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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST

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beer motorcycle is enjoyable and safe, discounts and special sales with photos of 24 and 36 months old, this is an opportunity, this is also an opportunity, and this is an opportunity, this is a new opportunity. winning a daily prize of 50 million. tomani , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , have a good time , welcome to the economy and market news. in the meeting of the financial working group of the supreme
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housing council, a report on the latest progress of the national housing movement plans was presented. in this meeting, new ways to finance the national housing movement were reviewed and approved. became. from now on, god willing, the national development fund will help to finance this government project. the second axis of the capital increase of maskaneh bank as a development and specialized bank in this sector, which, well , maskaneh bank has demands from both the government and the central bank. it was decided to urgently this. claims should be placed on the agenda of the central bank and those claims should be settled by the housing bank, and a part of the government's claims should be settled. this will lead to an increase in the ability of the housing bank to lend more to this project in the field of national movement projects of the third axis of the fund. national housing is a fund provided by law its task is to provide financial resources for superstructure and infrastructure services, such as service per capita, cultural per capita , and welfare per capita that must be implemented in housing projects, and one of the responsibilities of the national housing fund
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is the difference in interest that it must pay to banks . one of its responsibilities is to provide resources. finances for the needy classes for housing production, well, this was also discussed, the necessary resources to be provided for consideration , it was decided to provide the necessary resources in three consecutive installments, three consecutive stages through the planning organization and the ministry of roads and urban development. use of new manufacturing methods the presence of construction industry activists was held in tehran. in this meeting, the ceo of new cities construction said: "the priority is to hand over housing construction projects in the ministry of roads and urban development to builders who use new methods of housing construction." according to mr. jafari, the government has also considered more education for industrialization in the housing sector. a meeting for building industry activists to think together to increase the quality of housing construction. the rest of the experts. the reduction
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of building life in the country should be above the national resources of the country. between 3 and 4 times, we are wasting the country's national resources and they are disappearing let's go because cement steel is produced by all of these. during that hundred years of useful life, at least in the world, we knock down these buildings three or four times and build them again. some consider the entry of non-specialists into the construction industry as one of the reasons for the decline in building quality. the profitability that it has and the speculation that many people are interested in come in between. it is not new and there is an obstacle and an inertia in this regard through the manufacturer and designers it is also due to the lack of presentation and advertisement or training, which i am a construction engineer
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, i am not aware of. we can achieve it in construction and in building construction with industrialization. we are operating in an era where we must pay attention to quality and speed , and this is in the field of industrialization and new technologies . the discussion of bank facilities that are paid in this field is increasing and also in the connection exemptions for industrialization in various sectors are considered. on the sidelines of this meeting, the products of knowledge-based companies in the field of construction industry were displayed on a scale of 0 to 10, which means that the mechanics and electronics are completely iranian. the discussion of sculpting, prototyping
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, and in the industrial parts of industrial parts, instead of turning and traditional methods , they use the door of paint, there are going to be meetings. today is the last deadline for the central bank to update the information on the bank debtors. according to this year's budget law, the central bank is obliged to finally 3 the week after the end of each season , the current and non-current macro education information as well as the education of related parties of the banks should be updated on its website , while today is the last deadline of the central bank to update the information of the autumn season, which still has three information banks related to the season summer has not been updated on the central bank website. customs
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did not provide any information to the validation system, the ceo of iran's credit rating consulting company said that he should have provided us with 12 information indicators, but he did not give us any information. it is this non-cooperation of customs that caused the information related to this organization remove from the new validation model , you want to take a wheel of documents, i will give you a loan, seven houses , taking a loan, one day, it is a joke , sir, for my marriage loan, kidney , lung, esophagus, langer house islands, i will choose from the brain, and one day will be a real obstacle to delaying the marriage. i make the conditions very difficult for those who want to get a loan , especially a marriage loan, a problem that can be solved to some extent by developing an infrastructure . find out what we are in
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we set the credit status, whether he will pay us for this education or not. this system, by checking the financial records of people , classifies them in 15 credit ratings. it is easier for a good creditor to borrow a bad credit card. we considered 5 ratings, 5 main ratings, a, low risk, low risk , moderate risk, high risk, and a very high risk rating , are divided into 3 below each, which makes 15. a solution to this problem was proposed in the parliament about 16 years ago, and as a result, the law on facilitating banking compliance was approved. in 1989 and 1998 , the same law in the format of its executive regulations by state managers were updated. according to the latest version of this regulation, some devices were required to provide information to the validation system. one of these devices is customs. we had 12 indicators for the customs area. the issue of non-
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cooperation of customs with the validation system was raised for the first time in july this year. this information that the central bank receives in the foreign exchange portal is used in... they did not declare that this information is defective or a letter about this was not sent to the customs. the system has not provided in the neighborhood not giving information, we removed the customs indicator from the model in this phase, it is true, but now we insist that for the next phase , we will provide the customs information for legal entities and the next phase for real people , it does not have accompanying devices. well, in fact, we have given our own warnings to them, regarding this matter, it has also been criminalized. for now , the customs officials have chosen the policy of silence, and the information that was supposed to increase the accuracy of the validation system
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is being circulated among administrative letters. to be the head of the organization of small industries and industrial partnerships welcomed the investors. in power plant towns informed. mr. moghimi said: power plant towns are being built in 25 provinces, two towns in kerman will be put into operation within the next month. fortunately, in the first phase, in the early hours or on the first day, the entire infrastructure that was created was provided to the dear investors, who are now following the route and administrative formalities due to the permits they received from sabat and the stage secondly, god willing , it will be offered again within the next few days, of course, we did not limit this discussion of power plant settlements exclusively in khasati province, we have 25 so-called partnerships.
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we have an approved power plant. the call for the cooperation of the ministry of oil to electronic payment companies and to operate in difficult locations. before this, the non-intrusion defense organization from the platform of the fuel price payment network had identified the cause of the cyber attack on the smart fuel system. aban, 1400, the sudden closure of gas stations , 30 gas stations, they say it was a cyber attack , i don't know what happened, don't let enemies disrupt people's lives with a software project . in december of the same year, the officials of the ministry of oil said about this cyber attack that the non-operating defense organization is investigating the cause of the issue. output they are the criterion that this problem is from inside the server system. was it a current supply or was it from the system, for example, our data center itself, that report
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has not been finalized yet, on december 27th of the following year, and again , there was no problem in the distribution of gasoline , and the fuel system was not found to be a problem. the agent also said that the fuel system consists of several systems , the weak chain of this chain in security is there, it went from somewhere. the report of this organization shows that at the time of this year's cyber attack, less than 1% of the sites were not damaged. which were not connected to the fuel price payment network. in fact , there was a vulnerability in one of the receiving and payment networks. the spokesperson of the country's fuel dispensers association says that after the cyber attack of 1400, one of the security agencies approved that the electronic payment companies. there is an official request from the central bank to install equipment at the fuel station and
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bank transactions will be done through them. when this happens and the conditions become competitive, in fact , new technologies will make things easier for the people and for the fuel station. unfortunately, this was not done either. now the officials of the ministry of oil say this the ministry of home affairs is seeking to make the activities of banks competitive in the burnt positions . we have also given the call. bring them and now the tests of the security defense system can be done so that you can use their capacity in the field of transversal ducts , although they do not specify a time to announce the results . ruqiyeh hoyda radio news. creation of 2 million and 200 thousand. barrels of new capacity in the refining area of ​​the minister of oil with the announcement of the implementation of 50
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he announced the plan to increase production and create added value in the upstream and downstream of the oil industry. according to mr. oji, the country's oil production roadmap at the end of the seventh plan is about 5 million 500 thousand barrels. good planning until today, when i am at your service, 133 half-finished projects in the country in the field of industry. the value of 28 and a half billion dollars was put into operation . today, the operation of these projects is witnessing the growth of oil production, maybe 60% more than the beginning of the government. both the central bank and the statistics center, one of them announced 20% and the other announced 25% ago. our nose is that god willing the year 142, the year when the supreme leader said that this year
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, the growth of oil production and industry in this country will not be less than 20%, in the first 3 months we were 20%, in the second 3 months, 25 and 60% of the disadvantages of tehran's judiciary in the electronic procurement system the government is holding the south khorasan and qom provinces to be connected to the headquarters system and according to the law until the end of the year to connect all the power auctions. according to the law, if a debtor does not pay his debt, the judiciary must sell his property in an auction and demand to pay the creditor, but sometimes he saw a convict who had to pay the debt that he had to pay early , they used some tricks so that the creditor would not get his claim sooner, and this delay in the proceedings caused the harassment of the creditor, as well as
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the traditional system of holding in the judiciary , it is sometimes associated with human error. one of the fields that is usually vulnerable to deviation is the field of execution of rulings that you are responsible for. well , sometimes there are reports that, sir, i assume that this happened in such and such an auction, mistakes made by the creditor prevents him from reaching his right, the referring court. i want to take my grievance to the court. after 2 years, i can reach a verdict. i can't enforce the verdict. what 's the point of canceling traditional auctions ? it's a pain for the participants. we participated in the auction and announced the winner after 3 months, the judge or the court will inform us that it
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is invalid to solve these problems in the budget law of 1402. organize yourself electronically and in the headquarters system. electronics is very helpful in the field of transparency, speed, accuracy and actually increasing the level the trust and confidence that takes place in holding trade fairs. more than 10,000 food auctions are held in tehran every year. the tehran judiciary was connected to the headquarters system so that it no longer holds traditional auctions. register application to. by the end of tehran province, the courts of other cities of this province will be connected to the headquarters system. mehdi javadi, radio and television news agency. thank you for your cooperation with this god-guarded news section.
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he went to the hospital and stood until the operation was over . they were telling a story with a grudge in their throat. the child's mother told him that the operation is over. haj, sir , go and get to your cartoon. he said no, your father. you mean the grandfather of this child went and became a martyr in my place, and now i am here in his place. he stood until the child regained consciousness, then he left. the daughter of the martyr immediately, who is reviewing that memory.
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i have enough dandruff myself, so let me go. in any case , i do not owe your work to the islamic world, but haj agha insisted on staying at 1:20 in the middle of the night on 13/98 . the news quickly became the headlines of the world's news agencies. a terrorist attack at baghdad airport. insha allah and insha allah, the martyrdom of the soldier of the province and the islamic ummah leader of islamic revolution and iran.
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haj qasim is the second father of us, my martyred children . when i came out of my room, when i found out that haj qasim was martyred, i was all in shock. i thought that haj qasim was not martyred. a few hours later, i burst into tears. sardar was martyred, i said, i lost my father and other children again. the teenagers of this land, for whom haj qasim was a legend, he was a person who placed himself in our hearts and was important to us. haj qasim will never be forgotten in our hearts and they are very popular with us. very we were sad, as if we lost our own father , they also wrote him a letter, but i wish
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it was you. he respected the children. i love sardar soleimani. he gave his life for us, the praise of a student who wrote in his letter to sardar, i wish you to be in heaven, now after 4 years, on the same day , another terrorist attack, but this time in kerman, near the grave of the most honored martyr of islam, jan dokhtari. he took about 23 children and students with heart earrings and a pink coffee shirt. i loved him very much, he always helped me in any situation. i wanted to say thank you maryam you were always behind me, you helped me, arife was very much in love with haj qasim, and golzar used to go a lot, and then
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he told us a lot to come and go. what do you remember about mr. yasin? we used to play football together. the child was polite and knowledgeable. it was written by my good mother. happy birthday. i greet you so that the house of my ascension will be built with your prayers .
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this is a story about the process of reducing employment in villages and the migration of villagers to the city. we are working in tehran
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you will work for 20 days, 25 days, and the rest of the time we will be unemployed, we will rotate here until the season starts again, we will go to tehran for the night, then we will come again in the spring , summer , we will be unemployed, then now, if there is agriculture, it will be the same as the first tower. . there is no workshop work here where i can go to work permanently. now, after several decades, the share of 70% of the country's rural population has decreased to less than 25%. the first order of the program and budget and calculations commission report. the last day of august 2016, the 10th majlis hall. regarding the unitary layer of support for development and creation of sustainable employment in rural areas using the resources of the national development fund. restored from people went to the parliament and rolled up their sleeves for the employment of the villagers. all of us aim for this important issue
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to be operational, god willing. may we be able to provide cheap loans in the villages and areas targeted by this bill and pay the nomadic villagers there , god willing, employment there will be implemented in a stable and correct manner. one of the ways that really solves the problem of social damage and the problems of rural areas is investment in housing. in the past 10 years, about 8 million people have been added to the population of job seekers in the rural area, of which half a million people have spent these resources to provide facilities to natural and legal persons, mr. dr. unspecified public rights include government-affiliated companies and this
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is contrary to the announced plans and policies . let's approve this plan so that, god willing, they can develop sustainable employment in the rural area. lead us to use guarantees that really villagers should be able to give it. the operating banks want to pay these loans to the villagers, nomads and young people who really need work. they ask for a guarantee from these gentlemen, which is really not in their power. the principle of this bill is to create employment in villages and nomads and deprived areas of banka at least equivalent to this source. that the national development fund deposits there should add to these resources. the second point is that the bank is obliged to return this money
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to dose melli. agent. it was approved by the representatives with the approval of this law on the payment of low interest facilities they opened it for sustainable employment of the villagers. we went to sarmas for 3-4 years. there was no work. we came back the day after the education we got from the bank with my wife, my child, my mother's child, my wife, and then we are working here. we revived the one that was already in the village of rum. all the people of the village are weaving bread from this place. they have been eating bread for 2 years. then i went to mashhad with my friends . i have been working here for 5 years now. after we started here , we need a loan to develop our business. we were supported by the loan fund and 5 people we added that our work has been developed according to the statistics of the vice president of rural development, although the payment
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of this facility. lagging behind the legal obligation, but until the end of mehr 1400, 26,500 items of facilities have been paid , which has been able to create more than 52,000 stable jobs . we returned to the village and now i am going to work in one of the halls here. i made this place for the purpose of being able to change the minds of these villagers who are now leaving here, those who go to the city, for example.
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blood pressure of 120 to 80 mm hg and less than that is normal, blood pressure above 140 to zinc 90 needs to be examined and referred to a doctor . national health survey, earlier awareness, more effective care. hello, ladies and gentlemen , i welcome you to flight 58 28. do you have any thoughts? i wanted to know if the city really guarantees quality. yes , it guarantees that a city is
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behind this quality
7:00 pm
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