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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 10:00am-10:31am IRST

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keto's text, so if we find a lower price , let's bring an invoice, in addition to the price difference of 20 %, get a bonus . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, salam news section at 10 o'clock, local sources in idlib , syria reported that irgc missiles hit the main headquarters of terrorists in tahrir and sham and from turkestani, and a training base of terrorists armed with isis in khorasan was also targeted. . according to reports
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, after training in this headquarters, isis terrorists are transferred to afghanistan and iran's borders through american agents to carry out terrorist operations. became qassam battalions of the military wing of the palestinian islamic jihad movement targeted the zionist settlements around gaza, including sdirut. sources of the occupying regime announced that in this attack, at least 14 rockets were fired from the gaza strip in the direction of these towns. channel 13 of the zionist regime tv also announced that the rocket attack on the city of sderot was carried out from beit hanoun in the north of the gaza strip, that is, where the zionist regime army previously had announced that it had taken control of it. quds news channel also reported on the intense conflict between the resistance fighters and the occupying zionist forces in the city of khanyounos in the south of the gaza strip. gave the air defense of the syrian army
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announced that it repelled the attacks of the zionist regime on the outskirts of aleppo. syrian news sources reported that at least 5 explosions were heard around aleppo, which was met with a timely response by the syrian army. the syrian authorities have repeatedly sent letters to the united nations and the un security council to protest against the attacks of the zionist regime and stop it. have been asked to registration of parliamentary election candidates for television advertisements in radio and television . radio and television 20 tv channels for rah constituencies launched elections of the 12th term of the 11th islamic council. it is held in march. in
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order to create electoral justice, by changing the election law of the islamic council, the ban on the use of radio and television for election campaigns of candidates was lifted. everyone can use the facilities of sadasima, the representatives, those who are there. now the national media has come to the field by launching many channels. our colleagues in the year. a very complex and day-and-night effort has been made in recent months so that we can have 200 electoral channels as many constituencies. god willing, we will make it available to the candidates. in addition to that tv, every candidate will be provided with a page where he can upload his advertising videos and other written information that he deems appropriate to publicize on that page between this page and his television ads. the purpose of achieving electoral justice and
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creating equal opportunities for advertising has provided this opportunity to reach more audiences at a much lower cost and also to increase people's awareness of the candidates for the parliamentary elections. currently , television is the most accessible medium for everyone. it is more beautiful if you want there introducing yourself is the best place to advertise, and in my opinion, it is better than virtual media. the image in the conversation shows many things. the voter knows who he is voting for and why he is voting. it is good that if they are introduced on tv , people will also if they get to know them, then they will get to know them more, they will know who to vote for and who not to vote.
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let's get to know the features of the service records that he probably had, get to know closely, and be able to vote wisely . according to the announcement of the election campaign headquarters of the broadcasting organization, each candidate must have their own videos to prepare in a causal format to be broadcast in a video package of about 20 minutes, which includes the candidate's resume , video supporters, mandatory and optional questions, talking to people, the number of the candidate's help card, subtitles, and the qr code of each candidate. in constituencies that have more than one seat in the parliament, candidates can run joint campaigns. the registration of parliamentary election candidates for television advertisements has started today through the system of the sed and cima advertising headquarters at the address em the terms and costs of these ads can be seen in this system. nahida akbarzadeh,
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radio news agency. 3-year delay of the ministry of energy in implementing the law of non-subsidizing electricity tariffs for high consumers. since 1400, the budget laws have obliged the ministry of home affairs to gradually increase the electricity tariff of customers who do not comply with the consumption pattern, so that customers who consume a lot pay the full price of electricity production. where you live determines your electricity consumption pattern . the regions of the country are divided into 5 regions. provinces with relatively moderate weather. the consumption pattern is 300 kilowatt-hours per month, and we have the hot areas of routes 1 to 4, the hotter areas being 1 the pattern of consumption is 3 thousand kilowatt hours. to better understand these numbers, pay attention to these examples. if you charge your phone 270 times or
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heat your food in the heater 13 times, you have just consumed one kilowatt hour of electricity, according to the announcement of the spokesperson of the electricity industry. the percentage of household subscribers is lower than the standard. in this part, the subscribers pay about 100 tomans per kilowatt-hour of electricity . the remaining 20 of the electricity tariff for subscribers who consume more than this standard is also calculated in this way for those who consume more than they are twice the standard, that is, 600 kilowatt hours per month in fact , they have to pay three and a half times the price of energy supply costs, approximately 1500 tomans. they pay for each kilowatt hour , but those who are less, for example, suppose they consume between 300 and 450 kilowatt hours per month , they actually pay 100 tomans instead of 1500 tomans, according to the announcement of tawanir, 2%
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of subscribers the domestic sector consumes electricity approximately 15 times as much as a normal subscriber. for example , they have lights, they have terrace lighting , they have indoor and outdoor lighting, and the lighting has been included in the budget rules so far. non-subsidized steps should be calculated. in the case of expenses higher than the model, we are obliged to cut off the subsidy. but the spokesperson of the electricity industry says that these two percent still receive 15 thousand billion tomans of electricity subsidies every year. in the past two years, which was emphasized in the law, by observing the so-called common present. and that we can promote them through the methods of encouragement, which has been the main focus of the work of the ministry of energy. this policy has been implemented while the law obliges the ministry of energy to calculate electricity consumption above the model as non-subsidized. mehboob sharifi gol news agency
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radio the commander of the country's border guards warned the eastern neighboring countries about the activities and evils of terrorist groups. sardar godarzi. he said: in the meeting with the officials of pakistan and afghanistan , it was emphasized that these countries are obliged to stop the evils of terrorist groups. our neighbors should not allow these armed groups without knowledge of god , who martyr innocent people, which is far from morality and humanity, they should not be allowed to remain in their country and do their own evil. of course, our zealous border guards have some patience if this patience finally ends they are forced to carry out operational measures against these armed groups. the search for
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the mountaineers who disappeared on friday in the heights around ashnoye city continues. red crescent rescue team of west azerbaijan said that a number of experienced mountaineers are with the red crescent rescue teams crossing this part. najad's search operation for the three missing konords reached its fourth day. a group of 20 of the most elite climbers, all of whom have a history of climbing the himalayas, left for the area of ​​the accident at 4 am. but again the blizzard and fall of successive avalanches of operations stopped we watch.
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in no way, in no way, because on the previous snow that came the night before, when the weather was hot, then it turned like glass, now that the new snow has come, it is exactly the same as if this amount of snow was on a glass, as soon as it was reported to the red crescent society of azar assigned by western ijan. around 18 pohistan specialized race rescue teams, a specialized race rescue team that joined us from the rescue organization , and among these 18 teams that are with us , there are trekking volunteer delegations, most of these loved ones benefited from the high altitudes and the comments of the course technical and if i want to say it very simply
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the operational area smells of death now and entering that area now coincides with the fact that we have a major human disaster in the middle of an incident. our goal is to carry out this operation safely as soon as the weather conditions in the highlands improve . and really, except for the falling blizzard. the body of the search operation for nejad will be resumed again, dumid shekriazi of sed and sima news agency , the heights of randole ashnoye anti- refinery movies with the atmosphere of the 60s are on the silver screen these days . with blood b
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the story of someone who enters from the group of hypocrites to the protection of the republican party and to the establishment of terror. the movie zed, the second film made by amir abbas rabiei, deals with the issue of the oppressed martyr dr. beheshti and the republic party and the assassination of him and his associates in the 7th dark. so, what kind of analysis did the people's mojahedin organization have regarding these people ? we tried to based on the documents that there are written and non-written sources to narrate the film in such a way that there is no distortion in history. nader soleimani
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won the crystal simorgh award for the best supporting actor from the 4th fajr film festival for his role in this film. the group of hypocrites was also very upset because they came to help our enemy in our war, who are the dear ones of the land, and i am proud to say that i am very happy that this is coming back. zed, which was made with the investment of surah cinema organization in the genre of revolution and holy defense cinema. here, abadan radio nand is like the movie refinery, which is currently being screened. a film that shows abadan in the inflammation of the days of the imposed war, focusing on the story of the preservation of iran's important refinery by elite youth and people of abadan city. he wants to show that there are a series of people behind the front who do a lot of work and... the value of these people and their work is less than those martyrs who are not on the front lines of fighting. between
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the abadan side of all refinery, directed by mehrdad khoshbakht, a product of the farabist cinema foundation, and the refinery, along with these days , revived the mood of the 60s on the silver screen. elham akbari of sed and sima news agency. the end of this news section of khodnaghadar. in the name of god, i say hello to you , dear viewers of the khabar channel. good morning. in
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the last 24 hours, the hottest place in our country has been from salwieh in busher province with a maximum temperature of the highest point of varzeghan in east azarbaijan with minimum temperature 16 degrees below the reported trip between the centers of the provinces, bandar abbas with a maximum temperature of 28 degrees is the warmest and ardabil with a minimum temperature of 8 degrees below zero is the warmest center of the province. for today , scattered rains have been recorded in parts of khorasan, razavi and also, we will have south khorasan , in other regions of the country, joh aram and pa. we predict that for tomorrow , we expect this stability of the atmosphere in the form of regions of the country to continue and the sky will be clear and sunny. after and late on wednesday and for thursday , we expect rains on the shores of the caspian sea it will start sporadically and gradually we
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will have rain and snow in the highlands and areas, sometimes strong wind and a particular drop in temperature for the dry caspian coast. we have, but in parts of the southeast of the country, our forecast is that there will be scattered rains. also, i have to tell you that the caspian sea will be rough by the end of the week, and the persian gulf, hormuz, and the sea of ​​oman are also predicted. until the end of the week , let it be rough for my tehran within 24 hours the future is clear skies with little water. sometimes we expect strong winds, the temperature will reach a maximum of 15 degrees in the hottest hour and a minimum of 6 degrees in the coolest hour tomorrow morning . thank you.
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published, it is related to the developments that will help to reduce the speed of the engines of inflation in the iranian economy. in this regard, certain policies , including the control of liquidity growth , have been on the agenda of the economic headquarters of the government, especially in the last 10 months, and according to the latest statistics that the bank the central bank of the islamic republic of iran has published that the growth rate of liquidity in the 12 months
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ending at the end of december 1402 has reached 27. this number compared to december of last year, which was 334%, more than 6%, i.e. 64%, indicates a decrease in liquidity growth . the growth of the monetary base for 12 months continues its downward trend, which existed in the previous months, from 45% in april this year. it decreased to 33 and a half percent at the end of december 1402. one of the useful comparisons that i think is worth mentioning in today's introduction is the monthly trend of money supply in the economy
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. if we compare, we can say that the monthly trend of increasing liquidity this year is half in most months and even at some points, one-third of the increase in liquidity was in 1400, so that in the nine months of this year , the average monthly growth of liquidity in the economy was 7%. while this amount in 1400 was a monthly average of two and a half percent. in fact , we have seen that the growth of liquidity in this year is much lower than in previous years, and this issue
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tells us about the stability of the macro economy in the field of monetary totals. in addition, from the beginning of the government, the central bank, the ministry of economy and the program organization were trying to anchor inflation, which historically in iran's economy, is from the price of land. the effect it was about to change towards the growth of liquidity. in this context, during the past two years, all the government's efforts have been to ensure that this key and important variable, which on the one hand indicates monetary discipline in the country and that monetary variables are under control , is not acting indiscriminately and is using monthly measures. bank. they are guided by the center, and on the other hand, looking into the future , the perspective of the stability of monetary aggregates
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should be taken into consideration. sometimes a statement is made that is not very true. among other things, it has been said that the negative monetary base trend can be effective against the inflation growth trend on inflation these comments seem to be seriously pursued by the central bank in the current situation of iran's economy, in which we are curbing the engine of inflation through liquidity control, and of course, from the side of currency control policies, there is also the elimination of fluctuations and stability in the currency market. it is not so real and communication today. there is no direct link between the monetary base and inflation as long as the conditions are being controlled from the liquidity side. we hope
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that by the end of the year, with the set of government policies , we will see the same decreasing trend and the liquidity growth will approach the targeted number of 25% at the end of march this year. as we can see that point-to-point inflation at the end of december was 15% less than in april, which of course, as we have said many times , does not mean a decrease in prices in the economy, but the speed and acceleration of the continuous increase in prices at the end of last year and even at the beginning of 1402, it was under revenue control in the last 9 months. the reports of the international monetary fund and other international institutions also indicate that the prospects of iran's economy in the new year
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will continue on the continuation of the inflationary trend. i will pay for the job market and one of the important variables that has been detailed in recent weeks, according to the statistics center report, in the fall of 1402 compared to the fall of last year, 700,000 new jobs were created, the unemployment rate decreased to the lowest number in the last four decades, i.e. 76 unemployment rate. which is 6 tenths of a percentage point lower than last year's fall. the decrease in the unemployment rate at the same time as the increase in the participation rate of economic activists in the second half of the 90s and the recent years
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indicates a very special and special period that we are simultaneously returning to high participation rates in the iranian economy and the simultaneous decrease in unemployment that these are simultaneously important for economic participation rate experts. with an increase of half a percentage point compared to the fall of last year , it has reached 41.00 half a percentage point, that is , 612 thousand new applicants have been added to the iranian labor market this fall, and in the 13th government this fall, if we compare, 705 thousand jobs compared to the fall of last year. newly created, this number of 705,000 new jobs this fall compared to last year's fall is three times the average. the annual increase
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in employment in the previous government means that net employment was created in the 11th and 12th governments in the whole economy, there are 1,500,000 people , that is, 47,000 people in each season . in the 13th government, in each season, an average of 10,000 people are created. there has been a decrease in the number of graduates over the last year, but the conditions are still not favorable from the government's point of view, and much more efforts should be made for the employment of university graduates in terms of the dispersion of the provinces in the same way, despite the fact that there have been very good developments in most of the provinces. to reduce the unemployment rate and single.
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digitization of the unemployment rate has occurred in most of the provinces . we are still witnessing double-digit unemployment rates in seven provinces of the country and unemployment is above 10%, which is the total effort of the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare and other agencies active in the field of employment creation. although there is still a problem of double-digit unemployment, we can reduce it to the average level of unemployment in iran's economy , along with the revival of the lost opportunities in the second half of the 90s, the continuation of economic growth has also been one of the factors that have had an effect on the trend of net employment, we hope. we are able to achieve economic growth aim for 40 days last year and this year as well.
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it will continue, god willing, simultaneously with the increase in the participation rate and the decrease in the unemployment rate as three important components that indicate the real prosperity and qualitative growth of iran's economy , we will continue to see it until the end of this year. thank you very much.
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it is not finished, the laundry is good, the price is suitable for long purchases in sarai irani, the last price is in sarai irani, if you are an accountant and the price is important to you, the city of household appliances guarantees the lowest price , a valid price guarantee with a written guarantee. so, if you find a lower price , bring an invoice, in addition to the difference in price
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, get a prize of 20. the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances . arjund khabar network at your service hello , i would like to say that we present the news section of the media as usual every day at 10:30 and we start the news section with short news . an animated documentary about western tourism will be broadcast tonight and tomorrow at 21:00 on channel 4.


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