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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm IRST

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there is concern about the effect of this space on the flow of oil , grains and other consumer goods, but a news that has not been addressed in these networks is that the yemenis have said that their blade is only sharp for ships whose destination is the occupied lands on the mediterranean coast. ali kazemi, radio and television news agency. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you again , dear viewers. the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces emphasized that the armed forces of this country will not hesitate to target enemy positions on land and sea. brigadier general yahya seri said: the enemy of the american and british by doing 73 cases. the attack
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targeted yemen and injured 5 people six others led. the american and british enemies have committed ugly attacks against the republic of yemen in the framework of supporting the crimes in gaza, and in these attacks, the capital sana'a and the provinces of hodeidah, taiz , and hajjah saada have been targeted. they carried out several airstrikes that killed 5 people and wounded 6 others from our armed forces. the american and british enemies are fully responsible for these criminal attacks against the yemeni people. there will be no response and no punishment . they do not allow themselves to target the sources of threat and all the enemies on sea and land
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supporting yemen and its sovereignty, this ugly aggression cannot cause yemen to fall short of its position in supporting the oppressed palestinian nation and the yemeni armed forces to prevent the movement of israeli ships or ships that go to the occupied palestinian brother. continue gives. thousands of yemenis condemned the us and british attack on their country's soil with demonstrations in saada province. demonstrations will be held today in several other provinces of yemen to condemn the actions of the aggressors. and the yemeni people are silent , chaotic, chaotic, chaotic, chaotic, or jaibna, chaotic , or kajla, chaotic, chaotic, chaotic, chaotic, chaotic.
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following the us and british attacks on the positions of the ansarullah movement in different regions of yemen , the country's war propaganda headquarters. he informed about the sending of a letter by the fighters of the west coast of yemen to seyyed abdul malik badreddin, the general secretary of ansarullah. in a part of this letter, there is praise to god who helped us to be among your companions and soldiers and move behind you. in the battle of the promised victory and the holy jihad, we once again make a covenant with god and with you to be a sword against the arrogant and arrogant against the evils against the islamic ummah. in this letter, it is emphasized: with
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god and with you for loyalty to the believing people we make a covenant with the patient, resistant mujahid and the oppressed, oppressed nation, and god is the witness of the sincerity of our words. the spokesperson of the russian foreign ministry described the us attacks on yemen as disregarding international laws. maria zakharova said: these attacks are another example of distortion of security council resolutions by the us. speaker. the russian foreign ministry added that washington has used the current tensions in the region as an excuse to violate international laws. also, at the request of the russian representative in the united nations, the security council held two separate meetings this evening regarding the developments in gaza and the us and british attacks on yemen. will do. a group of skeptics of the american and british attack on yemen in front of the white house in washington.
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protesters gathered and demanded to stop the aggression against yemen and gaza. the price of crude oil increased , reuters reported that following the us and british attack on yemen , the price of north sea brent oil rose by one dollar and 63 cents, equivalent to 211, to $79 and four cents
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, and the price of west texas intermediate oil rose by one dollar. 12 cents equal to 22% increase. it is trading at 73 dollars and 64 cents. abdulbari atwan , the editor of rialium newspaper, called the aggressive attack of the united states and england on yemen an expansion of the war fronts and he called it a costly folly. atwan added that a regional war may flare up from yemen and this war will be a palestinian war. the editor-in-chief of rayalum added: all american bases are in the target range of missiles. an american newspaper reported that the yemeni army hid part of its weapons and equipment before the us and its allies attacked their positions . the american wall street journal
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quoted an american military official and a person close to the yemeni political council as reporting that the yemeni forces , before the early morning attacks of the united states and its allies on the positions of the yemeni army, part of their weapons and equipment. have been moved and hidden to other places. this american newspaper claims that the yemeni army has stored its missiles in a strong shelter built by the former president of yemen, abdullah saleh, in the city of sana'a. at the same time as the air and artillery attacks of the zionist regime continued in various areas of the gaza strip, the ministry of health announced that more than 120 people were martyred in the past hour in gaza. also , five palestinians were martyred and several were injured in the attack of the zionist warplanes on deir al-balah. at the same time, the resistance forces in some areas of gaza , including al-maghazi camp in the center of gaza, once again
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got involved the palestinian resistance also targeted the gatherings of zionist soldiers in the east of the gaza strip with mortars. lebanon's hezbollah announced targeting the base and spying equipment of the zionist military in the occupied north of erazi. lebanon's hezbollah targeted the military and zionist town of kiryat shmoune in the north of the occupied territories with dozens of missiles. hezbollah announced in a statement that this town was in response to the attack of the zionist regime's fighters. in the south of lebanon and the martyrdom of 2 medical personnel of the health board , many of those who were killed at the beginning of the kiryat war have been targeted. leaving chamune , they are looking for a new place to live. the continuous attacks and power cuts should
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end faster. fortifications of malkiyeh and ramsa bases and equipment and spy cameras in the cobra region are other targets of hezbollah's offensive operations. then he targeted the gathering of zionist soldiers in the bases of mutallah baghdadi and barkatrisheh and in two areas of talhat, jaban nazar and teleshahr. we will not leave here, even though the distance between our house and the zionist base is less than 500 meters, our survivors are martyred to protect the lebanese and our values . we also stay with them. forge zionist soldiers also attacked 11 residential and non-residential areas, including rasha or fakhar and itron . in addition to hanin, israeli fighter jets also targeted harfa and khayyam with 6 missiles . hasan azimzadeh of sed and sima news agency
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near the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. the jerusalem post newspaper, with a delay of several days, reported that seven officers of the zionist regime were killed and wounded in the attack. informed the intelligence headquarters of this regime's army in erbil, iraq. in this attack, three intelligence officers were killed and four others were injured. these people were members of unit 820 of the zionist regime. following this attack by the security forces iraqi kurdistan quickly closed the entire area and started an investigation about it. jerusalem post also wrote that all these people had american passports and were under the legal and diplomatic cover of america. unit 820 is a sub-category of the military intelligence organization of the zionist regime and is responsible for collecting information, eavesdropping, cyber attack, software design and collection. it is in charge of information from cyber space. the turkish government
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has started measures to clean up the spies of the zionist regime and international criminal networks in this country. last week, 33 spies of the intelligence service of the regime zionists were identified and arrested in different cities of turkey. this is the claim. this person is a citizen of egypt who
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has been working as a service worker in a hospital since 2019, not as a doctor, as part of a refugee support plan. in recent weeks, the turkish government has started a serious determination to clean up foreign espionage and mafia agents inside the country. turkish president recep tayyip erdogan has said that we will clear the country from the presence of mossad spies. israel is a spy. the widespread presence of international mafia and espionage leaders in turkey is now the most important challenge turned on this country. in recent days and weeks, hundreds of terrorist spies and mafia networks of all types of smuggling have been arrested and handed over in turkey. hamid kameli of ankara radio and television news agency has become judicial authorities. the national health campaign
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is nearing the end of the road. two months have passed since the beginning of this blood sugar and blood pressure survey, 40 million people over the age of 18 have been measured free of charge, in order to know the latest statistics of participation in the health survey, we are talking to dr. etemad, director general of the non-communicable diseases management office. hello doctor, please tell me the number of people suffering from high blood sugar and high blood pressure in the last 24 hours , what was the number of people identified and what is the current state of participation in big cities and other cities? today is friday on january 2 , 54,856 people participated in this campaign across the country
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, and based on this, 889 people with new high blood pressure were identified and 389 people with new diabetes were identified in this campaign. from november 20 to this morning, 40 million and 57,1917 people participated in this campaign. that the total participation of people 18 over the age of 18 in the country reached 64. based on the received reports and the breakdown of the province and the country's universities, fortunately, we can say that almost all over the country, especially the big cities, with 50% of people over the age of 18 participated in this study. well , the figure is a good figure, the progress is good. we hope that this participation will reach its maximum in the coming week and the last days. yes, well, dr. etamad. considering that we are in the last week of qarbalgari, if there is anything important for the participation of fellow countrymen
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, please let me know. well, according to this report that was presented to the esteemed viewers, it is almost possible. he said that the goals of the campaign were achieved in 37 universities of the country. we expect that our dear people in the big cities , as i said , will have almost 50% participation in the coming days and in the week ahead. take part in it and, god willing, help us reach the predetermined goals. the participation rate of women has almost reached 40. we hope that you will contribute to the target rate of 50%.
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ever since yemen began to fire missiles at eilat bandari in the south of the occupied territories, these kinds of sounds have been heard a lot. yemen, which is only two countries away from palestine on the map, since that time he was in war and siege and he was thinking about palestine. two years ago, mohammad al-bakhiti, one of the leaders of the ansarullah movement, said in a television program from jerusalem that the reaction of the al-jazeera anchor was like this. but you want to free quds? when you can't provide food for the children of sana'a. after the invasion of gaza by the occupiers, it was the yemenis
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who landed one by one on the deck of the zionist commercial ships. galaxylid ship. where the most energy needs of the zionist regime are provided from its route and it connects the zionists with the outside world. now it's mohammad al-bakhiti again al jazeera network antenna has arrived. our brothers in palestine are facing mass murder. they are starving. all arab countries. they must stand up to save these people. we are ready for any sacrifice to stop this massacre. america has formed a naval alliance with 10 allied countries to deal with yemen, but the yemenis say that we are continuing the drone and missile operations against the zionists. we
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are ready for any option that the yemeni authorities decide. tarsh, depicted by saeeda zanganeh of sed and sima news agency, ahla bekm ali asm al-bahr is one of yemen's rockets called sea, which overlooks the missile. red sea this surface-to-sea missile
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is an advanced type of saair missile. this missile works with two thermal and radar systems. high speed is its unique feature. another yemeni missile is called mohit. this surface-to-sea missile is an advanced version of the qahir m2 missile. it works with solid and liquid fuel and its unique feature is operation in all weather conditions. asif missile is also a land-to-sea missile that works with solid fuel and intelligent control and guidance system. its warhead weighs more than half a ton. but the rocket. mariya quds z safar is a long-range sea cruise missile that can hit it can hit fixed and moving land and sea targets with high accuracy. its unique feature is its extraordinary destruction power. the mayon missile is a medium-range land-to-sea ballistic missile that can
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accurately hit fixed and moving sea targets. it has a lot, its unique feature is its extraordinary destructive power.
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yemen has a very strong civilization and strong men . therefore, when a country comes that wants to colonize and control the nations, the attention goes to the yemeni nation, because this nation is very strong, it must be defeated in this region. eat and be weak and follow so that the resulting policies are very small in comparison to the yemeni nation. regarding the strategic position and power of the yemenis , the yemenis are famous historically. to occupy the south of yemen , but the british were killed in the north and the middle region, and the turks were killed before them, and many regimes that came before them.
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they are destroying arabic and islam and putting people under judicial siege. we are in a cold state . now one person is killed in palestine. 10 people are killed. no one talks, only the leader. he speaks and some scholars, unfortunately, now america is besieging the islamic nation everywhere , in yemen it is besieging us in palestine , it is besieging us in iraq , it is besieging us in syria, and in many countries . islam surrounds us and tries
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by the 30,000 palestinian murders over the past few months, they are not satisfied by starvation, they are not satisfied by diseases spreading, they are not satisfied by children being orphan, they are not satisfied by this , the disabled people, they will never be satisfied until they wipe every single drop of resistance, of challenge to their power from the face of this planet. hands off the middle east, hands off the middle east, we want justice, you say how, we want
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justice, you say ho, stop bringing along, stop browing now, we want justice, you say how, we want justice, you say how, stop filing yaming now, stop farming, now we stop farming m, stop farming. now stop boring yeming now, stop boring yeming now, say it loud and say it clearly, anders. the people of israel, mandir israel minbar israel sloan, center of america, center of america, center
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of amir narkaz, interview.
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according to the statistics of the world trade organization , the babal mandab strait accounts for 12% of world trade. according to the statistics of this organization , 10% of the world's oil exports from seas pass through this strait. movable by sea
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since november 15th, ships carrying 14,000 cars have arrived.
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they increased up to 300%. along with the insurance costs, the shipping cost has also increased by 43%. because in order not to cross the red sea , the ships have to travel an additional 13,000 kilometers , and their arrival will be delayed by two weeks. was. because shipping companies have to change the direction of the ships to the west of the african continent and the mediterranean sea. the fourth group of people officially announced their joining the general mobilization force in hajja province of yemen by holding a military regime ceremony. in this ceremony , the flags of yemen and palestine were raised and
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volunteers chanted slogans. they supported and supported the palestinian nation and announced their combat readiness to confront america and the zionist regime. our message to the enemies is that we are not afraid of their resistance. we have been facing their conflict for 9 years. we are afraid of direct confrontation with america we don't have more than 20,000 military volunteers in the public mobilization in the grand ceremony of their graduation from the military course of storm al-aqsa.
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they announced land or sea that may be imposed on yemen.


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