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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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due to its intergenerational nature , this issue is inherent in its existence, why do you now go to countries that are developed, for example, the countries of western europe, north america, have the same challenge , that is, dear viewers, please note that this challenge is not unique to our country. a few years ago, we had greece, and now , in recent years, if you follow the news, it's the same zardai movement that we had in paris and france. it was a pension that was done , which means that we are not saying that this is specific to the islamic republic of iran, because the pension fund is the main variable that has an effect. the population means this is my population, i said because it is intergenerational, the populations are not compatible with each other in different eras, qualitatively and quantitatively, because the birth rate is different, the death rate is different , and the life expectancy is qualitatively the age of our hope
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at the beginning of the revolution. our life span was about 60 years, but now it is between 76 and 78 years old. this means that i would like to state this point. previously, our average retirement age in our country's pension fund is about 52 years old, so you are 52 years old. calculate 76. how much can you calculate? it means a person about the same as the 30 years he serves , he should receive a retirement pension, the same as the same 30 years old. finally, this time, the tax imposed on the pension fund is caused by the same population variable, so when there is this non-compliance, the fund is not balanced, so the government , as the one who finally has the authority to manage the affairs of a one-country system in a geographical area , must have a think that he can be the answer to the huge flood of this crowd, mrs. esmail, i will go to mrs. esmaili, and we will also go to mrs. esmaili, who is in the studio next to us. mrs. esmaili, what is your opinion
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? do you think that this increase in the retirement age is basically the first time you say whether you agree or disagree, and you think that the main reason for the disparity of the fund is this demographic gap and the demographic changes that mr. gholami mentioned or not for other reasons that are in the program it was discussed about it. greetings, politeness and respect . dear sirs and dear viewers of the program, look at the issue of pension fund disparity. in fact , our country has not been this special in the world, considering the structural change of the population that has occurred and the reduction of the freight rate in many countries. the world is about reforms retirement has actually been discussed. i agree with the quantitative reforms, but the quantitative terms do not only include the increase in age and the experience required to qualify for retirement .
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sitting and many other cases , the organization of insurance exemptions that the government has for some insured persons and employers, such cases considering that in fact, the reforms of standards in the world were started in the past years and gradually and in some countries to carry out these reforms in our country at once before the 6th plan, the crisis of pension funds was considered as one of the crises that was raised along with the environmental crisis and the water crisis , but during the 6th plan, these reforms were not implemented in any number of cases, and now in the 7th plan, now as we have a ruling related to age and record reform in the 7th plan, which is a step to start quantitative reforms . we generally agree with these reforms, but as we said.
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there are different aspects of reforming your service, and this means that the work must be done at the same time or see how it should be prioritized mrs. golpour has mentioned here that you should not start from this part of the story first. to solve the dispute , you can start from other places. you can agree with them or not. after all, the reforms must start from one place. ok, yes, see, we are in the same sentence now. in the 7th plan , we have a ruling regarding the retirement pension formula, which has included the average of the last two years as the criterion for pension payment . the issue causes insurance providers and employers to escape insurance in the first years of insurance payments , and considering that the last two years. insurance
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payment is the criterion for pension payment in the last two years. in fact, this is a requirement from the insured . how much should this be, for example , how many years should it be? this is in the form of it should be done all at once so that people can see what is actually going to happen and what is to be reformed together. the package of reforms, as i do, mr. ghulam , means all at once, for example, an average of two years, for example
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, an average of 10 years, 7 years at a time, for example, 30 years , 35 years. . it should be clarified that the basis of the calculation that i said is one time or gradual? no, the rulings should be side by side, the package of reforms should be seen side by side, there should actually be a coordination between the parliament and the government regarding this package of reforms and its implementation should be gradual, so that first, for example, we go to the discussion of the overall economy, which means, for example, to come let's fundamentally reform the funds or reform the formulas . let me give you an explanation. yes , or you can see the answer. considering that 18 of our insurance funds in the country are based on certain benefits, and most of the resources that exist for providing pension payments are from insurance premiums. which is collected
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means that it is important that how many of us insurance payers are able to pay the pension from the fact that they earn funds for the insurance premiums received, that is, in fact, this issue it is much more important and next to the issue of collecting insurance premiums and not me, my question to you now is whether you believe that quantitative reforms should be done first, or reforms that are directed to the government, the sovereign and the funds, which should go and solve their conflicts. in my opinion, there is no priority or delay, these should be side by side, but this happened in the seventh program. because both honorable people have spoken, you see, we have many workers who happen to be behind the doors of the social security organization .
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let's pour money into this insurance, or for example , there are about 27,000 driving instructors in the whole country, and by the way, the ministry of labor also has an opinion. and tens of thousands of other people who are waiting for insurance and the insurance conditions are in accordance with what the supreme leader insists on social security macro policies that it should be universal. this is the third principle of the constitution that universal insurance must exist, that this events despite the fact that people are lucky. there is no declaration and insurance for them, or for example, in the field of inspection , let's open this a little, and we say that they are insured, which means the declaration of the right. to pay insurance and help the funds from the side of income . yes, one is this, the other is that we have a process in the government that, because the government has a supportive view , many times and it is a good view
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, it imposes a lot of different information on the social security organization and he undertakes that i will grant him the right of his employer and the right of the government. i think that the people who are weaker now, but have not fulfilled their obligations regarding this matter, that these 700 peers are partially created in this way, that is, the government creates an obligation that does not pay the financial obligation according to it , and therefore this incident causes that he is unhappy our brother said that it should be created, so now we have a population that cannot, that is , it does not have the conditions, we also have a population that, by the way, the social security organization is looking for. that will take the lowest insurance premium from him. look, we have almost 400 job titles, and these 400 job titles are called flat wages. now, my friends know better than me that it is customary to have a series of job titles such as tailors, tailors, etc.,
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which are scattered all over the country. one tenth percent of insurance gives one percentage share , while he may have a good income, he may want to pay more than before. before the revolution, until now, this has been frozen , it is frozen, it does not go up, there is no law for it, that he wants to give insurance, there are so many of them , why this should not happen, why this is happening , it is very bad. but the fact is that if it is an input problem , we have inputs that are already 50 years old , it is being reduced by one tenth of the salary, which is extremely low. moreover, when he retires, his salary is low, so we see, for example, in history, during the sassanids, the achaemenids, and these are us. we see that , for example, in the society of teachers, craftsmen, farmers , people are classified now. despite the basic principles
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the constitution that raises the issue of justice in such a beautiful way, we should not have such things. by the way, that tailor, by the way, that salmon, by the way, that pishor or any great person he is, should pay his insurance according to what he does. we have, that is , these issues should be checked in terms of inspection. you are not very strong in this field. yes, in my opinion, it is not strong . regarding the inspection of the ministry of labor , you said that the number of people for the whole country is less than a thousand people. a thousand people, for example, may be an argument that , well, now is the time when the inspections are, for example, not legal, brother is legal, according to the law, he should
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have come here , for example, as a working person, what happened to you, what was your skill , where are you in the story, and your problems, which are like others like we are saying that we are raising the issue of the world . we have to see this as well. is it just that, for example, taking france as an example? in france , we have 2 million iranian construction workers, who now know better, mrs. now we have many conversations about this the reason is that every day their insurance
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is cut off, they all have problems, that is, we have a good system, but in practice, its functions are not strong, or for example, we have a large number of people who, unfortunately , now the laws have gone towards supporting them, but the credits have not come. we also have people who want to be insured, so i think that we have a good population who want to join. but the doors of the organization are also closed. do you agree, not me ? look, of course, the doors of the organization are closed. first , now the friends of the organization should come and answer this, but i am based on what i know. we welcome any new entry. we have no restrictions on accepting new insureds . 26,000 people. maybe i wrote a letter three times . you can see the issue of the organization. the population is millions. madam , this is
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what we did. our colleagues have come to this conclusion. we have about 5 million informal employment.
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in the country, we have 65 million , 5 million, no, look, informal employment , informal employment, with the issue of paying the insurance premium, the issue of paying the insurance premium, we have about 5 million now, in fact , we have informal employment, which is likely to be of interest to me. to pay insurance premiums, but bed not available now, in the seventh program, fortunately , this issue has also been addressed that those who are actually working on virtual platforms, especially these, can actually be provided a platform for them , and god willing , this space will be provided for them to speak about the issue of paying their insurance premiums. my priority in the issue of the population is the bag, dear sir, the installation of the bag is the same point that i mentioned , the rate is actually the age of our life, please pay attention, dear viewers, when we say the age of my life, i gave an example of my life, now i will repeat it, the average retirement age in the pension fund
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a country means people who are about one million now. in fact, i read it by heart . there are about 1,700,000 retired people in the pension fund . in fact , we have about 1,700,000 people in the national pension fund. their average retirement age is about 52 years. if we earn about 76 years together, they will almost go to look for a second job after retirement, that is, i accept the life expectancy, but the lack of livelihood. it is an issue that we also accept. we have no resistance to this. it is the issue of sufficiency pension is an important issue, and in fact, one of the four principles that we have in the field of pension funds or social insurance, one of which is the issue of pension adequacy. well, the fact is that we
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cannot explain all this risk to the risk issue that i mentioned first. the responsibility of the recovery fund. after all, macroeconomic variables also have a special effect on this factor, but our funds, in fact , we should have a survey now. that's mean if we consider the average per capita household, for example, 3 people , above 55 , the pension pension can cover living expenses. how much did you consider for a retired person? look at serani khan . now, for example, it's different. because i'm pointing out, i'm saying no. in different cities , you're different in tehran. look, i'll tell you a number. it's in the media, after all, it's the average cost. it's different. family expenses , look at the topic of the paragraph. now we are actually
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talking about the position of the risk because you said it covers how many percentages . in the national retirement fund, the number that i will tell you the exact number now, which i will know later, is above 10 tomans, now i have the number now, now it is above 10 tomans, for example, now you think that 11 is too much above 10 tomans, so it is not a theme of 11 tomans, just a number from you. mr. gholami, i'm sorry
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, how much is the number you mentioned for the housekeeper's expenses ? to announce, because i am not the official in this field, i would like to announce it. i am very grateful to all the guests of the program, all the good viewers, especially the higher program. as the program was discussed, this discussion is so deep that it requires programs another thing, let us be at your service and discuss this. thank you very much for your companion , may god protect you. the key is in the hands of the people of the iranian coach sharaf iran. he has a telegram playing with the whole country
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. why are you setting prices this month? your question is an interesting question. the manager of the football player does not pay his insurance . the story started from here, from mid-october this year, the zionist regime could not withstand the al-akhsa storm according to kurds, the number of victims
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exceeded 10,000 and the security council remained silent. nasr kashi continued. and the united states security council resolutions to stop the war. vetoed the yemenis, who had warned before, fulfilled their word on november 28th . seizing the first commercial ship of the zionists . in bab al-mandab, the red sea, where 80 % of israel's economy depends on it. the cost of israel's war in gaza has exceeded 60 billion dollars . this is a big figure and there are also problems in the field of budget that this issue reflects . and it can be said that the state of the economy in israel has returned to decades ago. again , ships belonging to the zionist regime were seized.
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only ships associated with israel are targeted . ships that all or part of them belong to the zionist regime. this is a clear position. america promised. did the attack was carried out on the same day that in laha , britain was the only one accompanying the us in the attack on yemen , which was investigating the crimes of the zionists. americans said this time their goal is to defend world trade. joe biden's new attack against yemen is not only against terrorism, but defense and favoritism.
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will live forever say it loud and say it clear say it loud and say it's clear liberation is near liberation is near revolutions in free palestine in free palestine in free palestine islamic christianity palestine. the application of the hearing of hearing with the al-qadiyya, who is with her, all the people of all of jordan
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, the zionist sympathizers , my enlightener, and rayon kabir, for zaim, we do not break for dinah, for the branches, and for the american martyrs, and there is no treatment. israel al-asla or yemen of resistance, or yemen of psychological resistance, or sanan.
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american fighters along with the british royal air force with submarine warships and tomahawk missiles opened fire here on friday morning before the american al-tayran in the south of the arabian peninsula. 73 attacks on sanaa. in the very first moments of the attack, the americans showed their opposition to these protests, although
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british and american officials stated in a joint statement that the aim of the attack was to reduce tensions in the red sea, but experts raise a question . here, the question that should be asked is why the american and british governments preferred to prevent the houthis from attacking the ships instead of escalate this conflict through the correct way of establishing a ceasefire in gaza. an american group also asked the question whether biden is trying to distract us from the case. the international court of justice to end the genocide of the zionist regime ? brian becker, director of the national coalition in america , protesting against this attack , says here in front of the white house: joe biden's attack against yemen is not only against terrorism, but it is the defense and support of the genocidal actions of the racist and fascist regime in tel aviv. yemen is the only country that
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has been able to since the beginning of the gaza war. one of the entry arteries block energy to the occupied territories. this country blew up an american ship with a cruise missile seven minutes after the coalition missile attack . these cruel aggressions in yemen will not deter the armed forces from supporting the oppressed palestinian nation. the americans know that the yemenis will not back down from supporting the palestinians with these attacks, but are the united states and the united kingdom using this method to divert public opinion from the zionist genocide, or are they looking for an escape route for the ship to reach the occupied territories. amina sadat zabihpour, radio and television news agency. various political tendencies
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and economic competition in the elections , the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key, this is in the hands of our people, there is a telegram channel playing with the whole country, because these 6 months of price fixing, your question is an interesting question for the manager. with what he does, he should pay his insurance, he will be discovered, he will be identified intelligently . .
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2 o'clock: ministry of health warning about. in the age group of teenagers and young people of the ministry of health of women and young people are asked to go to health centers to measure blood pressure and blood sugar. in any case, the main goal of this campaign is prevention. well, among the people who participate in this campaign, almost 16 million people are overweight, and in any case , our goal is that whatever interventions we make, this
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will increase.


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