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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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he has usurped the house of a nation, and at that time they are holding a peace conference in washington . peace with whom, what peace, what peace between whom and who . their biggest crime is that they want to judaize the holy of holies first. make muslims the center of their own oppression and conspiracy as the judaization of dear palestine. the whole world has heard that the american bullies have recently unveiled a plan called the deal of the century, the deal of the century. they like to
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give him a big name, maybe he will get it, maybe he will, this plan will definitely not come to fruition before he dies. trump, this plan is going away, the issue of trade is something that does not belong to them , trading the property of the palestinians with each other, one gave, one took , palestine belongs to the palestinians, who are you? the defeat did not mean anything for the palestinians. in the meantime , the islamic republic of iran has proposed an innovative plan as a solution to the palestinian issue, which coincides with western democracy and human rights. the solution is to return these millions of palestinians who live outside palestine palestine. what about the original people of palestine?
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muslims, christians, or jews should hold a referendum and decide what kind of regime will govern their country , put the system that is desired by this population into operation, then that system should decide to deal with these people who came to palestine during these 40 years, 45 years, 50 years. what to do with these, this is the solution to the crisis, this is the formula. they are living with complete security, repeatedly in the statements of imam rahal, may god bless him and grant him peace, and the statements of the officials. the islamic republic
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of israel has been proposed. enemies misinterpret this . erasing the state of israel means erasing the people he is not jewish. it is the erasure of that government. eradication is an imposed regime. some people don't say, sir, that such a thing is not possible in a dream. can the baltic sea countries return to independence after more than 40 years of being part of the former soviet union? the caucasus countries return to independence, now kazakhstan, azerbaijan, i don't know, the rest of the countries are independent, georgia, but will and determination are necessary. the latter shows that the
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zionist regime is facing many crises and is constantly weakening. on the other hand , the palestinian resistance by resolving the differences between different groups and coordinating them around the axis of the palestinian cause also, achieving numerous successes in the fields of technology and military equipment and implementing operations. many successes promise a growing and hopeful trend. today, america is weaker in this region than 10 years ago and 20 years ago. obviously , the evil zionist regime is weaker today than in the past. a few years ago, the zionist regime was defeated by lebanon's hezbollah. it resisted for 33 days
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and then was defeated. a year after him , he was able to fight against the palestinians for 22 days. resisted and failed. this is the same regime that chanted from the nile to the euphrates. 50 days in gaza, they could not make tunnels conquer the palestinians. look how different it has become, how weak it has become. between gaza and the zionist government, which claims to have the strongest army in the region. 8 days of war happens. when they want to establish a truce, the side that bets for a truce for the palestinians is unbelievable . 10 years ago, if you were told this, who
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would have believed that one day among the palestinians, not all the palestinians, but a corner of the palestinians, gaza? if there is a war between the zionist regime , the palestinians must pass a condition for the ceasefire of that war. in this last week, he was able to resist for two days and failed. this weakness of the zionist regime caused the weakness of the zionist regime of the palestinian resistance.
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it cannot afford human casualties, even though these are from the occupation. they didn't give up on themselves and they didn't give up on their own slogans in islamic societies , but they fell short of their main slogan, which was from the nile to the euphrates, and they were forced to make a short statement and put themselves in the enclosure of the barrier wall and pay for it. the struggles of the palestinian people. inside the land of palestine , it is broken and crushing for the zionist regime, because they promised the jews who gathered people from all over the world in this area.
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here is security, here is comfort, here is a good life, come here, be a gentleman, with the hope that the arabs will not fight with them, people. who have come to palestine with this false hope , they are not ready to sacrifice their existence for the political goals of the founders of zionism, but the zionist regime in its 75 years of life has never faced dire troubles like today, firstly , political instability in the first 4 years the minister has changed. party coalitions that have not been properly formed will fall apart. there is extreme polarization throughout the fake regime. this demonstration of 100,000 people and 200,000 people more and more people
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have been announced in telavid and in other cities, indicating that soon the number of people from israel will increase. the jews who leave reach 2 million . their own authorities regularly warn that collapse is near . their president says it. their former prime minister says it. their security chief says it. their defense minister says it . compared to the past , their strength cannot be said. several times, maybe tens of times , we received a report that in 24 hours, 27 palestinian operations were carried out in the territories occupied everywhere in palestine, in quds , in the west bank territories, in the 47 territories, everywhere in palestine
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, oslo, do you remember yasser arafat and others, what a disgrace they made in the oslo agreement , that palestine, oslo has become a black palestine, erin al-soud lions, this is all today the islamic world should consider the issue of palestine as their issue. this is the secret key that opens the doors of hell to the islamic ummah. we hope that you young people will see that day. and inshallah you will see. and god willing, you will pray in bait al-maqdis with success. all this bloodshed and usurpation the displacement of the palestinians started when some
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influential jews decided to create an independent jewish state for themselves. after the fall of the ottoman empire, according to the secret agreement of saxe-picot and later based on the approval of the league of nations, the guardianship of palestine was entrusted to england. english policies. he was evil and over time , he provided the platform for the influence of buying land and the immigration of jews from all over the world to palestine in order to prevent muslims from regaining power in that region by forming a non-islamic state. the zionists' excuse was the atrocities they claimed during the nazi era in germany they had been but the main question here is the documentation of these claims. it is true, and basically , what did these atrocities have to do with the palestinians even if they happened.
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in 1948 , palestine was divided into two halves by a resolution in the league of nations, and the fake state of israel declared its existence. it hasn't been a year since he launched a military attack on the neighboring countries of palestine, such as egypt, syria, jordan and lebanon, with the support of europe and the united states, in order to gain more land. contemporary history. occupied palestine is full of cruelty, destruction of houses, destruction of farms, displacement of families and killing of innocent people. simply because the idea is ambitious racist zionists will be realized. in the palestinian issue, the role of arab and islamic countries is very important. some of these countries even engaged in war with israel but lost. in a period , even in appearance, importance to palestine. but later, in
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the face of western pressures , they fell into the trap of compromising policies and failed in their duty, and some even entered the phase of normalizing relations. if all the capacities of muslim countries are used synergistically, this cancerous tumor which is the bed of all east asian crises will be destroyed. after the victory. islamic revolution in iran with support the words of imam khomeini, may god's mercy be upon him, and the designation of the last friday of the month of ramadan as the international holy day of hope gained strength in the hearts and the flow of resistance was strengthened. for several years, israel has been struggling to create an identity for itself. but still their biggest problem is the identity crisis of their legitimacy. during the last few decades, different methods. it has been experienced, but in practice it has been proven that the zionist usurper regime
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has not adhered to any of the commitments and contracts, and every day it is indulging in more invasions, expanding the territory and building settlements. the proposal of the islamic republic of iran in solving the palestinian issue is a logical way that even with western democracy and human rights also go hand in hand. in this solution, all the real palestinians settled in palestine or displaced in other countries, whether muslim , christian or jewish , put their elected government to work through a referendum or referendum, and this government will decide about the affairs of the country of palestine. have come to this land, he decides . before the british left, the zionist militias
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took control of the five main cities of palestine. they destroyed about 200 villages and expelled about 350,000 palestinians from their land. it is estimated that since the occupation of palestine by britain in 1917 until leaving this land. the jewish population has increased 10 times and reached half a million people. while the british were saying goodbye to palestine, ben-gurin arrived in tel aviv to announce the independence of israel in a celebration.
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the british did not allow the forces of the neighboring arab countries to enter palestine before their departure. on may 15th, and with the departure of the last british soldier, the arab armies entered the borders of lebanon, egypt, and what was then called transjordan . their declared goal was the liberation of palestine. and interestingly, that day, the first headline of the new york times was this was. jews
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are in danger in all islamic lands. less than 24 thousand soldiers. they entered palestine from seven arab countries. the entire arab army was less than a third of the zionist militia forces, which were well trained, equipped and ready to fight them. the military coalition of the arab countries was actually one of the most diverse and disorganized coalitions in the history of war. unlike the arabs, zionist organizations were ready to receive orders. photographer. it fell and 10,000 residents were evicted. by the end of july, more than 400,000 defenseless palestinians had to flee their homes. their refugee ordeal had just begun.
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count bernadotte
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visited war-torn palestinian villages and refugee camps in palestine and jordan. kurd saw crowded spaces, long queues for simple food and meager medical assistance. he defended the right of palestinians to return to their homes. count bernadotte wrote in a report dated september 16, 1948: if these innocent victims are allowed to return to their homes. not to be given is an insult against the basic principles of justice. his initial proposal to create clear borders through negotiation and economic union between the two countries returned palestinian refugees went to their homes. but his offer was rejected.
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"i don't think i would say, you can go and then we can see what happens, that the hope that i will continue my mission as mediator from palestine, and this is now set back, i had or we had, i would like to say success in the beginning, it goes up and down. now we are a little down, but not at all a broken man over this, of course i am still hopeful that we can get a result of the mission.
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i repeat order for immediate sees fire in palestine along the.
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the head of stronging was ishaq shamir who later he became the prime minister of israel. in 1949 israel usurped more lands. the territories that were given to the palestinians during the united nations partition plan. by april 1949, more than 400 villages and 11 cities were destroyed. more than 700,000 palestinians were driven from the land that would soon become israel. more than 13,000 palestinians were killed and more than 30,000 were injured. the united nations
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forced israel and its arab neighbors to accept a cease-fire agreement. with the death of count bernadotte , negotiations continued under the chairmanship of his american deputy, ralph punch. the first ceasefire agreement between israel, egypt signed in february, lebanon in march, jordan in april and syria in july 1949. after these agreements, israel became a member of the united nations. after all these events and in the summer of 190. an expert in geography, surveying, history and torah, he collected and assigned them to erase all traces of palestine and
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replace palestinian names with hebrew names . and they quickly began to do so, and the palestinian maps to this day bear witness to this fact . the remaining lands of palestine were divided into two regions. in april 1950, the eastern part to jordan it was annexed and called the west bank. a narrow part in the south was under the rule of egypt and was called the gaza strip. and this was the way to try to remove. the name of palestine started from the geography maps.
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and the uk bombed yemen, because they will never be satisfied, they are not satisfied. satisfied by the 30,000 palestinian murders over the past few months, they are not satisfied by starvation, they are not satisfied by diseases spreading, they are not
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satisfied. satisfied by children being orphans, they will not be satisfied with this being disabled people, they will never be satisfied until they wipe every single drop of resistance of challenge to their power from the face of this planet, times of the middle east and we want justice you say home, we want justice. you say how stop bombing ganow stop bombing has an now we are just you say how we want just to say how stop boring yemen now stop boring yemen now we stop boring this the nose stop boring us the nose stop bowing yaming now stop bowing yaming now say it loud and say it clear say it loud and say it clear
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7 days of time you are changing, what else do we want? 2: people of some countries came to the streets in support of palestine. in a demonstration in amban, the capital of this country, the jordanians condemned the zionist attacks on gaza. in the united states, the supporters of palestine condemned the aggression of the united states and the united kingdom in yemen and shouted that the united states and england should go to hell.


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