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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 10:00am-10:30am IRST

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on the day we arrived , we were dissatisfied with the electricity situation, which you all witnessed at 22,000 megawatts, and today you have seen that in these two years we have produced 8,000 megawatts of electricity . domestic electricity, we said that their industry should have their own power plant and be able to supply their own electricity. 1,000 megawatts are under construction. how long will it be in operation ? many of our heavy industries will be completely separated from household electricity. as well as goal setting in order for us to meet this electrical imbalance , we planned 35,000 megawatts for the production of electricity .
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there are also problems related to electricity , water, and water tensions. one billion cubic meters of water is planned to be provided in the city and village area. we have planned from the beginning of the government so that we can solve water tensions in 10 thousand villages. today, when we are at your service, 360 villages have solved their problems, thank god. the rest will be solved by the end of this period god willing it can be done. water , electricity, gas, gas imbalances are being followed . banking imbalances are being followed in various areas where we have imbalances . we are following the imbalances. inshallah, he will be able to announce a good decision to resolve these disagreements . this is all on the agenda and it is being followed up
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. the situation of some factories and workshops is closed and semi-closed. well, we want to build a factory or we want a factory that has been built . there is an existing equipment shed. we just need to fix the problem so that it can be opened until today, when we are at your service. first, the government has added 6,500 workshops and semi-closed factories to the production cycle. it means that it has come out of shutdown, its production has flourished, employment has been created and work has started in every province that we see, one of our sectors is reviving closed and semi-closed factories. well, this is happening, 600 factories have actually come. in addition to the production cycle , many problems like this are happening next to the equipment and facilities. well, the enemies
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thought that we would join hands , they wanted us to have no economic growth, now they are admitting these statistics that the world bank recently gave, these statistics that the international monetary fund recently gave, that they are saying that we are not saying, you are the bank statistics. look at the world and its future predictions and outlook, now, not the outlook with the statistics of the world bank, and i don't want to document them because they are anytime. but now, recently, the vision of mr. 12 indicators for economic growth, the growth of production, the growth of trade in the country, predicting that the islamic republic of iran will grow in the not too distant future, and the indicators show that it is one of the advanced countries of the republic. iran will be islamic, by allah, well, they are predicting this , what are they predicting that the production will be stopped because we did not stop the production. economic
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, first year, government, 40, second year, average, 4, god willing , this year, we will also have 6 months, 6 months, according to the statistics of the central bank, which has one difference, one of them is 7. one of them declared a percentage of five and one of them declared a percentage, which means economic growth shows that it is increasing, so we have economic growth , we have production growth, we have trade growth in the region. whether it is oil business or non-oil business in the country , it is increasing day by day, our oil centers , our production centers, these flare gases, dear ones who are in port areas, one of the things that you are suffering from is always these flare gases that are burning. gas creates pollution , bothers people, and is the country 's wealth. it used to be 100. today
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, more than 600 scientific companies are working with the ministry of petroleum. by the end of this government, we will not have this situation in any of the port areas. god willing, these are the things that can be done , the government has started and my works are all over the country . the country's need for housing is certain, and we did not say that your government needs one million housing units every year it would have been built, but not built for one year, 205 to one year, 300 to one year, 400 , it has not reached one million, whatever it is
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, we have a shortage, now what should we do, the shortages must be compensated. the land was needed and the land was given to some people. of course, small cities are easier for us because access to land is easier. cities in the capital of the province are more difficult to access land. there are some problems . there is work to be done. land transfer to the people themselves, the owners themselves, the dilapidated structures are being built. different areas that work is being done in the field of health , in the field of health, the work that has been done in these medical centers , which have been left for years, in different parts of the country , well, it is being followed in these two years , gentlemen, scholars, honorable professors, according to the number of available beds. in your country, if you count everything, for example , 150,000 beds, 15,000 beds are related to these two years, that is, 10% of the country's hospital beds
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related to these two years of work in relation to health insurance, apart from the 6 million today, our statistics say that health insurance in the country developed a lot . compared to children compared to pregnant women regarding infertility, in relation to many of these cases , the insurances that have been carried out on a large scale are being followed up. how many times have specialist doctors been in the past ? after you, you may have complaints. tell us that there is no specialist doctor in such and such an area, but exactly, i got the statistics. many times more than in the past, today , specialist doctors are appearing in deprived areas, where specialists have never been before . no, it hasn't been for a long time. he hasn't been there for a long time . today, a specialist doctor has been present in many centers of the country, especially in deprived areas. it is necessary, we planned
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to poison 125 thousand hectares by the end of this period, but today , i am at your service, 122 thousand hectares have been done. and things like this in the field of agriculture, our country should be a producer of its own basic goods, we cannot be an importer , we are importing now, but we have the capacity to produce the basic goods in our country. 22 increase in the production of basic goods in our country. in the first year that we came , the government bought four and a half million tons of wheat agricultural products the following year, that is, 7 and a half million tons last year. this year, as you have seen, we are nearly 11 million we bought wheat from the people and it continued to increase , that is, we started buying wheat from the people with four and a half million tons, today it is about 11 million tons and it is increasing, so many things can be done in the field of industry, it
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is possible to work in agriculture. kurds can work in many fields in the country . there are many fields of work in the country and the efforts that can be made in different fields. do it for the hope of the people, but the enemy is looking for disappointment, he is trying to magnify the weak points and minimize the strong points. the role of the respected imams, the role of the scholars, the role of you elders in enlightening the people, you and the government can be very effective in this matter, we in the position of the government must work and strive, you elders too, god willing, with your words, bring hope to the people day by day. let's increase it. this is a common duty between you and me
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. it is our duty to increase the hope in the hearts of the people day by day. and today, some of them are neglecting or not knowing, or perhaps their wishes political and other issues cause disappointment and this is an unforgivable sin. anyone who wants or doesn't know or doesn't know , should create hope in the hearts of the people today, this knowledge has moved in the direction of the enemy's strategy . i am a servant and a student in the government, you as a leader in the city of the province , all our efforts should be this. well , there are those who have this motivation, they have the spirit of transformation
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, they are also transformational and revolutionary, and they have the spirit of struggle. they have corruption, discrimination, poverty, and anomalies . very well, those who are responsible for any reason, either before or in the previous governments, and it is always ongoing, or in this period , it doesn't matter if someone is found out. he doesn't move in this direction and in this way, for whatever reason , he doesn't have the motivation and doesn't want to move in this way , or he doesn't have the necessary effort. wanting and untying people's lives. in my province, i am coming to the blessed presence of the friday imams ask them. regarding the situation of managers , of course, i told mr. ali akbari before
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, i also told my honorable brother, mr. taqvi, and i told you the imams of juma and my dear ones , i have not heard of a case in the government until now that a juma imam wants to interfere with the appointments. i didn't hear a single case, not that you don't have an opinion, but the pressure on the managers. there are some departments that you know better than me, and unfortunately, sometimes our managers get tired of following up on some issues. you are responsible before the law, you are responsible for the people , you have to answer if someone is implicated, but there really has not been a case in the way that i go to a city or a province and say, sir, a friday imam has followed up, but zaid must be called instead.
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i don't have any doubts about sincerity , i have no doubts about the motivation to preserve the values ​​of the islamic revolution , it is work for the people, untying the knots in people's lives , and you must pass it on somehow to the authorities and to my servant. i welcome your opinions and views. he is telling me to tell you to check, i am sometimes on your own i checked the province in the same 48 hours that i was in the province and i transferred two people in the same 48 hours. i didn't let him come to tehran . i moved some people while i was there. sometimes i did previous investigations
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. i went to the province. i saw him in the administrative council . i announced that 12 managers should be fired today. i went to kerman a few days ago, mr. alideh, i told him that i went to kerman with the families of the martyrs , that's what the family wanted from me, and the bodies of their children had not yet been buried. they still have the condition of the early hours, which is a very difficult hour, but there they said what they wanted from us , don't forget the values ​​of the islamic revolution, the orders of the leader, and this is what the family of the martyr wanted from me, the body of his child in front of him. he wants to criticize. they asked us to preserve the traces of the pure blood of the martyrs
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. i was the family of the martyrs whose serious demands arriving and being at your service, saying ok, i will arrange it, i want to say that this is what you want from us, we don't want it, so if it feels like a person and in this period of 2 years and andy, i will also say that i am in the election days. i said that more than anyone , the head of government should claim any irregularities and corruption , then ministers, governors, governors. all the cases of corruption and anomalies that have been in the government or in the set of institutions that have been discovered , followed up, and continued to be followed up , in order for the work to come to an end, the government officials themselves are the ones responsible, and after this, they should be the ones responsible. god bless the government, there has been no case of corruption that we have discussed so far. there may be some cases that we
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are not aware of, but the supreme leader of the revolution said that the one who is important is to tolerate corruption, god forbid that he should tolerate corruption. it is possible that someone will be harmed. this is possible. it is important for you to know that in this government, honorable gentlemen, in this assembly and in this holy and enlightened presence, i came a few years ago and you expected me to fight against corruption. i must say that we will never allow corruption in any position.
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at the end of your speech , gentlemen, peace be upon you , may god protect you, god willing, may we all be able to support the revolution of the system and be soldiers of the supreme leadership of the revolution , god willing, may we be able to fulfill our duties. let me tell you, sir, what some of the friday imams have said here, of course , i am referring to some of them in some way , but i want to point out some cases more clearly . it is very important to pay attention to the mosque , god willing. our attention will be from gentlemen i sincerely appreciate and thank the friday imams who are in charge of the public culture council
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. public culture, your effort to form it and follow it up is very appreciable in the ministry of guidance, mr. dr. esmaili, they are following us. i myself participated in a meeting. the organization and administrative bodies of the country, just as you mentioned, this emphasis has always been again it is related to the case, and i have already said that god willing, with your guidance, with your support , with the support of the people, this blanket of hijab will definitely be dismantled, we have no doubts, but the degree of this action naturally requires its own planning , as mr. that they
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plan to enter, you must follow it with planning, this planning is something that must be accompanied. it should be done with planning and planning. this is another point that was mentioned in relation to the powers of our governors . you know what needs to be done for the governors. every season of my term , since the beginning of the government, i have held a joint meeting of governors and ministers without a break . i am working, alhamdulillah, it has been done so far. we are following the standards regarding the work that they follow. they must have the authority that can be given to them. i believe in decentralization, but only to the extent that it does not affect the work , which is actually hierarchical. the problem of the province and attention to the economy of the province, see that we are the first government
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we came and proposed this, a right of ownership of the mines of two generators. sazi means to sell the surplus property and assets of the government and put them in an account. the third point that you mentioned is that the tax that is received in the surplus province with the amount that is set for the center of this and some of the incomes should be transferred to the account under the title of fund. let justice and progress be in the hands of the bermandi council of the province. well, the law has passed. the friends of the parliament did not agree. my suggestion was this. we are doing this under the title of one account, and we are looking for this to give productivity to the province. it's me now i told the provinces that if you sell any of the surplus property in the province, we will give the revenue to you, which is in half-finished projects and in the province's works. open up the province, then we will give the productivity of the province to the provinces. second, we will give the ownership rights of the provinces to
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the provinces. the parliament did not agree, but now we have an account under the title , we are doing this so that the province can have its own income, an income that is open to spending this. you mentioned that it will definitely be our emphasis and attention that it is implemented . see, the day we arrived, 240,000 housing units became our heirs. it means that it has fallen and we have to complete it . the slave is not consumed elsewhere, it means that it is necessary to recognize there. well, now we are a government and we are committed to what the previous governments say, what do we have to do? 20,000 and 40,000 houses that we have to deliver to the people, we started the work with all the financial issues that i don't really want we will create for you, until today, when
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we are at your service, more than 110,000 of these housings have been delivered to the people, and there are more than 10,112 left. how much time will it take until then? he finds that, god willing, we will be able to fulfill this commitment that even the previous governments had to the people , god willing, we can fulfill the commitment. well, in the end, you say that some settlements have been in possession for some time, so finally we have to build housing. some places, respected gentlemen , gentlemen, good scholars, your information about the city and the province is very good. in some places, the house has been built and public services are not considered as such. it means health center, school, mosque, park, etc. we have to create the places we are creating now , first we are creating urban services , then we will hand over the land to the streets, first if this is done, then this will cause problems in some places
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, we are now involved in urban services in some areas. well, we have to do more, because after all, it is the government, my government has a duty, we cannot say , sir, so-and-so government has done this, so-and-so government has not done this, finally, we have to solve the problem now. and we have plans to solve the problem, god willing , by communicating with the people. talking to the people is definitely on the agenda, we will continue to travel to the provinces where we did not succeed in the second round . god willing, we will come at the right time when our beloved governors will be able to reach a stage in their work so that the people's concerns will be done in the regions. we would like to offer our greetings and courtesy to you and our dear people, and also to announce that the work that was expected of them has been done . dear scholars, as a minority
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of students, i would like to offer to your service, the honor of the cultural issues of cultural identity and the preservation of this identity with all the communication and the world of information and communication that exists today . it didn't affect the electricity, the telephone, and many other human structures, but it was developed not as fast as it is today in the context of virtual space and the internet. schools, universities much of human life today is developing day by day from the government. electronics, we went to the smart government, now we are talking about making smart, and then artificial intelligence and various issues, so what
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is the way ? it is a serious responsibility for the government as well as for you, the dignitaries, who are concerned about the culture and cultural issues of the society, which means that the only way for this world of communication and information is that our youth , members of our society, face this cultural invasion of identity. they should preserve their culture and their cultural capital and protect the society . to religion and culture. it is a society, whether it is in the sunni or shia areas , this is completely obvious, so i want to give a breath to the scholars and elders, and then the hadith for
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myself and my colleagues in the government. paying attention to this cultural identity and this huge capital that today's leadership is attacked or attacked by the blood of the enemy today, it is a heavy duty that is incumbent on me , my friends and colleagues in the government, as well as on you, the honorable aze , who hope, god willing, that we will be able to protect and improve this cultural identity, as well as preserve these great funds that are at the disposal of our great nation, god willing. let's hope that what is being followed in the government is these things and there are some points that maybe you feel the government should be aware of or convey .
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various political and economic tendencies in the elections compete with each other. the importance of elections in choosing a strong parliament. trends on the eve of elections every day at 15:00, 19:00 and 30:00 on khabar network.
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it is clear and short to return the residents of the north to the back of the safe zone, but the continuation of hezbollah's offensive operations in response to the attacks of the zionist forces on the residential areas of southern lebanon
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has caused some settlers to flee from the settlements at a distance of 5 to 10 kilometers from the lebanese border. hezbollah also targeted the fortifications and equipment of the three bases of malikiya, al-aasi and hanita with guided missiles and other heavy weapons in the continuation of its offensive operations. gave the gathering of zionist soldiers in the bases of hadd balbasan and al-manara were also other targets of hezbollah. the fighters and... the house of the zionist regime attacked 13 residential and non-residential areas, including jebelblat of udisa and hamams. in the invasion of the zionist regime's fighters in maron al-ras area , one lebanese citizen was martyred and another citizen was seriously injured. hasan azimzadeh of the maroon radio and television news agency, marking the border between lebanon and occupied palestine.
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in the name of the god who created beauty and beauty, the friend of god, the merciful and merciful, the honorable viewers of your service channel, i say hello to the martyrdom of imam hadi. my condolences to salam. this is the news section of the media . improving the health of mother and child is approached by talking with doctors and experts.


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