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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm IRST

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hello, welcome to news 21, the leader of the revolution to achieve islamic goals. it is not possible except with the presence of people. encouraging people to participate in political and social fields is a necessity. elections are a political arena in which people's presence is necessary in the true sense of the word. it means that it is both a duty for the people and a right for the people. your right is the right of the people. choose the one who likes them. write the law
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or implement the law, and the president had a friendly conversation with the people of art and cinema under the supervision of a staff from the ministry of guidance, the government is ready to cooperate with artists to present the cultural assets of islamic iran in the formats it's artistic. the internal and external reflection of the irgc's missile response to the recent zionist isis assassinations, the destruction of the mossad spy headquarters in erbil, iraq, the terrorists' headquarters in idlib, syria, with 24 hits, in a special news interview
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, we examine iran's action in targeting the zionist axis of isis at the same time, what messages do they convey ? has deterrence been established in accordance with terrorist crimes? the martyrdom of at least 158 ​​palestinians in the attacks of the last 24 hours by the zionist regime. from missile response to ground combat.
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the cost of company and personal communication with the localization of the cloud call center by the efforts of knowledge-based specialists with the major telecommunications operators of our country now collaborative contract. as an information technology partner or technology partner, we are providing our knowledge to this group. in the name of allah , the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. good night, dear and respected viewers . welcome to the detailed news of this hour.
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the supreme leader of the islamic revolution asked to attend the meeting of friday imams across the country this morning and called the action of the people a basic principle in islam and praised the loyalty , patience, interest, intelligence and dedication of the people of iran and said that these people are believers even with different appearances and their hearts are with god. should literally appreciate them and love them deeply. and they considered the trust of the oppressed people of gaza to be admired by the world, the promotion of islam and the attention of the nations to the qur'an, and they called the activity of the yemeni nation and the government of rasmullah in defending the people of gaza a clear example of jihad in the cause of god. at the beginning of this meeting, ayatollah khamenei
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called the month of rajab one of the most auspicious days of the year and advised the believers to use as much as possible this great divine blessing and its well-meaning supplications and to ask for forgiveness . the leader of the islamic revolution considered friday imam to be one of the most difficult tasks, because the imam is the one who prays juma should be aware of hazrat haq and aim for his satisfaction and consider the interests of the people and their satisfaction. he considered paying attention to the people in the friday prayer as a sign of the basic position of the people in islam, their very prominent role in life and mobility. which they enumerated as islamic and added: the role and rights of the people in the islamic system are such that according to the amir of the faithful, peace be upon him, if the people do not want and do not come, the obligation of a person who has a right like him is also absolved, but if the people want
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to accept the responsibility it becomes obligatory on him. the leader of the revolution citing a verse from the holy quran about help the prophet, may god bless him and grant him peace, added: god expresses the helping hand of the believers in the row of his support and help to the prophet, and this shows that everyone in every rank and degree needs the help of people. achieving islamic goals, now call it islamic system, ultimately islamic civilization. it is not possible except with the presence of the people, with the attention of the people's initiative, the people must want the people to come , the people take action, this is what happened to us, now
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someone has a government responsibility, he must act in a certain way. in order to attract people, to attract people, to bring people to the stage , one person at a time, in the pulpit of his active friday prayer it means that we should note that the problem of the people is the principle , an islamic principle, without him, nothing can be done , the goals cannot be achieved. the divine wisdom of friday prayer is to ensure the principle of people's presence and to promote and expand this presence. for this reason, the friday imam is obliged to talk to those who pray in the sermons and to present them with thoughts, ways and plans. ayatollah khamenei
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considered preaching in the broad sense of this word to be the main focus of prayer sermons and added: preaching is only specific to issues. it is not spiritual and moral, but also includes political and social fields. he, informing people about domestic and international issues, conspiracy and they listed the plans of the enemy and the needs and realities of the society as part of the content requirements of the sermons , and in giving some examples of social sermons, they said: the need to increase the population and strengthen the country's manpower, explaining the issue of marriage at the right age and explaining the need to avoid really harmful extravagance in many cases, it is among the fields that need social preaching. the leader of the revolution considered moral sermons to be very necessary and cause spiritual tenderness, and in
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summing up this part of his speech, he said: the purpose of sermons and political, social and moral sermons is to enrich the minds of the audience rather than the mind. they talk about issues and strengthen individual and social life solutions. the leader of the revolution continued to state the requirements of friday prayer sermons and emphasized the issue of targeting the audience and said: the friday prayer audience is made up of men and women, old and young with different levels of literacy and awareness, and the art of the friday imam is to express content. that each audience can benefit from it. referring to the fact that the minds of today's youth are exposed to a multitude of input and different words, he considered the knowledge of their mental issues to be necessary to respond correctly to their needs and added: in order to assess the needs and correctly understand the mind.
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the audience, socializing with the people and being a popular imam on friday is essential. another point about the friday imam, the issue of being compassionate and loving people. the people are very good people. our people are believers. people are believers , even those who are not committed to some of the shari'a appearances according to appearance, this non-commitment in practice does not mean lack of heart, their hearts are with god , their hearts are with the meanings of spiritual concepts.
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the people of the believers, the people of their loyalty, the people of iraq, the people of the present. in the various issues of your country , see how many problems we have had in this country in the past 4 years, how many conspiracies have been made against us, how many around us , there have been various propaganda, practical, military, economic attacks, and the like . who defended the islamic system? these are the people who spoke on the streets when needed, came on the streets when needed, waited, waited
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when needed. they were supporting, supporting where it was necessary, chanting slogans where it was necessary, going to the battlefield, going to the battlefield , the imam said that our people have better faith than the people of sadr islam. hazrat ayatollah khamenei did not consider the call to piety in friday prayer sermons to be limited to individual issues and said: the qur'an has ordered cooperation and cooperation in good works and piety, so piety is also a social matter, he added, stressing that islam is a political religion and that all muslims should be present in the political arena . and in order to prevent slips , it is necessary to be equipped with political piety, self-restraint and open eyes
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, in this case the enemy's psychological warfare becomes ineffective. the leader of the revolution considered reprimanding and reprimanding against every good word or deed as examples of psychological warfare of the enemy and said: according to the quran's instructions , you should not be afraid of reprimands. ayatollah khamenei encouraged agha: people called it necessary to participate in various political and social arenas in the sermons of friday prayers and added: encouraging people to do social good deeds such as participating in the construction of schools and hospitals and helping to release needy prisoners or encouraging them to participate in the political arena. it is necessary to work like elections. elections are a political arena in which people's participation is necessary in the literal sense of the word. it means that it is both a duty for the people and a right for the people. elections are not just
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a duty. participation in the elections is a right . it is your right. give an opinion about the leader or the parliament will choose the leader. use the leader of the revolution, emphasizing that the jihad of explanation is effective in encouraging people to attend the court, did not consider mere verbal invitation to be enough and added: action, good face, responsive language and presence in various gatherings of people, especially gatherings of young people , are necessary. hazrat ayatollah khamenei in the final part of his speech. today, god's hand
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can be seen in the international issue of gaza. they said that the oppressed people of gaza were able to impress the world with their struggles, and today the world looks at these people and their resistance group as heroes. he does. he called the prominence of the oppressed and at the same time the victory of the people of gaza in the eyes of the world from those works and the blessings of their patience and trust and added: today , no one in the world believes in the victory of the usurping and evil zionist regime in the war, and in the eyes of the people . the world and the politicians of this regime are cruel, bloodthirsty, defeated and disintegrating beings. emphasizing that the people of gaza made islam popular in the eyes of world-seeking people by standing up, the leader of the revolution
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prayed to god for the daily glory of the fighters of the resistance front, especially the people of gaza. he they also praised the great work of the yemeni nation and ansarullah government in supporting the people of gaza. the people of yemen and the government of ansarullah did a great job. what they have done in support of the people of gaza is rightly and justly worthy of praise. these are the vital channels of the zionist regime 's threat to hit america . don't be afraid of america
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. when a person fears god, he doesn't fear anything other than god. to continue even nasr, by god's permission, before the statements of the leader of the revolution, hajj ali akbari, the head of the juma imams policy council, gave a report on the twenty- sixth meeting of the imams across the country, attended by nearly 900 juma imams. new details of irgc missile attacks on several targets in iraq and syria mossad headquarters have been attacked for the fourth time in the last 100 days. this is
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the irgc missile base in east azarbaijan province at 12 midnight. this is fatih class ballistic missiles , haji corps aerospace solid fuel strategic missiles. ras 12 alhamdulillah, all my work has been done successfully, this is how the zionists have targeted the mosa spy headquarters in arabir, iraq, these missile attacks of the irgc aerospace force. they consider it the biggest missile operation of the irgc. perhaps they mean this axis of the attack, which targeted the meeting of isis leaders in khorasan, around idlib, syria, in the terrorist training support headquarters, about 1,300 kilometers away from the south of khuzestan. like
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mossad, according to news sources, at least their high-ranking officers were killed in erbil. the main target of the rocket launchers in arabir is the mossad spy site. covering a villa with a tennis court and swimming pool. but after irgc ballistic missiles and the destruction of this mossad site, the amount of concrete and rebar used is too much for a normal villa for construction, it is similar to a well-equipped fortress. the diameter of the walls and the number of rebars used. it is to deal with such explosions. a total of 24 missiles. 11 rockets are fired at mossad centers in arbir. many of the operations carried out by nuclear scientists and explosive operations in important centers of the islamic republic
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in these years have been carried out mainly through it was the province of iraq, which means directing operations the assassination of martyr fakhrizadeh and several other operations such as an attempt to explode at iran's aircraft manufacturing site in shahin shahr and supporting the suicide attack in kerman or hazrat zahra, where a girl with a pink jacket is one of the martyrs of that terrorist attack, with the support of mossad officers in these centers, as if they were blood villas spilled we will take revenge hard. sardar salami has announced that the irgc will continue its attacks against musa's regulations in the kurdistan region. iraq will continue. this sound of rockets was heard just less than 20 days after the sound of people crying and fear in kerman terrorist attack.
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the anonymous guards of the irgc aerospace force say this qarsh the missiles are so that no iranian will ever hear the sound of children crying again. yunus shadlo of sada news agency. following the irgc's missile attack on mosa's spy headquarters in erbil , iraq, and terrorist groups in idlib, syria , cyberspace users reacted to this incident . users wrote about the power and accuracy of irgc point missiles. the sound of iranian ballistic missiles was also heard in cyberspace. a user wrote, "what's up?" and answered that hechi joked about the health of the mossad headquarters and the terrorist gorehaks. the one with
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a common expression among the people of virtual space like this the event reacted. the name of the work . iran's missile attacks on the mossad headquarters in erbil, iraq, and isis in idlib, syria, or the terrorist attack a few weeks ago killed many people. you kill women and children by dropping bombs on innocent people , but we kill spy headquarters with missiles and gang gatherings. we are targeting terrorists from idlib to erbil. whoever was accused was polite, we will not let the blood of our children be trampled on, and the photo of this missile with the hashtag girl in the pink jacket was widely circulated in the cyberspace and users. with artificial intelligence they made dozens of pictures about reyhaneh, the girl who was martyred in the terrorist attack in kerman. maybe the secret of last night's operation was the girl in the pink jacket with the heart earring. missiles
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with a pink jacket and heart earrings. when we say "point-of-sight", it means to hit the military and terrorist target in such a way that even the lawn and basketball court next to their headquarters are not damaged. a user wrote under the photo of these rockets, to alleviate the pain of the afflicted families of kermani, fatemeh sharifi , president of the sed and sima news agency, the effort to realize the preservation, promotion and recognition of iranian islamic identity as four important and fundamental missions of the ministry of culture and guidance. mr. raisi's islamic numbered in 15. the tenth destination of the program of headquarters supervision of executive bodies went to the ministry of culture and islamic guidance.
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this is the reaction of the cinematographers to the president's defiance . we were delighted with your presence . please forgive us for putting our tongues in the middle of the situation. mr. raisi, under the supervision of the headquarters of the ministry of culture, first went to the cinema organization to the fajr film festival selection committee. thank you very much for the trips to estan because we really need these trips and looking at the cities because i saw them in this festival because i myself am a child of the city. and i know that there are many brilliant talents in our cities, mr. raisi said in the meeting with the filmmakers of the 4th and 2nd fajr film festival that iranian islamic civilization has cultural assets. the government is also ready to
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take steps in this direction with the cooperation of the people of culture and art, god willing . haj agha , would you like to make a movie about it? it is very important to depict the people who are working to supply water to the villages in order for gas to reach villages that are very difficult to reach, they are supplying gas, and we can declare a city a green city, which means that there is no family there that has not been supplied with gas . these are beautiful effects of serving the people. how many permits do you issue on average per day? it took 10 days from the time motaghazi took action to issue the permit until it reached us . the minister of guidance and his deputies reported to the president
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what they did. the title of the book has been entered into our collection to receive a license, of which 28,000 are licensed getting it without any problem or problem, about 82 of them got a warning that they got drunk, which means 41 thousand of them, after getting a license, one -sixth of them were considered illegal. mr. raisi gave them four basic missions to preserve and promote iran's identity. islamic and recognizing threats and dealing with threats mr. raisi emphasized the necessity of transformational and jihad movement to deal with widespread cultural invasion and said: the endowment income should be spent on cultural economy, of course, not for the purpose of making money. our goal is not to make money from the economy of culture , but to spread culture in the economy of culture. production is one of the important things that can be invested the content is definitely your collection.
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it can be effective in this regard , it is important to strengthen cultural communication, this expansion of persian time is a very good thing , but the expansion of persian language is one of our tasks . cultural officials and advisers of our country were among the other points emphasized by the president . today, the world is a war of narratives. you see, in the case of palestine, put a page and see from the first day. when the movement of palestine started, until these 100 days, how to guide the media in the zionist world the americans considered it necessary to encourage and support the people of culture and interact with artists, to pay attention to the people of the media, people of culture and the art of film and cinema , and other sectors related to this situation in their lives , the needs they have for cultural justice and the creation of suitable infrastructures and platforms for gathering and the activity of culture and art people in the provinces
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was another emphasis of the president. i believe that it is important to pay attention to the provinces and cities. it is not tiron everywhere, it is not just the streets of tehran. we have provinces, we have cities, we have people with capacity in cities. we have these things should flourish, trying to accurately and artistically follow the achievements of the government and narrating the promising effects and strengthening and promoting financial discipline and administrative health .
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in the south of the gaza strip, rafah and khanyounes were repeatedly targeted by the zionist regime's artillery and air strikes. ministry of health. he announced that 2,485 people were martyred and 6,154 people were injured since the beginning of the zionist regime's attacks on gaza. today, the zionist regime also targeted the southern regions of lebanon with air and artillery attacks . merkavai tanks the regime also shelled some houses in this area. the zionist newspaper ma'arif today's attacks on lebanon are the most severe attacks since the beginning. war
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described. the resistance battalions targeted the zionist settlements around gaza with rocket attacks. zionist sources announced that at least 50 rockets were fired at the zionist settlements near gaza and caused damage. in the north of gaza reported mahdi sources.


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