mean or have they been added now? no, we think we want to make a proposal to the cultural revolution council to give them a stop for next year. patients are also necessary for medical fields, they must see enough patients and have enough experience. actually, whenever we reach a balance, we seek to be able to. in fact, it is different this is that we, god willing, with this in mind, there is one point that i wanted to tell you, this is that we. we also considered equipping the existing hospitals
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. well, alhamdulillah, with the resources we had , we were able to equip the hospitals almost as shown in the next diagram, and in the previous three years, 52 projects had actually been equipped, it reached 16 projects. 280 the device actually. advanced medical facilities were equipped in different parts of the country. all types of ct scan, mri, accelerators, sonography, radiology, actually different radiology devices in digital form and etc. and now you go to any province in fact, a large number of these devices are actually located in different places and these can be
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the services of our body, god willing, we are looking for people to actually do their own services there a very good thing that was done during this period was the issue of health tourism. we tried our health tourism to promote our own centers in this regard. now 280 of our hospitals have ip, which means that they have the ability to treat patients. accept them from outside and actually provide them with treatment facilities and this is interesting many countries now believe that the islamic republic of iran has one of the strongest areas of health in the region. you can see now that many people from iraq and other places come to the islamic republic of iran for treatment, and this is actually one of our honors. there is something we can do , of course, we have the same thing in the discussion of foreign students, there are nearly 7 thousand foreign students in different fields. various fields
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are being studied, mainly in specialized fields, or these are doing this work, so there is a question of equipping hospitals, on the other hand, there is a question of insurance. you regarding the insurance of mr. khosravi, we first insured the lower half of the society for free, then with the cooperation of the parliament , two decades were added, and now the lower half of the society is 5 decades without their knowledge . they go to the patients and ask them if they have insurance, but they say they don't know. they see that they have insurance , which means they don't need to get a booklet. this is one of the very good actions of the government, which actually includes maybe 12 million people, 20 million of whom are actually those who had rural insurance. and the issue of health insurance, which was always our dream
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, has almost been done. the government has allowed the remaining 3 months, so that they actually have the opportunity to apply for their own insurance. do it and tell them their financial ability that it can either be free or they can be charged less than before. anyway, this is one of the incidents. on the other hand, because of the youth of the population, in fact, women who are pregnant do this . pregnancy care is provided to them for free in our centers, and their delivery is free of insurance due to the young population of their children. in fact, they will be given their services for free for up to 5 years. the services that you provide, what are the services that they refer to our centers , because their national code is known , they can do this and get free services. to be able to use it and in fact this is a step
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so that, god willing, we will be able to make our insurance more universal in the future. very well , there is a report about the training of female doctors. these statistics are from the cities that do not have any female doctors. the statistics also confirm the statistics. we are sick of these dissatisfactions, we don't know where to go, mrs. niaz today if he has a doctor , there is no use for tomorrow after tomorrow, we have to go to nearby cities or go to ahvaz, the shortages that the leader of the revolution demands in meeting with different classes . even in some professions where women are required to be sufficient, such as medicine , it is obligatory for women to commit medical adultery as long as there are enough female doctors. the statistics
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of the medical system show that women's access to female specialist doctors has increased and has been achieved. in our country until 56-57 this number is 220 maternal deaths. this number is now 20 deaths in our country 100,000 birthdays means that we are one third of what the world wishes for, the gender explanation charts also show that in some specialized fields , the gender category is with men, which means that women in these fields have to go to a male doctor in our university, which does not have a specialist doctor. for example, after one month, diagnostic, therapeutic and care measures in medical institutions should
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be performed by technical staff of the same sex, while maintaining the patient's right to free will based on legal sharia standards and medical principles. now the ministry of health is making promises so that the law does not remain only on paper. we will definitely do this again we evaluate where it is needed , we will definitely create this report. it was a report about the training of gynecologists, which we will find out in the continuation of our conversation with mr. dr. ainullah. we have less than 15 minutes of those graphic images. showing our body. one of the problems we have in the country is that children sometimes need special care beds for the diseases they get. we generally attach special importance to the treatment of children because if a child is well if he is not treated , he wants to live another 60 to 70 years, so attention is paid to his treatment
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in order to prevent many subsequent complications , we unfortunately had only 556 special care beds for children in the country over the years. but in our government , the same number has reached 150 special care beds and it is saving many lives right now in kerman for these children who have an accident in this. fortunately, we were able to finally provide them with services and they were able to be saved. now, if you look at the next chart, it is actually a comparison chart that shows that medical equipment is actually a heavy investment in the past 3 years, only 91 cases have been added to the country. have been and during this period, we were able to increase it to 263 cases, and this is one of the important activities that is being done . there is a next chart regarding specialized assistants and specialized duties, which we
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actually have a 65% growth in the capacity of specialized assistants, who are future specialists. god willing , they will be explained in the country. this year, last year , we were able to explain 2,800 specialists in different parts of the country, 70% of whom were in disadvantaged areas . the next chart shows that there has been an increase from 273 cases to 47 cases . god willing, they will be able to do advanced work in the country , which you did. you also held a recruitment test for 25,000 people. yes , you got permission for 50,000 people. it is true that in order to reach 50,000 people , we think that we have a shortage of 75,000 people. let's do it. in the first stage, 25,000 people
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were given permission by the country's employment agency. now the final stage, god willing , will be explained in the country, and we will continue with the next stage, god willing. the sacrificers have changed the situation and this is very helpful it was great for us to be able to determine our own manpower , god willing. on the other hand, we have a law called the manpower plan law, which, according to the law of the parliament, requires people to serve in the required areas of the country for a period of two years. which is also the forces that help us in relation to the work we are doing, the hiring of health care workers is one of the things that we have considered among these people . .
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you see, in the field of medicine and our equipment, it is a process that different organizations are involved in this process , that is, from the central bank, the organization of the budget plan, customs , insurance, and laws that these laws can actually be enacted, they can create problems in any case . in fact, the duty of that import was actually considered to be 4%, but before it was 1%
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, that is why people did not clear, or the added value was approved at 9%, and then people did not leave until july. because about 60% of our companies are private and when these two laws are amended this time, he was able to get the discharge, so it is a cycle, there is a set , which is done slowly, 4 of the complications were the same, and it was removed. we sometimes see that a medicine is registered, an order is placed, all the steps are completed , and the last step is when you make our bank, which is a foreign bank , to pay with that company . one time due to sanctions, veringold did this recently. once the registration of orders was stopped , it has to start again from the beginning due to these juvenile sanctions
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men say that we have it and we didn't embargo the equipment, but unfortunately, this embargo is created with the banking embargo, and in fact , we are working day and night. really, mr. khosravi, these friends of ours, dear young people, dear experts in the field of finance, are really working day and night to be able to people's problems should be solved in the discussion of medicine and equipment. fortunately, we actually produce 99% of my medicines now , of course , we have 50d and 50d imports in this case, so that's it in this cycle. we are actually doing things, but our situation this year is much better than last year, that is, we are in terms of this year the supply of medicine is in a better situation , but now we are talking about pharmacists, pharmacists were in such a way that due to the fact that drugs were given preferential treatment in previous years, drug smuggling
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was terrible. i saw my medicine , we didn't send it there, nobody exported it, but drugstores were smuggling it at 10 times the price we had, and they were selling it at 10 times the price they were going from afghanistan and other places , so this is people's capital. there, the preferred width was changed to a half width, and it was decided that this they should pay the difference with darvar bimaha's plan , and it was actually a relatively successful plan, and they need it, the reason is that the difference in the price of our powdered milk was big , a lot of it was smuggled, and a lot of it was used for non-children's purposes . now in some of the industry and food , i don't know, sweets shop, etc., and these and that didn't
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reach the goal, it was decided that formula milk would be given to two-year-old children at the same preferential price based on the national code, and this difference would be covered by the health insurance. that you removed the preference to prevent tajisho border smuggling, but for consumption the producer to the real consumer is the same number that caused us, alhamdulillah, almost in the last month that we consume about 5 million milk per month . it will be created for someone who gets it freely , but if someone with their national code can get 10 strength milk powder per month, the 10 strength they get will be given a preferential offer in relation to the order you said. mr. president has always advised us that you must implement the law
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we consider ourselves bound to implement the law and they are very emphatic in this regard and everything in marjal. according to the law and according to the internal regulations of the parliament , it should be approved and announced to us and it should be legal. we regularly report to them and we are obliged to solve the problems and needs of the people in general, and this is a continuous work that is being done in the country. on the other hand , in the discussion of academics, i can tell you that we are 40%. we had an increase in knowledge-based companies . right now
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, this year we have 69 new drugs. we had 69 new and new drugs and new equipment. maybe this is one of the important things. right now, we have city scan, which is a very advanced imaging device. two of our knowledge-based companies are now producing it, and we are currently producing 35. in fact , our hospital came with this knowledge-based company signing contracts in the embassies that mr. president visited in africa or in south america, where i also had success , the exhibitions that we put on especially in south america , they were really surprised that both in terms of medicine and in terms of equipment, the islamic republic of iran
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mr. khosravi, how far has it progressed , now we have an ekg measuring device as big as the palm of my hand. i wish i had brought it. you could have seen that it can take the ekg by connecting it to the human body, and it can send it to a mobile phone and interpret it. we give this to every president i was surprised at all. they said that this is really made in iran, but it belongs to other countries , that is , today we are witnessing a very good growth in the companies of scientists. in fact, they started the science and technology park of shahid haj qassem soleimani in these science and technology parks. with the facilities provided by the honorable deputy fermanai of the president , they are exempt from taxes , they can import many goods, and
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we hope that they will be able to import the facilities provided by the government. grow, one really advice that i have for the people , hazrat agha said yesterday that whatever is done by the people will really succeed if people invest their capital in these knowledge-based companies and these knowledge-based companies. if they produce something, the country's needs will be met, and we can export to many countries. god willing, we have a good jump in the field of health. alhamdulillah. thank you. you apparently compiled the drug online so that you can see it after it is announced medicine is very dangerous, that is, medicine if the patient is not well justified, especially. it is very dangerous and we really have to take this into consideration, and if someone takes, for example, a medicine that needs to be taken twice a day
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, or three or four times a day, or for example, a medicine that is 5 milligrams, for example, 5 milligrams, 10 milligrams. or, for example, prednisa, we have 5 mg . we also have 50 mg. instead of 5 mg, take 50 mg . it means that the dosage is likely, or that, for example, the drug , which means that the responsibility lies with the pharmacy technician, and he can also take it in the form of you can also give the medicine in person give it in person , but he is responsible, that is, in the program that we have in front of us now , which we are planning with the ministry of communications , it is in this way that that pharmacy has a history, especially in drugs that are frequent, maybe it is not suitable for the first time.
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for the first time, it may be necessary for a person to come in person to explain about certain medicines, sometimes in our field , which is now the eye field, sometimes he gets sick, and we explain to him that he should not use this medicine by mistake, for example. especially first course drugs that must be taken in person ok, but for example, those who have a history of being sick and can go to that pharmacy, in fact, they can do so either in person or to the fact that the doctor said this in his letter , considering the dangers of the cold chain link , it must be observed. yes , the date of use must be observed, god forbid, for example, the medicine that is not actually our usual
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, which in the second part, i thank the honorable members of the parliament for always being our friend in all things, helping in many places , and we hope that this cooperation between the government of the parliament will be legal. may it continue and so will we. we know that we are bound by the law as mr. president has repeatedly emphasized this to us, thank you very much, mr. minister, for your excellency's presence in the first page program and thank you for
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watching. according to the current law , there is no illegal procedure. surely the honorable parliament cannot be proud of this matter. now , let's say that we are doing everything that the gentleman said . it is the relatives who decide and urge the people to look for our president in kish and qeshm and look for them. mr. rouhani , i didn't bother you until i met you, even though it was time you didn't let us go, we are the burdeners of ourselves. attack the respected minister of the country, more than 30 million
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people, the level of budget influence. the important thing is that the society is extremely poor now. what did the people have in the past? what do they have now? let's tell the people to mobilize and declare that everything is a shambles . i protest. if tehran continues until the hour , please provide a case and don't use it as an example. it became very tense, no, you should take it out of the tension . the meeting of the president with a group of party representatives and political activists is legitimate tonight after the news of 21 khabar channel.
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a product or a basket of products, for example, 20 million tomans and we are supposed to pay 20% of it in advance, this 20% must be reduced from the consumer price, so our debt will be 16 million tomans, and we must pay installments based on this amount.
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they used to say that a fish is fresh whenever you take it out. what does it mean? it means that it is never too late to turn to our own actions. such as continuing education, creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, modifying consumption habits and managing electricity consumption. now, a small part of people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and if they move a little and increase their accuracy, they will definitely be able to follow the consumption pattern. return give me 5 minutes once, all
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my electrical appliances. they are not used, that is, when they are ready to work or when they are asleep, such as coffee makers , tea makers, microwaves, computers, tvs, etc. these are electrical devices that consume electricity when they are turned off, and when we do not need them , they must be unplugged. most of them consume much more than lamgast. if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the electrical outlet and take the utmost care when buying them, you will see that you have not only done your pocket a great favor, but also in order to preserve we have taken a big step for the country's environment and vital resources.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers . welcome to the news section of atba at 20:30. managers. south khorasan special economic zone organization issued 29,658 trucks from the border site of the special economic zone of kala province this month based on incoming and outgoing trucks. according to dhareh, this amount of exports increased by 47% compared to the same period.


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