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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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and the best game makers were introduced. in tonight's special conversation , we will examine the audience and market for iranian games and what opportunities and challenges game makers are facing in this direction. first , i would like to introduce two dear guests. mr. haji hashemi, ceo of the national computer games foundation, and mr. mehdi jafari, the producer. i would like to say goodbye to both guests , dear and precious viewers of channel 1. if you would like to watch tonight's viji conversation, which is one topic, with an audience of more than 30 million iranians follow khabar network.
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first of all, in order to have a discussion plan , i invite you to watch a short report , we will come back and start our conversation with our dear guests, see this device, the first example of a game console, and it was designed by the same man called ralph bauer in 1972. almost 50 years have passed since the life of these pixel images, and these devices have been replaced by more equipped computers and consoles. in my opinion, the majority of education is being taken over by the game, if i live in the game. when the game is my living space, i am completely being trained there. experts say that these happy images create a world in the minds of their players, which happens to be similar to this earth.
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it is a circle and it has the power of magic. the game creates a circle due to its rules, which when we accept those rules , it is temporarily separated from the rules of real life, and this magical place is preparing me to become a citizen of a capital society. a consumer-oriented adult means that i am becoming a citizen whose values ​​are in line with the values ​​of the consumer society according to the latest conference. in the national foundation of computer games, the role of iranian bami games in the engineering of these magic circles has taken about 1% of the global market share. in those games that happen to have content and have an educational effect and talk and reach an audience, we are less likely to find a share of the product that has an audience , so it is a challenge that our children and young people are faced with products that we do not know at all. we know china. of course, kodoma experts say: by choosing the right
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cultural goods, we have reached the point where we can produce packages for the family if your child wants them. let him exercise, play these games, if for example he can't plan, with these games you can help him plan, it is not enough on his own, the importance of this issue has opened the parents' feet to the field more than before. hello, dear viewers, we are in the presence of two dear guests on the subject of computer games and an audience of about 34 million, mr. engineer haji hashemi. how true is this name? hello, my dear servant, i would like to serve you and dear viewers. well, the national foundation of the ministry of culture and islamic guidance conducts a survey every two years . actually, we do. since 1994, we
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have been conducting the survey every two years. our previous survey was conducted last year in collaboration with ispa . 8 thousand people were actually asked if they play ryan's game or in the family of the geography of the whole of iran. yes, this is done in the whole country. done. well , our surveys show that the audience for these games is increasing every year. in our recent survey , it was found that 34 million people in the country. use the game they play computer, mobile and console games, which is actually the mobile part of it more than the rest, that is , more than 90% of these 34 million play mobile games, about 20% play console games, and about 20 % play computer games, and some actually do all three. they have the platform or the platform and the tools and they are playing . please tell me if you have taken into account or observed
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the average age of this community of rome . 23 years actually. those players or gamers who are children and teenagers grow up also, the middle-aged and young people are welcoming this media, in the sense that the mobile video game is opening its place in the cultural consumption basket of families, and people have various games in their mobile phones along with other programs. and they generally consume these games. yes, you , as the manager of the production of computer games, with this very large audience you are facing, both in the cultural and economic fields, understand what actions to take. anyway, it is a big cultural market. and the economy is in front of you. yes, see
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about 4 million of these 34 million people are gamers or professional players who play games for more than 3 hours a day. in fact , the statistical population plays 95 minutes a day, but 4 million people out of these 34 million play more than 3 hours a day. they do that they usually even buy foreign games, in fact they buy them in dollars , they play like professional videographers . computer and console games well , we have few manufacturers in the country, such as games a foreign game is released in the country in the form of a broken lock and for free, and a domestic game maker cannot compete with it, no matter how much it makes a game , it cannot
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sell it at any price , it cannot offer its game for free. if he wants to raise the quality, he must be able to earn a good income from the game , well, this is in the computer and console game sector. but in the field of mobile games, we have a good domestic market because there is a freemium revenue model. yes, we have two income models and we have two types of income in the game industry, one is the premium model or payment at the beginning of the game, and the other is the freemium model or free with in-app payment for games that are usually freemium. and they have an in-app payment, because it is online, the lock of these games cannot be broken, and iranian gamers and players have to play the game in dollars because they want to play online , and in fact
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, they have to spend dollars for the gift card or that game purchase card. the same iranian game maker can come to compete with that game, but the console computer games such as premium or paid first, there is a game, the lock is usually broken, someone breaks the lock. he plays games, and they are not available for free in the markets . the cost of this console game is several million tomans . if he plays games online, he usually goes. in fact, he pays for it. the problem we have in the creative industry does not only come back to the game field, and it should be decided that animation, movies, or games will be released for free. it is offered or even sometimes it is offered with half price traffic or even for free, which means that the audience really does not even want to pay for the cost of downloading and downloading it
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. products are being produced in the country , so foreign products should not be offered for free in the field of mobile computers or consoles. in other countries that are present, they should pay taxes to those countries. most of them are americans and boycotting iran is an exchange they don't have any economic and
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commercial interests, they don't pay taxes to iran, and they are present here, and even their games are available outside of these platforms and are offered for free. the sectors where the revenue model has gone towards , in fact, within the program, a way has been opened , not because the policy maker has to do this, a way has been opened. because the audience has to spend a dollar there , the iranian bet has been able to earn money there , and now about 40% of the mobile games market is made by iranians, for example, the company earns money. but in the console computer sector , it is not like this that there is a need to make policies on the upstream devices. well , we will come back to you, one of these game makers and producers of mobile, computer or console games, dear mr. jafari here. first of all, i would like to ask you about the 9th festival . you were present. the games you presented
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were ranked in several categories and were among the chosen ones . tell us a little more about your business and let's get back to the challenges you are facing. let 's talk in the name of god. greetings i respect you, dear colleagues, dear viewers of this program. i would like to thank the national media for covering this very important issue regarding the festival. of course, this is not the place for many thanks and compliments and such things, but i really have to thank the organizers of this festival revived this festival after a 4-year hiatus and caused a special excitement to form again in the game-making community. it has been a few years that we
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have an important game producer community in the country, in addition to the market of the game consumer community, which deals with the issues these are the concerns of these people and these issues are very important and one of the ways to be seen by the children and to pay attention to the issues of the game producers is this festival . we were guests of the 9th fajr festival, and of course, our viewers are watching the closing pictures. yes, all three of our games are console games, i apologize . being computer games means they are big games, which are successful in this year's festival, with a total of 8 awards, eight ghazals in the category. receive different awards , of course, get nominated in 14 departments.
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our internal producer, the external game maker , helps a lot to our game makers. now we will come back and hear your answer. i want to ask you how you saw the quality of your game and what problems and challenges you face as a game maker to reach the point. that actor compared to the last four or five years when the festival was last held , it was much better, especially in the selection of people, which was a phenomenon and a new idea that was implemented by the festival secretariat, and it was very transparent. alhamdulillah, the jury's judgment and type thank god, their judging was very good, the quality
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was good quality, but some of the games that were produced by our collection due to the great attention paid to these big games from our side, who believe that big games are story-telling and narrating games. there are games whose influence on the audience's mind is naturally much higher than mobile games, which are generally entertainment. well, there was a bit of a gap. i hope that the games of this festival will make us witness the growth of the game industry in the past years, in the coming years , god willing. god willing, this is the commercialization of the game it is one of the most important issues in both its cultural and economic spheres, because our discussion has reached here . let's see a related report with you and our dear viewers . we will come back and talk about this issue together. in terms
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of stories and narration, almost the industry of this type of games in our country had disappeared in a way, we tried to revive it . to be released, three times what we predicted , we were able to attract the audience. the platform aims to identify the team and invest in the game creators. computer games, word games , shooting games, running games or games, in fact, the fields are now the selection of different words, which are now coming in different sections to present in this event, 50 game-making teams are participating, of which 8 teams are attracting investors, so the main parameters which
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is included in the arbitration forms mainly due to the growth stage of the capital business. business requirements and business development strategies and their main focus is the discussion of commercialization, an event to help game teams who have the minimum, their games must at least be published on platforms that are actually virtual space. ok, at least they have at least one user and they have earned at least an income for themselves that they can actually present here. investments are expected to be about 10 billion tomans of investment on the team and businesses in this area. this event brings together investors, publishers and game developers to go through the commercialization phase of the product. vahid zakir, sed and sima news agency. ok. thank you, dear viewers, and
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if you are with us so much. cultural and economic capacities of mobile and computer games mr. haji hashemi, according to the upstream documents and the assignments that are in charge of collections like this, please tell me why we could not fulfill these assignments in that way, where is the problem, where is the problem, and what is your solution to get out of this issue , see in the discussion of games computer well, we have a discussion inside the country and one outside. within our country, we must first come and organize the production market so that private companies can produce , earn money and produce again, and this market is actually a creative industry, which is a kind of industry that really needs to produce and consume and generate income again and so on. it should be provided. i apologize. i
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actually mentioned this. the next issue is that after we have really fixed the market. let's support production infrastructure. well, this year we had works from 19 provinces in our festival. in the investment section, which we added to the festival for the first time this year, the teams of groups from bushehr, sistan baluchistan, gilan were able to convince the funds to invest. so that we can develop under the production infrastructure in different provinces of the country. and the next discussion is that. which devices culture of bayan should actually produce a few great national games in the year that will show our game industry. well, maybe in the last 10 years, cultural institutions have been much more active, the center for intellectual development of children and adolescents, the tabian institute, the islamic propaganda organization, and
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actually the basij rogumi art center. a variety of measures to produce the ministry. in fact, many people supported this last year. this requires the return of the cultural apparatus. well, we are now trying to create this space, and we had many discussions with the parliament's cultural commission so that we can move this forward. well, you can see in law the budget of every year for the great movies there , well, they have a budget row, so this can be done for the field of animation and games, and this can be done, now in the budget of the 7th program, as opposed to the budget that is considered for the ministry of guidance, this issue has been seen at all, yes, the field of animation. and the game mentioned that we should have the growth of production in the discussion of iranian games. i want to talk to mr. jafari. anyway, mr. jafari, you are a producer and you are familiar with the hardships and problems that are on your way. well, it has been for years.
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if you are active in this field, tell me what are your challenges and problems why can't you have that competition with a foreign example, which is the same point that mr. haji hashemi said , it is a very serious issue, and it is really a matter for the officials in the field of the parliament and in the field of the honorable government delegation and others.
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the effect for foreign games should be observed in such a way that we can prevent this amount of freedom of behavior with some rules. we can get foreign games. look, mr. jafari, there is one thing. this is the intellectual property of the game producer who is outside the country, and they understand that there is no connection and that game breaks the lock and the user uses it. so, in my opinion, this is the way to go. legally ok, to prevent it, you must mention it at the end of their orders. one of the ways that we have experienced is to play the game of the ambassador of love to some extent. we were able to succeed to a certain extent, that was by using all the advertising capacities that various institutions
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came to help us. instead of these three works, produce 30 works , others say, and this mass of our productions in iranian games, which is suitable for the context of our country. it is in accordance with our beliefs. it is with our cultural society that we should produce . what should we do if this happens? first of all , i want to take advantage of this opportunity and please request the national media, which has the same view of supporting the cinema and animation industry, to promote these works. in order for people to go to cinemas and see a series of animations and movies that are being produced inside , people can actually see the animations being produced . now you are supported by the national foundation of computer games the ministry of guidance, have you ever been able to get any help for your productions? until now
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, according to the conditions prevailing in the national computer games foundation, we were able to get the necessary permits, and in this festival, along with the permits, mr. haji hashemi, because of our time. it is passing quickly, i want to get to this problem, why are they not supported. producers and where is this legal obstacle that these loved ones cannot be well supported? well, if the discussion has been repeated now , really look, maybe the book field actually has 10 times the budget of the game field, or the cinema field has 10 times the budget of the iranian game field. of course, with the support of the respected minister farang and rashad eslami, the game will be discussed again after many years. returning to the budget law and we had a budget line this year, but the most important issue has been the discussion, but the next issue is that until
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the various cultural institutions actually come to the middle and help, this work may not have a voice and needs it is because different areas, as you can see, don't discuss that there is no island , the same organizations that you mentioned, sit around a table and say that you are doing advertising in this area, is this animation or this game itself. there is a computer available to the people , you can implement your advertisements in the field of culture. well, this year we added an investment section, which was a new section , to the festival. 8 billion tomans were invested in the top teams, that is, the creative industry fund of the scientific vice president. the gilanan technology research fund and the iranian open national foundation were able to jointly invest in 6 teams so that they can
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develop their own games for next year. various cultural devices have also been added to us . now, because this was the first year that we started the investment process, some devices arrived late and could not identify the teams that were needed. in fact, such events are trying to be done by different devices. gather the culture in a gathering and invite them to invest in games, but i said that in addition to that, they are really investing in the field of animation and film production in the same way that different cultural institutions are investing in the field of animation and film every year. in different festivals such as fajr film you see , there is a need to return to the field of games for the production of various films and animations. i would like to point out that 10 years ago, the cultural apparatus was very active in the field of game production, but little by little, in fact, the relationship has decreased and weakened because 10 years ago, the field of play in
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the country was only in the field. making very attractive games, now you can go to local stores to see iranian games that have 20 million installs and 10 million installs , so which movie or series can come that uses so many console games out of the 34 million that this figures in the game computer and about 20% play console games , where we are actually weak in mobile production, not one person can use several platforms, mr. jafari , we will give you a minute or two to discuss your needs as a game producer. tell me
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what we should do with the mobile computer that you produce. we are a manufacturer , you can produce games according to the wishes and texture of our beloved country. you see, naturally , the issue of budget and investment to produce luxurious works that can compete with similar foreign products is the main issue, and addressing the concerns of game makers in different fields, well, it's a very important issue, first of all, we should be able to create a market for computer games and game producers, as a rule, as a legislator, because this market creation can greatly boost the economy. this industry should help in the country, how should it be marketed ? good and quality work should be done. one is the discussion of investment to produce high-quality works. the next issue is creating a platform for the supply of these products . these works are for
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the audience and the audience is actually the goal, these are the issues in addition to this, it is very important for the prosperity of the economy of this industry, considering that the capacity of domestic talents in our country is so great that i am not exaggerating because i am involved in this issue. the fact is that our game makers can compete with foreign game makers. we call it at least double level. now i don't know. there are many of these dear ones that foreign game makers invite them to cooperate, what should we do so that they can be and stay and produce for us with their own ideas, see if we can make
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this game a success. to be able to direct the manufacturer means to export the product in foreign markets, we can supply these products , we can have a very good return on investment , the economy of this industry, and we can prosper from the platform of advertising and the platform of product introduction to families, if we do not neglect and get to this issue more specifically, we can definitely own this field. let's be successful. one more thing i would like to say this year is the iranian game-making community in the festival. the movie fajr is a guest, which means that for the first time, god has blessed our production team , we were able to enter the competitive section of the fajr festival with a cinematography from the same game production teams. your festival will witness the special capabilities of iranian game makers. thank you very much. we have the same wish. thank you for the presence of both of them
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. thank you, mr. haji hashemi and mr. jafari. you were with us in this conversation. good night and god bless you. in the name of god, hello ladies and gentlemen.


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