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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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and the political fronts are some members of the house of parties and some are political figures and activists, just as i said to the gentlemen, the maximum time that is predicted according to mr. president's time is one and a half hours, if you please, first of all, mr. and the muslims of mr. ansari , let's start, we are at their service. after the words that i want from the leadership during the days of nowruz in the shrine of hazrat imam reza, peace and blessings be upon him, they emphasized the four axes for the upcoming elections, which were detailed recently in the meeting with the people of kerman. we expected this from the honorable parliament dear government, dear guardian council and those involved in the election. according to the necessity of planning
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, first of all, to achieve a high quorum in the future elections and to solve the problems of the past, and secondly , to secure the confirmation of the supreme leader , unfortunately, it turned out the other way around. in the meantime , we have seen the election law in the parliament, not only in this direction. in order to solve the past inadequacies that caused the people's hope in the fund and the efficiency of the ballot box to decrease , and their participation, but also the incorrect methods that existed in the past in the examination of qualifications and the like were criticized, and it was hoped that these would be resolved. it has become the official law of the procedures, it has become the law, mr. doctor, you are aware of the fact that
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in our country, the parties have not yet found their true position, more than the parties, now it is the clans that are decisive in the elections, and in a way, in fact, we should let's have a shift, relatives. of course , if dr. haddad doesn't mind , let's move the word shift, in fact, the approaches from the side of the relatives to the parties. they can bring the social body with them and raise people's insight and awareness . the presence of women in the list and taking women's capacities seriously is an issue that is mentioned in the orders of the authority the supreme leader was very serious about it , based on meritocracy, definitely women with the tact and elegance they have and the analysis of the situation.
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they can seriously help to hold a lively and healthy election. the executive should do something . the policy that the supreme leader said should be implemented in the field. we are doing the opposite of what the supreme leader says. i don't know how we want to do it, but anyway, in such a place, we want the election process to be enthusiastic. we have to have some transparency and let different tastes be present as the supreme leader said so that they can kill the rest of the people at the polls otherwise they will not be. ours comes , they don't, and this is something that i believe the executives should pay attention to and try to ensure that the policies and
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guidelines of the supreme leader of the earth remain unchanged . according to other communities, this should be done for the country as well transformation should be done because people want this transformation . the second step is transformation, not the first step is to repeat the next parliament. the representatives of the reformist and reformist want us all to discuss our own interests and our own thoughts. now, the fundamentalist reformer of the honorable guardian council must also create change. in the letter i wrote to the guardian council, i said that with twenty thousand people of course, you can't reach your lack of qualifications that duty.
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it is legal and shariah for you to announce them according to the constitution. well, you can't let the guardian council , which does not know, approve it. but leave it to the people not to remove the qualifications of several thousand people. the president is responsible for the implementation of the constitution according to the 13th article of the constitution, so even in the matter of how to check the qualifications, in my opinion, the president can interfere, at least. give the authority of the constitution , and this does not mean the so-called interference of powers , the constitution gave this authority to the president . another thing is that the participation rate in this
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election period is very important in my opinion, considering the events of last year, very important if the elections the so-called. low involvement, definitely used opponents and enemies of the system are placed. therefore , i have to say that we should increase the participation no matter what . mr. ansari aziz's election law amended several things, and i think it should have been appreciated. the first point is that it increased the opportunity . haq nasi who led. who is also a candidate yes, the people are actually the people who are the places of reference and the different factions, this should be fully dealt with, which means that this lack of investigation, which sometimes had problems and there was no time to be dealt with, today is a full opportunity and no one's rights will be lost, god willing. follow
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i would like the respected guardian council to submit complete documents. today it has become a law . now there is no illegal procedure , no taste can be applied, everything is legal , but for us to say that we don't accept this law , when the parliament has passed it and the guardian council has approved it, i don't think it is worth paying attention to. and perhaps they wanted to convey a political message with late registrations, but these earlier registrations somehow did not provide the space and that the political game and a really good meeting has been formed , but there is little opportunity to say some points . i
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will initially emphasize mr. ansari's proposal . finally, now we were gathering a hundred or so people ready. we did, but 70 of them went to the same executive committees, so what kind of candidates do we have that we can take a loan from? what is the problem? we also said we act according to the law. mr. shariati , let's answer mr. shah charaghi. he says that the law says that we should reject it. it seems to me that we faced two elections with favorable growth. one was the sixth republic with 83 in the fifth government, the tenth republic with 85 in the ninth government. and two elections with a reduction of almost three elections , one of the fifth republic in the fourth government, one of the second council
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in the seventh government, and one of the 13th republic and the 11th parliament with 42 percent of the parliament and 488 in the 13th republic. with this very simple calculation, we can see that the supporters of increasing participation say if the increase is doubtful, we will vote, this shows that this is not the case, gentlemen who are discussing how disqualifications can attack the respected minister of the country or the mere representative of these. it is not acceptable in a period when supporters of participation are demanding an increase in participation and voting in this situation. in this period, with a decrease in incoming participation in the next 60 days, when our elections require participation, participation should
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reduce the feeling of dissatisfaction to a minimum, what should we do, i believe. therefore , mr. president, now is a good opportunity for the government of the esteemed parliament in the form of your remaining budget for next year, with more than 30 million retired and working people affected by your budget. growth the salary of this group is 18 while inflation is above 40. let's assume that you will be able to reduce it by a few percentages. is this the status of the purchasing power of these people can be. the parliament, the government, and political activists
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, whatever name you call it, i want to return to ourselves a little bit , we will discuss those debates on the radio and in other places , blame it all on me, mr. kwakinim, he is interested in the constitution and other debates or the council. the guardian of these, we, the guardian council, have the same qualifications as you. we say that this medicine has an entry permit, but this drug can be used in 10 licensed forms with very wonderful qualities ok, well, out of 10 people, 100 people, 50 people that we nominate, why don't we nominate the best ones, for the next parliament to be stronger and for the government and other places, we will at least take the collars of those servants of god, we insist on that. and i don't think that's all, so let's get back to ourselves. how well did we do our duty as a politically active party of pockets, i
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want to not show gratitude and speak bitterly , i apologize in advance, i ask you to gather more bitter people around you and there are always grateful people in everyone. there are governments and my first request to your excellency is to face social issues openly , let them talk to you a lot , we have spread despair around. we are creating social conflicts in the society , we are creating conflicts that are not necessary, mr. raisi , you are in the worst situation today, the president is under sanctions during your term. we know that you are under pressure to impose sanctions. we know that you are under pressure, we know that i want your government to do all this for the people
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good luck to all the friends who are here, especially the reformers now that i don't represent anyone , i know they all want people's problems to be solved , and good luck to you too. this hope is not only related to one power and one device. in any case, in the presence of mr. president and honorable minister of the country, naturally, most of the demands go to the government , it is true that the government has a responsibility, it must prepare for competition and participation, and part of this presence , participation, definitely goes back to the performance of the government. after all, these are important. but there is also an important issue in the group of these dear ones who
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are the avant-garde parties and groups and are the leaders of the society and are the intermediaries between the people and the society. how many people hope for this in civil and party institutions. i am very happy that from the words of some dear ones who have a different political opinion or may even be considered a competitor of the existing government , they are emphasizing that we should help the government by following islamic principles. that we we know that the scholars are here, they know that the coming of poverty means the departure of faith. and people know that public livelihood is necessary for salvation and religiosity. all the scholars
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accept this and no priority can be higher than public welfare and society in the society of fighting against poverty and achieving sustainable development for the country . unfortunately, this policy is blocked and in the debate . i used to have a tv, now mr. shoaim, you don't have it, i wanted to say very seriously, because people are unhappy because of the economy, because the previous government did bad things, people don't go to work, but now it doesn't matter if it did not do bad things or if it did good things. this is that the society is now extremely poor. i want to tell you a memory, you know that in 1346, mr. bahner akhbishon together with abu bandeh started a cultural foundation, which was called "refah" at that time, and the word "refah" was also used for the fighters because the situation of the people was not good at that time, and if you remember, this is
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the chain store. oh, to start. re-naming it welfare and doing all their efforts during this period to improve the condition of the people in terms of infrastructure and prevent moderation from ruling the society , the politics of untimely slogans will not cause the condition of the people and the national income of the country to go down. i request that now, while you are dealing with the elections and the issues, help to ensure the defense of the people, god willing, peace be upon you and the mercy of god peace be upon you, we have 140 parties, 95 national parties, 45 provincial parties, and 19 fronts. well, they all have these in the country they are active, but only about 40-50 parties that are here are active, and we are grateful that for the first time in the history that i was in azab house , as the head of azab house for two terms
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, our beloved president gave us an appointment for the first time. thank you. special from this point of view, his highness, i have a comparison servant that i had in the 11th session of the majlis fifth, because the parties are working, the participation is the highest, and in the 11th parliament, because the parties are not working , the participation is the lowest there, 72, here, 40. if you want to bring people to the polls, pay attention to the parties , the parties accept my way. now in our country , our parties are oppressed by themselves. and this oppression is also the fault of muslims. they are a system because you don't pay attention to the parties and you don't accept the parties. how many times in the previous government mr. nobakht is here? on the suggestion of mr mr. ansari, i emphasize that if this happens , there is a minimum that, sir, these
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twenty thousand people who are already in the second stage of registration, they are safe candidates, why are you afraid of them, confirm them all, what is this? finally, now that early registration , which definitely benefited the political atmosphere of the country because the elections were not yet an electoral atmosphere in the country, surely the honorable parliament cannot be proud of this matter. how much role did the government play now, how much role did the parliament play now? at least allow it. this remains without strict approval of everyone. in big cities , it is not very important to do anything. at least in the cities , in fact, a vote should be made in the local competitions. the system is facing at least one more unfavorable situation than what it actually had in the previous elections.
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in the economic example , you cannot do important work in these election months , at least a few of these cases. it is important, in fact , to end corruption with the determination of the judicial branch and the executive branch in cooperation with each other . it can solve the problem to a certain extent. this is what friends say about inflation. they don't say what kind of burden they put on the shoulders of this government from the previous government. these friends who were here , some of them may have been in the government, and in that meeting they said to you, sir: what is the fuss and how much is the dollar and you can't give me the monthly salary like this? i want it. let me say that, for example, our brother mr. hashemi talks about poverty and the poor. it is very interesting. well , my dear, it was during your rule of law that you said that
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poor people need to be developed so that they are crushed under the wheels of development. who can say that the sanctions are not effective in our society? who can say that they do not have a negative effect? they are that the sanctions have very destructive and negative effects. where did the sanctions start? since fitna 88 , when i said a sentence of ahmadinejad
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, i mentioned ahmadinejad, ahmadinejad , khatami rouhani. you can see the negative aspects of it as i mentioned, as i mentioned about mr. ahmad
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, and that is that if we raise the status of the parliament in this future parliament and bring the needs of the society to the attention of the parliament, which should be solved, if you remember , after the hostage taking. nest of spies, when the assembly was formed, the imam said that this should go to your assembly to be approved by the majlis. when the majlis is said to be approved by the majlis, it means giving a new dignity to the majlis . the people in general now , it doesn't matter if they are our comrades or someone else, the important thing is that this parliament is formed with high participation, it doesn't matter who goes in that parliament, but
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this way of participation is to raise this parliament's status. when the society feels that there are one or two serious tasks left on the ground, now you know the examples much better, one or two tasks left on the ground will be done by this future parliament and this assembly. if the future is crowded and participatory , it can and is capable of this. maybe you will get a lot of votes and solve these social problems . it means that they understand that the place of this future parliament has a special place. i think one of the serious ways is everyone's participation. we know that people are in trouble, but the truth is, let's tell the people about the 44 years of service before, now, i am a child of the revolution, but many of you understood before the revolution . what did the people have in the past, what do they have now?
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not to mention hopelessness and despair, these people judge themselves let's leave it to the people who has done poorly and who has done well, the people know the opportunity for education, the opportunity for treatment, the services, the facilities and the good things that have happened in this revolution. mr. president , i believe that the guardian council has been oppressed . our friends, the front parties and coalitions play the biggest role in removing worthy people from the elections and reducing the elections when the front and coalitions threaten that if they enter our list. don't vote. we know that after the election, some people will be removed from the election if 20,000 people register
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, these 20,000 people, if they stay in the election, each of them can get 1,000 votes, they can try it, it is 20 million . you mentioned the government's determination to solve this issue, but at the same time, there is a network of anti-filter sales. it is formed in society and a so-called rentier profession is formed. these conflicts affect people's participation and trust. these are the things that can be solved by the government. this is not the law that we expected let's go back and bypass the law, re- election and re-registration. or let's go back to this heresy that, in my opinion, is on the way by this parliament. the reduction of participation was put in the name of pre-registration of cheese . this is already in the hands of the government
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. it is expected that your excellency's government, which is called the government of transparency, and: it is also a dynamic government. have been placed on the table of the government of the islamic republic of iran and public opinion is still waiting daily to see what will be done. the reformists welcomed the statements of the supreme leader of the revolution, but little it seems that the addressee of his warning and request is to participate in secret and hold competitive, free and fair elections for the government assembly and the guardian council , why instead of revising and correcting the wrong laws and policies of the past, which created an atmosphere of chaos and despair for the people, especially the generation young people and turning their backs are funded, no practical action is taken , instead, everyone was forced to announce that everything is a mess and contrary to the real and existing atmosphere
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, it is announced that all the tastes of the representatives of the political currents are present. by implementing itself and solving people's problems, the government can influence participation over time by the way, i understand that your highness is from the people, so it's not like we look for our president in kish and qeshm and so on when there is a flood. when there is a flood , when there is an earthquake, you are with the people, this has an effect on the increase of participation, because you, if someone does such and such, i will pray and say yes, and this increase has hope, because you are not managing from behind the scenes, it is not like this. for a year and a half, for example, your notebook did not come out . you wrote this
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, hopefully some of the problems will be solved if you do, this hope will definitely increase. unlike my friends, i believe that the participation in this course, if it is not better than the previous one, is definitely not lower than the previous one , because people's hopes have increased. i think that some changes should be made in the issues. politically , let's show that the government is in the direction of improvement and affairs , in every aspect, both domestic politics, foreign policy, social issues, and economic issues . there were some protests and now some say riots, some people say protests . anyone can say whatever they want. it doesn't matter. there are some people on the street expressing their displeasure. i felt
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that once i saw in the vacuum area under tehran , the municipal loaders also started to demolish our buildings. i said, what else? when are you going to find these creatures in the middle of the street when people are pouring into the streets and they are getting crowded , he has remembered that these houses are illegal and he has to go and destroy them with a loader. i would like to thank mr. raisi and their colleagues who formed such a meeting and these words that were said, although some of them were contradictory , but at the same time, everyone tried to
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speak their own words. god willing, it will be effective. but because i have a media background. apart from other records, i object to media policies, to the country's media. this has nothing to do with the government, it has nothing to do with the president either. now they may be able to influence. as an example , mr. raisi , we are the eighth president of the islamic republic of iran. where are the other seven, or have they passed away or have i been removed from the media? so my specific suggestion is that if we want participation to increase.


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