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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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hello, why does a person enter the pre-diabetes stage even though he looks healthy? there are many people who have their blood sugar test sheet in hand and are surprised that their fasting blood sugar is slightly above 100 and their doctor says they have pre-diabetes , diabetes is a disease. it is creeping and silent and without symptoms in people. it develops over several years, and the only effective way to deal with it is to check fasting blood sugar regularly once a year, even if we are apparently healthy. some of the things that make a person susceptible to prediabetes are these. family history of diabetes type 2 history of high fat and cholesterol and history of a type of transient diabetes during pregnancy. by
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early detection of pre-diabetes stage and lifestyle modification , we can prevent progression to diabetes. be aware of your health status as soon as possible by participating in the national health survey and measuring sugar and blood pressure. to participate in this campaign, it is enough to go to health community service centers, health centers and health centers all over the country. in this way , people over 18 years of age can self-declare their blood pressure or blood sugar by referring to the link sent to them via sms. register the national health campaign in the first phase continues until the 30th of december. early awareness, more effective care. public relations of the ministry of health, treatment and medical education.
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hello, good day. today, we are with you guys , with the follow-up department and travel to universities and medical schools all over the country, which these days are conducting high blood pressure and diabetes care. as you heard in the news, so far more than 42 million people have participated in the national health campaign, and this statistic is the result of the efforts of more than 70,000 health care workers in 30,000 health centers across the country, including some medical schools and universities. acting more successfully for the benefit of the covered population, in fact, their settlement up to the limit of 100.
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the percentage that has progressed is one of these centers in gerash medical school in fars province . first of all , i offer my condolences on the martyrdom of imam hadi . i am at your service, mr. doctor. in the news, it was said that your city participated in this campaign for 100. yes, it is true. and we covered 100 d, which means that our population is over 18 years old, yes, because we also covered non-natives , and almost all people cooperated in this coverage
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, and we were able to cover 100% of people over 18 years old . how many were there and how many were actually identified as having diabetes and high blood pressure and the surrounding explanations . there were 35,000 people over the age of 18, and we covered all of them, and out of this number, 667 people are suspected of having high blood pressure, which is approximately 2% of the population and except for these people , and in terms of diabetes, they are half the population that we are we did this investigation, they are suspected of having diabetes, and we referred them to family doctors and specialists. these people and mr. doctor mean that this is acceptable. this is half the percentage of the number you mentioned as high blood pressure and diabetes.
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this means that it seems that the number of these people is small or not too many. in any case , this is the test that has been done and i think this number is reasonable for the region. what is the reason, which is actually reasonable, because it has already happened in fars province already. we had a family doctor, health care workers monitor the people in the siv system, and those who visited were also predictable. i mean, in your observation, what do you mean by the recommendations that can actually be made in terms of lifestyle , nutrition, exercise, and many other things, the result of which is that now where you say , the number of infected people is low, yes, that's it, all of these are effective. especially the lifestyle
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that you said is the result of people having a better level of health , mr. doctor, please explain a little more about the way you work in the health centers and inform the people. let it flow because we are a faculty of medical sciences for a city we were able to invite people with the cooperation of basij and the cooperation of hilal amr emergency, 115 health care providers, family doctors and a fixed base that was under the department of health of the college, and it was a very good activity that we were able to reach 100% of this coverage in the rural areas as well as in the metropolitan areas , if the participation of the others the institutions that i mentioned were not for your service and the cooperation of the people themselves, maybe we could not have covered all the people, so i would
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like to thank all the dear ones who have cooperated with us . one of the causes that can lead to a heart attack and early stroke leads to diabetes, stroke and heart attack in diabetic patients is almost twice as much as people without diabetes, but why? diabetes with high blood sugar damages the small vessels and nerves of the heart and provides the basis for a heart attack . this condition can increase the risk of heart attack.
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high blood pressure, like high blood sugar, can damage the body's veins, especially the heart's veins. high fat and cholesterol. when the small vessels in the body of a patient with diabetes or pre-diabetes are damaged . high fat and cholesterol can cause fat clots and blockage of colors and risk of attack the heart rises. obesity and
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be aware of your health status as soon as possible by participating in the national health survey and measuring sugar and blood pressure. to participate in this campaign, it is enough to go to health community service centers, health centers and health centers all over the country. likewise, people over 18 years of age can register their own blood pressure or height by referring to the link sent to them by sms. the national health campaign in the first phase continues until the 30th of december. early awareness, more effective care. public relations of the ministry of health, treatment and medical education. well, after seeing the pictures and also, the words of the head of the gerash faculty of medical sciences, we are going to kerman university of medical sciences and mr. dr. mehdi ahmadinejad, the president of this university, mr. dr. ahmadi, i am here, hello
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, have a good day, greetings, greetings, and politeness, to your honorable colleagues, as well as dear and respected viewers, we are at your service. mr. dr. ahmadi. tell me , how was this national health campaign in kerman province, how many people participated, how many people with high blood pressure and diabetes were identified. i would like to inform you that the ministry of health and medical education aims to identify patients suffering from these two silent diseases they are dangerous. he initiated a national health campaign, and in fact, this work started on the 20th of november, and god willing, it will continue until the end of january, and this work will allow us to treat patients who are suffering from diabetes or blood pressure. we should identify those who are at risk of complications from these
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diseases. well, with the goal setting and the discussions we had with the university complex and the sub-complex within the university, it was decided that the covered population should be completely screened and enter into this plan to identify people. who are over 18 years old and in kerman under the cover of the university of medical sciences, who are arman there are nearly 1 million 100 thousand people in total , of which 999 thousand are almost iranian population and the rest are citizens who are covered by the university and from these people, with the help of health centers, health houses, hospitals and other centers covered by anum university of medicine, we were able to call farakhani. let's announce that we have environmental advertising by speaking.
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let's pray and the people received a very good welcome . we were able to show up on friday and in other places, they announced farakhani and this screening for the patient was done for the people, and now that i am at your service , 100 people have been covered by their screening. i have to tell you this. in the initial target setting by the ministry of health , it had set a target of 70% of the population, which if we reach it, this 70% is equivalent to the entire target set by the ministry of health . getting high blood pressure and diabetes. this is the question we ask all the presidents of the universities . the next thing is important. now, we just need to know that his blood pressure is high and his diabetes is high. this is a part of the next part of prevention. we also heard in the news that now the diagnosis
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of 5 years actually puts the diagnosis further, that is, on the side. if he wanted to talk about it in 5 years, it's not about me , it's about the authorities and experts , he will find out about the disease in 5 years, now he's realizing it, so what plans do you have in the future so that he can actually be treated, actually change his lifestyle to actually exercise, eat, etc. what other programs does your university have? a very reasonable question. you said that these people will be divided into several categories from now on. people whose diseases can be cured by modifying their lifestyle. in the same centers where they are identified , they will be referred to the reference and central hospitals of that city. we have nutritionists, internal specialists in apostate disciplines. who identify these people, by modifying their lifestyle and nutritional methods
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, a large number of these people will get rid of this disease , god willing. let them know that there we have finally provided all the facilities that these patients can use. thank you very much, mr. dr. mahdi ahmadinejad, chairman. kerman university of medical sciences well, we have been in contact with for several days now the coordination of different universities is actually the responsibility of the information center of the ministry of health , which is doing these things, and we will have this program in the coming days until december 30th . at this moment
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, our follow-up part has ended. i have been serving since 15 on 11. it was a long time ago. since two months, 70,000 health care workers along with general and nutrition specialist doctors have been in 18,000 health centers and 5,000 community health service centers.
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the first pressure, which is the systolic pressure, is a good pressure the second one is a bit high, so what is your advice? my advice is to temporarily limit the consumption of salt and all salty foods . so far, more than 40 million people in all cities and villages suffer from two complicated and costly diseases , namely diabetes and basic blood pressure. when was the last time you took a blood test to control your sugar ?
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but those in the stages of the disease. or are before the start of it, their care will continue after this scan. the follow-up of the disease is much more important, now the diagnosis is one step, and the next step is the follow-up of this disease, whose nutrition should be checked and followed up it can be treated. i think it is in the pre-hypertensive stage. can you tell me how the indicators are now? well, now we give a non-urgent performance to the doctor , they go to the doctor, and then we examine them .
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until it happens again a week later, are you persistent ? yes, yes, for sure. i will give the answer to the doctor in this one week. more than 70% of people who are in the stages before the onset of the disease will not get these two diseases with a little change in their lifestyle and a short daily walk . my job is stressful. take a walk every day, try to get rid of stress and anxiety stay away, we will give them a chance. now, based on the protocol, they can be given one to three months . if the lifestyle changes are not corrected with these interventions, it is necessary to start medication. according to the statistics of the ministry of health, since the beginning of this campaign, more than 12 million people have been identified in the stage of pre-diabetes and pre-hypertension, patients who, if not diagnosed in time , will face many complications and problems. you have until the 30th of december to
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find out about your health status by visiting community health centers and health centers in cities and villages. maryam bikpour radio news agency. it is launched in the market with a valid brand name, but it is fake. the same label came from madin in france . again, the same model came here from madin in turkey. hats with similar names were sold, which even with fake holograms or false hoods are still on the market. yes , the product id was supposed to be a criterion for distinguishing these parts. when it is the criterion of the method , it means that we can determine the authenticity of the piece. a product that was supposed to be sold after one year
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it doesn't go, but it doesn't have a product id, which means it has a code, but i don't put a code like the product id . we want to identify the product, so we can connect to the clothing system to see, sir, if this product is correct , is it correct or not? check the originality of the product to determine the product's id . counterfeit parts are rampant in the market . you can see a small part like this o-ring . it causes a big disturbance inside the car . even though the plate is not finished , it is broken due to the poor quality of the case. the spark plug has been changed , one of the spark plugs has melted and the engine has one cylinder the victim has completely burned the engine due to four fake bikite tires. there is no series of them that you have to buy, bring and sell, you have to open the engine, it leaves a loss of 100 million in the hands of the customer . they have seen the solution in the store transparency system. from the beginning of the factory to
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the end of the sale, hand in hand with the official invoices in the office, the duty is clear, but the retail sale that is given to the consumer there is duty-free and needs a system in the retailer that this system can cancel the receipt, tell me sir, what is the code? what i gave you was invalid, the consumer threw it under his car it's over, we are waiting for this store fund to be implemented 100 times so that we can have final transparency in our final circle. according to the officials of the ministry of education, with the complete launch of the store system and its connection to the trade community system , it will no longer be possible to supply goods without identification to consumers. mehdi anari , sed and broadcasting news agency. i laugh for no reason
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, i enjoy things that go around, i have autism , i am autistic, what is the difference between my behavior and now, sometimes i am confused or the lack of social communication ability shows itself more. it seems that we autistic mothers are different from all mothers, our patience level is much higher. our children can't go to the park . my brother is autistic . i would like him to talk one day . he has no words to express his feelings or say that i am thirsty. you don't know that the golden age of autistic children is up to the age of five. if they are trained, they can manage themselves when they grow up. say hi, autistic children have no imagination, they are nervous and bright, they are bothered in crowded environments.
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in the discussion of communication with family, friends and acquaintances , well, autistic children have a series of special maintenance, they have a series of special sensitivities. for example , an autistic child cannot be present in an environment where there is noise and weddings, of course, it is enough for his spectrum. you will be removed from parties. many of these families really have a very good and excellent education. bachelor's degree or doctorate, but because they themselves have to play the role of a nurse, the role of taking care of their children, and sometimes as a therapist , that means working alongside therapists, the issue of family income falls sharply. autism it is not hereditary, but it is more common in boys than in girls . i have 2 boys, they are elderly and nujan is my third child . autism has no cure, but the solution is occupational therapy and speech therapy. in this not so big building , there was good news for families with autistic children. our audience today are families, they are a society that
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is waiting for the implementation of their demands, their needs, their pains and sufferings. it was two months ago that the first vice president had given orders to autistic families , which has now come to fruition, and within the next 48 hours , a plan should be put in place for all the things that said. i told you to adjust these, all the resolutions that were brought up in the meeting were operationalized and implemented with the cooperation of the department and the ministries involved. basic insurances also came into use. all the costs of autism patients in the field of autism treatment and rehabilitation, which includes psychology and other areas of speech , are free in government centers. 80 tariffs in the private sector. we pay the private in the private sectors, all the approvals that
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were approved by the supreme council of insurance to support these loved ones, all of them in the social security organization, all services are now being implemented. their treatment, especially the rehabilitation services that have been added now, in the form of a government tariff, i offered 100 free minimum rehabilitation services of social and communication type. sports, visit of a psychiatrist was included in the service package, but the ceiling of the service support package for children up to 12 years old, we cover the service, the missing persons autism system was also introduced in cooperation with faraja. if anyone goes to our singles, they will click on this person's name, it will inform our user that this person has autism , even when we are filing a case against him to the officer. our file informs that this person is he has a special disease. there are cases that are missing , we can inquire from our system, we can get the details and the phone that is in our database with
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its address. inform his family after the meeting we had with the office of the first vice president, mr. dr. mokhbar, a jolt was given to the society in the area of ​​awareness. as a mother of autism, i understand this completely . it is not possible for an autistic person to always need support . health insurance for children from the age of 12 to 18. thank you mohammad javad, 20, who is autistic. the authorities have requests, please, that the hopes of the ministry of health show that the cost of rehabilitation and education of each autistic person is over 10 million tomans per month. on the sidelines of this ceremony, it was decided to pay 1,000 loans of 20 million tomans with repayment of 36 months without interest and fees to families with autism. fatemeh faramarezi, sed and broadcasting news agency. after the british and american attack on yemen
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, the anti-war organizations in england condemned this american and british military adventurer, and the british media followed this news and its consequences with concern. we do everything according to the divine power we will do it if we can. any american violence will be met with our response. we still have israeli ships in the red sea. we will target. stop the war coalition and the british nuclear disarmament campaign. in a joint statement, the unconditional support of the united states and the united kingdom for israel's genocide in gaza was considered the cause of the conflict in the red sea, and mrs. moran , the military spokesperson of the british liberal democratic party , considered bypassing the parliament for this attack shameful and the consequences of this jang expressed concern. the danger of these
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military actions is quite clear. we don't yet we know what the reaction of the hussites will be. we do not know what iran will do. because we know what happened in the iraq war, we want to call the parliament of this country to discuss this military action of the british government as soon as possible. in the joint statement of the coalition stop the war and campaign for nuclear disarmament. yemenis in support of the palestinian people to the ships of pain. they attacked and said that they will end their attacks if a ceasefire begins in gaza, and now the british and american governments should ask israel to stop its attacks on gaza instead of bombing yemen. jeremy in a message, mp and anti-war politician corbin called the action of the united states and england the cause of the escalation of war and bloodshed, and
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raised the question of when we are going to learn from the mistakes of the past and understand that war is not the solution. considering that the red sea is an important waterway in international trade and 10% of all world trade and 30% of all sea container transportation pass through this route . some experts in england believe that the fireworks between the united states and england in this sea of ​​the world economy. mojtaba ghasemzadeh of the london broadcasting news agency shakes the world.
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glad to hear about half day. president at the meeting the generality of friday imams demanding justice and eliminating corruption in friday prayers is a divine blessing. mr. raisi, in the last two years, the growth of liquidity has decreased by 15% and 650 factories have been revived. the martyrdom of at least 130 palestinians in today's attacks by the zionist regime on palestinian fighters in gaza.


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