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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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they participated in the hajj of yemen since the military period of al-aqsa storm and announced their readiness to confront america and its naval coalition to support the ships of the zionist regime . we say to the people of gaza resistance, we are with you. above all, i am telling the world that in order to confront any enemy, be it from the zionist regime or america
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, or those who have normalized their relations, they declared themselves to enter any land or sea battle that may be imposed on yemen. people in the historical turning point of maidan in saada province flooded population.
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it was the continuation of dealing with oppression that spread from one province to another. in response to the call of the resistance leaders, the people of al jaft province announced that they will adhere to the principles of the nation in their core issues. and in taiz province
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, our massive position will not be only at the level of the recent operation, which targeted the americans with more than 24 drones and several missiles in the sea. our next reaction will be bigger than that. we will be more determined to continue this process of targeting ships related to the zionist regime. we will not give up our position. our position was not taken from our faith. americans should know what this is for means we go to all countries. we say to asian countries like china, to european countries in the west and to all countries in the world that there is no problem in crossing the red sea. only ships related to the zionist regime will be targeted .
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in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service again, viewers of the khabar network . i am with you with the special program covering the news of the american and british military attack on yemen. attacking yemen with planes, ships and submarines the spokesperson of the yemeni armed forces has announced that the us has targeted positions in yemen 73 times and these attacks have resulted in 5 martyrs. and 6 wounded have been followed. regarding which areas were targeted , we have the report of al-masira network, al-masira yemen, which announced that al-dilami air base in the north of sana'a , the outskirts of hodeidah airport, areas in zabid area
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, kohlan base in the east of saada city, taiz airport and the 22nd brigade camp in the target of this attack was the ta'azi region , there have been many reactions both from the western authorities and from the media and political activists since this news was published, some of the media and especially images have been published and are being republished on social networks that show yemen's missile capabilities and the targets available to them and predict the capabilities of the yemeni military forces to respond. they are attacking this and it is mentioned that they can target bases in syria and iraq. we had in the news that mr. al-bakhiti, a member of the political office of the yemeni ansarullah movement, announced that they
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regretted the previous stupidities, referring to america and england, but by starting the war against yemen, they showed that they did not use past experiences. but a part of the news is related it is to the former western officials who reacted to this military attack and american and british action , including mr. jeremy corbyn, the former leader of the british labor party, wrote on his personal page in cyberspace that military action in yemen by the british and american governments is an act of reckless and in the direction of tashtid. it is tension that will only cause more death and suffering. regarding other reactions, i saw that the islamic jamiat wefaq national bahrain also wrote in its user account on social networks that the worshipers at
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the imam sadiq mosque in the west of manama, the capital of bahrain , started the friday prayer and began to pray. action slogans condemn the hostility of the zionist axis against the muslim nation, but mr. farkhandepour, an expert on international issues, is with us. hello, mr. farkhandepour , in the name of allah , the most merciful. my question is why america and england have decided to launch such an attack and what is the main goal of america in starting this conflict and expanding the front of the conflict in the region ? his allies that we witnessed the attack this morning
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they were in yemen, in my opinion, one of the biggest reasons for this attack is the lack of accurate knowledge of international sociology by the military and security analysts of this country. the terrorists of the united states of america have similar attacks on many countries in the region, for example , let's say syria or iraq as an entry point. or even afghanistan, but here the reactions of the people and in fact the brave resistance of the resistance front, which we have hated for many years. moreover, in the region, we can witness one of the biggest factors in the failure
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of the united states of america and its allies in the so-called region. after almost 200 years in syria, in this country , the americans easily and realistically rub the nose of the resistant people, and we are witnessing this because of syria. that today yemen with a population of nearly 31 million people, this population and this power and this potential are all united in the fight against the hegemony and unilateralism of the terrorist government of the united states of america . housiyas are among the brave resistance fighters against the state. the united states of america has faced the truth. if we see that the resistance front is now showing strength and
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firmness against the united states government, this is a sign of the unmatched power and authority of the resistance front against the united states. well, we are witnessing that in the western governments themselves. the people are protesting against the crimes of the united states of america government and they are showing resistance against this type of unilateralism of the united states. we even expressed these protests at the beginning of the petitioners' lack of accurate knowledge of statesmen and analysts and politicians and analysis. the experts and analysts of american international issues in latin america itself, both observed that we were in venezuela, but we also had such a thing that we did
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not want to accept the hegemony and open colonialism of the united states of america, this shows the authority and greatness of the governments. who are dependent on their own government and nation-state, and to achieve their goals , they do not give up all the so-called available tools, even their own lives and property. with this move, america has taken a very big gamble that we feel that it is a big deal for the criminal zionist usurper government. it will pay a very big price. in the very near future, god willing, we will witness the destruction of the governance infrastructure of these countries in the militant muslim countries of the region. today, you are witnessing that the government. the united states has countless bases in the middle east region, even around yemen, and these goals
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are many for yemen, which today has strong and rich missile reserves, as mentioned in our special military programs, which can be used against the unpopular interests of the united states of america. the leaders of yemen and al-housti should use this promise to give the so-called public opinion of the world. thank you very much, sir farkhand pour, an expert on international issues, but i would like to point out some news. the palestinian islamic jihad movement has condemned the us and british aggression against yemen and announced that we salute the position of yemen and condemn the depressing positions of the arabs, but the foreign minister of jordan has also taken a position. and he declared that the international community should accept its responsibility and israel's hegemony. inside the united states , there have been widespread reactions, such as cory bash, a member
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of the american parliament, wrote on his personal page that the american people do not want more money from the taxpayers' pockets to be poured into an endless war. we have established a relationship with mr. qadri, an expert on international issues. mr. qadri, hello to you now that we are talking. the international court of justice, known as the hague court , is being held and the american case in the case of the zionist regime is being examined there, where south africa has filed a complaint against the israeli regime regarding the genocide in gaza. do you think this is a military attack by the united states, the regime and the uk can it be related to what is going on in laha and the fear that the zionist regime will be convicted of genocide in the name of god in this court?
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al-rahim, salamat sarkari and all dear viewers , look at a point that is accurate, the series of developments that have actually occurred in the occupied territories over the past three months and the insane and brutal attacks of the silistian regime. naturally, it found different dimensions and despite the fact that the leaders of the resistance countries emphasized many times that the continuation of this genocide and crime. and the expansion of its dimensions beyond the borders of the occupied territories will naturally trap this regime and involve its supporters. well, we see today that this has happened. naturally, their initial expectation was not that the resistance groups in an exemplary coherence and coordination, they can
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take a reciprocal action. well, naturally, this is what happened. naturally, this happened both on the part of the iraqi groups facing the american military base and on the part of the yemeni resistance groups and the national government and the national army of yemen . it led to the countermeasures of the resistance groups , reversing what we are witnessing today. the truth of the matter is that we have seen in the last two or three days that the kurdish media are constantly creating media space on this line they consider the action of the yemenis as an action of the residents first and introduce them to the public opinion as the initiators of this conflict , even though the
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resistance groups have already announced that as long as the crime continues in the occupied lands, especially. if it wants to continue, naturally, this confrontation will continue. the incident happened in the court in the last day or two, and the country of south africa, with an exemplary courage and based on the protocols and rules of international law, entered the story and defeated the zionist regime. in fact, he was introduced under the title of convict in this court and now the court is in progress, in fact , it is a space where they did not make their own calculations before, if you have observed the hasty comment and with a special anger that netanyahu had yesterday, you will see that basically these are from this front. they couldn't believe that such a blow would be inflicted on them. naturally, the model of the regime and its supporters, especially the united states, has always
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been such that when they are under such pressure, they show a harsh reaction. and now some other countries that they not necessarily direct intervention , but political support. in fact, in a way , it can be considered as a reaction to these events. well, you know that they have been severely pressured economically , and this is the first time that the zionist regime has experienced this amount of pressure. and in fact , it is experiencing economic backwardness. in the reports that have been published in the western media in the past few days, this key word was heard a lot that the sihon regime has returned to 20 years ago in terms of economy, and the decline and decline of the bush index, the investment index of the value of money, is that money is actually a unit. regime he is a zionist, all of this shows that
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what they were estimating and what netanyahu had given that this war would end with victory , well, all of this has not been realized from the group's cohesion point of view. it is the first time that the resistance has somehow shown that it is not a party to the crimes of the regime and its supporters, and naturally, if this action is to continue, on behalf of the zionist and its european american supporters, the resistance will naturally give the necessary response to farakhor, and naturally that person which will harm. finally, thank you mr. qadri international affairs expert, of course , i invite you to stay with us, we will see pictures , we will come back, so until food and medicine are allowed to enter the gaza strip
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, there is no road in the red and arab seas that leads to occupied palestine. sana has defined the equation. and in this way, according to the words of the head of the sana'a government, a new element is emerging in the aggression of the occupying regime in the gaza strip. we do not have a common border with palestine, but at least we have babylon mandab, as well as the south of the red sea and the arabian sea, and we can use the facilities let's prevent ourselves from shipping to this regime. military experts say: closing the arab and red seas to the shipping of the zionist regime and preventing the passage of the ships of this regime and targeting them, as well as closing the route to all the ships that are moving towards the occupied palestinian ports, is an escalation. it is yemen's positions that
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will have negative economic and military consequences for the occupying regime. yemen has been able to surround and isolate israel. just as they have besieged our palestinian brothers in the gaza strip, so have we the occupying regime we surround if israel wants to be adventurous and take military action against us, we will have no choice but to react and defend ourselves. the sana'a government, while emphasizing the continuation of the shipping process from the arab and red seas, except for the ships that are bound for occupied palestine, warned all companies and ships about cooperating with the ports of the occupation regime. the actions of the yemeni navy should not be placed. undoubtedly , our decision is a historic decision, which was announced from the moment of the announcement regardless of the threats and movements of america about
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the establishment of a naval coalition against yemen in order to prevent this country. it was implemented from the fruits of the ports of the zionist regime. this decision was taken with the aim of supporting the palestinian people and the people of gaza. i am with you with the special coverage program of the american and british military attack on yemen. mrs. badiei, an international reporter , is here to tell the latest news. mrs. badiei , what is the latest news and international reactions to this military attack? thank you very much. i would like to say hello to the viewers . we would like to briefly review the reactions that have recently happened. i can point to the statement that france and germany actually supported the attacks us and uk attacks on yemen
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. let's take a closer look at these things . we can hear objections from both the uk and the us. officials who actually use the keyword constantly in their conversations, we see that they don't have one. permission and not consulting was the reason for this to happen. for example, rokana, the democratic representative of california, said in his speech that according to article 1 of the us constitution, joe biden should have obtained permission before carrying out any attack . another example we have given here is barbarali, who he is a democratic representative and he is actually a fan of fire it is urgent enough to prevent any deadly, costly and disastrous tension in the region, and now these are his own words, another democratic member of the us house of representatives said in his speech that without permission, the us may be involved in a war again in a decade, he gave a warning and in finally, some republican representatives criticized in their speeches that this happened without consultation
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, the former deputy national security adviser of the obama administration mentioned in his speech this morning that i was seeing that when the united states could not eliminate yemen with the military campaign of several years, they should not expect it. which actually with how many airstrikes should something special happen? he said that the mistake of the obama administration was to support saudi arabia to destroy them, but this did not happen. there is another story, jeremy corbyn, the former leader of the british labor party , mentioned in his speech. that the escalation of tension again will not result in anything other than death and suffering, and he called this issue very shameful, especially because the british parliament was not consulted, and at the end of his speech, he wrote that when are we going to learn from our mistakes? that war is not the solution. i will finish my talk by referring to the very magnificent demonstrations we see in yemen.
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thousands of yemeni people showed up in different cities . in addition to actually showing their support for the defense of the country, they also remember gaza and announced their support. thank you. thank you very much to ms. badiei, the reporter of the international field, who was with us. but the minister of defense. australia, the country whose name was mentioned in the intervention of the us military attack on yemen, has mentioned that we only provide personnel support. i am talking about this with mr. farkhandepour, an expert on international issues who is with us. mr. farkhandepour, i want you to i would like to ask this question, if we are in contact with mr. farkhandepour, yes , we are not in contact with you, the viewers. dear sir, i will
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say goodbye on friday afternoon. the occupying regime is thousands of miles away, what brought them to our country to kill our people and besiege them and kill women, children and premature babies , what did they come here for except committing crimes, but our position humanity is our position for the crusader european american war machine and terrorist aggression
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stop themselves against the palestinian nation, is our position not the right position? but your attacks have not stopped the war. we only say that the siege and war should end and water, medicine and food should reach these people. now they came to say: israel should continue to kill these people and from these killings.
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the people of yemen did not get tired of holding demonstrations and gatherings to declare solidarity with the palestinian people and support gaza. for the twelfth consecutive friday , here in saba'in square in the south of sana'a, the capital of this country. we will stay with you until victory is achieved and america will never be able to stop us. we have come here in response to our leader seyyed abdul malik badreddin. these my people, big and small , came here to support the people of gaza and their brothers in palestine and to tell them that
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they are not alone. it becomes more and more passionate. as you can see, this flood of people gathered here to congratulate the operation of the yemeni armed forces and to request that this operation continue to lift the siege and stop the brutal genocide in gaza . we are here to tell our fighting brothers in gaza to be patient. our message to america or the great devil is that
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we challenge you. they condemn the world with the occupation regime. the yemeni people are constantly committed to gathering, mobilizing, and entering into any battle with the occupying regime. israel or america or the supporters and defenders of these two are ready in the future.
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hello, welcome to the half-day news , yemen's reaction. we will not hesitate to target the source of the attacks by the united states and the united kingdom this morning. in the attacks by the united states and the united kingdom on four provinces of yemen, 5 people were martyred and 6 people were injured . the massive demonstrations of the yemenis in condemnation.


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