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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm IRST

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they held a rally against america and england. in this gathering, yemenis condemned the us and british air and missile attack on their country. we see live images of yemeni people's demonstrations together. i don't want all the passages and boundaries. dear viewers , the images you are viewing are related to the anti-american and anti-british rally of the yemeni people in sana'a, the capital of this country. yemen's warning
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to the neighboring countries the supreme political council of yemen warned the neighboring countries of international organizations about the interference and assistance to the united states, england and the zionist regime in attacking yemen, the yemeni authorities announced in response to the recent aggression against yemen, all the interests of the united states and england have become legitimate targets for the yemeni armed forces . the sacred defense of yemen is sovereignty, independence and freedom in decision making. yemen has also emphasized that the continuation of measures taken by the yemeni armed forces in the red sea of ​​babolmandab is related to the actions of the zionist enemy. yemen's ansarullah announced today the american and british attacks on places in sana'a, the capital, hodeidah, tiz, hajjah and saada, which left five martyrs and six wounded. military spokesman
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yemen's ansarullah said that the us and british attacks on yemen this morning left 5 martyrs and 6 wounded . today, the us and the uk announced the attack on more than 16 points in yemen with 100 missiles . he is done. america claims that because the yemenis have blocked shipping in the red sea , they attacked this country, they mean the attacks that the yemenis have carried out in support of the people of gaza and to prevent the zionist genocide. yemenis, of course , have a different version of the story. the yemenis said that the traffic of ships through bab al-mandab strait in the red sea it is free, except for the ships that are going to the occupied territories. we say to all countries.
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this coalition was created without the participation of the coastal countries of the red sea, especially egypt and saudi arabia , which shows the failure of america in dealing with the deterrence power of the ansarullah movement, because this coalition was supposed to be formed with the presence of 39 countries, but now only 10 countries are members, even bahrain is in this coalition only because of the country's hosting of america's fifth naval fleet and the approval of the resolution in the security council with the efforts of america , which became an excuse to attack yemen. with the aim of
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preventing attacks against the zionist regime in the sea at first, a long list was announced, but when american officials, including the secretary of defense , visited the region and it was decided to announce a list, it turned out that many countries did not agree to be present. as cn said, blinken had prepared the preparations for the aggression during his trip to the region. now, in addition to the rally that was held in front of the white house on the same night as the invasion of yemen , whispers of opposition from some members of congress can be heard. the president of the united states violated the first article of the constitution by carrying out airstrikes in yemen without the approval of the congress. the american people are tired of endless war have became. of course, the aggression of the american coalition did not go unanswered. the american and british enemies are fully responsible for these crime attacks. it is a crime against the yemeni people, without
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an answer, there will be no punishment. the people of yemen came to the square today to condemn the attacks and in many provinces of this country, including sana'a and saada. they demonstrated. the people who emerged proud from the 8-year aggression of the saudi-american coalition. hossein rouhani of sed and sima news agency. by condemning the american and british attack on yemen, the worshipers across the country in friday prayers directly support the continuation of the crimes of the zionist regime and trying to divert the minds of the world from genocide. they said in gaza. the worshipers also demanded the practical action of international organizations to stop the zionist crimes and declared their support for the palestinian people until the liberation of quds sharif.
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ansarullah, ansarullah, america and israel must understand that they have no place in this region. we want a decisive action. yemeni people answer. resolutely to actually carry out the aggressions that america has done to them, god willing, you can be sure that it will give a good answer, that is, it will give a firm and crushing answer to these crimes. god is great, if the islamic world let's all unite, israel will surely disappear soon , god willing, america and england will not be able to do anything about it . the silence of the international human rights defenders in yemen and gaza, which are in fact against human rights, shows that they are definitely defending oppression, and their hands are stained with the blood of every oppressed person anywhere in
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the world, especially dear yemen. they are being martyred. spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs. early this morning, america and england strongly condemned several yemeni cities and called it a clear violation of sovereignty the transverse integrity of yemen and the violation of international laws and regulations, mr. kanani emphasized that these arbitrary attacks will have no result other than fueling insecurity and instability in the region, adding that america and england are trying to draw the attention of the people of the world from the crimes of this regime. fake criminal and aggressor against people. pervert palestine. the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs expressed concern about the consequences of repeating such arbitrary attacks for international regional peace and security and asked the international community to respond and take responsible measures to prevent the spread of war, instability and insecurity in the region.
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for the 14th consecutive friday, zionists prevented palestinian worshipers from entering al-aqsa mosque. became israeli soldiers fired tear gas at palestinians who were planning to enter al-aqsa mosque to participate in friday prayers. the zionist forces also arrested a palestinian youth when he tried to enter al-aqsa mosque. the end of this news section of khodnaghadar.
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in the name of god, greetings again to you , dear viewers of khabar network , the rain is coming in the form of rain and snow in these areas. until tomorrow, we will witness the intensity of these rains in the southern parts of west azarbaijan province and the western parts of kurdistan province. we witness the northern and eastern regions of khuzestan province, the northern and western parts of chaharmahal bakhtiari province, and the western parts of kohkali and bai rahmat provinces. due to the snowfall , we will witness disruptions in road traffic and slippery roads , and due to the intensity of the rain
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, the public roads will be flooded. the rains will continue in these areas tomorrow . witness the rains on saturday in the northwestern parts, the western parts of the country, the southern parts. sea khazar and also the southern slopes of alborz, the intensity of rains during tomorrow in the provinces of west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan, ardabil , gilan, and the western parts of the province. we are witnessing kermanshah province as well as parts of zanjan, ghazvin and alborz provinces. we expect that on sunday. these rains will extend to parts of the southwest of the country and to some extent to the northeast parts of the country, to north khorasan and north khorasan razavi provinces. on this day, the rains continue. on monday, the intensity of the rains will gradually decrease with less intense rains only in parts of the west and southwest of the country and also in parts of the north. we are witnessing in the west and during tuesday it can be said that in most parts of the country, scattered rains are stable in
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the western parts of the country and the southern heights of alborz . another phenomenon that is noticeable during this period is strong winds that we until tomorrow , we will see strong winds blowing in the northwestern parts of the western areas, the southern slopes of alborz, the northeastern parts and the southeastern parts of the country . southern alborz occurs in the eastern parts of the country. tomorrow to head to we expect that the caspian sea and the northern parts of the persian gulf will be rough. thank you for accompanying us until this moment.
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the fourth group of people officially announced their joining the general mobilization force in yemen's hajja province by holding a military regime ceremony. in this ceremony, the flags of yemen and palestine were hoisted and the volunteers
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chanted the slogan of supporting and supporting the palestinian nation and announced their combat readiness to confront america and the zionist regime. our message to the enemies is that we are not afraid of their coalition. we are facing their conflict we are not afraid of direct confrontation with america. more than 20 thousand military volunteers in basij. the public participated in the grand ceremony of their graduation from the al-aqsa storm military course in yemen's hajj and declared their readiness to confront america and its naval coalition to support the ships of the zionist regime. we say to the people of gaza resistance, we are with you. continue to resist and stand. our morale is very high. i tell the world that we will fight against any enemy from the zionist regime.
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the yemeni people announced their readiness to enter any land or sea battle by announcing the general mobilization it may be imposed on yemen, they announced. hello again , we are with you with our special program regarding the early morning attack of american and british fighters on yemen. in this regard
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, we now want to go to new york to talk with our reporter ali rajabi. mr. rajabi , hello, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, mr. rajabi , we want to start the story from the meeting of the security council that was held two or three days ago . after the approval of that resolution, yes, it is actually a resolution as you mention, un resolution 2722 was about. yemen specifically requested that resolution , which was also the text proposed by america and was approved. the discussion is about returning the conditions of the red sea to normal and the freedom of movement of commercial ships . now, based on your question, i happen to have a copy of resolution 27-22 i have in my hand, i can
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point out the parts of the method to see which part of this resolution leads. about the american and british attack on yemen or whether there was such a clause in this resolution or not, a part of them was initially worried about the conditions in the red sea it has created problems and hindered the freedom of movement of commercial ships. emphasizing the importance of applying shipping rights is one of the things mentioned in this resolution. it is emphasized that the cost of transporting essential goods. it will increase if this situation continues and then i will apologize and it will have a negative impact on the economic situation of the world. in another part of this resolution, in its second paragraph , it is requested that the yemeni element immediately stop all attacks in the red sea and prevent global trade
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and the weakening of the rights of freedom, in fact, should not be mentioned in the third paragraph. open discussion again about freedom of navigation guarantees and that this must be observed in the next paragraph, in the seventh paragraph , it is specifically mentioned to emphasize the need to address the root causes of this situation in the hard sea, including regional conflicts, but without mentioning the issue of the zionist regime's attacks. by chance, maybe this paragraph was included in this resolution as a result of the pressure of some other members of the security council, but the paragraph is very weak and has no clarification that the root of the current situation in the red sea is a natural protest against what is happening in gaza. and more than 90 days have passed and no one is stopping israel and the regime is not stopping israel zionist did not kill the people of gaza in this
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section of the discussion to ensure a quick, efficient and effective response to guarantee normal conditions in the red sea. in fact , he mentioned and again in the same paragraph he mentioned the previous un resolution which was approved with the support of the united states for several years. the discussion of arms embargo is actually the element of yemen . the incident in yemen means preparing this framework in advance and then taking this action as a precaution to prevent the spread of conflicts in the region. however, we saw that the americans themselves were not bound and they are expanding the regional conflicts. mr. rajabi
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, what was the form of the vote that the countries gave to that resolution , as i remember, there were 11 votes in favor. he agreed in the vote, but we saw that russia and china, even though they had this right and could prevent his image, did not vote against that resolution , abstained, and finally they voted in the security council to approve a resolution of 15 permanent members and the permanent council. and the non-permanent security council, if only 9 members vote in favor, that resolution is passed with 11 votes in fact, that resolution was approved. yes, of course i would if there was time. i would like to point out that before this vote was held, russia proposed three amendments to this resolution in order to actually
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add this section, especially related to the root, which was opposed and directly voted against by the united states and the united kingdom. as a result of the vote , this actually became a resolution that indicated that the security council is going to hold a meeting after the vote of thanks by russia and three other countries. we were attacked by the united states. today, in the news and articles published by the media from new york , i learned that it seems that russia is seeking to hold the meeting is wonderful after last night's attack by the united states. yes, look, exactly one hour and 20 minutes ago , the united nations published a press release announcing that a meeting will be held this afternoon at this time . yesterday, it was announced that at around 23:30 tehran time today, the security council will hold a meeting regarding the issue of gaza, and specifically
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the issue of the attacks of the shahiwanist regime on gaza, and about an hour and a half ago, as i mentioned, it was announced that after in that meeting and in the rest of that meeting , no mention was made of the name of yemen, whose topic is peacekeeping there is international security, naturally, this meeting is to examine the issue. yemen and the attacks that have taken place. thank you mr. rajabi for your kindness. we will continue the conversation in the khabar network studio . mr. gholam hossein yousefi will also join us. who carried out the attack after that, so that the level of tension does not increase, it has been a long time since the americans. in that official and unofficial message that they are trying to convey , that the war does not become more widespread
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, they carried out their own operations last night, and during this time, they did not take any action for they did not stop the zionist barrages , but the route of sending weapons continued. this policy of the americans has changed with today's attack . i used to say that we did not fight it and spread it. the news of this goes back to the double standards of the united states or the selective policies of the united states, which on the one hand constantly declare that we do not want to expand the war, but the westerners are sitting there in the occupied territories of palestine. their ships in the mediterranean are armed support, intelligence support, technical support, they have full political support and we see
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that for more than 90 days, the zionist regime has not failed to kill the people of gaza, that is, it has done what it can, and the americans keep announcing that our intention is not to expand the scope of the conflicts. . well, we can't be two. let's announce on the one hand that we don't intend to go to war and expand the scope of the conflicts . on the one hand, we see that they are directly present . yemen, bab strait al-mandeh and the hard sea that is our economic bottleneck have been taken and will not leave a cargo ship for us. bring it and our ports have been closed, why don't you go and fight with yemen , there is so much pressure on america from the zionist side that anyway
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, according to mr. carter, the united states says that we have to support the zionist regime by nature. we have to support mr. carter's work, we see the facts, but we don't want to accept or admit it, so this pressure from the regime on the state. the united states is the united states. let me tell you about its efforts in these 3 months he has been able to keep this region safe , he has consulted with the countries of the region so that this region is not insecure and the regime is not under pressure, but it came to a point where he had to go to war to defend the regime, something that he has never done before. he said that we don't want it, but i believe that the nature of what happened is an operation. limited or war, because in any case, ansarullah, with the support of the people that it has shown in the past and today, and the military power that it has no intention of retreating from its explanations, will continue
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the operation. what do the americans want to do next ? they want to have a war with the yemenis. you see, america doesn't want to go to war because the big goal of america is to contain china and it is planning for it. america knows this very well if it goes to war with any country in the region , it will stop china from becoming a champion, so its intention is not to go to war. i said war, on the one hand , there is zionist pressure on the united states, on the other hand , the united states is complaining about the fact that i am here and i cannot provide security for the regime, and some of their officials are in conflict with al jazeera and some other networks. that we have finished our operation against yemen i mean, we fought a limited war, and now, by all means , exactly what you said, the spokesperson of the pentagon
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. who announced that there is no plan to increase the forces in the region. yes, they officially announced and said that we made this move in self-defense. you can call it defense, but the important thing is that america has carried out this attack and its expectation and expectation is that ansarullah will not respond until it ends, but what we have seen is what the ansarallah officials have seen. masabaqa that he had. and the statement that announced that if america strikes, we will definitely respond and they are serious. another part that ansarullah emphasized is that we will continue the previous operation , that is, we still don't want to let the ship go to the zionist ports. yes, ansarallah announced from the beginning. if the siege and operation against gaza ends , our operation will also end, and if it continues , we will continue behind this attack.
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america's attacks also announced the same thing, that if america wants to continue, we will continue, but if america stops, we will stop, but support we will not abandon the defense of gaza and palestine as long as this war continues, and ansarullah's condition from the beginning has been that the attacks against gaza must stop , and this aspect has a defensive and protective aspect. how can america support israel in all aspects, but another country cannot support palestine . this is a very questionable place, why the united states gives itself this right and westerners support israel's childish genocide, but yemen's ansarullah says i support gaza, and this move happens to be in the direction of controlling the war scene when the regime is under pressure. he will have to agree to a ceasefire accept and end the war. this movement of ansarullah
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happens to be a movement. it is positive, but because the regime has an inherent aspect for the united states, according to mr. carter , to support it, unfortunately, they support it from all sides . thank you, mr. yusuffi. we will continue our conversation . let me say that according to the latest news, the spokesman of the pentagon has announced that we are not looking to increase our forces in the region, and the friday sermon in lebanon also considered the war against the residents of gaza to be the war of the united states with the hands of the zionists. perhaps this interpretation is very meaningful. ok, after the attack of the american and british fighters on yemen this morning, as
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we have discussed so far. our special program regarding the american and british attack on yemen this morning will continue until around 19:00 , but for now let's go to the maghrib call to the horizon of tehran . in the name of god , light upon light. in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god. light upon light.


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