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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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they support a series of crimes and atrocities that are happening in the islamic world and in the region. on the other hand , they are joining hands in front of the resistance scene and they are openly participating in front of this front. well, the activity that the yemenis did was really a transition in the war scene without a doubt. the fact of this is that the resistance that we are witnessing in lebanon today has been very effective in that the regime. he cannot put all his strength and pressure on gaza, and in this conference there are representatives from lebanon from all around the resistance, and god willing , they will give a speech and we will be in their presence. thank you very much. if there is one more thing at the end, i would like to say that we are truly grateful for all the awake consciences that have come to the stage during this time and in the direction of support.
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we are grateful to the people of gaza for serving and supporting the defenseless people of palestine, and we also proposed a solution for gaza, which is the same solution that the genuine palestinian people expressed to the stage and through the referendum, it is possible for the future of palestine to be determined by the real and authentic palestinian people. immigrants coming to the market with unrealistic advertisements today, we are witnessing that everyone is moving or thinking of moving or thinking of not reinvesting here, we are strictly trying our own solution we repeat in gaza and we say that the solution in gaza is to be established by the actual governance of gaza
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by the people of gaza. other than this, there is no other way to stop the war and establish peace and peaceful coexistence. we have shown that. in our own country, in many islamic countries , we can live with christians, jews, muslims and other religions let's live in a peaceful way, provided that their rights are respected and every palestinian , jew, christian and muslim, can vote and the existing state will create a people so that we can witness peace and tranquility in the future of the region. thank you for your presence in the world program today . i wish success for you and your colleagues in the conference tomorrow. now, just like the previous nights , we presented a package under the title of palestine according to your picture. it was a picture report of the events that took place in 24 hours. the past happened to palestine
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, and now it is in this part of the program of this package we see , the witness, habibullah , the witness, the witness, habibullah, love is in the house of fire. by al-haqani
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, praise be to god , may god be pleased with you.
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this child is your act, let's whistle, let's hear the child , you are dead, and she is a scrotum, the mask is the bread in her hands , hehe, jina, the bread is my ideas, the shame is the mask in her , the bread is the whistle, this is your act, the problems of israel. this is resistance. this is this. this is this. this is the bank of objectives according to netanyahu. muhammad din. ah, according to lek muhammad , salame means 11. let us leave three times and four times. alas, this is the result of the safe places that america, germany, and britain claim to be . here is the result. the slaughter is in
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front of you. al-jutat mesh kaderin , nelmaha tanhat in bags mesh in akfal-ul-islam , and now in the third part of tonight's program
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, we are hosting sheikh ali khatib, the head of the supreme islamic council of shiites in lebanon . lebanon and your occupied palestine for many years you faced the existence of israel, different ways of this confrontation took the form of war in the form of zionist occupation in lebanon, now the battle of al-aqsa storm, which we witnessed from the second day, the fighters of lebanon's hezbollah were also present in this war, in your opinion, what are the distinguishing features and coordinates compared to the previous battles with the zionist regime. in the name of god. our difference between
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resistance, the difference between resistance and actually the title of resistance these days and the act of resistance in the past is that resistance in the past. lebanon's goal was to liberate lebanon, while today's resistance is on the way to help and assistance to the palestinian nation is taking a step. the nation that established the al-akhsa storm operation, therefore , the operation has been carried out with the aim of helping the palestinian nation. how do you see it doing compared to past battles? in fact , this operation is unprecedented and more important than any
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operation carried out by the islamic resistance, whether the islamic resistance or the lebanese resistance. because this resistance is based on the fact that it originated . it is done by the palestinian people themselves. second , this resistance is limited to a defensive action it was not in confrontation with the zionist regime, but it was an aggressive action, and he was able to enter an area known as the gaza strip, invade these areas and make it the target of an attack, and
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he did not imagine that one day the resistance would be able to take such huge measures and measures. it is big and of course complicated that the regime has taken these measures to support the existence of its regime. the resistance also has a role in it and they were able to perform an action in this operation that was almost like a miracle. our sheikh khatib, if we want to examine another aspect
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compared to the previous battles, this time witness this we know that the mujahideen are fighting against israel and its main supporter, america, in the region's conflicts . we are witnessing this battle in lebanon, iraq and yemen. the axis of resistance is now the mujahideen of martyrs like sardar. now, how are they challenging the plan that america and israel have for the region ? the fact is that the resistance acted gradually. he reached this stage , the stage that is known as the unification of the fields, and
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he engineered it, he drew and depicted this operation, the map that was actually drawn by martyr mujahid soleimani, and we drew this axis. the kurds created its plan and in the way of supporting palestine, the way of supporting it, for this reason, this was an action and evolution in the action of resistance, and absolutely what is happening on the ground, what is happening in iraq and lebanon is really tangible and a this action is completely unprecedented because in the past the resistance
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was busy with its internal and national situation, while now the resistance at the level of palestine, lebanon, iraq and yemen is acting in a completely coherent and evolutionary way, complementing each other and cooperating and synergizing with each other.
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the resistance will win in this battle and campaign and even if this battle and campaign is stopped by the enemy zionism will really radically change its situation, so i say that the future situation will be completely different from the previous situation. in relation to the internal situation of israel, i must say that it is very unstable, there are gaps and there are problems related to the settlements. who now do not accept whether to return to the north of palestine and the borders of palestine or to return to the adjacent area and the gaza strip.
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and palestinians, muslims, and arabs cannot harm the zionist regime, which the world as a whole stands behind. what has happened now and america is trying to threaten the resistance in lebanon with its ships and battlecruisers and with its ammunition so that the resistance does not interfere in the lebanon region, but contrary to what was imagined, the situation has progressed and now
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it has come to this conclusion , i say america and the west that behind the zionist enemy, which is actually israel, is the western base in the arab and islamic region , and they are supporting its interests, and in fact, this battle and campaign is not the battle of sahisa in palestine, but the battle with the united states of america and the united arab emirates, which is important. what has happened shows that no one imagined that the resistance with america but many are acting in support of palestine and the gaza strip for this reason, which is an event, contrary to
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the ideas of the west, it is an event, what is happening is america. they threaten the aid to the zionist regime , while the palestinian people, who are the country , are standing in the security council and demanded an end to the aggression against the palestinians, and they are demanding the defeat of the palestinian authority and the delivery of aid, food and medicine to palestine
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, and that the doctors have arrived. novarghshan to the injured. there are thousands of them and their lives are in danger, help them in the resistance in yemen. in fact , i must say that during the implementation phase of the same resolutions the united nations is stepping up and acting, and the international laws, for this reason , reveal the aggression against yemen, and we have absolutely no doubt about this matter and that it is the united states that is planning and behind it. this war stands behind the massacre of the palestinians in an unprecedented way in the history of wars, in which murder and destruction takes place, in which genocide is committed against the palestinians, in front of the world, an interesting point came up in this battle in lebanon, the united states
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brought its ships near the coast of lebanon . intimidate hezbollah to back down. but seyyed hassan nasrallah announced in his speech at the beginning of this war that we are not afraid of your ships, but we have prepared what is suitable for them. americans attacked yemen yesterday morning. maybe the goal was to make the yemenis afraid. but yesterday we saw that in sana'a and other cities of this country, more people than before are on the streets. what happened that the equation of fear no longer works in this area? what has happened and what has been achieved and what has actually provided this ground and
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has brought the resistance to a point that america and its neighbors cannot what they can do is that lebanon was able to do this war. to thwart this aggression and achieve a victory that was unprecedented, this victory of the resistance in southern lebanon
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caused more courage and courage in the resistance, especially among the palestinian people, and strengthened the resistance of iraq, the resistance of the palestinian and syrian peoples, and was able, as a result, in this confrontation all of them but the resistance was able to succeed in the region, and the islamic republic of iran, which has always supported the resistance and is at the top of it, was able to do so.
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we are witnessing that even though syria has been facing an all-out war for the past 11 years, and in fact it was a global war against syria, now that syria he was able to win this war and defeat the takfiris and defeat their plan. and still, syria is actually the link between the resistance groups and the islamic republic of iran and is acting in this direction. all these
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changes and developments caused the resistance to reach such a special position that it challenges america , it challenges the west, and as a result , it achieved what it was able to do, and despite the efforts made by the people of gaza and the palestinian people from killing and killing children and their lives and wreaking havoc. in fact, all this is really a very worthy action which actually shows a human dignity and honor because it is a right and in fact it cannot be added value or a price.
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thank you, and the final question, do you think the future is for zionists? during this time, during these 100 days , they killed at least 23,000 ordinary people in gaza, and about 10,000 of them were children . palestine is actually given the freedom of palestine. this equation is fair, the price of one is fair because what is made of killing girid shows the ethics of western standards and standards
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, the americans who talk about human rights with slogans, but in fact, the storm that showed one of the palestinian actions of the scandal of the west and in fact. the public opinion of the world has undergone a radical transformation in response to the resistance, which did not exist at all in the past. secondly, the second point that i have to say is that the results of what is happening in palestine will be much bigger throughout the region that i may not be able to express the extent of its greatness. thank you for your presence in the program
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if the point i appreciate and thank you and the islamic republic of iran for not sparing any effort to the dear nation of iran, the great nation of iran in syria and the nation of the region in order to defend the resistance in iraq and syria , the martyrs who provided support and help from yemen against we are the enemy of zionism and its plans
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, we are witnessing these results, which have been achieved thanks to his justifications, and the islamic republic of iran continues to provide unlimited support in the path of liberating palestine and helping the nations of the region and the lebanese nation . gratitude to the islamic republic of iran and ayatollah khamenei, imam khamenei, dear iranian nation and i thank them and i really thank them for supporting the lebanese nation and the lebanese resistance for a long time, who were able to liberate their lands and now stand in the fight against the zionist enemy, and in this way, they destroy it and
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destroy it. and today, in fact, the resistance was able to beat and expel this enemy and forced the nashani settlements, which are nearly 300 thousand people , to leave the diseased areas of lebanon in the north of occupied palestine, and they were sent to other areas, and this is a it has created a heavy burden on the shoulders of the cabinet of the zionist regime, so this issue. i send greetings to the nation of iran and the leadership of the islamic republic of iran, and i ask god to grant the nation of iran and the islamic republic of iran a great victory. thank you and greetings to you and the lebanese warriors
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. and now we come to the end of the world today. good night, god bless you.


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