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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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baba, anna, i love akhil, the only one in the world. baba , i love you.
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as for the fishes, the sands , the spices, and everything else, for the sake of the father , you are always watching the madrasah, and the children are busy , and you are watching the animal park, and the animals are playing, and you are watching the animals . ho kan sandi and azuti, kan ho yiji ali al-madrasa, ysal ani and atini al-musrof, kan lama before us, i sing for you and kholini, and hug you before us, anam, and we were thirsty, all of us were thirsty.
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the us secretary of state has traveled to west asia four times in the last 3 months. meeting with the head of the palestinian authority, the bahraini authorities , was one of blinken's plans in this regional trip. about the details of this. i will have a conversation with mr. fouad ezadi, an expert on american issues , mr. ezadi. hello, i will go to the main point of mr. blenken's article , what is he looking for in his trip to the region, and do you think he has achieved his desired results, in the name of allah , the most merciful, in my opinion, mr. blenken's trip has three main reasons. the first reason is the domestic audience in america , you know based on the numerous opinions of young people
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america is strongly against this genocide that we are witnessing in gaza and everyone knows that this is american money, american bombs , american political support and american money , american crime, and people outside of america also know that inside america, now some strata in america are under zionist media propaganda is not a problem , but a significant percentage of the majority of young people are the ones who are going to vote for mr. biden in a few months. in the blood of about 100 children daily it's a problem for them. blinken wants to make a gesture that we are looking for a political solution, or we are looking for diplomacy, or
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we are looking for a reduction, for example, of the killing of innocent people. this is what they are saying, and no one, at least outside of the united states, believes it, not many inside the united states believe it either. the first reason , the second reason goes back to these countries that are visited from there. these countries are allies of america, they are aligned with america, sometimes they are servants of america, and they are under the pressure of the public opinion of their own people, and they need to be pampered, they need to be comforted. they need this. that they should be told that being an ally of a criminal country will benefit them later, a diplomatic activity that the americans are involved in anyway, because these countries keep their allies and their side, and they will never go to the side like the islamic republic. the third reason is that this is an american project. israel has failed in its purpose and
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now the americans and israelis are looking to see if they can achieve some of their political goals, that is, in gaza , other than killing people's women and children and destroying people's houses. they want to see that they can reach some of these goals through diplomacy. you mentioned the failure and the search for achievements in this region. i want to ask, in your opinion , the american plan for the future of palestine. and what is gaza? some experts in this program believed that there is a difference of opinion between the zionist authorities and the american authorities. do you think so ? you see, the difference of opinion that exists in mr. nathanihome's government is also in mr. biden's government.
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sometimes there may be differences of opinion between american and israeli officials, but the americans they do not consider themselves to be separated from israel, one of its tricks. what the americans have is that netanyahu is looking for his own interests and this is affecting the future of israel and the situation that israel has in the political field is not able to manage itself and now because your schedule is short, it will not be possible to go into all the details. my request to you and other experts is that this dispute between america and israel should not be raised in such a way that, for example, america is a good policeman and israel is a good policeman. both of them are behaving in a way that they look like they make it right that america is a good police officer, israel should not deceive us. we must
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realize that america's concern for the future of israel is greater than many of the people sitting in mr. netanyahu's cabinet, including mr. netanyahu himself. a disaster for the zionist regime, this will not lead to the fall of this regime and they will manage saharna in such a way that they can use the zionist regime for their goals , so mr. zedi, you
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do not see a difference between the views of america or the current strategy of america and the zionist regime, and you considered them to be the same. from your talk, but about the american plan what do you say about the future of palestine and gaza? it is one of the goals that the americans have repeatedly said, and this is also one of the goals that is not easily achieved because , first of all, the self-governing government has no acceptance among the people, and some of the palestinian fugitives
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, who they are worse than the corrupt government , and their name is being mentioned now. they have no acceptance. hamas is a part of the palestinian people, and if this is achieved, the goal is to destroy hamas, and that they cannot operate in the political sphere in gaza is one of the goals that can be easily achieved. it is not available one of the things that mr. blinken does , which i mentioned, was his third goal, to achieve those goals that he could not achieve in the field, in the political environment , for example, to somehow justify the country of qatar so that he would go and take sides. palestine should manage in a way that after the end of these crimes that we have been witnessing for more than 90 days, the image that the americans want and the israelis want will come out, which is one of the things that it is not clear
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whether mr. eizdi will finally get it. i also have a question . if you could give me a short answer , i would appreciate it mr. mahmoud abbas has spoken. in your opinion , what does the united states mean by reforming self-governing organizations? look at the corrupt self-governing organization and the money from america. they take it from the europeans, they spend it on themselves and their families, and one of the reasons why the palestinian people don't trust god is that they don't know these things. okay, there are often people who are puppets in america and europe, but what can mr. blinken say? for example, i am justifying the killing of 100, 150 children
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on a daily basis, when he travels to the region , he has a news conference, he has to say something . whenever he criticizes the zionist regime, he criticizes the self-governing government , which is his puppet, so don't take his words too seriously. fouad eizdi , an expert on american issues, but the scope of the protests in america is supporting the joe biden government in the war against gaza, which is expanding . according to al-mayadeen network, these protests have gone beyond young people and women, and thousands of american workers have also participated in demonstrations to support the issue. palestine joined. after several weeks of demonstrations and protests by thousands of american workers in support of the palestinian issue. the heads of more than 60 trade unions and labor unions took a stand and called for a ceasefire in gaza. the main reason
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for the current developments and the widespread existence of this feeling among the members of our union and many citizens is that what is happening in gaza is a crime, and they have all pressured us to at least raise the events there. in the past, trade unions were ignorant and did not pay attention to world events, but this is over now. despite the doubt workers in the us military industry joined the protests to keep their jobs, but assessments indicate that a large number of unionized workers are unhappy with the continuation of the war in gaza. the number of members of these trade unions is about 20 million people and they traditionally vote for democratic party candidates. unions are not just fighting for wages
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, they are also strongly opposed to america's funding of israel's war on terror. the time has come for workers, regardless of their economic influence, to stand in solidarity with palestinian freedom. to use the position of these unions is the beginning of a historical change in full support for israel and a review of this support. this transformation. it takes place under the pressure of union members on their officials. the pension funds of various unions invest huge sums in israeli securities , which have not yet started selling these bonds, but a special committee was formed to evaluate any kind of move to transfer these investments to put pressure on israel. it seems that the protests against the government's support for the war against gaza are expanding and from young people and women it went further and reached the labor sector, which
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is the real danger for joe biden's election campaigns. muhammad karim washington in the last two days, the zionists announced the reduction of their forces in gaza and announced that they want to enter a new phase of their plans and change the shape of the conflict , i am talking about this, mr. mojtaba ghanbardos, an expert on west asian issues, mr. ghanbardos, hello, are there really new things happening , is the shape of the conflict changing, or is the issue that the regime has not been able to achieve its demands in gaza, and now he is justifying his retreat in the name of god rahman al-rahim, i offer my greetings and respect to all the viewers of the noble people of iran and his highness. i would like to tell you that during these 96 days of resistance of the people of gaza
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, a myth has been created about the issue of palestine and the palestinian people and the people of gaza . the use of any level of manufactured and non-manufactured heavy light weapons and all types of weapons have received all kinds of political support from the west. even the united states has used all kinds of veto rights to support the military support that the west has had last year by sending weapons the army was even recently in the news that the deployment of troops reached 10,000 people, or
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the financial support they had and listening to the various business chapters they had were stuck in supporting gaza, and the same issue that the leadership officials had pointed out, that the failure was irreparable. it's really the same , that is, the more he tries to make up for what has been broken, the more he falls into this trap. he had decisively announced the elimination of hamas , he had announced the political elimination of hamas in gaza, or in other cases seriously, he has not achieved any of these goals , he has suffered a political bombshell crisis inside the zionist regime, and also an issue that is perhaps
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less discussed is that he suffered a social divide before the attack on the 7th of october . the wounds of the secularist movement in the zionist regime, which are rarely addressed, now if we see that one of the problems of the zionist regime is that its citizens are not ready to fight, it means that the zionist regime's model of government is an ideological model, but different people and different types of the nations he brought it to occupied palestine, their thinking model is secular, with their own secular people, he can't make these fighters into resistance fighters, that's why , for example, if
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he calls up a few thousand of his own reserve force, maybe 15% to 20%. they are lucky , so it has these problems on its side, but if you look at the withdrawal from gaza , we can say that there are several reasons for this. hundred million dollars daily cost of war, even these office employees they called the government and now some of them are fighting by force, for example , it is spending 80 to 100 dollars a day for them, and they are suffering from a lack of forces and suffering
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a lot of casualties. tahyanesti regime suffered casualties in the attack. you know this talk about changing the front, which can be attributed to the fact that they somehow want to justify their lack of control in the battlefield. the trip to the region is announced it has more media properties and influence on public opinion. i would like to ask you that some of mr. blinken's consultations in the region are analyzing that the opposite front is planning for the future of gaza. on the other hand, we hear that some western countries say that the zionist regime must leave gaza completely. in the polls, we have that hamas is increasing in popularity and
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i consider the palestinian resistance forces to be the winners. in your opinion, i want to know what is the future plan that can be predicted for gaza under these conditions . what do you think? it is a good question. there is this puzzle in order to analyze the issues, we have to look at the order in the field of the international system , what was the condition of the united states before the october 7 attack , see one of the important pieces of the puzzle is that not only the zionist regime of the united states is oblivious. it means that one of the important components that the united states was looking for was that it avoided any conflicts and political and security challenges in the region, that is , it was not at all a priority and national document to deal with the region for the time
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being. the security that he had in the region was not in good condition and the situation in ukraine is because of this the region was not his priority, now he is forced to enter the region and deal with the region, and he has a corner of his eyes on his competitors, which is exactly possible. it is the same thing that china, china and russia want, that the united states finally enters another front and gets involved in it. it is worried that the united states will end up with all these support that it is getting and it is very expensive . which has no goals, both political and military, and all these areas seem to me to be the social capital that the united states
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had acquired because of the slogans of human rights, the slogan of democracy , the liberalist slogan that he had given in the world and a watery reputation that he had collected for himself after the october 7 attack and after the immense support he has for the zionist regime, every day passes. any veto right that he is using is taking away from his social capital , he is being hated in public opinion, even in his strategic partners, even in our region, even in western countries, which means that this is one of the important issues that are under pressure in the international sphere in the opinion of it was public in the world and also in his own public opinion, that is, in the last month the gallup institute had conducted a survey within the american community. this gallup institute
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was, in their own words, one of the most reliable american institutions for sunni opinions and polls. yes , about 52% of american women support the palestinian people and condemn the zionist regime. . it is a fact or even more interesting that it is an indication of the intellectual result of the american society that 18 to 34-year-old american youth 67 have expressed their opinion in support of palestine. israel commented on this it shows that inside the american society and even in the political sphere and political veins that we observe, under the pressure of the us regime itself, even in
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such support of israel, of course, this does not mean that the united states is giving up . he is not looking for a war in the region directly, he is avoiding it. this is my argument. now, what the united states is looking for and iran's project with the arabs and the countries of the region, is that it is fearing resistance in the region, that is, the model it has for this in its future analysis. the countries of the region say, sir , what model do you want for the future of gaza ? thank you, mr. qombardoost. you mentioned that the public opinion of america and the zionist regime are under pressure, they are trying to
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achieve something for the future of gaza, but the world continues to show the world today.
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шпагу ему нарисуйте,
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сейчас чениту. wishing you a peaceful night.
11:28 pm
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hello, dear viewers, have a good wednesday night ok. in less than 46 hours until the start of the asian nations cup, i will start the magazine tonight.


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