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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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[000:00:34;00] in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome to the economic news. saffron export duties have been removed . the first vice president announced the removal of half percent of saffron export duties from this year 's budget. mining and
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trade demanded half-percent saffron export duties from the budget law. in december of this year, more than 20 tons of saffron were exported from our country. uae, spain, afghanistan and china are the biggest buyers of saffron. since the beginning of this year , 1,851 government properties have been recognized as surplus is. the economic spokesman of the government said that 365 properties for sale have reached the valuation stage. according to mr. khandozi, 425 other properties have been placed on the agenda of the assets productivity board. out of the 1,851 properties that i mentioned, 1,402 properties are on the path of value addition . i have said this before. the production of the land sales company is not the government building, because we are
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building the highest value addition and the highest possible productivity and income. 1400 properties in this direction and 365 properties entered the pricing and sales process. mr. khandozi he also announced the temporary suspension of the automatic issuance of delayed licenses from the national license portal in november due to the media update of some technical documents . i hope that within the next few days. very soon, with the end of this period of upgrade of the license port and permanent connection of all the devices whose technical documents have been approved , we will soon see that the automatic issuance will be on the agenda again. the economic spokesperson of the government also denied the rumor that the system of one-size-fits-all car sales has been compromised and said that no license
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has been issued to sell 120,000 cars at marginal market prices. and economic affairs also, referring to the decrease in liquidity growth and monetary base, he said: the inflation growth rate is also decreasing. 300 million euros will be invested to complete the sewage facilities in the west of ahvaz city. this was one of the results of today's economic council meeting chaired by the first vice president. in this meeting , the objectives of the steam sector of government power plants and conversion to a combined cycle with a purpose. natural gas and the completion and improvement of gas refineries with an investment of 62.5 billion tomans were among the other approvals of the economic council meeting chaired by mr. mokhbar. the plan to build strategic storage tanks for garh crude oil with a capacity of 4 million barrels in the city
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gnavar more than 80. according to sareh, the manager of the construction of these tanks, the goal of implementing this plan is to store 4 million barrels of crude oil, which will be put into operation in the first decade of this year. although its size and value cannot be seen with the naked eye, it is an important national project in the final days of construction in the cave of ganaveh city in the north of the province. construction of underground tanks. for the first time in our country , concrete tanks have been used to store crude oil . the design was done by iranian engineers. in this project, we have 6 storage tanks, 4 storage tanks of 500,000 barrels and 2 storage tanks of 1 million barrels.
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the executor of this important project is the only woman in the projects of the ministry of petroleum these days. it has become a part of my life . due to the importance i give to my work, now we have made about 80 progress, god willing, with the exploitation of these resources, we were in the pit, but the project was in 20 years and in three agreements. finally, it did not arrive until the year 1401 when the ministry of oil decided to end it . we tried to identify the problems of the obstacles first and to solve them. despite the vastness and complexity of the work, zeal, national sweat, round-the-clock and jihad work by the young engineers and the executive forces , we realized all the elements of the project, 20-year-old pipes.
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and the worn transmission line were also replaced so that the clean and lasting work of delivery can be used. a 500-meter line at a depth of 10 meters in the ground, which will be done with the current shepherd's work, god willing. iran's extracted oil is to be transferred to kharg island , the country's oil export terminal, according to the schedules , the crude oil storage tanks in garh are scheduled to be put into operation in the middle of february this year . mohammad hadi hajizadeh, garh news agency ganaveh deputy minister of energy said that if the replacement plan is implemented and the capacity of bardeh energy's motor cooler is implemented within 4 years, there will be electricity problems in the country.
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according to mr. kamani, it is possible to save 5,000 megawatts of electricity in the country by producing 5 million highly efficient cooler motors. it is estimated that about 20 million. water coolers are working all over the country , if we can replace them in one period , we will reduce consumption by about 500 megawatts. there are 5,000 megawatts at the place of consumption. if we want to calculate the power plant capacity , it will be about 8,000 megawatts it is very high. to start this work, we currently have a sample plan with financial resources that the ministry itself collects we will start soon, god willing. we will do this as a sample in two or three parts of the country, and then we will have to get the necessary permits, including through article 12 of the economic council, so that, god willing, we will be able to do this on a large scale throughout the country. the minister of energy
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announced that water will be supplied to 10,000 villages by the end of 1403 . mr. mehrabian said that there are 60,000 villages in the country. the climate has made the presence of benefactors with the ministry of energy more important . forming this very valuable forum is a big step it is effective in popularizing this work and great service with hard work. many zealous and charitable men who
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are always thinking of helping dear people over the years. the director of the west asian office of the trade development organization announced the holding of the third joint economic commission of iran and the uae at the end of february in abu dhabi . in the last 10 years, the uae has been among the top five trading partners of our country. the first origin of imported goods and the third destination of iranian goods this year. the uae's trade volume with us in 1401 was about 25 billion dollars, and in 9 months of this year, our trade with the uae was about 20 billion dollars. we have a large amount of agricultural food . regarding the export of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, the united arab emirates is also known as the southern commercial terminal of the country. many of our export goods
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are not re-exported from there when they are exported to the uae and are sent to other countries. the third economic commission between the two countries will be held in february with the aim of developing trade after 9 years. the subscriber can draw a study for our business interactions with the united arab emirates. the proposal of the private sector to increase the commercial relations of transit, which can help a lot and our software is in the discussion of the expansion of health-oriented products or in the discussion of food or agricultural products, commercial transactions based on the private sector between the common chambers of the associations, forward to us the information of the buyers who purchased through the chambers of commerce, for example, an iranian product , we can with those exchanges. the business that creates the rooms
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will send that information to us. along with this joint commission, we are looking for the private sector to be full of color and for business delegations to see each other, have informal meetings and be able to reach understandings in any case. bryson's business. according to the trade development organization, trade between the two countries is expected to reach more than 30 billion dollars by next year. zahra tischeng, reporter. sada vasima india and the uae have removed the dollar and euro from their trade. for some time, the two countries have been trading with each other with their national currency. the removal of the dollar and the euro was one of the important agreements between india and the uae for trade between the two countries. therefore, for some time , the traders of the two countries
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exchange goods and services with dirhams and rupees. community economic partnership between indian emirates has been implemented. one of the main goals of this agreement is to increase the flow of trade in goods and services it is between two countries. last year, the total volume of bilateral trade between india and uae was 85 billion dollars. within. one year, the volume of non-oil trade in the country
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has increased and has crossed the 50 billion dollar mark. india and the uae are trying to increase their foreign trade volume to 10 billion dollars by 203. abdul maliki, radio and television news agency, new delhi. the german government, which is faced with a budget deficit of 30 billion euros, is political. taking austerity , the owners of sectors of the economy that have suffered due to this policy are protesting . austerity policies of the german government for economy the search for funding has been met with widespread protests by farmers. at least 10,000 people from all over germany demonstrated a protest movement in berlin with their tractors and trucks. the government plans to subsidize gasoil for farmers.
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gradually remove and increase the complications for them. i came here to express my displeasure with the price of diesel and the increase in carbon dioxide taxes. this weight cannot continue. the government of olaf scholes is facing a budget deficit of 30 billion euros and wants to make up for it by implementing austerity policies. at the same time people to policies this government is protesting from different aspects. this protest of farmers is part of
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the growing protest of the people. the government is destroying the country with its policies. the upcoming elections will show that this government has failed and must return to normal policies and attention to necessities. due to high expenses and budget constraints, the german government has inevitably adopted austerity policies, which have fueled protests in various sectors. amira shojaei sada news agency. sima balli, i sincerely thank you for your companionship
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. god bless you. my right eye was weak in terms of nearsightedness
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smartly, to start again later, when i went to the doctor, i saw that the nearsightedness of my right eye was very weak, a challenge that mr. rozbahani used. i had already made a pair of glasses for the blind. in fact , i can read the texts that were in front of the blind. let me read it to them. we have come to use a camera embedded inside the glasses , in fact, we were able to provide the space of the human eye for the blind to some extent. the province is one of the western provinces of iran is. when this young inventor was faced with his own poor eyesight, he took steps to solve this challenge. in fact, this idea was made using the human artificial eye. first, the input camera actually
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receives the images in this part. in this part, it automatically recognizes the text in the images. here. he takes a photo or a video and sends it to our tool via wi-fi, our tool that reads it inside the glasses with a speaker or a hand-held device, but the important feature of these glasses is the persian language translation for all of you, you can read the glasses. look at the text put english in front of it, this glasses will translate the text from any language to farsi in approximately 2-3 seconds. it is the thirteenth province of the country in terms of population. after this invention was registered in our country , we presented it in germany and in south korea in the name of our country, and of course mr. rozbahani is also looking for the commercialization of this invention. currently, different countries
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are inviting to manufacture these glasses under the title of human artificial eye, and i would really like it to be commercialized in our own country under the name of our own country. and god willing, follow this we are an investor to get the commercialization of these glasses. in addition to inventing artificial eyes, mr. rozbahani was able to register 19 other inventions, including shoes and smart bracelets for patients, using his medical engineering knowledge
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. this almost one of the biggest concerns is the concern fueled by the use of old forces instead of new ones. until 8 years ago, there were retirees who returned to work in government organizations. this issue in august 1994 sparked a proposal in the mind of the member of the 10th parliament, plan two the urgency of banning the employment of retirees
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, the people's representatives haggled over the ban on the employment of retirees in several meetings. 3601 executive devices. each of these, if they hire a retired person, about 360 retired people are working in the executive branch now. leave these jobs for a certain period of time. their total employment is 1/3 of an hour. employees are required not to abuse the young forces. let's give them a chance. these are the young forces who managed the war at the time of the war. their maximum age was 30 years . employing retired specialists for consulting services within a limit of 1/3 of an hour. are the unemployed who are now employed? there are about 3 million in the country people according to some statistics. the majority of them are not university graduates and educated. in executive responsibilities like governors and ministers
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, they have to spend time, they have to travel , we have to ban solving problems. the phd side is really referring to me and your excellency. we were to ban the employment of retirees in companies that are parties to the contract , the approval of the plan and the resolution of the problems of the guardian council took months until finally, in may of the following year, it was approved. according to this law, retirees should not be employed in government agencies again. unless they are among the officials such as the heads of the three powers and their deputies, ministers and their deputies, governors and ambassadors or other exceptions. after the approval of this law, the number of retirees covered by the law who
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had to leave their jobs was announced as 1,970 . our statistics are completely technical and specialized statistics based on the data collected by the court of accounts throughout the country. omari, who was short , once again opened the case of the law banning the employment of retirees before the parliamentarians , this time for the amendment of this law regarding the proposal of an urgent amendment to the law banning employment. there are 240 retired people present. it was settled in today's law, which was approved and amended . we removed governors and ambassadors from the exception . we also removed deputy ministers and ministers from the law by amending the law. the number of retirees who had to leave their jobs increased. according to one of
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the members of parliament , there were 2,700 retired people working in only one machine, and they had to say goodbye to their jobs. among the officials , there are 210 people who are subject to this amendment. anyway, 14 of our governors are included in this pension law. four of the new governors. they were determined and, god willing, replacements will be determined over time. the law, which according to the leader of the revolution , had an empty place in the list of laws of the country, opened the way for the youth to reach management centers. the principle of this law is a good law, it must be implemented. this law actually breaks the closed loop of management that sometimes takes years in some places. according to the announcement of the administrative organization, the official number of retired people working in government agencies is now only 135 people. statistics
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that would have been thousands if there was no law prohibiting the employment of retirees. laws prohibiting the employment of retirees the shogun federation was also included, and mr. dehkhodaei submitted his resignation to the honorable minister, and based on that, we made the necessary preparations to hold the elections. there were loved ones who had retired and were invited to work again. after this law was approved, maybe it didn't take long for them to leave and give that responsibility to a younger and more energetic person
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. . various trends. political and economic competition in elections, the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament, the key is in the hands of the people, a telegram channel is playing with the country. of course, these six months of pricing , your question is an interesting question. you don't want the manager of a football player to pay his insurance according to what he does. he discovers hijab and is identified intelligently . trends on the eve of the elections every day at 15:00 and 193 from khabar network today wherever
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we are tomorrow higher higher. a cultural, economic celebration, commercial awareness , a marketing and advertising tool of the national media, in the service of the development of the identity centered on the wider justice of islamic iran . you have come so far to just say goodbye to me, why? this is how it happened, the story is not over yet , a good tv at a good price with a long term in sarai irani, the price is in sarai irani, not every month, not every week, but every day, win 50 million tomans. participate in the lottery of 50 million by buying all kinds of cheese, yogurt, milk and buttermilk and sending the code. more codes submitted, more chances to win. lottery every day at 18:00 live from the communication media of the country. bride, i present for the third time. am
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i a lawyer? no, what happened? it's not possible . is it really possible? yes, why not 60? with 60 installments in shastvareh city, household appliances , yes, a unique and limited opportunity to sell with 24- month installments. without advance payment and bank facilities, 36 months, the great engine of distinction in the movement , you were looking for ricoh, this is rick matazen, would you allow me, hello, you have seen it before, i am waiting, so you must also get to know lazla, see what you said, the prices of
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shahr farsh are good, that is, the price and guarantee the city a city is behind this guarantee. a city is behind your purchase . we will host you until 2:00 in the morning at the central branch. we will defeat all enemies. with all my leadership. to the east as well we will go to god, god, god, god, god , god


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