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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] it is possible to issue a certificate through the mechanism of the commodity exchange and otherwise only after obtaining a license from the central bank. according to the announcement of the central bank, this action, which was recently carried out by some banks , has created a tight game environment, increased prices and increased public rights and interests, which must be stopped. again and illegal deadline of the business environment improvement center to the road organization to remove additional license conditions. the vice president of the business environment improvement center said that the road organization has until july of next year to remove its additional conditions regarding the freight license of large-scale smart companies. while this
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the re-deadline was not in the decision of the deregulation board. and it is illegal, the advantages that it has will cause the traffic without the load of drivers to decrease, which in turn will cause our roads to have less traffic. they connect, but as the vice president of the business improvement center says, the strict licensing conditions have reduced the number of these companies to around 30-40. i am working as a deregulation board for the ease of obtaining the license of these companies this november from the ministry of roads and urban development he wanted to remove his two additional conditions, i.e. having at least 50 vehicles and having space for the terminal . for this reason , the market deregulation board can
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issue a bill of lading without even having a minimum vehicle and a minimum area, which is not really logical. but dad the existence of this legal requirement of the road organization only announced the addition of the conditions for the creation of these companies, and there is no news of the removal of those previous conditions. first, the residents of other companies can refer to sadman's specialized licensing systems through the national portal of licenses and they will be issued a license, and secondly, the location if their activity was rented, it was reduced from three years to one year. in addition to emphasizing the full implementation of the permits, the president also stressed on the device. executives want managers to remove obstacles to transformation. if there is no revolutionary force, you must remove this force from the feet of the revolutionary forces so that the transformation takes place in the institutions. now , the ministry of economy has announced the entry of regulatory bodies into the road organization. general inspection organization of the country's prosecutor general's office based on note
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c3 of article 7. law on the implementation of the main general policies 44 , which makes the approvals of the regulatory board binding dand is pursuing the matter for licensing authorities. according to the vice president of the business environment improvement center , the road organization has less than 6 months to remove this obstacle to obtaining licenses for large-scale smart companies. farozaneh hosnpour of radio and television news agency. north korea successfully test-fired an intermediate-range solid-fuel ballistic missile. north korea's state news agency announced that the missile was fired above the surface with a controlled warhead. the test occurred a few days after pyongyang conducted direct fire drills
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near the tense sea border. this country with korea south held the chief of the joint chiefs of staff of the south korean army announced that the north korean missile moved towards the east sea and traveled about 1000 kilometers . 22 people died as a result of a landslide in a mine in northern tanzania. this incident happened 500 kilometers north of dodoma, the capital of tanzania . madan chiyan was buried under a huge amount of rubble. the cause of the accident. non-observance of safety principles has been announced in this mine. another news from tanzania is that cholera kills every day in tanzania. the government of tanzania to prevent further spread of the virus hundreds of patients in the national stadium of this country he grew up in the capital and treats patients there. in the list of patients inside the stadium , they are from babies to the next age groups.
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medical centers to relatives. the patients have emphasized to avoid holding any ceremony and commemoration for the victims of the disease. with the death of dozens of colombian citizens in a landslide, the president of this country declared a state of natural disaster. landslides in the czech republic region of colombia have so far left 3 dead and dozens injured. the search for other victims of this incident continues. according to local people, some residents of the area have disappeared are. heavy rainfall has been reported as the cause of landslides in colombia. the lava flows of the volcano in iceland. reached residential houses. when the lava reached grindavik, people fled the city. by blocking the main road leading to grindabik, the rescuers were trying to prevent the flow of lava from approaching the houses. but the images
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show that the lava flow has reached the residential area and has set many houses on fire. this is the fifth volcanic eruption in iceland in the last two years. specialists of a knowledge-based company succeeded in creating an ultra-cold temperature device localize this technological product is used in measuring devices and helium gas liquefaction. localization of the technology of the ultra-cold temperature generating device is the result of the efforts of a group of knowledge- based specialists. this device. it is designed to reach super cold temperature, now to reach the temperature of four kelvin or minus 268 degrees celsius , this device is used by helium gas, that is
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, it has a compressor, where the helium is compressed as a gas . its import is used for mris from helium gas, which is in the form of when the gas comes in, you can do the work of condensing the gas there , that is , it can turn the liquid helium gas back into the form of helium, or test the superconducting parts, for example, or the superconducting magnet, which requires low temperature, can be directly connected to the magnet. this group of scientists keep it at a temperature of four kelvins and bring it to the market by industrializing the product. also offered this model of devices as 10 kelvin, about 30 to 35 devices sold to university research centers and centers, now the system components and features of the temperature generating device
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ultra-cold, our helium refrigeration system includes two main components , a helium compressor and a refrigeration system . . one of the requirements for the design and production of next-generation computers , or quantum computers, is the use of ultra-cold temperature generating devices. abbas rasouli, radio and television news agency. the head of prevention police , faraja, has announced that all police stations, checkpoints and detention centers of the prevention police have been equipped with cameras gave sardar moidi said that installing cameras in cars and on officers' clothes
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is also on the agenda of the police. those who influence the implementation of this program, part of it is extra-organizational and part of it is inside the organization. in the internal part of the organization, the necessary platforms have been provided. some of the equipment and facilities have been provided to our ranks. the other part requires financial resources. it requires the provision of equipment. it requires more training. but we hope, god willing , that most of this work will happen by next year, professor karim mojtahedi is one of the professors in the name of philosophy and one of the lasting faces of iran. he died at the age of 93. kareem mojtahedi was chosen as the lasting face of philosophy in the first conference of lasting figures in 1380. acquaintance of iranians with the new philosophies of the west, philosophy in the middle ages and philosophy of history
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are some of the works of professor mojtahedi. according to the deputy official of the itikaf headquarters, the number of young people who are in itikaf this year is expected to be 50. who want to use the opportunity of retreat. for a moment, i felt like i was in an accident scene or lying somewhere. narration of an opportunity, a chance to live again. what attracted me was my mother's cries. i said that i am a man. opportunities that were sometimes
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lost due to negligence. you have missed an opportunity. this way i have never missed an opportunity to regret it because i was with god, god helped me. i was lazy in prayer . i regret it now . we are longing to be able to pray while standing. you gave it to him , now at this age we realize what opportunities we missed. there are times when we forget god and need to be reminded. there was a lot of opportunity, unfortunately, i missed it myself. by repenting, we can return to our original path. of course, sometimes these opportunities are repeated. these days which were introduced as prominent days in our narrations. these are all opportunities. every opportunity is a blessing. i feel that every year at this time, in these
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months, i can ask god to give me some things . in the month of rajab, the month of self-improvement and fasting , we fast, we praise god. i read it every day and i visit it every day. the month of rajab is an opportunity for a beginning. one of the characteristics that a believer should have is that he can use the opportunities in his life. forgiveness is the best thing that god cleanses people. many of many brothers and sisters are in retreat . may god grant us all forgiveness. don't stay away from god because he is the only one who is always open to me. astighfar that sincere forgiveness. governor nematian of sed and sima news agency. minister of health from a number of
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he appreciated the medical and relief workers who took care of the injured of the recent terrorist attack in kerman on time. in the first four hours after this attack, 110 surgeries were performed in kerman hospitals. mr. dr. amir reza sadeghi , the next person to come, mr. dr. god bless ali muhammad. when calling out saying that or even i think it was without my call, when the employees themselves, who were not actually required to be at the hospital at that time, when they found out that such a thing had happened , as the honorable nursing officer reported , more than 600 volunteers came to the scene and helped at the same time as the anniversary. martyrdom of imam hadi (peace be upon him), the body of the unknown martyr of the holy defense is in ahvaz. the body of this 23
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-year-old martyr, who was martyred in the muharram operation in the shahrani area , was buried in sadaqat park in bahonar district of this city. he was a martyr on the water and soil of iran. one of my children ways of martyrs. the international poetry of resistance was held in syria with the efforts of cultural institutions. poets from the resistance axis countries as well as egypt and kuwait participated in the festival of victory rhymes. in honor of sardar. martyr hajj qassem soleimani
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and abu mahdi al-muhandis and their martyr companions, the international festival of resistance poetry under the title of rhymes of victory was held in damascus . in this festival, 70 poets from eight countries of the region president and the humanity of the resistance as well as the effectiveness of its approach are focused on strengthening islamic unity. the entire resistance movement is based on humanity, justice, rationality, spirituality, altruism, coexistence and defense of the oppressed. in this
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festival, the poets in their works considered the victory commanders as the heroes of the fight against global terrorism. the resistance is not only limited to the field, but the sword of the tongue can also serve the resistance front.
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essam helali of sed and cima news agency. damascus 228,800 aqueducts will be revived during the seventh program. the deputy director of soil protection and watershed management of the natural resources and watershed organization says: implementation of projects watershed management is the most effective method in reviving canals, which increases their water yield by more than 50%. sabz village in the middle of the southern slopes of shirkuh, and black desert on the edge of the central desert of iran. a village in the lower reaches of nyuk watershed in maybud province. nyuk village has seen floods every year for the past 10 years. one of these floods that is most remembered by the residents
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is the spring flood of 2018, which started with 18 mm of rain. the rain was so heavy that there was a flood , and we were very sorry for that. it was the last time that a flood hit the village of niuk, although the rains were more than twice as much as in 2018, the damage was less. irrigation systems have prevented the damage to people's life and property and filled the village aqueduct with water. it has a protective role for the facilities and houses of the people in this part of the desert. the purity clause is mentioned above. aqueduct water in the village
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has increased by more than 50%. our eyes are watering from the harvest of our pomegranate, it is still not much better than last year. according to the statistics of the natural resources and watershed management organization , 40% of watershed operations have been carried out in the area of ​​3500 hectares of the newk watershed. reduced by 70%. broadcasting news agency
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. the migration of birds to talib kani brazan in mehabad has increased by 20% this year. due to good condition. every year many birds migrate to this habitat. the pleasant sound of the flow of life in the international mineral pond of brazan, mehabad. the sound of birds and the beauty of talib in every season gives a sense of peace to one's soul. talabi, which is hosting a larger number of migratory birds in the winter season with the provision of this year's license. this year, in line with the working group for the biological management of ponds , let's direct 12 million cubic meters of water into the pond in 3 stages of our pond. we introduced him as the most alive talib of the country. fortunately, about 60,000 bird wings
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were observed in taleb this year. it can be said that it has increased by 20%. among the migratory birds, you can also hear the beautiful sounds of rare and endangered species. in a way, this year, according to the current situation, there will be more attendance. we can mention the black-headed duck that was observed, we can mention the blue duck , among the supported and protected species, we can mention the herons and egrets family , we can mention the white stork, which is dry , we can mention the pond sable, which is currently they are present in the pond and alhamdulillah, a good crowd can be seen. brazan, the country's first bird-watching site,
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was registered in the ramsar convention in 2013, with an area of ​​150 hectares, located 30 kilometers from mehabad. kanibarzan, as one of the most important habitats in the northwest of the country, hosts migratory birds, especially rare species, until the end of march. will be. salahuddin babaei, sed and sima news agency, kani brazan international student, mahababad. today, the meteorological organization has predicted scattered rain for the north-western part of the country. precipitation in the highlands is in the form of snow. i say hello at your service, viewers. from today to wednesday in ardabil province and the southern parts of the caspian sea , the temperature is increasing. we are in these areas, because of the rains, i have to tell you that today
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we are witnessing the rains in the alborz highlands and also in the zagros highlands. it will also happen in the northeastern parts of the country . tomorrow, the amount of rains will decrease, only in the southern parts of razavi khorasan province and the northern parts of south khorasan province in the form of rain. scattered the shaheen book was published that night in doh. this book , with a look at the presence of the iranian national football team in the 2020 qatar world cup and related details , was published in surah mehr publishing house. we were supposed to have a historic night. but it didn't happen. we got up and came back again. this story. football is an experience of attending the world cup 202 in qatar, which has become a travelogue. that night in the first two chapters of this book
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is wonderful. it is an excellent chronicle written by my friend . i was jealous of him when i was reading this. the travelogue is an analysis of the presence of the national team. iran in the world cup and the details of the audience i haven't watched it on tv . i like the second half of the book much more, that is, when you go , you get into the games, because in the first half , you actually have a sarcastic view of qatar . there are a series of standards, of course, as a writer, you have a taste to say what you want wherever you like, but the standard is that one of the most important standards is that the writer of the documentary is about an event, be it political , society, or any topic. he should not comment . i greet all the dear viewers dear, this travelogue
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became a prelude to making a documentary series, this book called that night in doha and a documentary film called moharmane doh, these two are complementary and each of them tells a hidden angle of a grand narrative and a grand narrative. do now we have reached qatar again, where the story of football and life is going to be repeated once again and maybe one day it will reach the books. ansi behri sada wasim news agency. in the name of god, hello, have a good time. the national football team of our country
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started the asian nations cup with a big win against palestine. palestine. before the match between iran and palestine, the mood of the fans of the two teams the team was a sight to behold. selasin , you threw the flag of iran in your hand and the symbol of palestine . the reason is that i am a supporter of the team . i am a supporter of the team. i am happy to say that we are also supporters of palestine. we are supporters of the palestinian people and that we are here to make the voice of palestine heard. but inside the stadium and before the start of the match, the players of the two teams and the spectators observed a minute of silence in memory of the martyrs of these days in gaza . iran has two minutes for the first goal of the game, which started immediately. the test of scoring the next three goals and though
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palestine was once a gateway to an interesting event on the platforms where iranian fans supported the palestinian people and condemned the crimes of the zionists. with this result , iran got three points and step. we took the first step by showing our strength. well, this was very important for us in the first step . it doesn't matter who scores and who doesn't. the only thing that matters is the team's win. god willing, we will continue this process until the last game, and me personally. i didn't like the team to score goals and whenever they don't score, the team has its own personality for the championship.
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it was the first game, we scored four goals, but we are satisfied with the quality. i am not very satisfied with the game, well, the problem is because it was the first game, i was a bit stressed myself, the kids , iran's second game will be played against hong kong at khalifa stadium at 21:00 on friday night. he took the heavy weight from it on the last night of the wrestling matches. cultural union ranking in 130 kilos fardin hedayati after defeating fang karani from hungary, china, cuba and lithuania in the final match won the representative of china 3-1 and became the gold won on the first night of this tournament, alireza mohammadi won a silver medal in 87 kilos. before that, his country's freestyle wrestling team
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was the runner-up with 3 gold medals, 3 silver medals, and two bronze medals, and our country's karatekas won two gold medals in the karate one league of greece. and they got a bronze. in the first stage of this competition in 2024, in addition to 84, saleh abazari won the gold medal and mehdi ashuri won the bronze medal in minus 50 kilos in the women's division. also, masoumeh mohsenian won the gold medal in this competition, which was attended by athletes from 81 countries. athens, greece was held, the iranian team participated with 9 karatekas was. be fit and athletic. today is monday , december 25th, the third month of rajab, the 15th of january, according to the media in tehran, sunset at 17.14 minutes, maghrib prayer at 17.3 minutes, midnight shahreh tonight at 23.00. it will be 29 minutes. dear compatriots , we have reached the end of this news section. but in the continuation of
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the special election program with the performance of my colleague , mr. the great installation of mr. god, greetings, courtesy and respect for you, dear and respected viewers , especially for the higher program. welcome to this part of the program shall we give new steel or not , let's have a debate with the opinions of the afghan opponents of this field, if you are interested, join us in this discussion , please watch us on khabar network. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key, it is in the hands of the people. iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram playing with the whole country. why is your question price-fixing in these 6 months? it's an interesting question . we don't want a footballer on the board of directors
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to pay his insurance according to what he does. discover the answer. it


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