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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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with the performance of my colleague, mr. bozornasab, mr. bozorb, god , greetings, courtesy and respect to you , the dear and respected viewers of the above program. welcome to this part of the program. we want to have a debate about whether we should basically give steel permits , or not to permit the construction of new steel units. the news, please be a viewer, thank you, the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament, the key is in the hands of the people, the iranian coach , the honor of iran, is playing with the country. why are you pricing this month? your question is an interesting question. we don't want to pay the insurance for the football manager . we
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do not agree, higher than any or higher today , wherever we are, tomorrow higher. you are a special companion of the higher program. in recent meetings, the leadership has named the real competition as one of the most important elements of the election , which means that the field should be open for the presence of various political, economic and cultural trends so that everyone can participate in this great and one-of-a-kind competition. form your real relationship as i have told you one of the issues on which different experts disagree is whether we should build new steel units and give them permission or not. we want
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to have a debate about this with the guests of the program. above, mr. yaqoubi is the deputy of implementation of the country's steel producers' association, and also mr. karimi , a member of the islamic council's industries and mines commission , in another special studio for the above program, mr. hamidian, the ceo of the central iron and steel company of iran , is present, and a telephone guest, mr. this question, mr. yaqoubi, do you think these licenses should be given, should we establish new steel units or not? in the name of god , i offer greetings, courtesy and respect to you and dear viewers , thank you very much for watching this program on the economy and the steel industry . we understand the discussion that we
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are holding this program in a situation where we have a surplus of steel production in the country , many permits have been issued for the construction of steel units in the country, and naturally, as a trade association and specialized association, we are against issuing any new permits. we are for the steel industry, of course , in the upper links of the chain, upstream of the steel chain , where we need discoveries and extraction of minerals and iron ore. naturally, it should be pursued vigorously so that we do not face a shortage of raw materials in the future. in terms of production, if we want to look , we produced about 30 million tons in 1401 , and this year, it is estimated that the steel production of our country will be about 32 million tons. of these 30 million tons , 7 million tons were exported and about 23 million tons were consumed inside the country. these general production statistics and
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exports are the country's consumption, but if we want to look at the status of permits, it is different. according to me, according to the latest monitoring of steel projects in the country, we have 49 million tons of active units in the country. in the steel industry , there are 11 million tons of plans that can be realized . it will be put into use in 1404 , which means it will be about 60 million. actually, we are going higher than the 55 million tons that we had in the vision of 1404. in addition , the main point of the story is that 85 million tons of paper permits have actually been given to applicants , most of them from 1401 onwards. there is, that is, from after the approval of the law that was done in the parliament for discussion. issuance of licenses and then
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issued a practical order by the ministry of poisons and based on that license was given to the provinces to issue these licenses and now we are in a situation where in these two months, 10 million tons of licenses will be awarded to the applicants, mr. karimi . what do you think ? do you agree that more is permitted? yes , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i also offer my condolences on the anniversary of the martyrdom of imam hadi , and i would like to say a polite greeting to the presence of our dear viewers. facing the door before the revolution and today. let's compare, this industry is really one of our prides with this volume of production and variety of products, a share that has allocated about 12% of the total non-oil exports of the country, but the issue that is now the subject of discussion in this meeting, well , according to the law on improving the working environment
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also, in the policy implementation law 44, we had conditions that licenses could be granted easily and easily, but in the law that was approved in the 11th parliament, while emphasizing the need to facilitate and speed up the issuance of business licenses, this rule and the law were mentioned in interpretation four that limiting factors such as natural resources such as energy debates infrastructures such as the environment should be taken into account, and at the same time, according to the report given by mr. yacoubi about the situation. currently, we are faced with a large volume of paper permits , unfortunately, many of them were issued against the general rules of our territory and without considering the country's infrastructure, and at the same time, the seventh plan law
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made an allocation to the laws as a special law. previously , in article 48, we determined the criteria that the government and the ministry can issue such permits, of course , for various activities in the metal industry , specifically emphasized in the law, especially steel. that these can be reviewed and that is the concern that they said and that we also have in the country , see today with the target of 1404 that we already had 55 million toms for steel in the 7th plan for the same year 55 million tons but now that we are at your service, with the production of 2019 , our steel chain industry's gas consumption was 12 billion cubic meters, and
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5 thousand megawatts of electricity. so, is it currently possible to provide this or not, and in our opinion, the steel industry should be developed find, but with special guidance in the so-called special links of this chain, which can be suitable both with the general conditions of our territory and our infrastructure , and at the same time , we will not see the most added value, not now, which is usually the law. i didn't, that is, the law says that anyone who wants to get a license should be given a license, but with the restrictions that were foreseen in the 7th plan and the law on improving the business environment, these restrictions must be included in the issuance of licenses, mr. hamidian , what do you think, what do you think should
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happen ? dear sir, i appreciate your presence as yaqoubi mentioned in terms of raw materials and what about you do you have an opinion, do you think there are enough raw materials to increase our capacity or not? in the name of god, we are involved in the executive branch . look at the problem from that angle. people like me who do it at the level of operations and layers, well, maybe we can see the results of policies much better and more accurately on the development of the country's economy and different conditions. the reality is that you see every. it can be said that a policy can be good as long as it is of the same fabric. the most important issue we have now in various industries , including the iron and steel industry and the mining sector, is that we are not facing a one-size-fits-all policy. yes
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there is a point of view, the point of view of free market and competition and free competitive space, which may make sense in small and numerous businesses. for example, you say that i am infinite from a business, for example , like super. i will allow the market to express itself according to these different players and those who compete better will not have a golden signature in the middle, but you are facing an industry that is partially owned by the government, its resources are limited, we have various infrastructures, which is wide and subsidized. what is the summary of the various parts of state companies and the remaining qualities? for example , let me give you one or two examples, for example, a company that for example, we are involved, it may
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be the oldest iron mining company in iran, but you can see that it is coming to tell you that it is having problems in the construction of the factory because, for example , it is said that a large number of permits have already been given , there are infrastructure restrictions, so see. when we can open. let's talk freely, the fact is that all other aspects of the administrative governance system are ready to implement it, and secondly, this system of free permits does not create rent in the second stage. issued the permits , see if you agree with this proposition or not.
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if these permits are issued , it will continue, i have one point for you with international statistics. let me tell you the point that has happened in the last few years , the capacity utilization rate of the production capacity in the world's steel industry was 73 to two or three years ago, iran was moving in sync with the world in the same range and was using its capacity with the same range of 72. new capacities have been added to the country in steel production , permits have been issued, and the private sector's capital has come under these conditions of capital embargo. put the country's steel production has increased, the capacity has increased, but the important thing here
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is that the utilization factor of our capacity has reached 63 10%, the decrease of the utilization factor of the capacity in the last few years, what does this mean that we have created an unused capacity in the industry polat and the wastage of national funds have happened. i have a question . there is really a parliament now, there is a government. if you friends who are finally in charge of this work, see, after all , those who are responsible for providing the production infrastructure in the past few years could not provide this infrastructure , they could not provide electricity. provide for not being able to supply the gas industry, what is the insistence for the industry to give too many licenses when the same capacity we have in the country now is about 49 million tons, we use 32 of them , why do we want to create new capacity when it is gas and electricity. we don't have to see, mr. doctor, yes
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, these things have been seen in the law on the improvement of mohid business and in the law of the 7th plan. even in the law on the study of issuing permits , there is a phrase called the board of regulation and improvement of the business environment. i tried to see if one or two of these permission requests were made it should be referred to this board. in general , i think that these need to be revised a bit . maybe it is necessary for the parliament to enter, this law should be amended a bit more clearly. i would like to say, mr. karimi, yes, look, just like i said in the previous section, we also do not believe that licenses will be given without hesitation, but the law that has been passed has defined a competitive environment. however, this competitive environment does not mean an existence of free will, unfortunately
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what happened in our steel industry and of course in for example, the same thing happened with our petrochemicals , that is that everyone has put a unit somewhere , its position is not specified in the chain, nor is it specified in the territory of the land, historically, even when we go to the history of, for example, iron smelting or mobarake steel. we are checking and they say that public studies have seen the location of this unit by the water on the south coast of the country. well, we went and brought it to isfahan, and now the people of isfahan are facing problems . you see, we now have 1 billion dollars of sheets and products of this kind every year. at the same time, we import products with low value in semi-raw form we are exporting ingots and steel, well, these are the challenges of the steel industry in the parliament for the steel community plan, which was previously in imidro and other places, well
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, it showed that it could not manage this and exercise the sovereign role of the government. so to speak, in the law of the 7th plan, yes , the result is the same. look, we said this sentence in the establishment plan . look, in the 7th plan, in article 48, clause t, we obliged the two ministries to prepare the document of the national strategy for industrial development and the promotion of the chain. the value of the country, which is specifically included in the steel industry, and here. in the note of the same paragraph of the ministry the industry has been obliged to prepare this so-called document, and in the case of the mining industry, especially steel , by the end of 1403, all the licenses that have been issued should be re-examined within the framework of this law, the capacities of food supply, provision of infrastructure , considerations of the national document.
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after all, we want to take the country's capital, put it in one place, and have one unit look at all the cases, and if it is really the 85 million tons of paper that they say, then it will cost a lot. now, we have many industrial partners at the national level. he seized a hectare of land and said, "i want a unit." for many years now, i have closed and closed the steel industry. these are papers. the government should be obliged to determine this task in the time frame. at the same time, there is a competitive environment and the continuation of investment and development of the steel industry. in the links of the chain that has good added value, the discussion of up-to-date technology increases our exports, the needs of the country, and now we have a problem in our car industry, in our industry , there is a problem in other places, so why should we direct the investor to let's take these steel chain links and turn them into ingots and other things that
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have a lower economic value for our exports and to meet our needs our country is talking about this, while maintaining a competitive environment , effective supervision should be applied to the operators of this chain . it is a scholarly atmosphere and without dignity, according to mr. karimi , what do you think, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the year of imam adi's martyrdom. i would like to say that to the great people of iran , i would like to say hello to all dear listeners and dear guests that excess licenses have been issued, in any case, we are also aware of this issue and certainly the excess license is on top of that. we have issued the licenses for our activities, in general , regarding the sections of tuile, 61 million tons of middle steel, 45
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million tons of sponge iron, 38 million tons of pellets, 67 million tons. and iron concentrate is 71 million tons . our surplus permits so far are 85 million tons up to horizon 414. in 84 million tons, in steel sections , meanimon steel is 90 million tons, 95 million tons of gandelmon sponge is 90 million tons, and iron ore concentrate is 85 million tons. this is definitely the license. hey mazadeh, considering the conditions that exist in our country, considering the infrastructures that exist in our country , you did not issue these permits in the ministry. now i would like to tell you that these licenses are in excess, but according to the law, friends who are members of the islamic council are not issued
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. it is a violation to not issue a permit to him. we were able to postpone this issue to some extent by means of the directive in the industrial field . we brought up the issue of food and infrastructure. members of parliament and circumstances have arisen where licenses from the past years are not this year's either, or it is simply the past years, that is the case. and now our licenses have been issued freely, which we currently have a system that has been set up by this system .
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it's true that we put a general rule in the law on improving the business environment of a-4, which was probably meant for them anyway, that everyone has a license. he wants to be able to win in a competitive environment, but in the same note 4, i stated at the beginning of the speech that if there is a limitation in natural resources or environmental issues or its sub-base the relevant department, which is the ministry here , can come and announce to the deregulation board that, sir, for example , we cannot issue steel licenses in these provinces due to, for example, the lack of water, sir. for example, let's put a limit for these provinces. this rule is specific to the board of approval and it is approved by the board of ministers, and this limit is created so that the law
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does not fall into the hands of the ministry, so that anyone who wants to get permission immediately, the general rule is this. in the same note four, while saying that accepting people for issuing licenses and not giving them licenses so to speak it is forbidden to continue the same discussion that i mentioned. he said that if there are restrictions, then the relevant body can go to the regulatory board to apply the restrictions. in terms of licensing, i have one point, mr. yaqoubi , now we have applied the restrictions. so far, we have done three times as much as the license issued . you probably did not fully apply it. no, no, i want to tell you that there is a problem with your law
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. you can see all these things in the form of this strategic document. make a better situation for our steel industry, see us now in high-alloy steel, which is greatly needed in the country , for example, as far as i know, the steel is efrain and polad.
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this is that the ministry should direct the investors towards the steel units that i have mentioned , which either meet the needs of the country or have a higher level of added value and can boost our exports . if it has these indicators, we have investors towards for example, stainless steel, ferrosilicon, and manganese alloy steels, the goods that we have in short supply in the country
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, we direct them to the special sheets that will lead the production to value. simply added value, we are not looking for this case and god willing it will be successful. one piece of one is actually a bigger puzzle . look at this. mr. hamidian rightly pointed out that a disparity in decisions and policies is very important. 55 million tons approved in the vision document of the program , in the program of these 55 million tons, 20 million tons are supposed to be exported, that is, we are targeting 55 production, capacity building, production of 20 million tons of exports, last year, we exported 7 million tons , well, naturally, the policy should
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go towards encouraging the export of steel, an industry that has built an industry, and in these years of sanctions, especially since 2017, when the sanctions are renewed we were able to have an industry like petrochemical that earns foreign exchange for the country . it brings in 67 billion dollars a year. well , we have to develop exports to reach that goal of 20 million tons, but because the policies are not of the same cloth, because there is no central headquarters of the steel chain that was before. these policies are not the same, we have come
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no, i am telling you, mr. doctor , there is no definition of semi-crude anywhere in the world. according to the definition of the world steel association, even the original ingot that you are referring to is a product, which means an intermediate product. see, i will explain once iron ore when it is being explored. it can be extracted, then there are several stages of reduction and processing , and it becomes a stone concentrate. iron becomes iron ore pellets, it is regenerated, it is baked, it becomes sponge iron, then it is melted, it becomes steel, it becomes steel, it becomes a slab, in what logic does this steel become semi-raw, what is this semi-raw from? literature has entered this industrial culture of ours, and what is the meaning of semi-raw steel ingots , consider that i
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will complete this in all the industrial development strategies that exist in countries, they look at the competitive position of that product . in the export market, which product is competitive? well, in the export market that we have, you are the main one who pointed out the export , mr. doctor . we have 12.5 million tons of hot sheet production capacity. now there is no interest problem in the country the problem of removing these capacities is that the production infrastructure is not provided.
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secondly, there is no division in the policies. if we are going to use our cold steel sheet, we will go as far as possible . we will increase the border and produce for it . we will take it to the domestic market. the obstacles to the production of this sheet must be removed. we must take a special look at this chain and our situation in steel production and export. let's see in which department this work is a specialized institution. thank you, mr. karimi. please, let me convey to you the first part of mr. yaqoubi's order. i completely agree, as i said , this is why the parliament created the requirement for the government to prepare this strategic document, but look at our steel industry in the current situation, due to the performance of the past years, as i said, perhaps this license is really imprudent in some places. have been issued or units have been established, facing a serious challenge
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now. regarding the supply of the raw material, which is iron ore, this industry is facing a huge challenge. if the comprehensive document that was seen for the steel industry is to be followed, with the existing supply, we have a deficit of at least 2021 million tons of iron ore, which means the same situation. we want to have a huge deficit in iron ore , which we have set requirements for the government in the 7th plan. let's say that in the case of mines, identification and discovery of new mines, that is, if there is no new discovery in our mines, or in any case, a source to provide this abroad, because we had the issue of extraterritorial mines , we should not have this at all in the next 15 years at most. we are not worried that the iron ore will run out, so what does the steel industry want to do with this huge volume, we are discussing.


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