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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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this widespread message reaches even to our northern countries and to our northwest . it is important in terms of national security and international security. the importance of last night's operation was very complicated. why, because we were in a situation where we should have responded , we should have announced deterrence, and we should have reciprocated. we respected egypt, and at the same time we know that we are in a very tense situation in the region, that the logic of the rationality of government actors in this situation dictates that you do not respond in any way, because your response has led to an increase in out-of-control tension. and god forbid it becomes a direct confrontation and a war, which means that there must be an intelligence and politicking in choosing the level of the reaction operation.
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the operation level of the target operation and the message you want to convey means that while creating deterrence while delivering the message , you must respond in such a way that you do not open to war. according to their own claim , they are superior countries in terms of military power and are members of nato. by god's grace , we know yemen a few days ago that it was in the news that a couple of hours ago the operation of the information given to the element of allah that we want to attack, where we want to hit, this means that the situation is so tense that no actor in the region wants the situation to get out of control . it means that he wants to send a message, but that message should not be taken more than what he means , completely like that and not leave a photo effect . for a message
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, don't do this to me again, but that message can sometimes be very close, for example, i think that the place where these missiles and pahvads were shared in iraqi arabic was close to the american consulate. our point is that while we are delivering the message , it doesn't hit them, we don't give it, but we deliver the message, that is, in fact , we deliver the message that we can, but we don't want to, thank you. it is experiencing a war , contrary to the imagination and wishes of the americans and israelis , it reached more than 100 days . their goals were not achieved in gaza. but exactly an hour later, hamas again in those areas it appeared and as if day after day, when
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the zionist regime and the united states tried to hit places outside the occupied and palestinian territories, israel was assassinated in lebanon, and in syria, the americans also carried out operations in yemen with the help of the british. do you think that the conditions the region is in now are adopting a new policy unlike at the beginning of the war when they said it should not expand now. in the first week of the war , when i was in the service of his highness , i told my dear ones about the future scenarios, that this war is likely to be very long, and now israel, the united states of america will be stuck in the region, contrary to many dear ones who believe in this period and claim that the states of the israeli regime are following.
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expanding the war is dragging iran's foot into the region and dragging the us into a face-to-face war with iran and other actors. strategic science and international relations science do not tell us this, even the military doctrine of israel, which its experts talk about on their tv in their articles, emphasizes that we must let's focus on one front , get victory on this front , get achievements, then if we want, we can go to other areas. geography israel and israel's strategic depth does not allow it to be able to go to war with several fronts in several places. but what is the point? the point is that the moment you are weak , the message is transmitted to your rivals that you are weak, so others may consider it an opportunity to put more pressure on you and harm you more. in order to prevent
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it, it is a deterrent, it is a complete deterrent, that is, limited attacks on hezbollah. on the other hand, he has confirmed his deterrence to america against the element of allah . you are weak, you don't want to put more pressure on me. from this point of view, if we look at the situation, we will see that the situation is completely different. the americans themselves had an analysis. always when the americans have elections, biden does not want to start a war . this is really it. considerable and can be considered as a way to say that because this has to have elections, it definitely does not want to go to war. you see, in international relations , we say at one time that there is a tendency that the arena in international relations is dictated to the governments in such a way that
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they are forced to consider i don't believe if biden has the desire, because as the width in terms of opinions, the upcoming elections are very important. under pressure, despite the fact that the strategies of the white house's big thirty in foreign policy do not give the least importance to public opinion, but other than that , you want to look at the same time as the crisis in ukraine , the same time as the concern and competition with china, and at the same time, let me tell you the crisis. there are many internationals. biden, who proudly said when he left afghanistan, that i am the first president who has no more wars in the middle east. in my opinion, the willingness to enter another war in west asia is extremely limited but is it possible that in this complicated and tense situation, he will be forced to react to preserve the survival of his most important ally in the region? it is
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possible. thank you, mr. simiari . done. in your opinion, what message does it send to the regional actors? in my opinion, we should teach the operation of 26 december in our military colleges and research centers. sometimes they say that messages are more important than actions. in order to explain the message of operation on 26th of december with a small example. see from the area that we launched a missile in the south of khuzestan towards ableb province. in the northwest of syria , the distance is approximately 1,300 kilometers from the same point to haifa and tel aviv, approximately 1,300 kilometers, that is , let's go around khorramshahr a little lower
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, the evidence will reach haifa and tel aviv. this message is a clear message. the same morning that these intelligence officials of the zionist regime were activated. at first , they tried to hide the issue at all, that no such thing happened, then they tried to say that no , sir, it was a villa for one person, but how many the next hour, the bbc announced that an important mossad cover headquarters in ild was attacked and cleared, so this shows that the messages are from the khoramshahr region in the south of iran and from the northwest and northeast of the region. our northeast has been properly transferred to the enemy , maybe it has interesting dimensions, now the chosen army could have fired this missile from any point in khuzestan, but the name khorramshahr and the meaning it
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has for the people of iran, especially the other side, well very yes. first of all, i told you why operation 26 is two masterpieces of military engineering and intelligence at the same time, we destroyed the headquarters of the terrorists , we destroyed their connected and disconnected brains, the mossad black box, and we sent a strategic message to the enemy that any kind of chaos you create around our men will be answered directly. it was and you will receive it at the nearest place in haifa next to the american consulate. thank you, mr. bazargan. in your opinion, in this inflammatory situation of the region, with all the equations that exist , where should iran's special situation stand and what attitude should it take ? see, i still believe it. that the war will continue and the situation may
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get worse than this, and we should keep in mind that the american elections may be held next year. if trump gets out of office again and changes the situation in our region even more, well , we should keep this future in mind , but at the same time, we should know that for the time being, the islamic republic of iran in the region is spending money on israel and its allies. and what america has created is wonderful, without any explanation, i saw from the zionist experts themselves, those who are not in netanyahu's government now, say that you have created a situation. you mentioned that iran and its friends are sitting in the area and i can safely observe the sinking of our ship . he made it himself and
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the situation at the moment is strongly in favor of the islamic republic of iran and the resistance axis, but in the future, according to my belief and the belief of many military experts , including americans such as janmer scheimer, etc., etc. , this path is a long, long and uncertain path like all sensitive events. in international relations, always the safest way in these times is not necessarily to respond , not to exact revenge, but to increase the maximum power that country means that you must always be the cause of the maximum threat and to eliminate that state of power maximization, that's why many believe that peace in the middle east will ultimately be achieved by establishing complete nuclear deterrence of the islamic republic of iran in the region. thank you . just a few hours after
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irgc ballistic missiles simultaneously hit the headquarters of the zionist regime's spies in erbil, iraq, and the takfiri gathering place in idlib, syria.
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they also complained about why the us did not shoot iran's missiles because of the zionists the american who was able to find these missiles , why didn't he destroy them, the position of the united states of america, like all the positions of the past few days, in relation to the houthis in relation to the red sea, is a very hateful position. mohammad javad reza soltani, jahan sada and sima news agency
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, today i will continue with some news and reports , south african lawyers are preparing a lawsuit against the united states and england after south africa filed a complaint against the zionist regime to the international court of justice. they are from america and england because of complicity with zionists complain. the head of this group of lawyers said: america must accept responsibility for its crimes. this south african lawyer has read the resolutions of the gaza ceasefire in the security council and the sending of thousands of bombs and ammunition to the zionists from the accusations of the united states and england in the gaza war, and in the united states itself , the complaints of human rights supporters against the president, the foreign minister and the defense minister. this country because of its involvement in the gaza genocide. accordingly, biden blinken and
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austin must appear in court on the 6th of bahman to answer. in an unprecedented action in 77, a recognized human rights organization from around the world from three senior government officials america means president joe biden, secretary of state anthony blinken and secretary of defense lloyd austin , to the court on charges of genocide in gaza. they have sued in the state of california. the reason for the complaint of these human rights organizations and civil activist groups of the world as plaintiffs in the case against the american president and his two ministers is that they violated international laws, including the violation of the genocide convention and the declaration of human rights, in their duties to prevent genocide. they have not acted in gaza. according to this 42-page complaint, biden blinken and austin should appear as defendants on the morning of the 6th of bahman the case will be filed in the northern district of california.
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american media analyst and activist mike figueroa says: this is the minimum accountability. which the american government should have because of its support to the zionist regime. why won't biden ask israel to stop the genocide in gaza because he doesn't want it to stop. that is why we say joe biden is complicit in this genocide. like israel, he is eager for ethnic cleansing and genocide in gaza, and his hands are stained with the blood of the people of gaza. however, in these days, there is opposition in the american society with the continued killing of the people of gaza.
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the government of this country fully supports the zionist regime and continues its attacks on gaza. meanwhile, 65 members of congress along with 175 state and local officials of this country have demanded a complete ceasefire and stop the attacks of the zionist regime on gaza as the root and cause of all conflicts in the west asian region. ali rajabi the minister of foreign affairs arrived in davos, switzerland an hour ago to participate in the world economic forum. mr. amir abdullahian traveled to switzerland at the invitation of the organizers of the 54th meeting of the world economic forum. the 54th davos meeting with the presence of leaders and representatives it will be held in more than 100 countries.
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it is more than 50 years ago. the german university in the snow village of davos, switzerland, founded a gathering. first , it was the annual meeting place of economic activists in europe , and then its founders were able to invite high-level political officials in the world there. the world economic forum, which is also known as the davos summit, outlines its purpose as follows. annually examine the most important economic and political challenges of the world and think about solutions for these challenges. but reviewing the history of davos has recorded memories that show the validity of this world forum for a long time the public opinion of the world has faced a challenge. for example, davos is held on days when we are about 100 days since the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. but the names of gaza and palestine
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did not appear in any of the topics and titles of the meetings of this summit. the issue of palestine once by mr. mottaki, the minister of foreign affairs. iran's time was announced in davos. many people in the middle east are involved in the process of palestinian issues. see mr. blair himself. their hair is white. after being prime minister, their hair was not so white. and this shows that the issue of the middle east is not a very important issue. tony blair also said if you don't want to let the rest of my hair turn white.
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reduce wealth because it is very destructive for society. of course, iran has accepted the invitation of the organizers of the meeting of the world economic forum with the aim of not leaving empty space for its discussion and presenting views. for many years , we talked about the type of leadership that is worthy of the future world. until the 13th government, discussions such as the regional relations of the islamic republic of iran , the government's approach. new iran we will also explain the balanced foreign policy and the doctrine of the new foreign policy of the islamic republic of iran. minister of foreign affairs of the 13th government for the second time in 1402 he participates in the meeting of the world economic forum. one of the opportunities of the world economic forum or the davos meeting is the access of journalists to the political and economic authorities
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of the world, who may not be able to have such access on normal days of the year. in this meeting, conducting interviews in the corridors, as you can see here, is seen frequently. hosni sadat shabiri , broadcasting agency, davos, switzerland. now, after this report in the world today, we want to go to davos, switzerland, to talk with my colleague, the great journalist of sada wasima news agency, ms. hosni sadat shabiri . ms. shabiri, hello, hello to you, mr. hashem greetings to the viewers of the world today , you mentioned the details of this meeting, which was held today, it was the second day, and it is now at 20:45. it is local and we can almost say that the shutter has been pulled down on the second day of the davos meeting and today mr. amir abdullahian
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attended the second day of this meeting and it was full of events. b.c. america and, as in the main report , dawes, in plain language, is an intersection. the presence of world political officials and prominent world economists the media do not miss the opportunity of this meeting to talk with these officials, perhaps similar to this meeting, which i can almost say has little political formalities and helps the conversation to flow more easily . the media welcomes this meeting . there is one thing about davos is that the companies of the world, who may not be well-known now, or the well-known ones , hear the need of politicians in the world to
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review their activities for a working year based on what the world needs. another one of its goals, as mentioned in the report there are challenges that this year, two short-term and long-term challenges for the world will be discussed in this summit. one issue is the false information, or in other words, fake information, which has worried both the political and economic authorities of the world, and a major challenge. there is also the issue of climate, which is supposed to be resolved during the 5 days of the davos meeting, of course, as this year , the slogan of trust building has been raised in davos and it is a priority , and with this priority. it shows that some of the davos meeting of the world economic forum is faced with double standards in discussions.
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there is, but anyway , there is a meeting and an almost unique opportunity in the world, which is held every year in davos, switzerland, mrs. shabiri. now , tell us something about the sidelines and what is going on under the skin of this meeting . the point that was interesting to me, considering that i have experienced the presence of officials in informal official meetings many times , the informality of the talks here attracted my attention, for example, where maybe the secretary general of the united nations, mr. guterres, with the secretary of state of the united states, antonio blinken was having a private conversation with mr. n. n in my opinion, the communication that is being established
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is a unique feature of davos, and i can say that it is going on under the skin. i can also say that it is actually an example of what the function of davos is. foreigners should support and not allow the internet to be vulnerable. the national internet is being discussed with the companies in this area. i saw that the authorities, for example , the united states and china, are asking how to cooperate with the companies and achieve these goals . in short, in answer to your question, i can say that davos there is an intersection between politicians and economists . thank you for more cooperation, mrs. shabiri . it seems that where you are, the weather is very cold in dabus. how many degrees is there now
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