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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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4 o'clock: the poster of chel and the second fajr international theater festival was unveiled. this year's festival will be held in 12 sections with the slogan of hope, praise and empathy. 34 shows in the iranian theater competition, 25 shows in the student section, 33 shows. in the street section, 11 shows
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compete in the radio theater section and 21 shows in the comprehensive section. five student sections, television shows, national identity, gaza is the inclusive section for the first time in the festival. of course , the tv show section was closed a few years ago and we added it. in the international section , we have 8 shows out of 5. country of countries armenia, greece, tajikistan, iraq and italy. we tried to have three shows from armenia and to have a special section of armenia in the festival this year. and there are two shows from greece. and the other three countries will have one performance each. 1403 budget consolidation commission with a 20% salary increase next year. he also agreed
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that the salary tax exemption limit was set at 12 million and the minimum salary for employees and retirees was set at 9 and 10 million tomans, respectively. of course, the implementation of the approvals of the consolidation commission is subject to public approval and the approval of the guardian council. another important resolution of that there was a discussion about the purposefulness of the subsidies, which have been approved for approximately 700,000 billion tomans. the most important thing is to pay cash and subsistence subsidies and compensate the purchasing power of households due to price increases, and one of them is to discuss the payment of drug subsidies and bread subsidies, as well as continuous payments to households covered by the relief committee. netanyahu
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set for this war is unattainable. in a conversation with cnn, gide ann levy described the gaza war as a bloodbath and emphasized that netanyahu's government is leading israel to an unknown path. column the writer of hararet newspaper pointed out that the two main goals announced at the beginning of the war were the liberation of prisoners and the elimination of hamas , and there is no sign of achieving these goals. these two goals are not mutually exclusive. from my point of view, the release of prisoners should be the first priority. i can tell you that after 3 months we are not close to any of the two goals. in my opinion , we are getting further and further away from the stated goals, and now at a distance compared to a few weeks ago.
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we have more prisoners. al-akhsa storm, an entirely palestinian operation and in response to dozens of killings, dozens of killings against it was the palestinian people. abu obeidah, the spokesman of the qassam brigades, 100 days after the beginning of the zionist regime's war against the palestinian people in gaza, emphasizing the readiness of the resistance fighters to continue fighting the zionist regime.
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he sent and said that we received messages from the resistance that they will expand their operations in the coming days if the aggression against the people of gaza is stopped. the spokesman of the qassam battalions emphasized that by god's command, the dawn of freedom for all our people is near, and the jihad and blood of our people will not be wasted. this man is from gaza and his house was destroyed. 45 people remain under the rubble but do not leave gaza this is my land, i will stay here, even if i die, there is another woman in a tent who is not going to leave
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. yes, gaza has always been resistant in the gaza war, more than half of the people like this man and woman lost their homes, but from this dream.
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our aim is to free gaza from hamas, hamas does not show the white flag, hamas has maintained its ability to continue the war, and these images of defense and resistance are still broadcast to the world every day. he destroyed the power of hamas because it is rooted in the hearts and minds of the palestinians, the former prime minister of the zionist regime and now the world is witnessing this, and after a hundred days this question will be asked. this is the longest war of the zionist regime against palestine. ghazal badiei of the sada and sima news agency, a palestinian citizen, referring to the crimes of the zionist regime against children
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, showed a picture of a shirei child who was martyred in the bombing. he asked if this child is the resistance forces that netanyahu we are holding him tightly. what did this child do? did this child cause problems for israel? is this resistance? this child belongs to the bank benjamin netanyahu's goals. this is the resistance that netanyahu is targeting. these
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are children. no one supports us, not the united nations, not the criminal court, not any other organization. we thank south africa for supporting palestine. he took a position, hoping to god, this regime will be tried for its crimes and the killing of the palestinian nation. 3 we moved four times, but it didn't work. look here, this is a safe place that america, germany and england claim. this is the result before your eyes. look at these bags. the bodies are so dismembered that it can't be him collected the until the next part.
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judaism in zionist slavery.
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this is the first war that has covered the whole of europe , the fire of the war has spread to the other side of the world, to russia , the lands of west asia and even iran in a war that is known as the great war. world war i, august 1914.
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during this four-year war, each of the involved powers is looking for a policy to change the situation in their favor. england, which has almost reached the end of the line , will use any way to win against the germans, even if this way passes through the path of fulfilling the dreams of others, the fulfillment of the dreams of this man, a man named hertsel what hertsel dreamed of at the age of 40 had its roots in his childhood. benjamin zehrtzel
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was born to jewish parents in austria. parents who were born jewish but did not believe in religion. benjamin, later known as theodore , had learned to be a nationalist rather than a religious person adhering to the torah teachings . professionally, he went to the position of journalist during the years of working in the press, the thinking that was formed in him as a child bode wrote down his writings until the case of dreyfus, a jewish french officer , became hot news in the newspapers.
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who betrayed the french republic and spied for the germans. his trial is one of the
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most controversial cases of his time. en ce september 9, 1899, the permanent war council of the 10th région de corps d'armée declared the names alfred, captain bret au 14e régiment d'artillerie à majorité de 5 voix contre deux. coupable de haute treason toutefois.
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france used to send its political prisoners to the prisons of this island because of violent behavior its guards were known as devil's island. betrayal of france by a jew of french community sentiments. he tried to erase the negative feelings from the minds of the society and convince them that the jews want an independent country for themselves. the event of deryfus
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became an excuse for hertzel to write a book entitled the jewish state. we want to lay the foundation stone for a house that will be a refuge for the jewish people. zionism is a return to judaism even before the return to the land of israel. signed: theodor hertzel. the main idea of ​​hertzel's book was this: because jews all over the world. from anti-semitic thoughts in to be safe, they must live in a certain land. it doesn't matter if their religion is jewish or if they don't believe in the religion of moses, peace be upon him. the idea of ​​a jewish state was a bold idea for the jews who had experienced two thousand years of displacement. contrary to what
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is stated in their religious texts. according to religious texts. jews were forbidden to form a jewish government for the children of israel, and this displacement was a punishment that these people had to bear until the coming of the messiah or the messiah. and hertsel, who did not believe in religion, fell apart . hertsel was moving against god's will. hertzel saw no other way to legitimize his plan than to win the hearts of the opponents on the one hand and to get close to the power bases on the other hand, so he announced that zionism is a return to judaism.
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far from jewish culture and raised in a european style, he began to learn hebrew so that he could pray. in his own words , learning a few hebrew words was more difficult for him in those days than managing the congress meetings. he writes in his memoirs: i must be direct and open with the minister state or a prince communicate. in this case, the jews will believe me and follow me . the most suitable person could be the kaiser of germany. the evangelical priest william heschler made this connection, and kaiser william ii , the german emperor, allowed hertzel to visit.
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the second option after qaiser was sultan abdulhamid ii, the ottoman shah. one of the days of the month. with his writings , he exonerated the guilt of the ottomans who were accused of the armenian genocide and recognized the establishment of the jewish state in front of abdul hamid ii, a deal that resulted in the abandonment of the turks to the children of zion. bir devlet kermak ışışımuz, osmanlı tebası olarak huzur içinde, barış içinde yaşımak ışımık. paşa.
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ortada. davut yıldı, peki alttaki ve üstteki mavi kızı, only one sign, no manası yok. manasını unuttuysanız ışılıtayım. between nil and fırat. siz bu flagari çizerek emelinizin arzı memut ınınız ılan ettiniz. "nille fırat bir siyonist devlet kermak ışışın haykırdınız, ışte ben de haykıryorum, ben ışışım şeşre böyle bir
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devlet kurulmayacak, buna mani öbirım, ışıkı, dəf ol, ey səfin!". during these trips, hertzel continued to publish his opinions in his personal journal and organized a congress in basel, switzerland, which he also chaired. his options for settling the jews were argentina or the sinai desert. a place that is big enough to gather jews from all over the world. a year or two before the end of the life of hertsel , a member of the british royal commission in omer
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kilde , i am proud to announce to you on behalf of his majesty the king of great britain that your request was sent to the cabinet of the british government and was accepted. his majesty with formation a national home for jews in palestine agreed to do their utmost to make this happen. it is very clear that the civil and religious rights of the non-jewish and indigenous residents of palestine should not be trampled upon, nor should they be. the legal and political needs of the countries in that region should be changed.
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i will be grateful if you present this statement to the zionist association. signed: arthur balfour. the zionist congress asked rothschild, the famous jewish banker , to give a loan to this country in exchange for the definite promise given by england. balfour's famous letter in exchange for money from it was the jews who signed it. england in the years after world war i did not leave the zionists alone. in december 194 , the central committee of the british labor party announced that
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it is necessary and necessary to turn palestine into a jewish state and expel the arabs and plant them in neighboring countries. the following year, england, along with the united states , officially proposed the establishment of a jewish state in palestine. at first, few countries agreed to this plan, but over time, the gifts that were distributed among the officials of countries such as latin america and africa softened the statesmen. in addition to gifts, brilliant services and fur coats wives of representatives showed off. the result of all these efforts ended in one thing. the united nations issued resolution 181 on the partition of palestine on november 29, 1947. resolution 181 said that the arabs should go out and be satisfied with about forty percent of their lands. in this way, the jews
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that britain sent its soldiers to help the zionists in order to prevent further rebellions, so that the zionist convoys that entered this land under the cover of the support of these forces would be safe. after that , the zionist congress. lyon, a member of the british labor party and an activist of the zionist lobby, as the chairman of the committee israel's executive attributed it and this coincided with the beginning of a crime, the killing of deir yassin.
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on april 9, 1948, two terrorist groups, zionist and lehi, attacked diriyasin village in the west of quds city . all the houses of this village were destroyed and 360 residents were massacred. eyewitnesses say that the zionists armed and dismembered the bodies of palestinian martyrs. pregnant women's bellies are torn open and they are burned alive. in this attack, many palestinian women and girls were raped and they were beheaded after this incident. menahim began, the then commander of the militia forces the zionist, who later became the prime minister of this regime , has mentioned the incident of deir yassin in his memoirs and said that this operation had great and unpredictable results. after the events in yassin, the arabs panicked and fled. of the 800,000 arabs who lived in palestine in 1948. only 165
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thousand people remained. less than a year later, 250 zionists gathered in tel aviv and issued the recognition of israel. ben-gurion formed the first government cabinet headed by himself. the first difference. between the secular leaders and the religious jews, this was the beginning of the way. the dispute over the name of god was at the beginning of the statement. differences still exist between parties and leaders of the israeli regime. that is why, after 70 years, the zionist regime still does not have a constitution. the intervals of the election periods of this regime are short , the prime minister hardly reaches a consensus to form the cabinet. may 25 every year in the occupied territories.
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forbidden according to judaism, this is a true violation of jewish teachings and in addition, this concept of building a sovereign homeland for jews happens to be in total countries to jewish belief. according to judaism, we are in exile. jewish people are forbidden to end exile by any physical means. all jewish leaders from the very beginning of zionism totally opposed this concept. this was not invented by religious scholars. the philosophy of zionism of building a sovereign homeland for jews was invented by theodore.
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in our opinion, this rule does not work in the jewish way in the legal and educational system at all. we don't see any of the jewish behavior from the state that has given itself the name of israel. these objections are not limited to the haredi. rabbi david weiss. new york another opponent is the zionist regime. he says: i am ready to be killed in the war with the zionists. i am ready, but we are not allowed to enter israel. and we have to expose the nature of this regime and fight it. we announce to the world that this regime is not a religious regime, but is anti-religious and anti-divine, and we pray that the hand of the zionists will be shortened from the occupied palestine. khakam weiss by explicit order:


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