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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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it is even more interesting that it is an indication of the outcome of american thinking that 18-34-year-old americans 67 commented in support of palestine, and i would go even higher to say that biden, under pressure from the democratic party, also commented 62 in support of palestine, criticizing israel's move. this shows that within the american society and even in the political sphere and the political veins that we observe, under the pressure of the us regime itself, even in this kind of support for israel, of course, this does not mean that the united states is giving up. in no way pursue war in the region by himself directly it is not and he avoids it very much. my argument is that now. what the united states is looking for and
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iran's project with the arabs and the countries of the region is advancing is the one that is resisting in the region, that is, the model that it is doing for them in their future research for the countries of the region. what model do you want? thank you, mr. qombardoost. yes, thank you. you mentioned that the american public opinion and the zionist regime are under pressure , they are trying to achieve something for the future of gaza, but the world according to the image of the continuation of the world today.
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shpagu emu narisuete police.
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in bulgaria, the two pro-western parties and the socialist party are in a tough electoral competition. one of the quasi-governmental agencies of the united states, called the national endowment for democracy, openly supports the united democratic forces to
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throw out the ugliness and corruption of the socialist government. the result is successful. after several months of insurrection , the president, the legitimate prime minister , is finally forced to resign. a year later, the story is repeated. but this time in german, the american national foundation for democracy is from a western party. they support , but in the end the communist party comes to work. open street riots will start so that the government is forced to cancel the election results and hold new elections, and of course the result is clear. the rise of a
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pro-american party. not a year has passed since free elections are held in mongolia. the american national foundation for democracy feels its duty again , but despite supporting the western party , it fails and this time it does not succeed in conducting a street riot. the support continues until the westerners can finally win the elections four years later. now it's reward time. the american national security agency immediately went to mughalistan come and go
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be introduced as a subcategory of c. in fact , what he said was that it is better than c.a. to avoid entering into these issues and leave the work to this foundation. the american national endowment for democracy was going to do the same things it had done in secret before, this time in public . but the matter is only the publicizing of the support of the opposition parties.
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in this way, the accusation of the use of violence and military leaders was rejected, and everything had the appearance of a popular revolution. american national for democracy is just one of several human rights institutions that have a duty
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it has defined itself as supporting democracy and human rights. the keyword of these foundations and institutions is human rights. a phrase that was born in america after world war ii. a hot summer day in 1946, chayot palace , paris. eleanor rosette
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had lost her husband, the president of the united states, a year ago. among other wives of american presidents who hold the position of the first lady of the united states, she had this position the most because in those days the two-term limit for presidential elections had not yet been applied and franklin roosevelt had been able to serve three terms as president. become america in the last year franklin died last term. eleanor had now come a year after his death in this warm and sunny summer to this pleasant part of paris, the château de chayot. it was clear that the former first lady of the united states was not there for fun. something was happening in paris, in which eleanor was involved.
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after franklin's death, the next president harry truman took the helm of the country. the last year of the toman war was ordered to use the atomic bomb in japan. a little later, truman decided to establish a moral and legal system for all humanity, and the rest of the heads of western countries agreed with him. elina roset to the title of american ambassador
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was chosen in the newly established organization called the united nations. now the former first lady of the united states was the main responsible for developing a new moral and legal system. something that was supposed to be published in the form of an announcement. declaration of human rights. this was not the first time that the thought of such rights for all mankind occupied the minds of american officials. for the first time, the necessity of using human rights and its importance was discovered in the previous war, the first world war. in those years, conflicts in europe had intensified. political men in washington knew that germany was advancing and expanding the border host. and the situation is more dangerous than they think. america had to enter the war to protect its political and economic interests and stop germany's advance
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. but there was a big problem. american taxpayers were not willing to spend their money on a war across the atlantic ocean. fathers and mothers were not ready for their children to be killed not for the defense of the motherland, but for a war across the oceans. it is difficult for the government to satisfy even the american soldiers themselves. the americans did not have much experience in wars that took place thousands of kilometers away from their soil. this is one of the first experiences was. but what was the solution? in the first step, a committee called public information committee was established. this committee was supposed to justify the war policies of the country to the people. the members of this committee are neither generals nor
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politicians. they were reporters. journalists who had years of experience and were able to gain people's trust and knew the ways to gain people's trust. from the heart of this committee came out ways to justify the war. woodrow wilson, the president of the united states at the time, declared that the united states was not fighting for the revival of old empires, but for the revival of democracy in europe. now everything was ready america with imagination. easy to enter the war.
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but this war, like any other war, had to end eventually. after the war with the destruction of europe , the american economy remained healthy and birani pocketed a huge profit from it. america, which owed more than 2 billion dollars to foreign countries before 1914, in february 1919, only four from england. he demanded half a billion dollars and more than two and a half billion dollars from france. iranian europe sent a lot of profit to the pockets of americans. now the political balance of the world was disturbed and america became a great world power in every respect. europeans that because they saw that we had lost their industrial war
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, and they still needed the americans for their reconstruction . in this way, america was raised as the most important source and supplier of the economic needs of european governments. but there was another interesting point. during the peace negotiations in paris, some of these reporters who were members of the public information committee were present to explain the achievements of the war to the people. wilson's speeches in paris were conducted with keywords that these reporters had created and, in other words, created. keywords such as freedom, democracy for all, and a world without war, the battle for peace and equality. the result was the enthusiastic reception of wilson by the people of paris. wilson had become the saving angel of europe. among the members of the
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public information committee, there was a person named edward bernays. he witnessed the strong reception of the parisians for wilson. seeing this reception surprised him . he had just realized the power of persuasion of public opinion and wanted to use this great power for economic benefits. at the age of 1926, i was in paris for the entire time of the peace conference that was held in the suburb of paris, and we worked to make the world safer democracy, that was a big slogan, when i came back to the united
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states, i decided that, "if you could use propaganda for war, you could certainly use it for peace, and propaganda got to be a bad word because of the germans using it, so what i did was to try to find some other words, so we found the word council on public relations . it portrays wilson as a libertarian for the people and makes him a man who can build a new world, a world where people are free. so he can also in peacetime form such mass persuasion and earn good money from this public opinion attraction. edward bernays
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was one of the first to realize the importance and power of the concept of human rights. it produced the title as a commercial brand and made it available to politicians in washington. eduard bernays was an austrian jew who in 190 he came to america with his family , got a degree in agriculture from cornell university in new york, but entered the profession of journalism. much earlier, the famous jewish psychoanalyst sigmund froud presented a theory to discover the hidden part of the brain, which today we call the unconscious. had been given. based on freud's techniques to create a false reality or. unreal reality used. this technique was effective in deceiving the public opinion. based on the teachings of his uncle, he stimulated people's desires and
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made them happy by directing them towards goods and finally by satisfying them. this process excites the person and brings him to the peak, so that his energy does not go into the political path, which causes the destruction of the society, that is, people must be constantly consumers and happy so that they do not riot. this is somehow the key to restrain people's behavior in democracy. and actually managing democracy
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during the economic crisis of 1929 to 1932 in america and after that, because of the economic pressure that was put on the people, the people of america did not have much desire to buy. therefore, the market demand was very low. on the other hand, the pressures of the then american president franklin roosevelt also increased to limit the capitalists and reduce the power of the market . the great american economic crisis, in addition to revealing the class gap in this country , also intensified the racial and ethnic discrimination of the american society. the situation worsened when, in 1936, roosevelt was elected for the second time as the president of the united states and for the first time
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, the us congress approved the social insurance act as a new national plan to prevent major financial disasters. it was at this time that the american capitalists gathered together to think about this fundamental problem in the way of administrative capitalism and to return the restraining power once again. in this way, most of the work was put on the shoulders of bernays to once again promote the half-life market with the spread of consumerism in the american society . here, bernays produced propaganda that showed that the new america was created by capitalists, not politicians. main idea bernays it was the connection between democracy and capitalism. in the capitalist system, democracy was a way to create a consumer class. in
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an extraordinary act, he exhibited a large international exhibition of luxurious and luxurious items. in this exhibition, he depicted an ideal life for the american citizen in the future. a dream life for the american people. in such a way that they occupy the imaginations and dreams of the american people. what did anyone know? perhaps another war could bring economic prosperity back to america. this year, kermanshah province will host
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the 25th festival of in this festival, the youth of the country will be holding the second story telling festival next year with a new period, and story telling will be out of the festival process and become a cultural activity throughout the year. it will become you read a big book to get a message you get a world of content to get a message and when you remove all the extra content create a common scenario a story and a story between these as a result, you will come across a story with a story that can convey a message . more than 60 researchers and story-telling activists.
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they competed in the 25th international storytelling festival in kermanshah. storytellers can influence children indirectly through stories. using the foundation's data-based approach, we participated in this festival and were actually selected as the selected work. we are in the direction of publishing the book. let's do more work or take our energy. for children, the work in the essay writing section in the storytelling festival was about stories, and we had to write our essays with the content of stories and storytelling, among these, god willing, from the seven selected works in the form of ayn nakodash, god willing. appreciation in addition to these , the researchers from our own province in this field
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of work were at your service for the past few days and discussed with each other in the form of panels. the festival ended after two days with the presentation of the winners. from lorestan province. kermanshah broadcasting agency license reading. non-communicable diseases are the cause of more than 83 deaths in the world. pay attention to these statistics. 60% of patients are unaware of high blood pressure despite having it. 30,000 deaths occur every year due to diabetes and its complications. ministry of health for the prevention of important diseases
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he has launched a campaign. national health survey which in the first phase examines the possibility of diabetes and high blood pressure in people. the target population of this survey is iranian people over 18 years of age throughout the country, which in addition to rural areas and cities with less than 20,000 people and 182 implementing cities, the family health plan is being implemented in other cities nationally. by participating in the national survey of health and size. know your health status. to participate in this survey , it is enough to go to health service centers, health centers and health centers all over the country . also, people over 18 years old by referring to the link that is sent to them by sms , they can register their own blood pressure or blood sugar declaration. the national survey of text in
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the first phase continues until the 30th of december , earlier awareness, more effective care. public relations of the ministry of health, treatment and medical education. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the first vice president asked the ministers of energy and industry, mining and trade to prepare a comprehensive plan for transferring water from the sea in the country. mr. mokhbar
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said in the meeting to review the progress of transferring water from the persian gulf and the oman sea to the central plateau: paying attention to iran's access to the sea and the coast in the north and south of the country and also creating the national water transmission network will be resolved within a large part of the water stress problem in the 13th government.


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