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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 1:30pm-2:05pm IRST

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the remaining national health survey since the beginning of free hypertension and diabetes screening has identified 773 thousand people with the possibility of hypertension and 435 thousand people with the possibility of diabetes, and these people are aware of their disease. to get more information, i am currently talking to mr. etemad, director general of the office of non-communicable disease management of the ministry of health . hello, mr. etemad. i am at your service. please tell me about the latest participation statistics in the national health survey and which provinces have the most population coverage. in the name of god, i am at your service and the esteemed viewers
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of this news segment. i have a greeting and a good day. in 24 60,250 people participated in this survey last hour until the morning of this sunday, the 24th of january , and among these participants, 1,183 people were diagnosed with new blood pressure and 586 people were diagnosed with diabetes. these were people who suffered from high blood pressure. and they did not know about diabetes . therefore, from november 20 to this morning, 41,1960 people participated in this survey, of which 7,856 people had new blood pressure and 4,400 people with new diabetes were identified in this survey. provinces with the largest coverage of participants in terms of population
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they were over 18 years old, still behbahan, khomein, gerash, khalkal, yasouj, rafsanjan, larestan and chaharmahal bakhtiari colleges, but the universities which were the capital of the province, including the big cities , have a remarkable and commendable effort and the average the coverage of universities that are connected with big cities reached almost 50%. i want to say something that in any case, the main goal of this campaign is prevention. well , among the people who participated in this campaign , almost 16 million people are overweight , and anyway, our goal is that the interventions that let's control this excess weight to prevent these loved ones from getting high blood pressure and diabetes, and also more than 12 million people are in the pre-diabetes stage of high blood pressure and diabetes , which we hope to be able to intervene in the next stages of this campaign.
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let's add the step of contracting the disease. yes, mr. doctor, please tell me which universities of medical sciences could be at the top of the successful performance? well, according to the target setting, the same university that i presented to you is at the top in terms of population coverage. it depends on the population of the university, which is less cover it will go higher, but in terms of numbers, if you allow me, shahid beheshti university of medical sciences with more than 2,200,000 students is at the top in terms of numbers , shiraz university of medical sciences, tabriz and isfahan, these are universities that are in the collection under their own cover , they killed more than 2 million people, which is a significant number anyway, and they deserve the gratitude and efforts of their colleagues to this university of medical sciences and also to the people. who participated in this, mr. doctor
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, how much can this screening, which started on november 20, cover the cost of treatment? reduce the health system. well, definitely one of its goals is to save resources while preserving the health of the people . yes, i have another number. also, due to the snowfall , we will have snowstorms on the roads. in the mountainous areas, this snowstorm is expected to be dense fog. there is a sharp decrease in visibility on the roads . you are requested to avoid climbing to the heights during this period . if the towns have the rank of these areas , they must have ground equipment and heating devices with them. the rains will weaken a little on monday. we have rains with less intensity for monday in the northeast in our country, parts of the slopes of alboz
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and the north of the country, and to some extent in the slopes of the zagros and the western regions, the rains will occur sporadically for tomorrow, as well as the persian gulf and the caspian sea, it will be rough and turbulent for the coming period , the wave height will increase. we have marine warnings issued, marine activities should be limited. it was also mentioned that we have wind blowing along with rains. this wind for the next two days in the eastern parts of the central areas of alborz slopes in the western and northwestern regions of our country will cause blizzards in the highlands. to be the strong wind will cause the soil to rise in the southern areas. it is possible that for tehran , in the coming hours , we will have an increase in rainfall in some areas of tehran province . we will have snowfall in alborz highlands and northern areas and the highlands of tehran province
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. if we do , we will have a snow blizzard in the height of alborz. climbing to the alborz mountain range should not be done during this period. also, the fog will cause us to have reduced visibility on the roads , as well as the possibility that in some parts of the slopes alborz ghazvin, alborz, saharan and semnan , let's have flowing water due to the rains . there is a warning issued in this case as well . i sincerely thank you for your attention and cooperation. have a good time and may god protect you.
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vi vill ha frihet vill ha frihet, ingen med göddlighet, ingen medgödlighet, finn
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, fari fari fari balstein, fari fari fari balstein, gaza ghosna units, gaza mesh lohads, gaza mesh lohads , vahmk or aqsa hami or nashmih or nashmi vahmk or aqsa hemi or nshmiah or nshmi vakhm demi and uzmi and ghazah , mesh la wahidha, or british, or cursed, or british, or cursed. god is the greatest death of america , the death of israel, the death of israel is wrong
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, but we are dying, and we are dying, and we are going to raise you , and we will raise you, and you will be dead, and we will not die, and we will die, and we will die in prison. the best way to effectively control diabetes is early detection with a simple home sugar test.
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normal fasting blood sugar should be less than 100 mg/dl. if diabetes is detected and treated in time, the blood sugar can return to normal. and be controlled. diabetic patients who they know about their own illness and suffer from long-term fatigue and lethargy if they do not take the necessary treatment. in case of delay. in the diagnosis of diabetes, the vision and nervous system of the patient may suffer serious and irreversible damage. be aware of your health status as soon as possible by participating in the national health survey and measuring sugar and blood pressure. to participate in this campaign, it is enough to go to health community service centers, health centers and health centers all over the country. as well as people over 18 years old. about the link that is sent to them by sms, they can do it themselves
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record their own blood pressure or height. the national health campaign continues in the first phase until the third phase. early awareness, more effective care. public relations of the ministry of health, treatment and medical education. hello, good day, as you heard in the news , there are only 6 days left to participate in the national health campaign, which means that until next saturday , it will be more than two months since 70,000 health personnel in 29,000 centers. all over the country, the population over 18 years of age
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is screened for high blood pressure and diabetes. may god bless these loved ones today, as per the daily routine universities of medical sciences of the city and centers of the provinces. this time we will go to mashhad university of medical sciences . greetings to you, i am also at your service, dear compatriots. i am at your service because we have a voice difference. i have a few questions for you to answer. first of all, mr. doctor, please tell me how many people have actually applied to participate in this survey so far. what is the probability of having high blood pressure and diabetes and what is your target population and how successful were you in doing this? the target population
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that is targeted in this diabetes and blood pressure sacrifice campaign at the university of medical sciences is 2,240,000 people , of which 1,800,000 people have been identified, that is, to the health centers . 85 of these identifications are in rural areas. it has been done in cities other than mashhad. we hope that the rest of the people , especially those from the city of mashhad, will come and know about their blood sugar and blood pressure during this limited time. as you said, there are two diseases they are silent diseases, which means they don't have any symptoms in the beginning , and they are usually diagnosed 5 years after the development of blood pressure and a person suffering from high blood pressure or diabetes, and some of these. unfortunately, people with symptoms, i.e. complications of diabetes, high blood pressure
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, i.e. cerebral hemorrhages, hemorrhages at the end of the eyes, which cause low vision and blindness , kidney diseases or, god forbid, diabetic ulcers that will result in limb amputation, mr. doctor, this statistic that you are about 60 i apologize, sorry, this statistic you gave is specific to the city of mashhad itself or around mashhad, what kind of city you said, probably yes, mashhad university of medical sciences covers 21 cities, of which the population of villages that refer to us at health centers and rural health centers is 85% of the population of villages and 70% in non-mashhad cities. they came to us and had their blood pressure and diabetes checked . mashhad is about 52% of patients , we hope that in the last few days, with
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the good news coverage that you will have, more people will visit us. a thousand people per day, if people visit us more these days , we will definitely reach the health system, that is, the ministry of health, which is 70% of the population by the end of the last year. you go to remote villages. yes, even in the cities of the provinces, there are mobile teams that go to the offices of the health centers and the people who are above the target group, i.e. people over 18 years old, have blood pressure. i would like to remind you that about 31 one thousand people who do not know their blood pressure and 15 thousand some of the people who are not aware of their diabetes
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have been identified, and these are usually identified after 5 years, and these 5 years later means 5 years more expenses. vice president of health , mashhad university of medical sciences . dean of larestan faculty of medical sciences, mr. dr. salmanpour , greetings to you. hello, mr. hosseini , how are you, hello to you, colleagues, people, and dear viewers, mr. doctor, please tell me, in the larestan region, in fact, the areas covered by your university , how was the attendance of people in this survey, how much was detected, and the surrounding explanations.
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first of all, i would like to thank the great efforts and good deeds of the high official of the ministry. and also the honorable deputy minister of health of the ministry in launching this campaign, and as you know, after 2018, when we had such a campaign only for the discussion of high blood pressure, this year, we included both the discussion of high blood pressure and diabetes, which really a very good and valuable work has been done in the medical science complex of larestan with four cities. under the coverage and accordingly the four health networks under the coverage of the targeted community over 18 years of age who were actually targeted by this plan and victimization. there were more than 23,300 people, of which we
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targeted 94 and a half percent of this target community. how many percent of them are overweight? because we had a news. in the whole country, about 40% of these people who are identified as overweight . these people are
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actually above normal or gain weight . and there is also a discussion that experts raise , if it is 7-8%, you know better. people reduce their weight, their diabetes will be much better. it is definitely the same. one of the important risks or risk factors in the discussion of these diseases is obesity, which is also caused by the lifestyle they usually have. thank you very much, sir, you have a conversation , stay healthy, doctor, i actually wanted to give an additional statistic, so that the four cities covered by us now , mr. doctor, in the second place, thank you
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. the region and its nomadic population is 90% of one of the cities. chaharmoun city, which is in the upper range of the expected country, in general , we covered 94 of the population and we are ranked seventh. thank you for being the president of larestan university of medical sciences, faculty of medical sciences, and god bless the loved ones who are in this collection. they serve you , my dear viewers, thank you very much, god bless you.
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an incident that depicted the unity of two nations. the enemy can never achieve his nefarious goals with these blind goals they have and with these blind actions they do. today, the whole world is seeing that we , the two nations of iran and afghanistan, are united together are. although america and especially this
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they came to say that we are the nation of martyrdom and victory belongs to islam, the islamic nation is never afraid of death, and their desire is martyrdom, and their death ended in good with martyrdom. with this crime , the first thing they do is make us the islamic ummah follow their wishes , then this shed blood will make the tree of islam stronger and unity will happen. we , the people of imam hosseini , gave a brother for six months, just as imam hossein gave a young man.
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they showed the relationship between the two nations. samaya hosseini, sed and broadcasting news agency. the security council
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held two meetings. one about the situation in gaza and the other to investigate the us and british military aggression in yemen. in the first session, the assistant secretary general of the united nations for human rights described the israeli regime's action to displace people and forcibly evacuate gaza as a war crime. to solve this crisis, it is necessary to address its historical causes and roots. it should be noted that the attacks against israel on october 7th are the result of decades of human rights violations. the un humanitarian affairs coordinator also said that 148 un employees were killed in the attacks of the zionist regime gaza reported. conditions in gaza. terrifyingly , 1,900,000 people who have been forcibly displaced have been forced to flee many times due to the rain of bombs and rockets. this meeting of the security council
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ended without any results for the people of gaza. in a meeting held by the security council regarding yemen, the assistant secretary general of the united nations for political and peace affairs said: the united states and the united kingdom, along with four other countries , have carried out more than 50 air and missile attacks on yemen. the representatives of russia and china, who in the previous session of the security council as two permanent members of this council, with their grateful votes, set the stage for approval. the desired resolution. in this meeting , they criticized america and england's abuse of that resolution and attack on yemen. the region does not need reckless military adventurers. the attacks on yemen increase tensions in the region. allowing israel to continue its attacks on gaza without escalating the conflict is just an illusion. america and its allies, who have a long history of gross human rights violations, with the yemenis.
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breaking international laws again. if the tensions escalate, the region will face a disaster and the responsibility lies with america. at the same time as this meeting the security council, the secretary general of the united nations issued a statement about the us and british attacks on yemen. the statement in which, of course, gethersh did not condemn these attacks, but implicitly asked the united states and england to avoid any action that worsens the situation and expands conflicts in the region. ali rajavi. united nations security council broadcasting news agency, new york. this palestinian journalist says that it used to take an hour to reach the alaghwar area in the west bank , but after october 7th, everything is fine.
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last month, the order to build 9 guard posts in 18 towns and new roads, fencing and construction in private properties exported the palestinians. after october 7th , the issuance of permits in different areas of the west bank for the development of settlements has reached the highest level.
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minister of security
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the historic court of peace palace in lahaa is the subject of the meeting of the international court of justice to deal with south africa's complaint against the occupying regime for the accusation of massacre in gaza. but the importance of the issue that makes the supporters of palestine react in this way to the words of the south african lawyer. the zionist regime, which has always seen itself above international law, is now sitting in the highest court of the world as the accused of the biggest crime against genocide humanity 75 years after he declared himself a victim of genocide. if it is confirmed by the international authority and this world court that
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the zionist regime that committed genocide will play a unique role in discrediting and delegitimizing the actions of the zionist regime. the one who, until today, protects himself from the public opinion of the world. sometimes the victims of nazlakchi have raised that today, if he is accused and convicted of committing nazlakchi, then naturally this propaganda and propaganda that he started will be crushed and out of his hands . south african lawyers step by line they presented their documents before the 17 judges of the court , from the role of the regime leaders in encouraging the genocide to the cases of mass killings and the happiness of the killers. in the second session of today's proceedings, tel aviv representatives defended the actions of the zionist regime. the defense, which according to experts did not respond to the accusations
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, was definitely not as convincing as south africa's presentation yesterday . attention. the composition of the judges of the international court of justice will change on february 6, that is, in about 3 weeks, the court has to wait until then to give his opinion on the need or not to stop the war in gaza. a ruling on the entirety of the genocide lawsuit, however, could take years. mohammad kazemi, sed and broadcasting news agency. various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the importance of elections in choosing
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