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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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that the atmosphere of the country was not electoral. surely the honorable parliament cannot be proud of this issue. this was written in the political history of iran as a sign of the 11th majlis, which became a competitive election , hurting friends . now, how much role did the government play in the majlis ? you can't do much important work in big cities. at least in the cities, in the local competitions, a vote should be made so that the system does not face a more unfavorable situation than what it actually had in the previous elections. you can't do anything important in these election months, at least some of these important cases , in fact , end corruption with the determination of the judiciary and the executive in cooperation with each other.
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he can solve the problem to a certain extent. the friends of inflation say this, but they don't say what kind of burden the previous government put on the shoulders of this government. these friends who were here, some of them may have been in the government, and in that meeting they told you what the weight is, sir. and you can't give me the amount of dollars and the monthly salary. i want to say that, for example, our brother mr. hashemi talks about poverty and the poor. it's very interesting. well, my dear, during the rule of your thinking , they said that the poor people need to be developed, so that they should be crushed under the wheels of the throne's development, and this should not be done. now we claim that the poor and
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others are correct, but the one who claims that at least he does not have this thought, look at the contradictions mr. president, who brought up the issue of sanctions , who can say that sanctions are effective in our society. there is no one who can say that it does not have a negative effect. there are that sanctions have very destructive and negative effects. where did the sanctions start? since fitna 88, the time has run out. i also said a sentence about ahmadinejad. not the negative aspects , as i have said.
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regarding mr. ahmadinejad, you have read it, tell me where you think there is a problem , thank you , mr. abtehi, please do not interfere in the meeting . even though you gave us time you didn't let him go, you sent him down, he broke his foot, we said to extend it by one hour and that's it.
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it is important to do it, and that is if we raise the status of the majlis in this future majlis and bring the needs of the society to the majlis, which should be solved. if you remember, after the espionage nest was taken hostage , when the majlis was formed, the imam said that this should go to you . the parliament should be ratified by the parliament. when the parliament is told to go and be ratified by the parliament, it means giving a new dignity to the parliament. the new dignity that is given to the parliament is very important, but this way of participation is to raise this parliament's status when so that the society feels that there is one or two serious jobs left on the ground, now you know the examples much better , one or two jobs left on the ground by this future parliament. if it is done, and if this next parliament
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is crowded and participatory, it can and has the power to do so, maybe you will get a lot of votes and solve these social problems, that is. to understand that the parliament has a special place in this future parliament. i think it is one of the serious ways to participate. we all know that the people are in difficulty , but the truth is, let's also tell the people that i have served for 44 years. did you understand the gathering before the revolution , what did the people have in the past, what do they have now, let us tell the people this verse always. and let's not talk about disappointment. these people themselves judge who has done less and who has done well . let's leave it to the people.
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mr. president, i believe that the guardian council is oppressed . that the front and the coalitions threaten that if you don't vote for our list, we know and they will remove you and some people after the election , this election will have a negative effect , if 20 thousand people register, these 200 people if they stay in the election, whoever gets a thousand votes can win 20. the restrictions that have been placed on people's access to social networks, and your excellency has repeatedly emphasized and stated the government's determination to solve this issue, but at the same time, a network of
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sales filters is being formed in the society and a so-called rentier business. these contradictions are formed on the participation and trust of the people. it affects these are the things that can be solved by the government. this is no longer the law that we expect to go back and bypass the law, to renew the election and renew the registration. or let's go back to this heresy, which in my opinion was introduced by this parliament in the way of reducing participation, in the name of pre-registration, this is already in the hands of the government. it is expected that your excellency's government, which is called the government of transparency and is also a dynamic government, will be fair in this regard. don't move from the sidelines, go back to the text, because these files have been put on the table of the government of the islamic republic and public opinion
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is still waiting daily to see what will happen. while welcoming the statements of the supreme leader of the revolution, the reformists seem to be asking for maximum participation and holding competitive, free and fair elections for the state assembly and the guardian council , why instead of revising and amending the wrong laws and policies of the past which creates an atmosphere of dissatisfaction among the people, especially the young generation, and to turn them away, no practical action is taken, instead , everyone mobilized to declare that everything is false and contrary to the real and existing atmosphere of the declaration all the tastes of representatives of political currents can be present. by implementing itself and solving people's problems, the government can have an impact on participation over time. i know that you are from the people, so it's not like we
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look for our president in kish and qeshm and so on when there is a flood. when there is a flood, when there is an earthquake , you are with the people. this has an effect on increasing participation. since you don't have a red line, now friends are saying, sir, that corruption must be fought, and we don't hear from the presidential establishment that they set a red line that if someone commits such and such and if so-and-so hits, i pray and yes, and there is hope for this increase. just because you don't manage from the back of the book, it's not like it doesn't come out of your office for a year and a half , for example. i believe that the participation in this period, if it is not better than the previous period, it is definitely not lower than the previous period, because the people's hope has increased. it seems to me that we should make some changes in political issues, to show that the government in
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there is a direction to improve things in every aspect, both domestic policy and foreign policy, social issues, and in terms of let's help that the people's satisfaction should be increased so that they can express themselves in the election scene last year when there were some protests and now. the municipality is also going to start demolishing buildings , unauthorized buildings, they say , what kind of creatures are they, when they find you in the middle of what people are pouring in the streets, they start to block. he also remembered that these houses are illegal and he has to go and destroy them with a loader, which means that we
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should not become loaders, those who are taking action to further destroy the space. i thank mr. raisi and his colleagues for forming such a council and the words that were said, although some of them were contradictory , but at the same time, everyone tried to speak their own words, and they said, god willing, that it will be effective, but because i have a background in media, apart from other backgrounds, i am interested in the country's media and media policies. i have protest. this has nothing to do with the government and it has nothing to do with the president. now, they may
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be able to influence. as an example, mr. raisi , we are the 8th president of the islamic republic of iran. where are the rest of the people? this is my specific suggestion that if we want let's increase the participation and let the people express themselves at the ballot box and participate. let's change the media policies and use these human capitals . now every day outside the country, our enemies are making plans for us to conspire, for example, to hold a referendum. they think that if
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we hold a referendum today, people will say no. this meeting seems to be a decision of the government after the recent talks of the supreme leader to increase participation . sitting together, this message for the society is achieved like a child there is a commonality, and we can say that the commonality is the increase in the participation of the enemies who have plans for iran. after all, when people see that they are sensitive about determining their own destiny, it affects their strategies, so this is a concern. and the format of the talks also indicated that the main obstacle to people's attendance at the fund and participation
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is economic problems. i think if statistics are taken from the talks, they generally accept this . one and seven ten the percentage of people disqualify themselves because of their non-participation in the elections they know thank you very much, thank you to all our respected brothers and sisters , we are at the service of the honorable president of the islamic republic of iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , praise be to god, the lord of the worlds , and peace and blessings of god be upon him, our prophet muhammad, and the prophet muhammad, and the prophets, the prophets, the prophets, the prophets, and the prophets. and may god bless the birth of our honorable imam
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, may god bless his soul, and bless him with hazrat zahra, peace be upon him, and make the end of all of us good . it is effective to bring the eyes closer this kind of meetings and meetings can definitely be useful after the orders of the supreme leader that everyone should try to participate more and hold a
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glorious election. they definitely play a role. and to create hope in the society, we all have a mission . the common point of all of us is that which is the fruit of the blood of all martyrs. the common point of all of us is that today's system with a lot of hard work and efforts so far, mujahideen has been able to be the source of many blessings both in the country, in the region, and in the world. it is the source of a change and a transformation, because at the head of this system, according to the leadership of the sages of the revolution, the imam
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of the revolution was the imam of his movement and his revolution. based on a social transformation, political transformation, transformation in all aspects of human life and this revolution was founded and many houses were given to this revolution. the government, parliaments and various institutions come and go. those who are not among us are martyred or passed away, god bless them all tick and may he accept all of them with his grace and mercy, forgive my shortcomings and have mercy on those who are left now , they are responsible for a heavy mission, at the same time, the party and the group, as well as the political and influential personality, at the same time, the responsibility of an area and an institution, and
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all the efforts it should be that this hope increases day by day in the hearts of the people, while stating the good things that have been done so far, see that i refer to progress in many words and point to the train of progress, while it is moving, the enemy wants if this train stops , there will be no economy in the country, no production, no employment and which city and which province of ours is there, which koi and barzan are there whose conditions have not changed ? a lot of work has been done . who are in this group, each of you was in the parliament or in the government
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or played a role in social issues, say that whatever happened in that period was a success , naturally, you do not have any wishes from that period in your mind. you don't have such an opinion because you mentioned mr. hashemi rafsanjani's name, may god bless him with your coming friday prayer saying, i am the one who managed the war, i understood the economic problems of the people , know that i will act quickly , their first step is to establish an organization for the inspection and monitoring of goods
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. above all, mr. n, we believe that the government, the parliament, and the various institutions, each of which comes in accordance with the existing conditions, make efforts , have some successes, naturally, they also have problems, and what we all have in common is this entire period. . and the parties, groups and political tools of that system are disappointing the enemy is to give hope to the people of these common points. all of us, i went to new york for the first time at the meeting of iranians abroad, 3 people behind the podium, a woman went behind tirion, who
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was actually a cancer specialist, she was one of our shirazis , she went here and gave a statistic documented to the world bank. on the world bank, he said that in the last 40 years, iran has progressed so much in similar countries. he said both from asian countries and from european countries , he said that so much work has been done in the country for 40 years, it was all documented. the country has progressed, the country should be proud . the second person who went behind dibon was a student. he said so-and-so . i voted for you, but when i hear that 92 thousand billion in the country is actually a case of corruption. everything has been misused. i am being questioned as to how something like this can happen . now i don't say, sir
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, was this report of yours by the previous government or by the current government, or is the basis of it at all right or wrong? how expert is a report ? this is all but a mental knot it was created for this foreign student who is devoted to the revolution and to the system, and this is just a knot it is mental and not mental knot , this mental knot is definitely everywhere in iran. a knot is created, a knot is created, whoever created it, we did not follow who created it, a digital media, national media, space media, written thing, anything, a person, a face, or a mistake, finally , the knots must be untied. the philosophy of its formation in islam, is there belief in parties or not ? it has and our religious culture is also there , but their mission is to call for goodness, their mission is to order goodness and purity, their mission is to forbid ugliness and filth.
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this is the philosophy of parties. a party is created for a reformer in order to create reform in the society , to be able to untangle people's lives. it has a basis. now, a party does not act properly with this basis. and the parties can help a lot in the direction of improving social affairs by untying mental knots or not, they can also make this knot more blind when creating a knot, that is, by creating something, this knot will actually become much more severe in the mind and not be untied at all. well, both can be done, but what should we do, what is our duty, all of us we are your government as a political party , as an indicator, as an influential figure. it is certain that we have to open mental knots. moreover, there is no limit to attack a government or a person and they go to the holy ones. you have seen
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that there is no limit at all. this is a case where they say, sir, no , this is our red line , it is not like that at all. is it yours or any of you can be asked among the definitive authorities. last year's riots showed that you who defined the party and political movement and face. there is no mercy for any of you in the system it didn't happen. we all didn't see that there was another case in front of all of us . we saw what happened . it is clear that the leadership invites us all to unity and unity. if the number of participants in the elections increases , it is definitely a social capital for the system. the
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official start of work and the opening ceremony of radio revolution. the voice that 9 years old seasonal revolution radio. the voice of the discourse of the islamic revolution. multiple programs. they are in contact with different topics and live with the people of their audience through the virtual space where they can search for us in the iranian messengers yes and sorush . we also have a phone number that our dear audience can call through this phone number. contact us 2265. we also have a site where they can search for us through the site and iran sedah, they can install the iran sedah application on their mobile phones and wherever
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they are, 24/7 through their phones. listen to the sound of the revolution radio. radio revolution will be heard until the 23rd of bahman with a discourse awareness approach. the most important axis is reviewing the achievements of the revolution. first, we review the history of the revolution, from where the movement of the revolution began until it reached bahman 1957 and that great event took place, and then we review the achievements of the islamic revolution since 1357. from bahman 1957 until today , how did this seedling become a strong tree, and how are all the countries of the axis of resistance, all the members of the axis of resistance, all those present in the axis of resistance benefiting from the product of this revolution to achieve freedom. real and to get rid of the shackles of peace and oppression and aggression of this radio, especially to two issues
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of the region. and domestic including tofan al-khasa and the elections of the islamic council and leadership experts on the 11th of march. one of the goals that radio revolution is specifically pursuing this year is to focus on the issue of elections by expressing the achievements of the regime and of course following the news of the resistance axis and, god willing, the victories of the resistance axis until the liberation of quds sharif. revolution radio 24 hours a day on 95 and a half mhz fm band. it can be heard considering that the month of bahman reminds us of the days of the revolution the victory of our islamic revolution is one of the important missions of the media in these days is to explain the achievements of our revolution, and with the slogan "the voice of the islamic revolution" and this year, focusing on the central sign of iran, radio "englab" is making a strong effort to show and explain the achievements of the islamic revolution system. let's see the perspectives that are ahead in the
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second step of the revolution. hello revolution, be with us and send us a text message saying hello, revolution, greetings and courtesy to the holy presence of agha imam zaman, and greetings to all of you who are involved in this network, radio operator mohammad reza zarei of sed and sima news agency. o front row meeting, many people talked about the people, but we were not with the people, o front page meeting, to the justice of some of us, with our own reports, we exchanged the test that the train has stopped working, there are its functions and opinions, every moment is the most important day in the field. vaccine storage when the height of programs
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, strategies and horizons of the first region. ask us , answer from the first page and evaluate and judge with you. the first page of the khabar network every night at 1930 minutes. it's free, yes, it's free, it's free, yes
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, it's free. this is free, this is free, yes , all of this is free with mahd farsh rug design become a free carpet owner, iran is the cradle of carpets. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the world bank announced that iran's economic growth in 2023 would be 42%. according to the report of this international financial institution , iran's economic growth has been more than twice the economic growth of west asian and north african countries . the world bank predicts iran's economic growth next year to 3 and 7 percent.


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