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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 3:30pm-4:03pm IRST

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the rulings should be side by side, the package of reforms should be seen side by side, there should actually be a coordination between the parliament and the government, regarding this package of reforms and its implementation should be gradual, so it was not the case that first , for example, let's go to the macroeconomic discussions, which means , for example, let's get to the bottom of the funds. oh, let's correct or correct the formulas, let's come to these correct measurement corrections . considering that 18 of the insurance funds we have in the country are based on specific benefits, and most of the resources used for providing there is annuity payment because of the insurance premiums that are collected, that is, this is an important issue , how many of us are insurance payers who can actually pay the annuity based on the id that they get for the insurance premiums they receive, that is, in fact, this issue it is much more important.
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you are of the opinion that the quantitative reforms should be done first or the reforms on the part of the government , the sovereign and the funds, which should resolve their disputes, in my opinion, there is no priority or delay , these should be side by side. in the seventh program, this happened very often yes, ms. golpour, please see the crowd because both nobles are speaking. we have a lot of workers who happen to be behind the doors of the social security organization. we have 70,000 teachers who say, god, come and insure me , and i will come and put money into this insurance. they are in the whole country, and by the way, the ministry of labor has also given an advisory opinion that, in my opinion, it is clear that these should be insured and still made. and tens of thousands
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of other people who are waiting for insurance and insurance conditions according to what the supreme leader insists on in politics the big social security claims that it should be universal is the third principle of the constitution that there should be universal insurance, that these events are happening despite the fact that there are people who don't have insurance or for example in the field of inspection. let's open it ourselves, when we say to get insurance , it means to pay insurance premiums , to help the funds from the income side . he imposes different things on the social security organization and commits that he is right i give his employer the right of the government , i give him the right of the government, the people who are weaker now
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, but he has not fulfilled his obligations regarding this issue, that these 700 peers are created in this way , that is, the government creates an obligation according to which it pays the financial obligation. he doesn't do it, and therefore this incident will cause the disharmony that our brother said , so now we have a population that cannot afford it, that is, it does not have the conditions, and we also have a population that, by the way, the social security organization is looking for the lowest insurance premium from. let's see, we have almost 400 job titles 400 job titles in the name of fixed salary. now my friends know better than me that they are common. a series of job titles such as tailors, bakers, etc. are scattered all over the country. it may be good, maybe he wants to pay more. since before the revolution , until now, this has been frozen , the law will not go up. but the fact is that if
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it is an input problem, we have inputs that are already 50 years old, they are being reduced by one and two tenths of the salary, the salary is extremely low, and even when he retires, his salary is low, so we, for example, in we see history in the time of sasan. despite the basic principles of the constitution, which so beautifully raises the issue of justice, we should not have such things. by the way, that tailor, by the way, that salmoni, by the way, that pishor or whatever great person he is, should be feared according to what he does. pay it, we
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have insurance fraud now, that is, these issues should be inspected in terms of insurance fraud . there is no such system, we have a job id card we don't have a program for our workers in the country now. for example , how many years have you been working? how can you see the official statistics . you can refer to the system of your insurance organization
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. it is clear where you paid insurance premium. yes, there are 14 million people who pay insurance premium. at the same time , has he come to you, for example, as a worker . what have you done, what have been your skills, where are you in the story, what are your problems, what are we saying like others , we are raising the issue of the world, we have to see this too, the identity of the worker, the identity of the insurance, is it just that , for example, using france as an example, france is like us. we have a million iranian construction workers who now know better, mr. esmaili, we have many conversations with each other about the fact that they lose their insurance every day. they have a problem, that is, we have a good system, but in practice , its functions are not strong, or for example, we have a large number of people who, unfortunately, now the laws have gone to support these, but they do not
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have the credit to be insured, so i think regarding the population, we have a good population who wants to join, but the doors of the organization are also closed , you agree. welcome, we have no limits a ban on accepting new insureds of 26,000 people , maybe i have written three times about the issue of the organization . look at the issue of the organization. the population is millions, sir. this is from one place. you say from one place. i should have started with one thousand and 10 thousand. now the number should be a million to a million. we need to talk. we have inspections in the social security organization, where a workshop of 3 people says, "sir , don't you get insurance for this , or
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will we fine you?" we do not have any restrictions or prohibitions for accepting new insured persons is there somewhere? please tell me. have you looked? that's it. see, what i said about the population, i said both quantitative and qualitative, this is the point that your excellency is saying . we have informal employment in the country , which is actually 65, no, 5 million. look, informal employment, informal employment with the issue of paying the insurance premium, the issue of paying the insurance premium
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, we have about 5 million now. they are interested in paying the insurance premium, but the platform is not available now, in the seventh program, fortunately, this issue has also been addressed. who are actually operating on virtual platforms, especially these can actually provide them with a platform that , god willing, this space will be provided for them to talk about the issue of paying their insurance premiums, but my point is that my priority in the issue of the population of women is the quality of installation, the same point. what i have said is that the rate is actually a sunnad for our life, please pay attention to this, dear viewers, that when we say sunnad for my life , i gave an example, and now i will repeat it again. the average retirement age in the national pension fund ie people who are now about one million, and in fact, i read from memory, there are about one million and 700 retired people who we
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have in the pension fund, there are about one million and seven hundred thousand people in the national pension fund, and their average retirement age is about 52 years old. i told you how much i told you that we can earn about 76 years together and in fact it is almost enough. adequacy of pension is an issue that we also accept, we have no resistance to this, in fact, the issue of adequacy of pension is an important issue and is actually one of the four principles that we have in the field of pension funds. or now we have higher social insurances, one of which is the issue of continuous adequacy. well, the fact is that we cannot put all of this risk on the pension fund .
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we found out that the average per capita household now, let's take for example 3 people above 55, the pension can cover the living expenses of a retiree . what the members of parliament and your colleagues mention in our programs on radio and television is the
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number you say, the same number, the same number. consider the same number , dear sir , consider the same number. now, in fact, the average payment of our pensioners in the national pension fund is the number
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you announced, but this is because the statistics center or the ministry. no, it is not a matter of consideration, because it is an official statistic, here is the media, it is necessary to announce it because i am not an official in this area, i want to announce it, it is definitely influential on your decision-making, but the official himself , if he wants to express your opinion in this field
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, it is on the website. you will see that they say that 30 millions of people in all of iran are below the poverty line, 5 to 10 million is not that, well, if this is not a statistic , not me, please see that i am not from the ministry of labor. now , god willing, look at the honorable minister of welfare. askarians are on the topic of having a deep examination of themselves. please put this in a program
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. there are people who earn the minimum wage, whether it is actually receiving a pension or paying insurance, there are people who are among the minimum wage earners. the case that mr. dr. gholami said about the standard of living of all retirees is actually the average because the 11 and a half million that i told you is the average pension that we had for retirees in recent years, golpur, with all these discussions , there is a difference of opinion in
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the past few months, for example, in the discussions about the seventh plan. we have also seen these events in the parliament . do you think that we are on the eve of the march parliamentary elections ? how do you think the next parliament should enter? now , what you think is that we should not start with the increase in age, we should go to the side of the variables . let's start another and fund imbalance let's solve it to make it come true. look, now i am talking about the future parliament, which will certainly find worthy people to enter, let's skip that issue , there is a demand that we have from our current parliament, and this is what happened. it is happening now , that is, right now in the public forum, that is, the public forum consolidation commission , and after that the guardian council, and after that the expediency council , this process is happening. when it is approved, it must
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be implemented within 5 years. the legislator can make changes . why is the next parliament going to open the knot? let's open our mouths. now we expect from the current representatives, who happen to be candidates for the next term as well. our request to many of these dear ones is that the position of the supreme leader in this issue is not demanding workers' rights anymore , we are demanding the supreme leader's orders that he says . in making policies, policy makers should take the side of the weak, not the side of the government or the rich. it is the same phrase of the supreme leader, therefore, in this process , the working class is the weak class, the one who earns the minimum wage, the one who cannot provide for his livelihood, his housing, his health, and his treatment in the current situation. it is one of the weaknesses and should be seen by the honorable politician and member of the parliament. if according to
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the supreme leader, workers are the backbone of a society , by the way, without backbones, while being important , they are very sensitive and fragile. i must thank all the guests of the program, all the good viewers, especially the higher program, as discussed in the program, this discussion is so deep, it demands that we have other programs to serve you and discuss this, thank you very much for your companion, god. may your friend take care of you.
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this is where the regime started from mid-october this year the zionist started storming al-aqsa, which he could not bear . as a result, the number of victims exceeded 10,000 and the security council remained silent. nasr kashi continued. and america
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vetoed the security council's resolutions to stop the war. the yemenis who had warned before, on november 28th, they kept their word . seizing the first commercial ship of the zionists. in bab al-mandab, the red sea, where 80% of israel's economy depends on it. the cost of israel's war in gaza has exceeded 60 billion dollars. this is a big figure and there are also problems in the field of budget, which reflects this issue and it can be said that the state of the economy in israel. it has returned to dozens of years ago, and again the ships belonging to the zionist regime were seized.
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the crimes of the zionists were being investigated. americans said this time their goal is to defend world trade. joe biden's new attack against yemen is not only against terrorism, but it is the defense and support of the genocidal actions of the racist and fascist regime in tel aviv. in america, the war with yemen is facing opposition. the war that obama's deputy national security advisor said about: you cannot kill the yemenis. defeated by several airstrikes. the obama administration he made the mistake of supporting saudi arabia to defeat yemen, but this did not happen. all we see is a protracted war.
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news of sed and sima news agency. in the city. it is related to iranian civilization in different periods of history. these works of the nafisi collection, which were displayed in the forbidden city of china, make the chinese audience better understand ancient persian. the turquoise color that is known in the world as iranian blue is the usual red color of the showcases of the beijing national museum. up to 112 historical shias will be displayed for the visitors of this museum for 3 months. the brilliant works of iranian culture have a special glory this location is given.
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marlik gold jame, sasanian silver plates, qalaichi tep glazed brick, silver handle fabric, achaemenid gold tekuk, plaster bust and sasanian glass bowl are part of the museum objects in the exhibition of the glory of ancient iran in beijing. have entered these works have been collected from the national museum of iran and some iranian museums. today, we are the heirs of those ancient civilizations whose works adorn a large part of the human heritage and civilization in the world. the exhibition of the glory of ancient iran in the national museum of pekand is indicative of a continuity of caesarian civilization from the historical period to the safavid era it is iran. this exhibition is until the 21st of april. it continues in this museum and after that it will be displayed in museums in shanghai, guangzhou, shenzhen, xi'an and urumqi.
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it is a matter of mutual cooperation, that is, today museums are a symbol of peace and kinship and introduction of culture and art and the cultural and civilizational heritage of the country. previously, iran has held in some countries in the past years , and this year it is its turn to hold in china, in turn , china will also hold this exhibition in iran. the exhibition of the splendor of ancient iran is supposed to be returned to the country after one year in january 1403. elham goran of sed and sima news agency.
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amerli's love and battle ambassador, story-based and narrative-oriented games, almost the industry of these types of games in our country had disappeared in a way, we tried to revive it . market from investing in the creators of computer games, word games, shooting games, running games or games, in fact, the fields are now choosing different words that are now presented in different sections in this event of 50 open teams. participating instruments that attract 8 investor teams are therefore the main parameters which is included in the arbitration forms mainly depends on the growth stage of the business and the required capital.
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business and business development strategies and their main focus is commercialization. an event to help game development teams that have minimums. at least their game should be published in virtual platforms. they have at least one user or at least one user and they have earned at least an income for themselves that they can actually present here to the capital. the perception is that about 10 billion tomans are invested in the team and businesses in this field happened this event brings together investors, publishers and game developers to go through the commercialization phase of the product. vahid zakarirat, radio and television news agency. to protect people
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from the rays of medical and nuclear imaging devices, shields and lead wall sconces are used. lead is toxic, expensive, and very difficult to implement. now, a technology company has solved these problems by localizing anti-radiation blocks. this product is for protection in radiology centers, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy centers, as well as in centers related to nuclear reactors. where you read, in fact. penetration and damage outside of that affection should be noticeable. in fact , blocks are used that have a very good attenuation coefficient and are suitable against gamma x and neutron radiation . it is not toxic. if you want to paint it, do ceramic work, any other actions can be done. these bolcoms are designed in such a way that they can be installed without mortar , because if the mortar is used
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, it can cause leakage. they eat curves that shroud one of the components of these blocks is nanoparticles. lead is no longer used in these blocks, which is both toxic and heavier. of course, they are dense, but mineral and completely non-toxic materials are used. the quality of this product is approved by zasalah authorities and its efficiency is higher than similar foreign samples. the quality of this product is confirmed by the energy organization and this certificate shows that the blocks made by this company have a much better refinement factor than the american company, which is actually known in the world. the price of these anti-miscegenation blocks is less than half the price of similar foreign products. mehdi naqvi radio news agency.
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4:00 pm
each macaron , each macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron , macaron, macaron , macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron damages and commissions should be calculated based on this amount, so pay attention to the consumer price and the remaining cash. the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances is very convenient
4:01 pm
. it does not require a real estate bond, nor does it require the blocking of the guarantor's deposit , up to 50 million, the guarantor does not want it. i said the real ninth year. wait, let me ask rome's rights excuse me, the terms of the loan for legal entities , do you offer up to 750 million tomans, with the same conditions, you can even transfer it to your employees. have you heard of nikan mills' loan plan, up to 3 billion rials for natural persons and 7.500 million rials for legal entities, repayment up to 5 years short-term deposit, long-term repayment. nikan mlam project of mlam credit institution hello
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, welcome to flight 58 28 in the morning at the center branch. we are your host. hello, we present the news again at 16:00 . the country's police commander arrested the main perpetrators of the attack. the terrorist reported to rask police headquarters, according to sardar radan, the arrest of four main perpetrators was carried out in a surprise operation. along with these people, a large number of weapons , terror execution equipment and foreign weapons were discovered and confiscated.
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commander's spokesman


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