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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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every day i see the child as if i saw amrim's grandson. i like to make children happy. they hear the sound of bullets and gunfire every day. this action of the palestinian grandfather was welcomed by social media activists. in response to this action, a user wrote on x social network: their heroes are imaginary and our heroes are real. they have fathers and we are grandfathers. another user wrote: reem's grandfather should be an ambassador of peace and love. be in the world another user also wrote: you are not just a good person. you are the angel who taught us patience and faith.
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stop the genocide , stop the genocide, stop the genocide, stop the genocide , shame on you, shame on you, shame on you , free palestine, free, free, palestine, free, free, palestine, free, free, palestine, free , free palestine, free, free, free, palestine, israel criminal.
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vi vill ha frihet, vi vill ha frihet, ingen mer göddlighet, ingen mer göddlighet länge läv palestine.
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the security council held two meetings, one about the situation in gaza and the other to review the us and british military aggression in yemen. at the first meeting of the assistant secretary general of the united nations in human rights affairs he described the zionist regime as a war crime for displacing people and forcibly evacuating gaza. in order to solve this crisis, it is necessary to address its historical causes and roots. he said that the attacks against israel on october 7 are the result of decades of human rights violations. the un humanitarian coordinator announced the death of 148 un employees in the attacks of the zionist regime on gaza. the situation in gaza is terrible. one million and 900 thousand people who were forcibly displaced were forced to flee many times due to the rain of bombs and rockets. this security council meeting. the end without any consequences for the people of gaza
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found. in a meeting held by the security council regarding yemen, the assistant secretary general of the united nations for political and peace affairs said: the united states and the united kingdom, along with four other countries , have carried out more than 50 air and missile attacks on yemen. the representatives of russia and china, who in the previous session of the security council as two permanent members of this council, with their grateful votes, laid the groundwork for approval. it increases tensions in the region due to yemen . allowing israel to continue its attacks on gaza without escalating the conflict is just an illusion. america and its allies have a long history of gross violations of human rights.
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the united nations issued a statement about the us and british attacks on yemen. the statement in which, of course, gethersh did not condemn these attacks, but implicitly asked the united states and england to avoid any action that worsens the situation and expands the conflicts in the region. ali rajabi , united nations security council broadcasting news agency , new york. theft, damage and loss of the fuel card are the reasons for which you should apply for the issuance of a diamond. the first step to register a fuel card request is to
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go to one of the police electronic services offices with the vehicle documents plus 10. do. in the first step after entering the police offices plus 10. hi hi. by filling out the relevant form and presenting a vehicle and national card, your identity will be authenticated so that your application can be registered. what is this print that came out now? this is the printout that we have to deliver to you as the last step for our profit card. receipt of the request for the issuance of a copy of the smart fuel card, from here on, this process will go to the national oil products distribution company. i went to the national oil products distribution company and asked this question. on what website do you produce this card, see the people who refer to police offices, plus 10 basic information is extracted from there, it comes to the traffic police through the development of naji, the basic information is monitored there, an x-mail is produced, it is sent to us and we
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send this information again to the saqash industry , it is a company that produces fuel cards. through the basic financial information that is available to them , they will know. can it be produced? how many fuel cards are in the production process now? look, in the production process, i can tell you that we have between 12,000 and 15,000 requests per day. i don't have it yet . i lost my fuel card in burj 8. it still hasn't arrived for the fuel card. for example and to prove this, i applied for registration. well, i filled out this form. now, i have a question about the time of registration . let's see how long we have to wait until that burned card reaches you. previously, this period took up to 6 months, 7 months, sometimes 7 or 8 months. now
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, the product we are producing will be 100% ready in 27 days, 28 days. that is, from the time when the registration is done until the time it arrives at home, it has to be done in several ways introduced to follow the production of fuel card. the first method is to send the vehicle's id code to the sms system 110 120. an hour has passed since i sent the sms, but i did not receive a reply. the second method is to call phone number 096. for information about the card request. that is, the third method of follow-up, now 45 days have passed and
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coming to the same office where i applied to see where the status of my fuel card has reached . i paid 3,000 tomans to see if my fuel card was issued or not. here it is clear that my fuel card was issued on 9/15, but i did not receive any sms or notification. in response to this question, the manager of the smart fuel card system says that this requires that your basic information, who you are, your phone number or your national code , is given to farahden national broadcasting company or the post office, definitely in each of the stages that is happening. if he gets challenged, he can inform the applicant by sending his message, and all this information that i say is at the discretion of the savior , what are the reasons they give, these are the reasons they say because this information is confidential and we cannot provide it to you, only confidential. it
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happens that, sir, for example, someone says 5 months and someone says 6 it says that my sukh card hasn't arrived in one month or two. well , you have to ask your friends to see why this information is available to us. it is a question that i followed up with naji research and development company, but they did not give an answer. fintechs or financial technologies have penetrated almost all of our lives. an issue that can be considered the beginning of the entry of bank tellers in the financial and banking industry. technologies that aim to increase speed and security as well as make services non-personal to other areas such as electronic banking, payment industry, investment and crowdfunding. validation and payment of loans, insurance and tax area expanded to the access of public institutions, businesses. make it easy for people and especially start-up companies to access financial services. we
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give this permission with the company and startups and especially daneshmanian companies so that i can access banking services for financial payments more easily. our services are available to all startups and companies in the country. more than 400 companies are currently using it. services that , due to the wide range and complexity of each of them, it is not possible to provide them directly from banks. it is not effective for this reason technavar, a knowledge-based and nascent provider of financial technologies, opened to this field and recently the latest financial technological achievements in the country were displayed in the form of an event. we are a manufacturer of card readers. we were able to localize this product for businesses inside iran . digital signature and electronic signature services are also being provided in philtech collection to all the requesting companies. we within two years. research and investigation on domestic and foreign products , we can make a completely local product with farsi language and
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facilities that have always been intended to be supplied inside iran. let's use the technologies that are one of the pillars of the development of the digital economy to achieve the goals of the 7th plan . it is planned to reach 15%. however, the development of financial technologies is facing challenges such as the obstacles of the legal problems of the traditional approach in the financial field, the problems of communication ecosystems, the challenges of security and information sharing, money laundering and fraud. solving these challenges requires the synergy of all effective demands in the financial and banking fields. mohammad hossein haji, radio and television news agency. to
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to protect people from the rays of medical and nuclear imaging devices, shields and lead wall plugs are used. lead is both toxic and expensive, and it is very difficult to implement. now, a technology company has solved these problems by localizing anti-radiation blocks. this product is for protection in centers. radiology centers of nuclear medicine and radiotherapy, as well as in centers related to nuclear reactors, where, in fact , the penetration and leakages outside of that affection are significant, in fact, blocks are used that have a very good refinement coefficient, suitable for there are gamma x and neutron beams, it is not the same , it is easy to perform and very easily, you can do any other work you want, paint , do ceramics, any other action is possible. because if the mortar
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is used, it can cause a leak. they are completely interlocked from all sides . they are curved from the bottom side to the top of the corner . that's why the bed shroud is one of the components of these blocks . nano particles are not used in these blocks. both toxic and heavier materials are, of course, dense, but mineral and completely non-toxic materials are used, the quality of this product is confirmed. its references and efficiency are higher than similar foreign samples. the quality of this product has been confirmed by iran's atomic energy organization, dil center , and this certificate shows that the blocks made by this company have a much better attenuation coefficient than the american company, which is actually known in the world. the price of these anti-mischief blocks is less than half the price of similar foreign products. mehdi naqvi of sed and sima news agency has finished. recently, mr. mayor
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, we have also found an entry to your area , the story of the attorney general of the country about one of the examples of violation of public rights and citizen's rights of these officials. you fixed the hundred of mohbar, now they call it his name. 100 crossings , of course they want to remove 100 crossings, destroy property or demolish some unauthorized buildings. the article 100 commission, or the appearance of these people, go and collect materials and materials without marking the way to put them, then it will not be clear who owns these properties, the statements made in the first meeting on the restoration of public rights and citizen's rights in
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the thoughts of the leader of the revolution. well, it has a religious responsibility, like its parking lots. when i went to kerman, i saw that mashhad had been in seclusion for 30 years, emphasized mr. mohadi azad kurd, although the restoration of public rights in the country is associated with various challenges, i think we prepared and sent a bill for the protection of public rights in the four-minded judiciary. the final stages of which have been completed in the legal department of the judiciary. the mayor of tehran also listed the fight against corruption as one of the most important examples of the restoration of public rights . we also divided corruption into three categories.
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we have returned our thousand billion money, we have returned our facilities, this year our horizon is about 60 thousand billion. on the edge of this the ceremony was unveiled at the civil rights house for easy access of people to legal information. an unveiling of the citizen's rights house. according to the announcement of the judiciary , in order to restore public rights, 99% of the country's national lands have been registered. malih pejman of sed and cima news agency. today, we came to the south east regional base of the aja army ground force in the south east of the country. we are going to talk with one of the officers of this base, mr. sabran , first introduce yourself, in the name of allah, the most merciful, this is mohammad reza shamsudini, the community
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of the nazaja regional base. and senior military officer aja in southeast of the country. tell me, what happened on the day of the incident when there was a bomb attack in gulzar shahada, kerman, and where were you ? as soon as i was informed, i rushed to bahonar hospital. when i entered the hospital , there were many injured people at the entrance of the hospital. i helped the medical staff with the help of my loved ones. who had somehow brought themselves to the hospital , we were moving the injured inside the emergency rooms, there was one , there were two, there was the cpr section, we were moving the injured at the same time, we were moving the wounded. well, for a moment, i saw a pahlavi child in the arms of a woman. i was heartbroken . i saw that the surgeon had a lot of injuries. now
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i saw that he had made a wound. then i came to the lady and said, "tune child, can i help you?" konem said that he is not my child. i had another surgery in this hospital. well , it's majul. it's majul. i said , i thought for a moment . i said, "after this, i have a daughter . i have a 30-year-old daughter." i said it's my child , no problem, i took my phone and took a picture i got it on a few channels of my news agency , i posted it, it was full of friends, it was family, i said maybe i'm in kerman. i want to have a connection to be broadcast and there was a gentleman there , his phone was in his hand. i said that i have to take care of his neighbor. i told the lady what should i do. she said that you have to make a move for her
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. i told her to go for a city scan. we took the baby with the lady and went to the city scan of the baby. we got a city from the kid. i said to the lady, take the baby upstairs, i'll take the follow -up number, i'll show the doctor the follow-up number that i got, i came to the emergency room, showed the doctor the picture , and he opened it , and he said yes, it's him, but he 's bleeding internally. let me show you another doctor. i went to another doctor and showed him the follow-up number. the doctor said yes , he has internal bleeding. he needs to be operated on. he needs to give me a blood test. the number of injured was high, this child. what was happening , the color of his face was changing second by second, lethargic it was getting wet, and in a moment, it felt like it was over. i always have a quran in my pocket . i said that this child must be saved. this action and your communication made
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it possible to get the job done. yes, how did you find the father of this girl? you, zahra's father, called me . i explained the story to him. be comfortable , there's nothing to worry about. something happened in your life. help people. yes, i'm in my life. zahra is not the first person in your life. when i was serving in shiraz, there were two of them. i also saved a man who had a stroke while behind the wheel of a car. i took him to the doctor. the doctor said, "if you were done in 10 minutes, there's a problem, there's another problem, you'll help another baby. it was an accident . they helped me, and i never gave a hint to anyone ." god almighty god created me and i must help his creatures . what is your conversation with the enemies of this system and revolution
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? holy, come fight with me, come and side with me, not the woman, the innocent child, i feel sorry for my people according to your opinion the first phase of the national salam campaign is approaching its final days, while 64% of the population over 18 years old has been covered across the country . based on the reports received by
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the provinces and universities of the country, fortunately, we can say that almost all over the country, especially big cities, with 50% of people over 18 years of age participated in this campaign. a campaign that provides preventive services and timely treatment of non-communicable diseases , high blood pressure and diabetes. it will result in economic savings and reduction of treatment costs for iran and iranians. non-communicable diseases it threatens the country's economy and development and can damage our economy by more than 80 trillion tomans annually, and this damage is equal to 5 % of the annual gross domestic product, which we call jd. so far approx. one thousand patients with high blood pressure and more than 400 thousand diabetic patients have been identified in the country and
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they will be under control and treatment. these are not released, for example, based on the severity or age of the disease, every three or six months they should be visited by a doctor or non-doctor , he calls them and makes an appointment. in this plan , more than 18,000 health homes and 5,000 community health service centers are serving for referrals, visits, and control of their diseases, in line with the fact that in 10 years , our hospital beds will begin to decrease, and our treatment needs will decrease. our operating rooms should be reduced, our dialysis patients should be reduced, heart attacks , cerebral strokes, amputations should be reduced. fatemeh hasanpour, sema news agency
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. well, people, it's a game. if it's not original, how am i supposed to understand that it's about memory pieces? car parts are marketed under the name of a valid brand name, but they are fake. france has done the same thing, the same model has come here, madin, turkey, hats with similar names , it was said that even fake balograms or fake boxes are still in the market. we will determine the authenticity of the cut, we can easily close the cut , we will no longer doubt the piece. look at the piece, it does not have a product identification, which means that it is either smuggled or fake. let's connect to see if this is it, sir
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the product is correct, is it correct or not ? press the four star 77 77 square. the authenticity of the product will be determined so that the product id becomes serious. counterfeit parts are rampant in the market . you see a small part like this o-ring . it causes a big disturbance inside the car. the page is not finished, but due to the poor quality of the case, this page is broken. it has been changed, it came to me, one of the fuel has melted and the engine has a cylinder that has completely fallen off, burning the engine because of the four fake fuel, it is of poor quality , there is no more of them, you have to buy it, bring it to sell, you have to open the engine, a loss of 100 he leaves a million in the hands of the customer , they can see the work in the transparency system of the store, from the factory to the end of the sale, hand in hand with the official invoices in the office, the duties are clear, but the sales that he gives to the consumer there are no duties.
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there needs to be a system in the store that can cancel this tracking code. tell me, sir, the code i gave you was canceled. the consumer threw it under his car . it will be established for us in our final circle. according to the officials of the ministry, the position is fully operational the store system and its connection to the business community system will no longer be able to supply goods without identification to consumers. mehdi anari , sed and broadcasting news agency.
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various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament, the key is in the hands of the people . there is a telegram channel that plays across the country. of course , this is the month of pricing. your question is an interesting question. you don't want a football manager to pay his insurance according to his work. smart face is recognized. i don't agree with any kind of treatment trends on the eve of elections every day at 15:00 and
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19:00. wherever you are from today's news network, you will be better tomorrow. higher. 4 o'clock: the poster of the 4th and 2nd fajr international theater festival was unveiled. this year's festival will be held in 12 sections with the slogan of hope, song of empathy. 34 shows in the iranian theater competition, 25 shows in the student section. 3


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