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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm IRST

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the presence of the country and the action of the people is a basic principle in islam. hazrat ayatollah khamenei, participation in elections is not only a duty but also a right of the people. elections are a political arena in which people's presence is literally necessary. it means that it is both a duty for the people and a right for the people. irgc missile attack on mossad spy headquarters in erbil, iraq, and gathering of anti- iranian terrorist groups in syria, some of musa's top leaders.
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they were killed in erbil. baran rockets from the zionist settlements around gaza, the ghassam battalions killed five zionist soldiers in clashes this morning in the east of khanyounis. knowledge-based success in making a kind of rubber piece or compound, a product to return used water to the production cycle in mining industries. and in the higher election program , we will examine what the supporters and opponents of the production of the government's racket assets say , is the production of capital creation or the sale of government funds , what is the role of the next parliament in the production of the government's assets? in the name of god the compassionate. al-rahim, may god bless muhammad and the family
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of muhammad and hasten their death. have a good day, dear and respected viewers. i invite you to pay attention to the details of the news at 2 pm. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution attended the meeting of friday imams across the country this morning they called the will and action of the people as a basic principle in islam, and admired the patience, loyalty, interest , intelligence and sacrifice of the iranian nation. even with different appearances, these people are believers and their hearts are with god , and you should appreciate them in the true sense of the word and love them deeply. he also considered the standing and reliance of the oppressed people of gaza to be admired by the world, the promotion of islam and the attention of nations to the qur'an, and the activity of the yemeni nation and the government of ansar allah in defense of the people of gaza.
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at the beginning of this meeting, ayatollah khamenei called the month of rajab one of the most noble days of the year, and he spoke with the believers. they advised to use this great blessing of god as much as possible and its well-meaning supplications and appeal to the leader of the islamic revolution . that the imam of friday prayer should be aware of imam haqq and aim for his satisfaction and take into account the interests of the people and their satisfaction. he considered paying attention to the people in the friday prayer as a sign of the essential position of the people in islam , their very prominent role in islamic life and movement , and added: role-playing and the right of the people in the system. if the people don't want and don't come, the obligation of the person
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who has a right like them is also lost. but if. people asked, accepting the responsibility becomes obligatory on him. citing a verse from the holy quran about helping the prophet , may god bless him and grant him peace, the leader of the revolution added: god expresses the helping hand of the believers in the row of his support and help to the prophet , and this shows that everyone in any rank and to some extent , he needs people's help in performing his duties. achieving islamic goals, now call it the islamic system , in the end of islamic civilization,
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is not possible except with the presence of the people, except with the attention of the people. people should want people to come, people should act. this is for us original now someone has a government responsibility, he has to act in a certain way. to attract people, attract people, bring people to the scene. at one time, a person was active in the friday prayer pulpit, and in a way, it means that we should pay attention to the fact that people's problem is the principle, it is an islamic principle, without him , nothing can be done, the goals cannot be reached , life cannot be reached, they said that the divine wisdom
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of friday prayer provides the principle the presence of people and the promotion and expansion of this presence is for this reason. the friday imam is obliged to talk to the worshipers in the sermons and offer them thoughts, ways and plans. hazrat ayatollah khamenei considers preaching in the broad sense of this word as the main focus they knew the prayer sermons and added: the preaching is not only for spiritual and moral issues, but also includes political and social issues. he is to inform people about cases. domestic and global , they listed the enemy's conspiracy and the needs and realities of the society as part of the content requirements of the sermons , and in giving some examples of social sermons , they said: the need to increase the population and strengthen the country's manpower, explain the issue of marriage at the right age and
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explain the need to avoid extravagance is really harmful in many cases, including areas where it is needed. has a social the leader of the revolution they considered morality as very necessary and a source of spiritual tenderness, and in summing up this part of their speech , they said: the purpose of political, social and moral sermons and sermons is to enrich the minds of the audience, so that their minds can understand the problems and solutions of individual and social life. be strengthened the leader of the revolution continued to state: the requirements of friday prayer sermons emphasized the issue of measuring the needs of the audience and said that the friday prayer audience is a variety of men and women, old and young with different levels of literacy and awareness, and the art of the friday imam is to express things that each
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audience can benefit from it to be referring to the fact that the minds of today's youth are exposed to a multitude of input and different words, he considered the knowledge of their mental issues as necessary to respond correctly to the needs and added: to assess the needs and correctly understand the mind of the audience, it is necessary to socialize with the people and to be a popular imam. . hazrat ayatollah khamenei called studying and familiarity with the qur'an , hadith, and educational books an important necessity for enriching the sermons of friday prayers, and answering the needs of the audience correctly, and said: another necessity for fulfilling the important mission of the friday imam is compassion and love. to care for people. he explained the unique characteristics of the iranian people as
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a deeply loving people said: our people are very good religious people and even those who are not committed to some practical appearances, their hearts are with god and the meanings of spiritual concepts . we are there. leader of the loyalty and preparedness revolution. in order to defend iran in various fields, the islamic system against all kinds of practical political and economic propaganda attacks , they called the ill-wishers another privileged feature of the people and pointed out that our people need to be defended in any situation when the country and the revolution need to be defended. they have shown their loyalty by coming to the streets, chanting patience and support, and even by going to the battlefield, and for this reason, the noble imam firmly said that the faith of our people
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is better than the faith of the people of sadr islam. another point about friday imam is the issue of being compassionate and loving people. our people are very good people. our people are believers. people are believers, even those who are not committed to some of the shariah requirements according to appearance, this non-commitment in practice does not mean lack of heart, their hearts are with god, their hearts are with the meanings of spiritual concepts. they have faith, so there is a lack of action in all of us
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we are not short in practice, each of us has a kind of servant, i have a shoe , you have a kind of shortness, he also has a kind of shortness. see how many problems we have had in this country in the past 4 or so years, how many conspiracies have been made against us, how many propaganda, practical, military, economic attacks and the like have taken place from around us. who defended the islamic system? these are the same people. people were there where needed. expressing in the street, coming to the street where it was necessary to wait, waiting where it was necessary to support
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support where it was necessary , raise slogans where it was necessary, go to the battlefield, go to the battlefield, imam said that our people have better faith than the people of sadr islam, imam stated this decisively. hazrat ayatollah khamenei did not consider the call to piety in friday prayer sermons to be limited to individual issues and said: in the qur'an, cooperation and cooperation in good deeds and piety are ordered, so piety is also a social matter. emphasizing that islam is a political religion and all muslims should be present in the political scene, he added: of course, the field of politics is a slippery field and for to prevent slips
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, it is necessary to be equipped with the political piety of self-restraint and open eyes. in this case, the psychological warfare of the enemy will become ineffective. the leader of the revolution considered reprimanding and reprimanding against every good word or deed as examples of psychological warfare of the enemy and said: according to the quran's instructions , you should not be afraid of reprimands. ayatollah khamenei called it necessary to encourage people to participate in various political and social fields in friday prayer sermons and added that encouraging people to do social good works such as participating in the construction of schools and hospitals and helping to release needy prisoners or encouraging being in the political field like labor elections are necessary. elections are a political arena in which people's presence is necessary in the true sense of the word, which means that it is both a duty for the people and
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a right for the people . elections are not just a duty . participation in the elections is a right. either implement the law, participate or in the case. the leader himself should give his opinion or choose the leader . people's rights experts should come in and use their rights. the leader of the revolution emphasized that the jihad of explanation is effective in encouraging people to attend the stage, and they did not find it sufficient to call only in language. and they added that it is necessary to be responsive and present in various gatherings of people, especially youth gatherings. hazrat ayatollah khamenei in
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the final part of his speech emphasized that today god's hand is in the international issue. gaza is visible, they said: the oppressed people of gaza managed to impress the world with their struggle , and today the world looks at these fighting people and their resistance group as heroes. he called the prominence of oppression and at the same time the victory of the people of gaza in the eyes of the world as the works and blessings of their patience and trust and added: in contrast to today someone the world does not believe in the victory of the usurping and evil zionist regime in the war, and in the opinion of the people of the world and the politicians, this regime is a cruel, bloodthirsty, defeated and disintegrating entity. the leader of the revolution emphasized that the people of gaza promoted islam in the eyes of world-seeking people and
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made the qur'an popular by standing up . they also praised the great work of the yemeni people and ansarullah government in supporting the people of gaza. the nation of yemen and the government of ansarullah also did a great job. what they do in support of the people of gaza. these are the vital channels of the zionist regime , the us has threatened to strike, not to fear america, this is america, when a person fears god
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, he does not fear anything other than god. their work is truly and justly an example of jihad in the name of god and we hope, god willing, that these mujahids, these resistances, and these activities will continue , even victory, with the permission of god almighty, ayatollah khamenei expressed hope that by the permission of the lord, these mujahids, resistance and activities will continue until may the victory continue and may god extend his support and help to all those who are on the path of his pleasure moves. before the statements of the leader of the revolution, hojjat al-islam, haj ali akbari, the head of the policy council of friday imams, gave a report on the twenty-sixth meeting of imams across the country, attended by nearly 900 friday imams
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. in response to the recent actions of the zionist regime and isis against iran, in the first minute of this morning, the islamic revolutionary guard corps targeted the mossad spy headquarters in erbil, iraq, and the gathering of terrorist groups in idlib, syria, with ballistic missiles.
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according to the irgc announcement, 24 types of ballistic missiles were used in this operation. it was fired at the targets four khyber shakan missiles from khuzestan to the headquarters of isis in idlib, syria, four missiles from the west and 7 missiles from the northwest to the mossad spy headquarters in the kurdistan region of iraq, and 9 missiles to the locations of other terrorist groups in other occupied areas of syria. hit carefully. moghri, which was targeted in the kurdistan region of iraq , is the center of development. it was the espionage operation and planning of the terrorist activities of the mossad zionist regime in the region, especially in iran, that was destroyed. in idlib, syria, the same neighborhoods where commanders and main elements related to the recent terrorist operations in kerman and rask gather these attacks were destroyed. the commander-in-chief of the irgc
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had promised revenge at the funeral ceremony of the martyrs of the terrorist attack in kerman. simultaneous firing of irgc ballistic missiles at musa's headquarters in erbil, iraq. the gathering of terrorists in syria's idlib, as it is evident from the evidence , iranian ballistic missiles targeted the areas under the control of tahrir and sham terrorists and the training headquarters of the isis terrorist group in khorasan from distances of 850 and 100 kilometers. haji agha , i would like to inform you that on the 12th, alhamdulillah, all my work was successfully completed. four khyber fighter jets fired from south of khuzestan towards this takfiri group in idlib four of them were successfully
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flown from kermanshah and 7 from east azarbaijan. the target of that zionist, that zionist headquarters was shot. these are the first pictures of this missile attack that is circulating in the cyberspace. the sound of irgc missile warheads hitting zionist terrorist targets was not heard only in these areas. this voice was echoed in the zionist and extra-regional media. taken from the times of israel and the zionist kan network. to reuters and the new york times and the independent. no detailed information has yet been published about the casualties of the zionist regime and takfiri terrorists.
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mohammad javad reza soltani, radio and television news agency. the early morning missile attack of the islamic revolutionary guard corps has also had popular reactions. our colleagues went to people all over the country and asked their opinions. when i woke up in the morning, i was so happy that i couldn't fit in my own skin. the era of knocking on the door is over. it's not about knocking and knocking one door , you'll eat four. in the face of a series of oppressions , a movement must be made. if the right of the oppressed is taken away , i should definitely have given an answer to this cruelty that both israel and america have against islamic countries this child killing and these cruel actions that were unfortunately carried out, the terrorist incident in kerman and also the martyrdom of shahid razi, this should definitely have been answered, then
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we would have eradicated them sooner than this. the message was that every small move that the zionists make will definitely have a crushing and tooth-breaking response. will see there is a warning for them to know who is on their side and not to do these barbaric actions again. this is a small slap on the ear of the global arrogance, alhamdulillah, may the authority of the islamic republic reach the enemy so that the enemy knows that you listened to israel, america and israel have understood that the days are over, the door is over, and from where you don't think. they want to be strong, what do you have to say, the children of the corps , they are warm, i kiss each of their hands. we thank the brothers of the corps , don't be tired. we are grateful for the decisive action
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of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, it was really tough and we also support them . let us be very proud , and i will tell you from here that we are behind you until the last drop of our blood and we will support you until you are destroyed, god willing. let's get the whole of israel. what message did this have for the terrorists that they can't attack iran at any time, anywhere, the enemy can't set foot on iran's soil, they will never be iran's opponent, israel and america can't attack our countries. let's keep it a secret , we will continue on the way of haj qasim, we will be firmly in the court. to have our country will certainly not be the answer. zionists and israelis must leave the middle east region. the president
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visited the ministry of culture and islamic guidance as part of his staff supervision . mr. raisi sat on the sidelines of this visit he had art and cinema with the people. the president said that iranian islamic civilization has valuable cultural assets to be presented in the form of cinema, and that the government is ready to cooperate with artists in this field. this is the reaction of the cinematographers to the president's defiance . provincial trips,
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because many of you are provincial ambassadors, the same budget as in tehran will be spent half of it if it is spent at all. professors should hold different workshops in different cities at the expense of the ministry of home affairs, we will make a lot of changes there, mr. raisi. he agreed with these concerns. one of the duties of the government is to provide the ground for the flourishing of all talents in the country . just as you ordered , they should build a football stadium for this country, which was very necessary. a 100,000-seat stadium is the answer to sports. it wasn't our football and it was very enjoyable. i want to say that vahdat hall
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is no longer the answer to our art. it has valuable cultural properties to offer in the form of cinema and popular government. ready to cooperate with artists are for presenting iranian islamic cultural assets in artistic formats. spending in this direction will definitely be an investment. the government is also ready to take some steps in this direction with the cooperation of culture and art people, god willing.
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do injustice in the eyes of your eyes. put yourself in a mirror. the president also saw a selection of films that are going to be screened at the festival . chishir needed the presence of the president. it means that cinema became important as a profession. the artist talks like this. i'll let you talk. you saw when he said, "i fought and no one stopped me, boss." the president was also careful about issuing licenses. on average , how many licenses do you issue per day? about 300 permits per year here, from the time the applicant applies for the permit to the store, it takes 10 days for the file to reach us . at the end, the minister and his deputies report to the president what they have done during this time. the philosophy of the president's staff supervision is to closely monitor the performance
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ministries. west of ahvaz city is invested . this was one of the results of today's economic council meeting chaired by the first vice president. in this meeting , it was also approved the construction of the steam section of government power plants and conversion to a combined cycle with the aim of saving 3 billion cubic meters of gas annually. national distribution of natural gas and. completion and improvement of gas refineries with an investment of more than 62 thousand billion tomans was one of the other achievements of the economic council meeting chaired by mr. mokhbar. following the attacks of the warplanes of the zionist regime on a residential building in azsabra area in gaza 20.


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