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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 3:30am-3:59am IRST

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it is hot and heavy for a nation , we believe, mr. engineer, we believe. like traveling to turkey and zanjan province , and personally goes to kerman. the first official program of mr. raees is to visit the injured people of golzar shahada terrorist crime in kerman. the president was present at the prophet's hospital in kerman and among the injured in the terrorist incident.
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many families were bereaved in this incident. now turn veda and teshi with loved ones has arrived. sardar delha himself is their host in golzar shahada. the president describes haj qasim's path as lasting among iranians. his memory, his words, his words, his way always remain bright and it is noticed that we believe that the blood of these holy martyrs is alive and has life, eternal life and will always be alive and alive, and to the resurrection of many people in the world, these bloods motahar has helped and even i
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know that the pure blood of martyr soleimani and the great martyrs of palestine, which was truthfully said, martyr soleimani , martyr of al-quds, we certainly know that this promise is a violation. god's invincible, god's help will be given to the islamic ummah, every dear one who is missing from this group and on the path of hajj qasim and the martyrs. he joins himself as a light. a light for a nation that walks the tortuous path of freedom. the terrorist incident in kerman caused the president to travel to postponing turkey for later.
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it was july last year when the president of turkey came to our country and the start of an important event was keyed from there . the extension of the important gas export contract to the neighboring country, turkey. experts believe that relations between tehran and ankara are in a good and broad condition. joint files on the desk of presidents. iran and turkey, cases that are rooted in historical and friendly relations between the two sides, tehran, ankara. one of these cases is the extension of the gas export contract to turkey and the two-way transmission of gas. let's take a look at history. from last year, july 28 , 1401. the seventh meeting of the supreme council of cooperation with iran is hosted by turkey. on the one hand, the iranian delegation headed by dr. rais. on the other side, the turkish delegation headed by
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the president of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan. turkey's gas market is historically considered the second gas export market of iran, the president of iran mentions a special issue. extension of the export contract iranian gas to türkiye. when it comes to erdogan , the president of turkey also welcomes this point of view . 3 months later, the oil minister talks about intensive negotiations to renew the gas and energy trade agreement with turkey. iran's gas export to turkey has a high importance for both sides. with this purchase, the north-western neighbor will relieve the people of the country from the cold winters and can think about re-exporting to other european countries. iranian side. it has also managed
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to get a stable customer for itself alongside the serious competitors of the market in the field of energy. experts say: global marketing in sales gas has its twists and turns. the current contract with turkey has a duration of 25 years and considering the year 2001 as the basis for its implementation, it ended in 2026. for example, turkmenistan, which made a lot of efforts to export gas to turkey, or even russia, which his opinion was to sell gas to turkey with a special discount. the current stage is considered a very important stage for the current contract with turkey, because based on the clauses of the contract, 2 years before the termination of the current contract, negotiations for the contract extension should be started, and in a way, the trip of the highest official the executive
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of the country at this time is the first important political step for this agreement is considered as the fulfillment of the contract. our country has the second largest gas reserves in the world after russia with a record of 17. compared to other energy contracts in the world, the type of gas contracts is such that, in addition to establishing an economic relationship between the two countries , it establishes a stable strategic relationship between the two countries, and this way and this strategic relationship can last for years and even decades. may it continue from this day when the contract to export gas from iran to turkey, despite all the sanctions that have been imposed on the country, continues without any impairment . correct in the field of energy means the use of all the capacity has been stopped for a week in the virtual space
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. good news about one of the provinces in the west of the country, zanjan, has been increased due to the assignment of the stadium. which was left undecided for many years until the delivery of several thousand housing units, a user mentioned the opening and operation of more than 7 thousand housing units and wrote that 120 housing units are related to the national housing movement plan. written by the president to a family in the hope of a day when not a single renter will be found in the country. by publishing a photo, this user pointed to the enthusiastic reception of the president by the people of zanjan finally, the stadium that we have been waiting for 18 years has received an order to complete construction. this is the reaction of another user about the zanjan stadium, which
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the president, during his visit, ordered the officials to put this project into operation in september of next year. follow on social networks . on this cold winter day in january, our hearts are warm to your presence because we are by your side without compliments and our efforts are paying off. don't forget people's positive virtual space. bye until next week. jerusalem.
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this city has been a place of different tribes and religions for hundreds of years. the first qibla of muslims for centuries is part of the territory islam but this old link was broken on 27 may 1327. in 1948, with the announcement of the formation of a fake regime called israel, the new date. it started for quds. zionist militias in the form of groups like irgun started attacking the muslims of this city and other areas of palestine since then, and a regime called israel was born in the region. the support of america and
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other western countries made the conditions easier for this regime in the first decades of its existence. but the situation has changed in recent years. to the extent that many inside the occupied territories are reporting the crisis in israel. olive is the main product of palestinian farmers in this country and of course, it is known in the world as a symbol of peace and tranquility. but at least in the practice of cultivating this
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tree, a symbol of peace, since 1948, at the same time as the establishment of the israeli regime , it has not brought peace to the palestinians. from the first days of may 1327 , when the british forces left this land after the zionist domination over palestine , jewish militia groups, relying on american and european weapons and war equipment , attacked the historical inhabitants of palestine. a large number of palestinian people are defenseless and unaware of the conspiracy planned against their land they left many parts of their homeland. according to the text of the torah, occupation and the creation of a so-called jewish state called israel, which mentions the name of the jews . and in the torah, it is referred to as israel, it is a criminal act. jews
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should not occupy the palestinian land where they live and displace the people . according to judaism, this act is considered a great sin. since god's decree is clear , the formation of israel will not be accompanied by lasting success. everyone should know that according to the statement of 190. azam palestine, who represented the jewish community he had declared his opposition to the formation of israel in any part of palestine. after the formation of israel , the story of zionist advances and arab defeats against this regime was repeated in the following years, and each time a larger part of palestine was usurped by the zionist regime.
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however, the honeymoon of the zionists changed in 1985 when they withdrew from the center of lebanon due to the confrontation with the lebanese hezbollah.
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in the 1990s, with the formation of the first intifada and the second intifada in the following years, the zionists saw the security of this key word, which was of vital importance to them, in danger. go to the 20th century miladi was not happy for the zionists at all. in the same year, this regime had to withdraw its defeated military forces from the south of this country in the war with hezbollah. 6 years later
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, during the war that became known as the 3-day war, for the first time after years of fighting , they were drawn into the occupied territories, and the zionists found themselves in the midst of a rain of rockets by hezbollah forces. the insecurity inside the occupied territories intensified in the following years following several rounds of military aggression by the zionist regime in the gaza strip. while the zionists aim to completely destroy the resistance every time
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the palestinians attacked this small barricade with more casualties each time. of course , more rockets hit different areas of the occupied territories, which took the peaceful sleep of the zionists. we witnessed an important development in the capabilities of hamas and islamic jihad, which fired about 700 rockets with high accuracy and destructive power within a day and a half. they are missiles with warheads weighing more than 250 kilos. warming that we have never seen before. they learned this from hezbollah and they are getting stronger every day. we are deeply concerned about the palestinians' use of the lands that they can attack our forces and equipment with them . after this, there will not be a long gap between wars. now there is a war every two months. every two months you see the settlers
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fleeing to the north to save their lives. their schools were closed. their shelters were opened. suffering confusion, terror and fear are becoming unusual today, unlike in the past when they terrorized the palestinians, they themselves were terrorized by the woman on the israeli plane, and that they did not see an answer. the past deterrence of israel has ended. thanks to the resistance , they are no longer afraid of israel and their planes and their army and special forces.
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it is in serious trouble, and i believe that the volume of internal threats against israel is far greater than external threats and seriously threatens our existence. today, the conditions inside the occupied territories have also changed. while the israeli army was once considered the strength of this regime, today the crisis within the army is due to the fear of starting. the war has caused many zionist soldiers to suffer from mental illnesses at a heavy cost, as far as the statistics show in the army of this regime, the number of young people who were exempted from continuing service due to mental illnesses in 2018
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increased by 30% compared to the previous year. today, many zionist soldiers are facing serious doubts about the continued occupation of palestine. everyone in israel is involved in thoughts such as war for survival. arabs and muslims are portrayed as enemies. the situation is depicted in such a way that you have to fight with them in order to live and escape from this threat. but when we are in a different space, you can have a different perspective look at the facts. the crimes we are committing against the palestinians are necessary and we are actually protecting ourselves. as an israeli citizen, you should say well done to such actions. ordinary people and even educated palestinian people who
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have high innate and inner consciousness are defined in this reality. they were portrayed as the enemy, but when we look deeper , we see the palestinians and their needs and motivations on the other side. the truth is that we occupied their country. you may have a powerful army, but that doesn't matter. i am from the strength of the palestinian military forces i know and i know what power they have. but on the other side, today we are facing a situation that is over. 17-year-old boys and girls in israel are forced to join the army, and if they don't do it, they are treated like criminals, while many of them have no interest in war and joining the army. many of us jews pray that the israeli regime will be rooted out soon so that we too can
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live comfortably and return to our past conditions. the crisis in the israeli army in recent years has been accompanied by a more serious crisis that weakens the foundations of the existence of this regime. central bureau diet statistics. jews have been recorded to have left occupied palestine in the past years and have not returned to this land. this statistic is indicative of the reverse immigration crisis in a regime that was founded from the beginning based on the arrival of zionists from other countries, and now the immigration crisis has become a great threat to its continued existence. only in 2018, about 17,000 people left the occupied territories, and it is expected that
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the population of palestinians and zionist immigrants will equalize due to the reverse migration process. people always migrate to other countries in search of a better life. at in fact, they are looking for peace and tranquility, but the immigrants who come to israel and even the people who
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have european passports. a great desire to immigrate to europe can be seen among young israelis of the new generation. in fact, these young people cannot accept the existing game and continue it. there is no value in returning to israel and living there. not economically, not for university studies or even for having a family life. dissatisfaction is increasing and recent marches against the israeli government. it is a proof of this claim. if we look at the immigration process from israel, this dissatisfaction we can understand well. many
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jewish religious groups and jewish citizens are not happy with the establishment of israel. and in the past years , we have seen the departure of israelis. and those of the countries. they migrated here , they are returning to their homeland. the process of reverse migration has intensified in israel. in the shadow of the existing problems , a large part of the population of the zionist regime, especially the young generation, is also suffering from an identity crisis. they are neither interested in zionist beliefs nor consider israel as their homeland. many of these young people and the city. citizens living in occupied territories in fact , they come from different parts of the world and only hope to achieve the promised privileges, but
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they face another reality. one of the important issues that always makes me think is that we live in the middle east but we refuse to accept its dominant culture. but the identity crisis shows how important the protection of israel, the zionist project and the jewish identity of israel are for our government today. we struggle to preserve jewish identity and the zionist project. today , in the shadow of widespread violation of human rights, which does not include arabs living in the occupied territories and jews it includes non-european or sephardic origins , it put israel in an acute situation.
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israel is in a state of emergency. this state of emergency has been going on for years. 40% of the citizens of this regime do not have the right to participate in elections. the world media does not mention this issue. it is funny to say that israel is democratic. this regime is an ethnic regime . the roots of today's zionist situation are many in the policies of the past years. it is known that due to the power of resistance, the special result of militarism and efforts to expand military dominance it has brought a reversal for the zionists. we have to start with the current state of israel from the political system, which has become more ineffective than ever, especially since benjamin netanyahu came to power, this inability has intensified. he has tried to reach
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extreme right-wing parties. remain at the top of power , especially now that his efforts to stay at the top of power are aimed at avoiding prison. the political situation of the zionists these days is another sign of the internal crisis in this regime to the extent that for the first time in more than 16 months, it could not reach an agreement to form a cabinet. and finally reached a cabinet that was formed with but and... and in the shadow of wide differences between netanyahu, the leader of the likud party, benny gans, the leader of the blue and white party, a cabinet that from the very beginning, its internal members were also concerned about its future. they have no hope. israeli governments have stopped winning, and this has been evident since the second lebanon war. i witnessed the confusion and lack of spirit and motivation in the israeli government. what i
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it is not the enemy that worries him, but the bad developments that occur in the domestic scene. the ship of israeli security in the last decade has gone in the wrong direction it is distorted. the accumulation of numerous crises in israel has made the conditions for the survival of this regime more difficult than ever. undoubtedly, israel today is no longer the promised land that zionists like david ben-grievon once envisioned. they talked about it at the time of its establishment. fintechs or financial technologies have infiltrated almost all of our lives. an issue that can be
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