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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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in the first half of 1402, the inflation rate decreased again and its average reached negative 488, which indicates a significant decrease. anyway, the people of afghanistan say that if there is an economic problem in this country , it is the result of dozens of occupations of afghanistan by foreigners. behnam yazdani of kabul radio and television news agency. today is friday the 22nd hundred and 9th of jamadah. it is the 12th of january in tehran, the sunset will be at 171:00, the maghrib call to prayer will be at 17:31, and the shari'i midnight will be at 23:28. thank you for your company .
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and our subsequent reaction only at the level of recent operations it will not be that he targeted the americans with more than 24 drones and several missiles in the sea. our next reaction will be bigger than that. we will be more determined to continue this process of targeting ships related to the zionist regime. we will not give up our position. our position was not taken from our faith. americans need to know what this means. we tell all countries.
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we say to asian countries like china, to european countries in the west, and to all countries in the world: there is no problem in crossing the red sea. only ships related to the zionist regime will be targeted. zineps and as long as
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we have permission and also the arabian sea and we can use our own facilities to prevent shipping to this regime. military experts say that closing the arab and red seas to the shipping of the zionist regime and preventing the passage of the ships of this regime and targeting them, as well as closing the route to all the ships that are moving towards the occupied palestinian ports, is a parallel escalation. . yemen has been able to surround and isolate israel. just as they have besieged our palestinian brothers in the gaza strip, so have we the occupying regime we surround if israel wants to be adventurous and take military action against us. we
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will have no choice but to react and defend ourselves. the sana'a government, while emphasizing the continuation of the shipping process from the arabian and red seas , except for ships bound for occupied palestine, warned all companies and ships to cooperate with the ports of the occupying regime so that they do not become targets of the actions of the yemeni navy. i think it is a historic decision that from the moment the announcement was made regardless of the threats and moves of america about creating a naval coalition against yemen in order to prevent this country from the ports of the zionist regime were implemented. this decision was taken with the aim of supporting the palestinian people and the people of gaza. millions of free people on
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the way to the victory of people's presence in the historical milestone of the province's squares. saadah was barred from the flood of people who responded to the call of resistance and declared their readiness to be sent to the war fronts. the people of hajjah province set a challenging scene. demonstrators emphasized their readiness to confront the arrogant and support the rights of the oppressed .
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in this ceremony, the flags of yemen and palestine were raised and the people chanted slogans of support and support for the nation
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palestine declared their readiness to fight against the us and the zionist regime . our message to the enemies is that
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the yemeni nation is ready for any kind of battle, and as seyyed abdul malik badr al-din said , we are ready for a direct confrontation with the us. general basij announced their readiness to enter into any land or sea battle that may be imposed on yemen. since a month ago, when the yemenis closed one of the economic arteries of the zionists, here in london , the american international network has 3 options. or a little further on the bbc, this route is actually the gulf of aden at the babolmandb strait, the employees were worried
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that america really has something else to do and wants to do . it has forces in the region, nearly 20,000 of them are stationed in the countries that are close to yemen. apart from those symbols of america, which are american ships in the target. are hussite forces. this concern has also spread to the employees of this persian-language network in the united states, as well as the restlessness in the red sea following the houthis' missile and drone attacks on all ships heading towards israel. they say that there is a difference. in order to get out of the yemeni pressure, america decided to form a coalition with the company of 39 other countries . some of these countries practically refuse to be named in this new coalition, such as the uae and saudi arabia. i
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believe that basic measures will not be taken in this coalition, and even they have no hope of controlling the red sea by the united states and its allies. what do you think? i think that this coalition in this asymmetric war can achieve its goal of securing the safety of sailors in the red sea. i can't until that point this is how they admit the weakness of americans on live air. the american defense minister was asking the houthis to stop these attacks. see, in my opinion, this is a sign of the weakness of the biden administration. more signals of weakness given by the government should be signals of strength. their news line turned the zionist challenge into the challenge of the world economy. industrial halls of europe from. all european countries , which are for asian countries, must pass through this strait, and
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if they don't want to bypass this strait , they have to travel about 14 to 15 thousand additional miles and need a lot of energy , which means they have to bypass the whole of africa. especially the impact of this space on the flow of oil, grains and other consumer goods, but a less-discussed news in these networks, the yemenis said that their blade is only for sharp ships whose destination is the occupied lands on the mediterranean coast. ali kazemi , radio and television news agency. according to the statistics of the world trade organization, the babolmandb strait accounts for 12% of trade.
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ships carrying 14,000 cars have been prevented from arriving since november 15th. he emphasized that 85% of the port's income comes from the import of cars. according to the standardization institute , these risks increase the cost of ship insurance they are those who go to occupied palestine . insurance for container ships increased by an average of 13. the financial times announced. insurance companies recently increased the cost of insurance for some ships up to 300. near. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, as you probably noticed this morning, the united states
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and the united kingdom launched an air attack on yemen . the president of the united states claimed that these attacks were carried out with the support of four countries, the netherlands, bahrain, canada, and australia. in these attacks, it is said that 60 targets were attacked in 16 points, the result of which was sh cause. 5 people were martyred and 7 others were injured. in a special program, we want to check the latest developments in this regard with you. in this regard, first of all, ms. sanaz fakhravar, an expert and reporter of sada vasima news agency, is with us . ms. fakhravar, what happened? in the past few weeks, we have seen whispers in the news that the americans were taking actions, maybe they were laying the groundwork, what happened in these two or three weeks when they finally launched their attack this morning . now let me go back a
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bit. the invasion is actually the aggression of the zionist regime gaza started killing. ansarullah began, yemen's ansarullah movement announced that as long as these killings continue , they will not allow israeli ships and all ships destined for the ports of the occupied territories and occupied palestine to pass through the strait of babolmandar, and in this regard, several ships being attacked by the forces of ansarullah, being in the red sea , i think they seized some of them and took them to the yemeni coast. as for their part, it was confiscated, well, this process continued, and the westerners did not like it at all, because this kind of thing is happening many times. threatening not to do this in the last attack on the ships, on tuesday, exactly the same night, they announced that the security
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council meeting would be held and a resolution against yemen would be issued. well, he has voted and this is a strange thing. it was not, and it was very interesting that the reason for these attacks was not mentioned in the resolution, and even israel was not condemned in it and only said that ansar allah must stop these attacks, otherwise they will be dealt with . now this is about this topic. it is important that many times the resolution about israel went to the security council to stop its attacks on gaza, more than 23 thousand people were killed, but everyone believes that nothing happened and there is no need for such a resolution to be passed, and so far , such a resolution has never been passed. there was something that was actually the grounds of aggression and attack that america and england carried out last night. yes, and finally last night the attack took place
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. it has been attacked and now. the most interesting story is that america much earlier, he had announced that he would form a coalition with 37 countries to protect the red sea, and the effort of the us all this time has been to show these attacks to the world, that all ships in this region have been attacked many times. he even used the word banditry and said that banditry is taking place there, but ansar ella still insists. it is said that it is only targeting israeli ships and this will happen as long as the attack on gaza continues, that is what you say either in the text of the security council resolution or in the talks that the leaders america and england did not mention the root of the story and they tried to make the issue international, exactly, exactly, and america tried
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to align the countries with itself. at the very beginning , the pentagon announced that after a while it was announced that there are 20 countries in this coalition and in the end , practically no coalition was formed. in fact, the most key countries that could participate in this coalition are the countries of the red sea region , saudi arabia, egypt, which did not participate in this coalition and after the attack announced that the united states issued a statement along with 9 other countries from a number of countries he mentioned that these countries supported him in these attacks on canada. australia, the netherlands, bahrain, these are the four countries that america has claimed to support all of them, yes, and it is interesting that, for example , australia made a statement declaring that it supported the attack that america did, but there was no mention that it was present, provided logistical support for this, or had forces in these attacks did not mention anything at the
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beginning, which means that america had listed 37 countries in the beginning. in the end , he reached 5 other countries except england, which is characterized by its political situation in relation to america australia, canada , each of them is politically under the control of england, but only the netherlands , bahrain, that is, they could control two other countries . yes, bahrain also has a military base . now that the us secretary of state blinken has recently traveled there, now he has some branches. it creates that he was present in this valley. there is still no official statement from any of these countries about their presence there, as presence is another point now, not only the possibility that the aircraft carrier will confront me
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, now that this fleet is so big , it is also necessary for them to confront them. it thank you, thank you very much. we are in contact with mr. mohammad parsa najafi, an expert on yemen issues . hello, mr. najafi. hello, i am at your service and all my dear viewers. we have been with you on the program jahan today for the past month. what happened that the americans finally made such a decision in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, yes, in several meetings in the service of his holiness. i had a question and dear viewers , i emphasized in all those programs that americans they do not have the ability to open
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the babol mandab strait, and if they launch an attack, it will not lead to any results . . it has a promotional use because the places that were hit by bombs and rockets were completely civilian or were basically considered destroyed targets, for example , they destroyed the fuel tank of sana'a city airport, which was operating in a civilian way, and the fire pits that were in the broadcasted clips and filming done by friends can see is it to attack the fuel tanks of the civilian part of sana'a airport or, for example , to attack the abd airport in hajja province, which
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was destroyed by saudi fighters many years ago at the beginning of the 8-year war with saudi arabia and the united states, as well as hodeidah airport , zamar airport, etc. and then the americans claimed that the bases and uavs of ansar allah, while ansar allah is so smart and has gained the experience of the eight-year war that he knows that the silos for launching missiles and the hangars for launching uavs should be located deep in the ground in the deserts or in the middle of hidden mountains therefore, it had no effect on ansarullah's military strength, besides the fact that 10 minutes after the american attacks.
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as a result, the activity of the americans did not and will not have an effect on the reopening of the babolmandb strait. and i emphasize again that the americans are at a disadvantage in the sea strait war, including the babolmandb strait, because if the native country in the region tries to close the strait, the americans cannot open it . what do you mean by not being able to? yes, excellent yes , please explain the meaning of closing the strait first. which will be announced if a ship passes through this strait , it will be attacked, and when it comes to light , which ansarullah did in the last two months, commercial ships and economic companies
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are not willing to pass through that route. they are not risk-averse, that is, high risk, high risk has a high cost and can lead to the destruction of the ship and its cargo, while the insurance costs and so on increase drastically. therefore , the shipping companies are forced to change their course, so to speak, in military strategic issues , they call this situation closing the strait, which means commercial ships and oil, etc. will not pass through the strait. now the situation is the same in the babolmandab strait, and even the ships that were going to destinations other than the zionist regime prefer to pass through this route. in strategic dimensions, this means imposing the will of yemen's ansarullah on the will of the american empire , that is, the americans with all those claims, and
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see, you mentioned the situation that has a strait and the situation that the americans are in, anyway , the yemeni forces. they have fought with the aggressor saudi coalition for 8 years and are familiar with the conditions. a point that may have been very important in these few days the fact is that the american attack was more or less predictable, that is, even the media talked about it . now, there was no need to provide any special information until it became clear that america wanted to attack last night
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. introduce and because their will has been challenged in the hardship of babylon mandab and they don't have a serious, practical and pragmatic solution to get out of this situation in which they are caught, they are doing propaganda work , just like you mentioned in yemen since march 2015 means april 2014 under the fire of daily bombings for 8 years
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america if england was the zionist regime of the uae and saudi arabia, it means that it is the same coalition now , that is, the same actions that the americans have been doing, nothing new has been added. don't let americans bomb yemen directly and completely publicly and officially in the war with yemen for 8 years. being present and killing the people of yemen, and nothing new has been added to the problem or to the equation, on the contrary, in the past, ansar allah in yemen had not blocked the bab al-mandab strait, but now the zionist regime has blocked and directly challenged the will of the united states, while the yemeni ansarullah has many winning cards , in previous programs
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i told hazrat ali and his friends that yemen has many cards that have not yet been played, such as long-range dragons. and the unmanned submarines that can be guided from a distance , so to speak, they call it zahpad , these are not found yet, because they are located in the deep waters , which means that they do not even need to be inside the territory of yemen and be launched from there, they are located in the sea. and the red sea and the arabian sea and in the middle of the tang babulmin at the time of the leadership. thank you very much. i have two more questions for you and the end of this conversation . the first question was the discussion we had here in the studio about three or four weeks ago about the participation of 37 countries in an international coalition against yemen, but in it finally reached the point where the american president said: in
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his statement that we carried out this attack with england and four countries helped us: australia , canada, which are politically subordinate to england, holland, bahrain, bahrain, which hosts the american fleet and in terms of well, america's military is a serious presence it is determining what happened to the 37 countries that america was looking for and wanted to form an international coalition with.


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