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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 1:30am-2:07am IRST

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you are going in a direction that, contrary to the explicit declaration of the position of the presidential legal vice president, the presidential legal vice president is frankly technical, see, this is a medical issue, see, you cannot equate drug distribution, which is defined in the world health organization, with drug dispensing, now the ministry of communications and the ministry of economy are involved in this. i would like to intervene now , dear mr. fatmi, what is it clearly, and mr. osharan, please answer. no sir, in fact fatemi, please ask mr. hoshiran and answer him, because you can see that he correctly pointed out after our constitution. we have the policies announced by the supreme leader, where the ministry of health is entrusted with the responsibility
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of health care. there is no ministry, no legal assistant of the president, no ministry of economy, so this principle is flawed, we now have the penal law of the government of health affairs, and the law of violated laws in 1967, how can you keep silent regarding the violation of the laws of violation of the executive policies of your leadership? cabinet or opinion consulting is a legal assistant. we have health promotion policies, we have a law , let me answer you, they say that the law has been violated, we have an institution as an institution, in fact, the one who approved it , now, specifically, the approval of the cabinet of ministers, the approval of the cabinet of ministers, if perhaps this is the approval, if this please allow the resolution if this resolution is against the law. our authorities are the expected authorities in our country
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to cancel that illegal resolution. why has this action not been taken yet? this is one or two of you. the authority that came and approved it is the authority that should provide the interpretation , not us coming and saying that there is a technical issue. the official who approved this has the legal deputy. the legal deputy has announced not once but three times .
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i would like to ask you to see that our ministry of health should properly use the medical semesters in the meetings of the board of ministers in the meetings of the government delegation in the ministry of health. where in the world is there an explanation? which is done by broadcasting companies, with the supply of medicine that is given to patients by pharmacists in pharmacies and hospitals, they know mr. fatemi, you are in the process of approving a regulation, you are in the process of approving a regulation, the ministry of health in if it was approved , it should have been presented at the time of approval, not to come now and say that there is no problem, i say there is a legal way, the court of justice.
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what kind of authority do you have to deal with? one of these cases is this . if there is a regulation that is against our law , the court will review it with the general board, and it will cancel it. i participated in his committee to explain drug distribution, drug distribution is a separate issue in all countries of the world. in 1400, in coordination with the ministry of health, we passed the project at shahid beseh university. 2300 articles were reviewed. 29 countries did not mention the name of the platform in the rules. it was only in china that explicitly writing that the entry of the platform into the discussion of drug supply and sale is prohibited. it is very interesting. all our government approvals, whether it was in june 1401 or this year in september 1402, the deregulation board has written 3 paragraphs in all three paragraphs, the name of the platform or platform has come, which means
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that all of us are now selling drugs online. can putting the responsibility on the ministry of health the title of the trustee of the country's health system based on paragraph seven of the announced policies , no one has any doubts about this issue. now one of the representatives of the platform is quickly announcing that he says, "sir, give me a solution if you are going to deliver or actually deliver the medicine to
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the direction from the pharmacy to the law of the law." the law of the parliament , sorry, the approval of the government, wherever it is, there will be diseases without pharmacists , what is happening in the mountains is not the online sale of medicine . let's criticize the work of the platforms . you are talking about online sales in the networks it has happened socially, but there is no documentary about the platforms . very famous, i can't name them. look, now in a very famous system that you can't name , i researched. a very famous system
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that you can't name. i researched until today what you have. you say that the documentation that is being broadcast on social networks is not what happened on that platform, and they are discussing internet sales, while it is clearly what should happen on the platforms and our laws are now prescribed. basically, it is not the sale that characterizes the description of the drug yes, he is moving
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it and presenting the presidency as a yes. this is mr. mehboobi's opinion about this question that perse should explain to mr. mehboobi as opposed to this plan. mr. mehboobi , please answer the question that you asked. first of all , i ask my friends to be honest in their statements, the reality of what is happening , and to show honesty, honesty, give an example, if you meant mr. hoshiran or mr. govtali , if you allow me to say, it will be clear, please see in this now the honorable people of iran can any of these platforms that they are talking about, refer to a drug purchase and see if they deposit the amount to the pharmacy account or to the account of that platform , if the meaning of buying, offering services and selling, receiving money
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and providing services, it seems that serco is the same. they are busy with this work now. regarding the issue of diversification and knowledge-based companies, supporting knowledge-based companies is one of the goals of our system. young people should grow the country in the sphere of innovation every day, because this is not a debate, but the point is that our priority in the country is the first step. preservation of people's health in medical fields and these points as before it comes back to the difference in our interpretation of these points. all over the world, when you refer, even in the countries that are far ahead of us in terms of technology in terms of infrastructure , none of them have gone this far and
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have not entered into this range without developing laws without legal interpretations and determining responsibility. which we are unfortunately becoming. we are now witnessing the phenomenon of artificial intelligence in the world. you can tell the symptoms of a disease right now with a simple google search. google will suggest a disease to you. this has never gone in this direction anywhere in the world and i think i believe that in the next 10 years or 20 years, they will not remove the medical experts from this process , because artificial intelligence is based on economics, profits , morals and ethics cannot be respected . this is what we are talking about now with platforms with different sides. you see, these friends are looking for
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more profits from an economic point of view, they sell more, if the philosophy of the field of pharmacy is that more sales are not worth more, in treatment, we don't like the doctor to do more surgery , we like people to have less need for surgery , in medicine, we don't like to we want to give more medicine to people in cases where they need it in this level of our city, in many cases, people go to pharmacies, they ask for pricillin ampoules, they do safety reactions , they ask for antibiotics. it will not be done, we will evaluate our service and then we will make it available, if you allow it , please forgive me.
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mr. mahboubi is in favor of this plan , while mr. govtali is against it , please agree, mr. bayi. we get problems, we see that the problems are so easy to solve that there is really no room for discussion. if mr. fatemi says that tramadol arrived for me, i actually got it. and if the law is clear, it is easy to understand from which pharmacy and with the approval of which technical officer this drug
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has reached them, at what time by which person, so you can see many corruptions that can happen even in the traditional system from this. take the way to prevent it. the next thing that honorable friend suggested was to supply more names, sir which friend was the government, there are four people. dear mr. mehboobi, you said that more supply is actually the way of thinking of this platform. as far as i know , no, but it is not a matter of more supply at all. it is a matter of user convenience, people who have chronic diseases , people who have to go to 10 pharmacies for a series of medicines. people who have movement problems and many other issues should be involved . there is definitely a lot of people's need for this topic. it has become an important issue for the society, this is another issue and we
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should not go to invent the wheel from scratch now, as mr. fatemi himself said, in north america, in canada, in england, germany , even in asian countries , this is the whole process. amazon, one of the largest online stores in the world, has this system. in the same way that we almost have it, it means that a technical official of the pharmacy comes to confirm it and then i send it under a general beam. it is not our form at all . it is not our form at all. it is not like ours, but the rotation is completely transparent, which means that it is not possible for the platform to come create transparency and let it be created because the basis of transparency is goodness. i would like to add this
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point, if you allow me, and mr. doulat, like mr. fatemi , have a question for you, mr. fatemi, please ask your question to mr. doulat. yes, see, see, the ministry of health has come to your service in january 1400 in its quarterly magazine, a detailed report based on a review or article. he published a review based on 2300 experiences in the world. there, because he pointed out to you , mr. president, that the government is doing this in asia and other places, i said that if it is going to be done in our country, it will definitely happen one day. he thought it would be better if we follow the example of countries similar to ours. today, what is being done in iran is the example of south korea , according to the hakim quarterly of the ministry of health that i presented to you . they are not allowed to sell online, only face-to-face in japan and china. only some otc drugs can
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be sold. if this is to be done in iran , the law must be amended first, as i said , the elekt trade law. dear mr. fatemi, our governance system in the new spheres should move in this direction a system that should only play a role as a traditional regulator. he should adjust his way of thinking a little and come to interact with actors who are definitely ahead of the traditional system in the new fields so that the possibility of bargaining is formed and in fact regulation occurs until you see that development is only and only within the framework of accepting rights. it is possible that you
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will not be recognized until you accept the new rights . set up a mechanism, it is not possible for us to witness development. dear mr. mahboubi, you said that you should forgive the smuggling of drugs , but what is the feature of prevention in the current traditional system? if the expression platforms come into action, this issue will be aggravated. by the way, if you see the capacity, let me say one thing, all the features that exist in the traditional mode are all valid. it can have an internet platform, but on the other hand , active internet platforms create monitoring potentials for institutions, which is not possible in traditional systems . it was done from june 1399 economic year with the permission of the leadership until the end of 140.
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when there was a shortage of serum, the price of serum was equal to this platform was sold. if it was in a normal pharmacy, the pharmacy would be planned , the drugs would be under control, the drugs would be serious, serious, difficult for the fetus , isn't this comparable now? what i am saying is comparable at all. let's not make a virtual nasser khosreh
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, what does it mean to say that there are real nasser khosrehs, and we still haven't solved this.
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we don't talk socially in a broad way, so there are a series of specific and finally related platforms that have this material and other issues, well, when we talk about this we are talking about the issue. again, dear mr. fatemeh, you said that there were violations. well, if you had made it clear, if we had gone , we would have made it clear with a specific incident that would have prevented the violation easily. according to the standards, this drug should reach the user
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. by the way, if surami is sold at an expensive price, the reputation of sekoe itself is not at all interested in this matter. if we come to make this relationship clear , sekoh will welcome this issue. i promise you that you will tell me tomorrow that mr. i want this standard process. and be clear, every platform with you didn't cooperate, that's the time when we want to complain. you say that there is no time before a minute . the condition of the platforms is not good right now . mr. dovalit. excuse me because we don't have a minute or two or three more minutes . let's go to mr. mahboubi. mr. mahboubi , please give your final opinion. i said. it's very short because we don't have time. i'll try to give you a minute. it's your minute, not yours. because you've all talked, i need a minute, mr. hosseini . i have one minute left. the law by concealing and hiding the details of the people with whom they are in wide
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therefore, whether they have the right to continue this activity or not, i think that our statesmen , our people, must judge . thank you very much, mr. mehboobi. because time is short, we must divide the opinion fairly. let's be mr. hoshara . please see what the opposing friends say is due to the non-fulfillment of legal duties that should have been performed by the noble institutions. by the way , the sukuhs are very eager for this issue to find a logical order and for all the governors to be clarified. well, mr. fatemi is actually opposed. next you too please give your final opinion and see that according to article 20 of the health and drug supervision law, the three institutions of the ministry of health, the medical system organization, and the association
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of pharmacists are responsible for dealing with drug violations. this is what the law has entrusted to them. the year they are working now is really worrying, absolutely comparable to violations inside pharmacies. what kind of cases should be dealt with? one of these cases is that if there is a regulation that is against our law , the public ad-hite court will review it
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, and the official will cancel it. drug is the rule of writing to make this completely clear . i also participated in his committee to explain drug distribution. drug supply is a separate issue in all countries of the world. we came to shahid university in 1400 with coordination and health. 29 countries did not mention the name of the platform in their regulations , it was only in china that i explicitly wrote that it is forbidden to enter the platform to discuss the supply and sale of drugs. it is very interesting that all our government approvals were approved in june 1401 or this year in september 1402. deregulation board 3 paragraphs written in all three paragraphs of the name of the platform or sek'. it has come, it means that we are all the same, now sir, there is no discussion of the online sale of medicine
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, they are talking about the platform because we want to buy the platform of persian thought, can this be a support from our government to support online sales platforms, there is no question of online sales at all, the issue of online sales is in all poplines. it means the direct line of communication between the pharmacist doctor's pharmacy and the patient at the place where he takes the medicine, sir, in asian countries, which are more advanced now. dear mr. fatemi , look, let's talk about the existing space , now we have a regulation that is still in place, it has not been violated, it has not been revoked. the responsibility of putting the responsibility on the ministry of health as the custodian of the country's health system based on paragraph seven of the announced policies , no one has any doubts about this, now one of the representatives of the platform is quickly announcing that, sir , give approval if you are going to deliver or deliver medicine to the direction from the pharmacy to the law, the law, the parliament's law, sorry, the government's approval, wherever it is, it will fail, you know, neither the system nor the pharmacists'
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association is in the process. hosseini this sentence keep me here as a reminder, this resolution will never be revoked , my reason is because it is not illegal, what is happening in the area of ​​the mountains is not the sale of drugs online. criticize the platforms , it talks about online sales that happened on social networks, but about the platforms , there are no very famous customers. i can't name them. look at the many systems that you can't name. i'm researching very famous systems that you can't name. take me research to date it what you are saying is that the documentation that is being broadcast on social networks is not what happened on that platform, otherwise
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it is wrong. they are doing it, while what should happen in the platforms and our laws are now prescribed, it is basically not a sale, it is moving what is characteristic of explanation . dear
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mr. mehboobi, we have to apologize to the honorable people of iran, they can refer to any of these platforms they are talking about, purchase medicine , and see the amount transferred to the pharmacy account. do they deposit or to that dog's account, if the meaning of buying and selling services is receiving money and providing services, it seems that serco is already busy with this work. the issue of innovation and
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knowledge-based companies, supporting knowledge-based companies is one of the goals of our system, the youth must grow the country in the circle of innovation, this is not a debate, but the point is that our priority in the country is to protect the health of the people in the first step. in the fields of the medical group, there are also differences in these points. all over the world, when you refer , even in the countries where your technology in the field of infrastructure , they are far ahead of us. none of them have gone this far and have not entered this stage without developing laws, without legal interpretations, without legal interpretations, and determining responsibility . unfortunately, we are now the king.
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we are witnessing the phenomenon of artificial intelligence in the world. right now, you can get the symptoms of a disease with a simple google search. google will suggest a disease and tell you that you are probably suffering from a certain disease. this has never happened anywhere in the world. i think that in the next 10 years and 20 years , there will be no shortage of medical specialists why remove the process because it is based on artificial intelligence. in treatment, we do not like doctors more than surgeons. tick
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we want people to need less surgery . in medicine, we don't like to give people more medicine. we like people in what they need , in the amount they need. in this level of our city, many people go to pharmacies, they ask for ampoules of pricillin , they take ceftriaxone, they ask for antibiotics . we measure our service on merit and then we will make it available mr. mahmouri , if you allow me, the answer is actually yours. i have one sentence, if only the answer is just me, i will give one sentence . see, regarding those who are cooperating with the platform now, all of them are violators, and that technical officer
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was present. i swear the name of the ministry of health was working, when it is not working, the whole process under the question is in service . thank you very much, mr. government. in favor of this plan, mr. mahboubi is against, mr. dovalit agrees, mr. bayi, i am very happy that this the discussions were brought up because when we go to the talks, we investigate and come to the problems, we see that the problems are so easy to solve that there is really no room for discussion . it is simple, if such an issue is regulated, god willing, and the law is clear , it is easy to understand from which pharmacy and with the approval of which technical officer , at what time, by which person, and so many corrupters that can even enter the system.
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this is how you can prevent the traditional incident the next thing that honorable friend suggested was to name more names, which friend was mr. dovalit , there are four of them, dear mr. mehboobi, say yes. dear mehboobi, you said that more supply is actually the way of thinking of this platform, as far as i know, no , but it is not a matter of more supply at all, it is a matter of user convenience, people who have chronic diseases , people who have to go to 10 pharmacies in person for a series of medicines. people who have movement problems and many other issues should be involved in reading all day long . there is definitely a lot of people's needs that this issue is such an important issue. been for society is another matter and we should not start inventing the wheel from the beginning when mr. fatemi himself said that in north america, canada, england, germany
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, even in asian countries , this is the whole process, amazon is one of the biggest the world's online stores have this drug delivery system . it's almost the same way we have it, that is, a pharmacy technical official comes to confirm it and then i'm under a protocol. it's not our shape , it's not our shape. sanitation has not been regulated, but it is not in our form, but the rotation is completely transparent, which means that it is not possible for the platform to create transparency and create a destination because. the basis of transparency is blessing. i would like to add this point. if you allow me, mr. davalit, if mr. fatemi has a question for you, mr. fatemi, please ask your question to mr. davalit. yes, see , the ministry of health has come. i submitted to you in january
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1400 in its quarterly magazine a detailed report based on a review or an overview article. it was published based on 2300 experiences in the world. there, because you mentioned the government in asia and other places this work is already being done. i said that if it is going to be done in our country , it will definitely happen one day. it is better that we move forward with the model of our pseudo-countries. today, what is being done in iran is the model of south korea, according to the hakim quarterly of the ministry of health. i told you that in south korea, there is no otc drug, that is , drugs that do not require a prescription, not prescription drugs, are not allowed to be sold online , only by face. a presence in japan and china, only some autistic drugs can be sold. if this is to be done in iran, the law must first it should be corrected, as i said, the e -commerce law should be amended, the regulations of the ministry of health should be amended, i don't know whether the approval of the council of ministers or the approval
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, deregulation is not a law in any of them, mr. dolat, mr. fatmi, excuse me , i have an opinion about your speech, please see, mr. fatemi, dear nizam sentence. our iranians in new spheres should come to this direction that they should get rid of a system that should only play a role as a traditional regulator. adjust his way of thinking and interact with actors who are definitely ahead of the traditional system in new areas so that it is possible bargaining should take place and real regulation should take place until you see that development is only possible within the framework of accepting the new rights. until you accept the new rights, it will not be recognized until you come to arrange the mechanism for it. it is not possible for us to witness. let's develop. dear mr. mahboubi
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, you said that you are sorry for the smuggling of induced drugs, but in the current traditional system, what is the feature that prevents it ?


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