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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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it has worked so that maybe no one will use those facilities, then there is an expectation that this specialist doctor will stay in the region and his plan, the mandatory plan , will still arise or have the feeling to continue, mr. mr. rasuli, mr. selshroo, said a part of me. excuse me, mr. selshroo, saying a part of these points that you said about the ministry of health and saying that it is like you yourself are in charge of medical affairs in a way. look, let me give you an explanation regarding sustainability, we have three packages. naturally, the issue of sustainability in deprived and underprivileged areas , this name has already been written , it has been implemented for years, and in fact, it is an incentive package. see my doctor, if there is no sustainability plan , he should be there 44 hours a week. yes , he should be there 44 hours a week. . naturally, someone
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who goes to a deprived area has a daily income that he doesn't have. it depends on some kind of financial incentive for more longevity. i may not agree with mr. doctor . we have problems from several aspects, for example, we are for action-based payment that is efficient. it has been 5 to 6 years since it was frozen. it was frozen . it was frozen. last year, the vice president of the ministry of health was able to correct it with a lot of effort. it should be corrected annually, but where does it get stuck ? the supreme council of insurance. where is the deputy of the presidential recruitment department, they don't give this confirmation , according to the law, they have to increase the percentage every year. the change
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should be clear, it should be amended by 20-30. why don't they implement this law? a tariff that according to the law should be at least equal to inflation, we are behind every year. we have a component called kai, we have a professional component coefficient of the same year as the first year of the transformation plan that you calculate. for the private sector, i think it was around 20 thousand tomans. how much was the dollar? i will tell you about the purchasing power. we have come and frozen the ability of a doctor. well, this is where the community lives. you have tripled the service it is providing, its living expenses have increased 18 times to 17 times. you, the services
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that are now in the society, the increase in inflation, now you go and look , they are calculated based on dollars. it is more backward for you to calculate, the government itself proposed to increase the deviation on december 45. the supreme council insured 20%. my current inflation is 40 % behind the current inflation, which means that this is my job . i am almost an employee. look at the health sector. i am telling you this . your health sector is a strategic sector. you cannot come to the health sector . arrange the game in such a way that you apply it. this is the way to go. what happens is that your seats are empty , your immigration is too much.
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and it is mandatory, and this is the work of the ministry, and no one else's job, of course, mr. doctor, that's what i meant. you should assume that this we are there four days a week regardless of closing.
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when a specialist doctor is supposed to work in the hospital in the evening and at night, he also becomes a resident with a different longevity package. you are better than me. it means that he would like the ministry of home affairs to do this compulsorily for specialist doctors, which means that it was optional before. now it has become mandatory , that is, we have mandatory encouragement , we don't have anything like that anymore, it means that this issue is so big, this issue is so stressful
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that it takes a lot of effort from a specialist doctor. those areas now the ministry has come and made it mandatory in this case. i completely disagree with you in this case because the working conditions of the medical staff are completely different. you say the permanence package. well , ankali, you are a resident, not ankali, in a deprived area , that's right, ankali's doctor means that they call him at any moment , even if there is an emergency in the hospital. he will be present. well, if he is present , he will be considered one of his duties, but that's it. now, a bit about this technical school, i really don't want to go to technical school, because if i go to technical school, if i can speak farsi at all, i'm sorry, it's technical. technically, if this is so much to say at all, how can the ministry consider every 3 hours to be one hour before this order? for
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ankali, later this year, they wanted to turn 3 hours into 4 hours, which means 4 hours is one hour of this management model. we have a problem with it. look, all we are talking about is all my doctors, they all want to serve. look, if we are gathered here , we are talking to solve the problem of the people , which is the problem of treatment and health in deprived areas. let's solve it, if this such talks are done in relation to doctors the clip does not mean that these taffeta are woven separately , it is not this shape at all, it is not this shape at all. let me tell you that the conditions should be favorable for the doctor to provide the best services. if i am a doctor in an underprivileged area, i am thinking about what i will do for a living, what will my living conditions be, how can i
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have the right treatment for the people, mr. rasouli, the answer to that. you have mentioned the point that i have already taken this year, as far as i know, for example. the case of the residence package has made the situation much better. we had a fixed number, which turned into a professional component this year, that is, 125 codes are considered increasing the night by 25% and this is actually an improvement in this residence package, i say this , the ministry of home affairs, what i saw in this year's rules in the residence package, has improved the conditions in the discussion of the residence of this clause of permanence. i haven't seen the mandatory one. now, mr. doctor
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, if there is a document, i don't have the mandatory one. the doctor is required to cooperate in this package, that is, he brought the full-time geography story for the full-time geography doctors of iran. i know , you can see that my ministry of health is far from fair the coefficient of the professional component in the private sector and the public sector became the same. one of the wishes of the doctors who worked in the government system was that your professional component was different . been.
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it used to be like this that in the government sector, these 2 million 100 are not even given to doctors, so let me explain here that it is explained that 10% is separated first, then it goes to pelekan , which we do not agree with. the health insurance council is to include this , which means the ministry of health in this matter the compulsion to accept this is a professional part, in fact , the function of shari'a and the law. it is a doctor. well , they take this and deduct it, that is, a percentage
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. finally, what is paid to the doctor is 40 with taxes. the service he provides for appendicitis and cka in the private sector is 800,000 tomans . 900,000 tomans. it used to be 20,000 tomans. 30 600 to 900 as long as possible. i will deliver something full-time. i delivered full-time. previously, this work was one-third for the public sector, for the first time. the ministry of health did this and it is commendable that it equalized the professional component, so this is valuable the ministry of health did this with a heart , which means that it will not go under the rain. this is a good thing. we should be thankful for this , but i say again, mr. doctor, that our policy maker , our grand policy maker, should be the cultural revolution council, the parliament. the islamic revolutionary council , if they do not trust the health care provider, who is the ministry of health, and do not give you the suggestions of the ministry
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of health, this issue will not be fundamentally and fundamentally resolved in my opinion. they think that the problem will start from somewhere else, the problem must be solved donest legislation in those who think they think that the field of health. there is an area that can be played with. it is a very specialized field. if you don't enter it logically, principledly and with knowledge, its complications will not be known today. four years later, 5 years later, if you can take time from us, for example, if you can do the law and rights of the ministry of health , i think there is no problem for him. well, if you have a point to improve it , it's good. since their last conversation was about the parliament, please, now the program is on. it is more related to the discussion of elections and representatives, please the representatives are that please, in
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fact , take this tunnel from the doctors who may take several months to get their office appointments . if this happens, be sure that our representatives will also seek to create the best conditions for their people, so they will make good decisions regarding the issue you mentioned , so that the instruction in the previous instruction of the ministry of home affairs is a requirement for itself. he said that he had created lasting amounts of encouragement. it was sums the resident must be paid by the end of the next month
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. it was correct that when it was mandatory , they used to pay six or seven months late. now, in the new order, they say that whenever, exactly, whenever the deputy of the ministry of home development paid the money, that was when it was mandatory. the situation was now that it is no longer required and he says that whenever he pays , what
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is happening with many hospital university administrators after the discussion of the ministry, why am i saying how a university like tehran university can pay the fees with a delay of 2 months, then colleagues we are in... many provinces, many provinces with 12, 13, 14 months of delay , they pay the fees. is the insurance really delayed that much? there is no such delay, the insurance is the last thing, at least these things that we are in the process of, 6, 7, 8 months later, some places are paid late, why does the university pay with a delay of 14 months, i am talking from where i came from, exactly where i'm here, i'm talking about this university's last payment was 14 months ago
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. yasouj city , who should i talk to in the hospital where i was a slave for mehr 1401 of ache? let's do it. then you said that the general practitioner receives 18 million tomans. do you know how much the specialist receives? how much is his salary? 11 to 13 and what is it ? i mean, i got 13 and what is it? yes, there is also a company that closes after 14 months.
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for a surgeon in a government hospital. there are 30,000 tomans for part-time , 70,000 tomans for full-time , how much is it for a surgeon? multiplied by 30 means 600 tomans, 600 thousand tomans, then
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this is not my 600 thousand tomans, i will tell you now that the first 10% will be earned by the university. then he comes and goes to the stairs. the same words that i tell you are true . they pay 40% of it, that is, 40% of the remaining 90%, that is, 36, that is, 36,600 tomans. how much is 200 tomans? after 200 tomans, i was talking to you now. i said, "when?" with what delay do they pay? 12 months, 14 months later, there is an expectation that this doctor in the deprived area will safely perform his treatment work. see, this is the issue. well, that's what i'll ask mr. rasouli, mr. selahshor says now mr. rasouli of the university of tehran asks how you, for example, follow karana, for example, in famous areas that you are concerned about, for example, one year continuous payment based on the performance of the university of tehran, exceptionally, exceptionally, it has the ability to pay all the hospitals at the same time
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, and that's it. it goes back to the fact that tehran university produces resources other than manab. it has an economic source, because of course, i am not in the field of development in my field of medicine. i can't. if they were high-ranked from the universities of the cities , you can see beheshti at your service. i am myself. shahid beheshti zarif, i left my camo there , i spent part of zarifka's treatment in the hospital, for example , and amen, call me right now, the payment is delayed by 12-12 months. i said that only the university of tehran allowed me to ask this question in this way, why
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is it happening to the university of tehran, which is in the city of tehran, which is not deprived, that it is paid two months late , then now the subject of our discussion, which is the subject of deprived cities, is deprived areas. i am telling you that it will be paid with a delay of 12 to 14 months, that is, if you have it. it should have been the other way around. it means payments were made in deprived areas with less delay than in privileged areas. mr. doctor, you know the law of self-governance of hospitals better than i do. this law is attributed to the hospital based on an economic center based on its own function. universities become based on their own performance. no separate funding for the university. yes, the parliament doesn't approve its own income, it has to come and share it , it will come back to you, it is the responsibility of the ministry of health , if we don't have human resources
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, why does this happen again, another example that the ministry of health should to correct it means the responsibility of the ministry of health for these delays that i am saying. if the ministry of health wants to, how could it do this by forcing doctors to change here? to serve my dear people, i would like to say that until the society does not look at the discussion in a big way, they do not look at an option , they look at a section, they look at the corner of the work, someone who, for example, is only in the upper part of the city. the office has a special field , look at this , you did not consider the general doctors and this issue will be complicated and the future that i predict is a suitable future for
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our health discussion in the field of treatment. i am not denying that there are many good things that have happened, we have a wide health network , i am not denying that, but in the field of treatment in the future, in the provision of manpower, i think that if it is one of the priorities of the ministry of health and the officials, the real solution to this problem will not be imposed by forcing its solutions. they also know that it is not possible for people like me to come up with a solution and say that we are looking for the end of the work to have beautiful, tasty and fruitful apples, but we are planting chickens, which means that this is not possible. thank you very much to both the guests of the program and to all the good viewers of the special program that have brought us up to this moment
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thank you very much, we will be at your service in the coming nights. thank you very much . don't be tired. may god protect you. this is the suez rajan oil tanker with the greek flag. ladies and gentlemen , you are seeing this for the first time on iranshenal tv. behind me
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is the suez rajan tanker in the gulf of mexico carrying more than 800,000 barrels of iranian oil. in august, after a year of seizing iranian oil, it was stolen from the ship it is discharged to the end of life. really, if they hit , they will eat at the same time the iranian commanders warn about the theft of iranian oil, wait for them to eat, now we announce that if any company wants to do this, we will hold the oil company that wants to empty our oil from this ship responsible. that we hold america responsible since the beginning of 1402, tehran has seized two large oil tankers, one in the strait of hormuz and the other in the brody sea of ​​oman, due to maritime violations and having a private plaintiff by the navy.
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now it's time for the third. these are the same pictures the operation is in the oman sea. the ship is impounded for violating international maritime laws and having a private plaintiff. tehran has repeatedly stated that it has no compunction with any country for the security of the strait of hormuz, through which half of the world's energy passes. even america. like two years ago, when this american tanker carrying oil stolen from iran was seized by the irgc navy in front of us navy officers, persian gulf, speak farsi . besides focusing on the persian gulf, tehran is now sending its fleets to the pacific ocean. and the atlas is the navy, the army says the mission.
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the 86th fleet in orbit around the globe is an assessment for iran's permanent presence in the atlantic and pacific oceans, which is done to ensure the security of iran's global trade. at the same time , american oil shipments in the persian gulf are under the control and care of the irgc navy. american companies fear that if they do this, the islamic republic will take retaliatory measures against them, and iran will retaliate for its stolen oil . yunus shadello of the radio and television news agency.
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this palestinian reporter says. last month, the order to build 9 guard posts in 18 towns and new roads, fencing and construction in private properties exported the palestinians. after october 7th
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, licensing in the regions.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , good night. it's 11:00 p.m. and i am at your service with some news. the international conference of al-aqsa storm and the awakening of human conscience was held in tehran. in this conference, more than 100 scholars and intellectuals from different islamic countries, including afghanistan , were present. in this ceremony, the secretary of the islamic brotherhood council of afghanistan condemned the crimes of the zionist regime and said:


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