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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 3:30pm-3:57pm IRST

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facing a serious challenge now in the matter of supplying the raw material which is iron ore, this industry is facing a huge challenge. we have a shortage of iron, which means we want to have the same situation . we have a huge deficit in iron ore. now , in the 7th plan, we have set requirements for the government regarding the deepening of mines, identification and exploration of mines. a source to provide this abroad, such as the issue of extraterritorial mines we were thinking that if this is not the case, we will not have it at all in the next 10-15 years at most. we will run out of iron and this huge amount of steel industry wants to do, we are discussing. this is just one point in the world
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right now , i would like to point out two parts, mr. mr. yes, yes, i want to reject the second part boldly, and that is that many countries in the world are now coming to discuss energy, to discuss the environment, to make it mandatory to say that you want to attack the steel industry. for example, you have to take 70% of it from scrap iron recycling and use 30% of it, so to speak, from mineral raw material . this is our recycling cycle now, from the entire production of our country, in the discussion of induction furnaces, which are supposed to be used for scrap iron, but now they also turn sponge iron into ingots, which means that there is practically no recycling of iron in our country, and this itself is empty. we have a lot of pig iron inside the country and we can import part of this raw material requirement, which is now under pressure from the mines , we will talk and then. i also said that
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this chain can be created in terms of quality and added value, and do it. in relation to the issue of export , they said yes, when you want to produce steel. make and export solar panels or slabs, and this means exporting energy . exporting something means water . we open the world market , of course, it is beneficial for the exporter, but it is harmful for iran's economy . well, we have the same discussion about petroleum products . they say we don't have it, yes, maybe there is a difference of opinion in determining the examples, we are supreme to the government to sit down and determine these examples, but the principle is
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to impose so-called customs duties on raw and semi-raw goods , to limit their exports or export tax exemptions is a correct policy that can correct the links in this chain in a period of time and lead investors to the link. final issues and since we are not debating, for now we are debating whether we want to develop new units or build a new unit or not, mr. hamidian, what is your solution , because we are looking at the situation of operational complexes if these policy makers express themselves in the operational environment. a few small things are possible. the point that mr
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mr. karimi says that in the amendment and revision of the law , i think it is very good that these amendments can be made. one thing is to see that we can implement the law on removing obstacles and the law on removing licenses when all the actors are of the same gender. and be private. my main question is whether mining companies now. and steel , etc. are they all private, or do we have a duality? in this duality, with this law that we say that everyone should get a permit, will they be destroyed ? what is our decision regarding these? you in this meeting, mr. amiri mentioned to all friends that the license has not been withdrawn, we have come to open the first phase. we gave permission to everyone, but in the second phase
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, the same golden signature and rent and all this goes into the second phase, which is more strategic, that is , we go to get resources . for example, i am a large company with a lot of workers and a lot of capacity. you arrived late, let me tell you about your gas reservation line, i don't know your water reservation capacity, so-and-so capacity, then i will tell you that the factory, which has not made any progress at all , is called this license, well, we cannot cancel the license. let's do it, so let's not say that a license has been lost, there are rents, rents. against the big companies that are in charge of employment and such. yes, if all companies are handed over, that means we will face a 100% private market. well , let's not talk about the license at all. let's say, sir, anyone who wants to can go. why
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should mr. amiri give a license ? the next issue is the issue of investment and financial resources. mr. karimi , i am talking about it. i have a question. mr. karimi, let 's investigate and give a report. mr. amiri's body report, report the percentage of the capital the investments of these licenses, which are sometimes delayed , are now in this free model with the provision of financial resources that the real investor himself comes from the same funds of the country. he doesn't give, then we see that someone else goes and takes a loan, so these permits. i would like to tell you that it has not been canceled in my opinion and let me ask mr. amiri the same thing to get back to my issue of raw materials. in short , what is the summary? the central iron and steel company has to go and get the stone. i will be accused of raw work. may
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i have been told from there that you should not go to the bottom of the chain and work at the top of the chain . are they doing or distorting , we have 10 million in excess of pellets, our company is suffering a lot of damage due to the excess of pellets , and let me tell you that we are also talking about advanced steels. thank you very much , mr. amiri. of course, i would like to point out one issue, mr. hamidian, who says that alki says that we will destroy the licenses . i do not accept this. man-made system. not everyone has a license for 2 years , do nothing
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for 1 year. most of those who do not make progress , we remove them from the ranks altogether, so how many cases have become like this? yes, how many have you removed from the ranks? for example, in two years , the system is saying that we should leave the system , because those who don't work for a year will automatically have no human intervention at all. it will be removed from the system, i don't accept this, so a soil test can be done, 10%, 20% physical progress, you see, the problem is that in the discussion of physical progress, the item is not clear. i agree, you can't do this , this part of the law needs to be amended . i agree. one more thing to say about the education that these people who have a license get. go
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and look, we wrote under it from 2099 onwards first of all, they are not given any kind of education , food is not provided to them, and they are not allowed. hey, give them permission if they have gone to get the permission of the substation. therefore, this is what they are saying. we are looking for licenses that are not really working . now, our friends, the ministry in the ministry of mining, trade, and documents , my colleagues have visited almost 11 provinces and removed a large number of these licenses that are not working. and we are taking it, so if no one is active, we will definitely cut it, but my advice. it is those who are really in the department don't invest money because this sector is no longer profitable. we don't have minerals for those who want to invest and
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we do not recommend them in any way. mr. karimi, let's say another part of the law, you have one part, now you state it, and you answer it, we have that part, our dear friends , you have the instructions for the industrial field. it works industrially yes, in some provinces, in this order, yes , in some industrial provinces, in this order , unfortunately, licenses have been issued to them, warnings have been given to some of them. anyway , for what reason, because our goal is that the licenses go to the regions. water-filled areas that do not have problems for export are not supposed to issue permits in a province that has neither water nor
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infrastructure. it is not our fault that there is no water, it is not our fault no, we have one responsibility, and the ministry of housing has other responsibilities . unfortunately, there is no joint working group between the entire ministry of housing and this issue of management. one point before we go to see a report together. sadad national they say that we don't have steel because of how hard you tried to make this happen. we brought this matter to the attention of my minister. now they are planning a steel society. the national steel headquarters was held before . it was a good headquarters. we are looking for you. by the way, we we agree that this headquarters should be revived as soon as possible, i'm sorry , because i have to tell you the reason why it hasn't happened, because our ministers change very quickly. we couldn't do this. thank you very much. be with us . let's go. if you agree, let's see a report together
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. we'll have other opinions. we'll come back. we'll continue the conversation. saeed askarzadeh, the secretary of the iron and steel association of iran, regarding the licenses issued for steel production. we had a problem, and when it became clear , a permit was issued for 15 million tons of steel production and related upstream industries. it has been exported. we have expressed our concerns many times. now, according to the statistics, with this amount of licenses, there is a possibility that the figures will reach 160 million tons per year. mehran mahjoubnejad, a member of the advisors for drafting the country's steel community plan. the lines of 150 million tons of licenses in the steel chain, regardless of the supply of raw materials, energy infrastructure and the provision of export facilities, can lead to competition in the near future. it has caused negative effects in the future market of this chain. mohammad taghi radman, an expert in mining and
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mining industry. according to what is stated in the 7th plan, the mining industry will be closed according to the infrastructure and priority regional development. the law which, contrary to it , has led to the export of more than 120 million tons of steel production units. the management of the country's steel chain is in the discussion of controlling the value chain and preserving the national resources, undermining decisions and political pressures and mismanagement. saifulullah amiri, director general of the mining industry office of the ministry of industry, mining and trade. we have no restrictions on issuing licenses. if a person undertakes to provide feed, he is granted a unit purpose license . in this regard , measures are being implemented in the planning and program department of the ministry, which permits the construction of steel units in case of provision of feed and infrastructure hessam moghaddamali should be the vice president of mining plans and mining industries of imidro
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. it is necessary to make a policy to determine the assignment of steel licenses without physical progress in order to prevent the balance from being disturbed. of course, some licenses issued are not compatible with the balanced growth of the steel industry. mohammad ghasemi, head of islamic council research center at the time, the important issue of creating transparency, competition and enchantment. it is in the business licensing system that , god willing, great steps will be taken for this issue and the previous patterns will be changed. well, we reviewed the opinions and pros and cons of the issue we have we are talking about it, mr. yacoubi, what is your solution? how do you think the future parliament can help to develop now in the way that mr. karimi mentioned, or put restrictions in the way that you mentioned. now, according to the statistics
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, we are the 10th largest steel producer in the world and the 15th largest exporter of steel in the world . iran was the second net importer of steel in the world until the 1990s, and now it has achieved this growth in 12-13 years, mainly by presence the private sector has been very powerful, well, when the private sector he has come to the middle in the conditions of sanctions, in the conditions of economic war , he has come to the middle and is playing a role. what could have been continued in this parliament, in fact, the next parliament should definitely enter into this area , i think that structurally, if we want to look, now india is a developing country , its steel is developing, and it is going before the ministry. we have steel. the most important problem we have in the steel industry in the country was not
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. industry our steel is not of the same fabric , it is not coherent, it is not in accordance with the goals we set , this work is a work of a staff, a work of a steel chain staff that used to be and has not been operating for several years now. i think that if we want to look at the structure, this dam should be revive these things that the doctor said can be investigated. i think we don't have time to talk about these things now, otherwise we are actually exporting the ingots or the slabs, is it to our benefit or to our detriment? you can see the characteristics of the world price of steel export price look at iran, mr. doctor , the price of our export ingots is now higher than the price of our export rebars . if the ingots are converted into rebars , does it
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necessarily create added value for the country? now mr. now in some cases. we have a reliable report that the import price of scrap iron is more than your ingot , which means that the price of the ingot produced in the country is lower than that of scrap iron. this shows that it is this structure and not scrap iron that is in the world market. so you can't argue this, because that's the way it is, we are virtual, no, no, doctor , we are looking at what we should do about exporting steel. i am saying that this specialized body should come and decide this. let the government see the parliament. now in the field of steel industry, the world 's steel is moving towards the green steel industry. mr. doctor said that they are moving towards recycling. yes , our scrap recycling industry is a problem in the country, but the issue
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is that when our steel was formed, we left the development of steel. in fact, development documents. face we put steel on the basis of gas and iron ore, that is, the world's direct regeneration technology. 75 % of the world's steel production is made using coke, using coal, and naturally , they are moving towards green steel because of the pollution. by the way, it's interesting to say that one of the things that you from the association of steel producers and other producers are criticizing yourself, no, it's not up to us . he went towards the use of iron ore gas , but he is the one who is responsible for the theme of infrastructure development it was in accordance with the development of the industry, it did not go, in fact, develop this industry, the gas industry and the electricity industry, that 's where the problem comes from, otherwise steel, whose work, for example, the world has moved in this direction , has a different way, now i say this, the world
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was 75% high in the same way. now, in the strategy of light steel , which is targeting 205 and 2060 by 2033, one part of their actions is to collect the blast furnaces , that is, towards the dra furnaces that we use in our electrical story. since ancient times in electric arc furnaces and the use of sponge iron he used to produce steel, now he is one of the leaders in the production of sabzeh steel, so we are debatable even in terms of water . all these cases cannot be discussed here, please, friends in the radio and television, please elaborate other programs because the steel industry is really an industry whose mother industry is strategic, and the steel industry's resilience has reached its lowest limit. be paid, but from a structural point of view , i think that sadad zanji folad should be revived
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, a working group should be discussed, monitoring of permits in that law the parliament must be reformed. this issue of licensing and monitoring should clearly specify these and the instructions that the regulatory board should approve. these were the three actions that i think we should have, mr. hamidian's summary. then i will get mr. karimi's answer, mr. hamidian. you see, the most important thing i can say as a last word is that mr. karimi and friends, as the most basic part of the chain of events. it is very good that when these legislations are to be implemented , they have a meeting with the managers of these main companies, in my opinion there are several you can see the issue clearly, mr. karimi, the reality is that when it comes to
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the main resources and assets of the country, including gas, including stone, to your service, the infrastructure becomes serious and these are limited in the country, the government really cannot go towards free licenses and free investment yes if. the private sector investor can come to the sea with his own money , he imports the stone from anywhere , processes it and takes it away in a competitive market . yes, i am free to give him a license . he is going there to do it, but when we can see that in the central block of iran, the amount of stones is limited and characteristic, and we cannot say that in a free market environment. why did i say this meeting ? in the case of many businesses, for example , we don't allow hairdressers, for example, we don't allow supermarkets , because they don't really have a serious position there, but
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here, in my opinion, the government should seriously intervene . and detailed evaluations of these sources of assets have been dedicated to a problem like what is happening now with some intermediate products such as pellets, and now i can tell you that the chain is the beginning of the chain it really didn't happen. the fact is that the entire burden of investment in the upstream sector, which is all the cost , is borne by the mining companies and the profit , they take a series of special collections, as the famous saying goes, and the government should step in. thank you, mr. karimi , for your summary. i would like to summarize a few points, one is that the law on improving the working and working environment, which was approved in the parliament, is one of the honors of the parliament. because he removed the golden signatures in many business licenses , he facilitated and accelerated and clarified the business environment
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and improved it. there are also works, there is no need to correct anything, don't pay attention, but in the same law, i explained that ghiudi is foreseen for this issue, it is a general thing and there is no way to get rid of it, but we gave it to the relevant devices. in the same note 4, i explained that any device for any industry, for any field of activity, wants to set some restrictions, it can give its suggestions to the regulatory board, and that way it will be approved by the cabinet, and these restrictions are the limiting factors in creating this one, two, but the principle of the law is necessary to develop a competitive environment in the country and remove those golden signatures in my opinion, it is the right thing to do. the second point in the chain of the steel industry is the same mr. the last point that mr. omidian pointed out is that the distribution of profit in the links of this chain is not fair and economical
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, that is, it is possible that one link earns a very high profit , and another link earns a lower profit. sometimes, with our directive policies, we force them to accept this lower profit or give more profit, which is in confirmation of mr. yaqoubi's order . i also believe that the role of regulation in the relevant government agency, which is the ministry, should be strengthened. in the past, we had companies in imidro and other places. now, these companies are almost gone from the government body , and now there is no more time, it should go to a regulator with the capacities of the law and this strategic document, which is stated in the seventh program, god willing , they will establish and regulate this system, and guide you and all the guests of the program. you accompanied us in this part of the above program , may god protect you. the importance of elections in electing a
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strong parliament, the key is in the hands of the people. iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram playing with the whole country . why is there no pricing in this month? your question is an interesting question. we do not want a football manager. fits with what he does is to pay his insurance, it requires detection, it is identified intelligently .
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jangi and england, which of course were not proud of their people , showed their opposition to these protests in the very first moments of the american attack. although british and american officials stated in a joint statement that the aim of the attack was to reduce tensions in the red sea, experts raise a question
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. here is the question that needs to be asked why did the american and british governments prefer to escalate this conflict instead of preventing the attacks of the houthis on the ships through the correct way of establishing a ceasefire in gaza. an american group also asked the question, should they intensify this conflict in gaza? an american group also asked the question, should they intensify this conflict in gaza? an american group also asked this question:


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