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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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kazakhstan and azerbaijan provide 60% of it . this baku, tbilisi, ceyhan pipeline plays a key role in loading and supplying energy to the occupied territories. 30,000 barrels per day, which if the oil from baku and tbilisi does not reach, the zionist regime will be paralyzed in providing fuel to the occupied territories. türkiye also has a hand in this fuel supply. last year, the export of ship and aircraft fuel from turkey. the uae and saudi arabia also kept the price of oil low after the start of the war by increasing oil production. so
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far, the yemeni boats have only become the energy arteries for the zionist regime. bandar eilat is not the anchorage of any commercial ship these days. now the freight costs have increased by 173% , which is thanks to yemen. also, the insurance costs for ships carrying goods have increased 10 times, and the time for transporting goods through the sea has been rising for about two months, all of this is the result of the yemenis ' resistance. the rerouting of ships from the red sea has caused 3 billion dollars in damage to the israeli economy. perhaps, if muslim countries such as yemen stopped supplying fuel to this war machine, the zionists would not be able to portray such crimes. amina sadat was zabia. news agency
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radio the remains of one of the world's most ancient commercial ports in southern iran. bandar sira is a port at the end of the coast of the persian gulf, which has been a center of trade and seafaring for at least 2500 years since the sassanid era. this port was the center of iran's international trade, especially during the sassanid period until the 5th century , for sirafi sailors from east africa. india, china, and
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the far east being present and along with commerce, the special cultural influences of us, iran, means what is actually it is our rich cultural behaviors and they lived there to remember and they themselves even local officials or local posts to get ships in the ancient world from the port of siraf a sea route. they covered the persian gulf, the sea of ​​oman, the indian ocean and the china sea. based on the remains of some sunken ships on this route, archaeologists found pottery samples and pieces left over from iranian and chinese cargoes on this route. based on these remains, scientists found out that abarbandar siraf was a place of exchange of medical knowledge, the culture of its time skills. it is a center which represents all of iran, which means that you
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can see chinese coins , african coins, documents from other countries of the world, on the other hand, you can even see in japan, indirectly, the works of these were transferred to there, then, in the field of religious and political and commercial ideas and different sectors, you can see this influence directly. in today's siraf , we come across the remnants of handcrafts that various hypotheses about. it is that these handstands were part of a set to collect rainwater that was transferred down the hand and in wells were stored for use in different seasons of the year. in the sassanid era, which is famous for water structure engineering in the world , natural rocks were carved to extract water, considering that the historical port of siraf was facing problems in order to supply drinking water to its inhabitants. on the surface of these rocks
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, sassanid engineers had created basins, and when seasonal rains occurred, these basins stored the water in their hearts , and due to the rock bed here, which is conglomerate, the water it penetrates downstream to the underground water tables from time to time the underground water table was reached, the people of bandar siraf could use these wells dug in this complex throughout the year and use them for drinking and other purposes . it is an example of sirafi's architectural skills. also, the remains of a market and a mosque can be seen in this port. these examples of architecture are related to different periods before and after islam. also, the remains of a type of
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shell artifacts were found in siraf, which is native to india. in the sense that this oyster is exported to siraf from india the workshops of this port were converted into ornaments for the consumption of native hindus. has been there are a series of businessmen who trade these. in many historical sources, they are called "shangheh sepid" of the holy chunk bead or any other title. being a few people at all is a chore. shenge was the work of someone who produced oysters . because of this, we are sure that these came from the shores of kavaj gulf to iran or siraf and there was a workshop for the production of payments. historical carved tombs with kufic inscriptions and glass vessels. safali and labdar are other findings of the historical port of siraf, which are now in the museums of lor and britain is maintained. siraf's face today is industrial. everything has gone to industrialization and
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, anyway, most of the lands there have real owners now, and many people are actually building on the same lands where there are actually a series of these treasures deep in that land. the siraf ancient area was registered in the list of national monuments 47 years ago and its global registration file is being prepared along with other historical monuments in the south of the country. this is an opportunity to recognize, preserve and introduce the heritage hidden in the ancient port of siraf. elham goran of sed and sima news agency. the recent terrorist attack in kerman and the rescue and medical forces that were present at the scene in gombe jebeleeh, the forces that spared no effort and
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rushed to help the injured with all their might. the injured were transferred to 12 kerman hospitals in the first moments, and if 901. i helped another force that was looking to provide aid to injured children. i am really happy after i found out that little zahra was fine now. the remarkable thing is that the medical forces came from different places. in my true sense, it is a team work and everyone
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i saw togetherness and unity from our nursing students our retiree attended because he was talking about organ transplants, his organs were donated to how many people, hearts, kidneys and livers were all transplanted to how many to 10 people. and finally, the minister of health considered this service of medical and relief forces to promote the culture of self-sacrifice and helping people , perhaps a unique move was made in the world, and that. coordinated cooperation in relief delivery is the first priority. well , our dear ones, you have seen the scenes. you have seen the scenes on the radio. i must thank you that please show the people this very good speed in providing aid. all the bases
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near gonbat 96 in the recent terrorist attack in kerman , about 750 members of the medical staff were at work. i laugh unnecessarily, i enjoy things that go around . i have autism. i am autistic. what is autism ? there is a difference in behavior that sometimes shows itself in confusion or the inability to socialize. we autistic mothers are different from all mothers. we have a lot more patience , our kids can't go to the park, my brother is autistic. he has no words
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to express his feelings or even say, "i'm thirsty" and how hard it is for parents, it's very hard for a mother to see the liver in front of her eyes, and that you don't even know the golden age of rehabilitating and educating autistic children until the age of five. if they are trained, they can manage themselves in adulthood, say hello , autistic children have no imagination, they are nervous and bright. they are bothered in crowded environments, not pencils. in the discussion of communication with family, friends, acquaintances, well, autistic children have a series of special maintenance , they have a series of special sensitivities, for example, a child is not autistic. if you are present in an environment where you assume there is noise and weddings , depending on the spectrum, you will be removed from the parties. many of these families really have a very good and excellent education, at the level of a bachelor's degree or a doctorate, but because they themselves have to take on the role of a nurse, take care of their children, and sometimes even work as a therapist
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, that means working alongside the therapists. it falls autism is not hereditary , but it is more common in boys than girls. i have two sons. they are elderly and nujan is my third child. autism has no cure, but the solution is work and speech therapy it is therapeutic. good job. good news in this not so big building. for the families who have an autistic child, our audience today is the families, they are a society that is waiting for the implementation of their demands, their needs, their pains and sufferings . now, within the next 48 hours , the plan that you have to adjust the same things that i said, all the resolutions that were brought up in the meeting, with the cooperation of the department and the ministries involved, most of the resolutions were operational and implemented.
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basic insurances also came into use. all expenses for autism patients, which is in the field of autism treatment , rehabilitation, which includes speech therapy, psychology and other services, are free in government centers. in the private sector, we pay 80% of private tariffs in private sectors. entire. the approvals that were approved in the supreme council of insurance to support these loved ones, all of them in the social security organization are now implementing all their medical services, especially the rehabilitation services that have just been added in the form of a government definition. visit psychiatrist is part of the service package. we cover services for children up to 12 years old
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. autism missing persons system was also introduced in cooperation with faraja. if anyone goes to our websites and clicks on this person's name , it will inform our user that this person has autism, and when we file a case for him , he will inform our case officer that this person has this special disease. there is a person who is missing, let's inquire from our system, we can get his details and the phone number that is in our database with his address , inform his family after meeting with the office. first vice president, mr. dr. mokhbar, we had a shock as if it was given to the society in the field of awareness . i am a mother of autism and i understand this completely .
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in terms of the level of employment, up to 500,000 people in this industry have invested 5 billion dollars in this field and are employed. at present, nearly 700 personnel
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are directly employed in the factory, earning 2,400,000 per month. we have production, until a few years ago we were its importer, but now it is almost 1401 we exported 40% of our production to more than 52 countries in the world. our company's products are exported to 13 different countries in our region. the production of iranian tile products is for our arab countries, our iraq, for example, maybe four or five dollars, but europe is $20 and above. we do not want to export iranian products to european countries , that is, maybe. there are nearly 30 companies that work with decorative tiles in the country. today, their main sales are the export markets of the region . due to their high standard and quality, these tiles have their own customers and have been able to find good markets. to earn for himself inside and outside of iran
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, almost 90% of our activity is for export . we found quality products that no longer need to be introduced and advertised in iraq. 80 % of the iraqi market is occupied by iranian ceramic and tile products. technology has come to the aid of this craft and added to the attractiveness of its design. in terms of technical knowledge, iran's tile industry is not behind the rest of the world. in terms of ceramic industry, this country has been colorful for years. glaab is familiar and in mosques and buildings we have used different types of this, we have made the glaze smart against the light whenever the light is activated to our product and any type of microbes on the surface of the tile will be destroyed . domestic production, with the help of knowledge bases, part of the industry's need for machines
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is produced inside. for the first time, we were able to produce roller furnaces in iran. with high production, by using the world's latest technology , let's bring these backpacks to the stage of manufacturing and production. after we did this , we started writing our own programs, which became a good routine for the operator because it was in persian. who can easily work with the machine , see the output and extract the best product from those machines. today , we are producing many parts and machines inside the country . the path started from the path of purchase and today daneshmounian group companies are producing good machines inside the country. fortunately, the
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production technology of the ceramic tile industry has been localized in iran maybe for several years. before, all the equipment of kash ceramic production line had to be imported to iran from countries such as spain and china. it is with these achievements that iran now stands on the fifth platform of the world. we are the fifth country in the world that produces ceramic tiles. the growth factor that we had in the so-called quantitative and qualitative development of these products is truly unique in the world. this art industry is like the rest of the industry. there are challenges, we also have gas problems in winter, in summer we have electricity problems, on the contrary , we have not been branded, so turkey buys our goods from us and exports them under its own name. in europe and america, the most important challenge in the industry is the supply of raw materials and financial discussions . our problem
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is more related to the development of the communication infrastructure of the countries. that the feet of the ceramic tile industry should be removed , the world fame of this industry can go beyond iranian carpets. ali asghar amre of sed and broadcasting news agency. i felt that there were still a few minutes left in the narration of abu zainab and his wife. i had the same story myself i will write the book myself, but when the lady gave this suggestion and had an interview with abu zeinab before her martyrdom, we willingly accepted the interviews and started the 265-page book that
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tells about mohammad jafar hosseini's current adventures in his presence in syria will pay for their veterans and finally their martyrdom . stay in the sanctuary. usually , due to the lack of time , he did such pranks less often. rahsafd takes the reader of the book with him not only to the land of damascus, but also to afghanistan. the name of the book there is a white road, which i said here in the dari dialect, and its dictation or spelling is written as a white road. the white road in dari language means goodbye, have a good trip. so much so that afghanistan is in this book. he knows , maybe he doesn't know that much about syria, because anyway , they are afghans, and they speak afghani at home . this book
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is the result of 25 hours of interviews and narration. it has taken 3 years, considering that the conversations between the martyr and the martyr's wife were in dari language , we had to translate this part into dari , and now when torkshid wrote the white way book because of this issue, it made him live once again. with. muhammad jafar and his memories may be evoked for me and i can live with him in my imagination for once . when i turned on the lamp, it didn't move . i saw the same side where he slept at night . the book "i reached it" fatima means devotion to ahl al-bayt fatemiyoun means oppression and fatemiyoun means bravery of martyr muhammad. jafar hosseini is one of the fatemiyoun forces , which we call the islamic resistance front, which includes iranian, lebanese, afghan forces and those
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who believe in islam, who call to fight against arrogance. i looked into his eyes, do you want me? send haram, wherever you go, i can see your mischief in your eyes . a few hours later , we saw each other at the entrance of najaf market. i could read from his face that he did something and he doesn't want me to understand. tell me the truth. tell me where you were. now he has published the story of the conquest of rah sefid by the commander of fatemiyoun division, amir hossein khademi of sda news agency. the buildings in which we live or work stand on concrete or metal skeletons. there are more concretes in this share. this is called emboh sazaha.
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ready concrete and concrete parts consume more than 50% of cement produced in the whole country. with 1,200 factories that produce and a very large share in construction. and they have construction plans of the country. on the other hand, 600 steel structures production units in the country produce 300,000 tons of metal frameworks every month. all the country's infrastructure is somehow connected to the services of steel structure manufacturers. in oil and petrochemical industries, in bridges, technical buildings, weapons , industrial towns. the use of these two types of skeletonization of the building. there are different reasons , the importance of these depends on the type of structure and type its use and in fact its architectural plan, if you
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want to have smaller dimensions for columns and shear walls, in different climates, unfortunately , buildings are built exactly the same, while we build a building with it when we have a spring, for example. weather conditions with that climate. for example, with the building we are building in urmia, which has a completely different climate, it must be different in terms of form , materials, and the characteristics of even the inner space of the raw materials, whether the structures are concrete or metal is effective in many we have structures from parts of our country we make good and we are making good concrete, but this does not cover the whole country and all parts of the country. right now, as i am talking to you, in many parts of the country , there is no access to standard sand, which is the main form of concrete
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. the reason is production. it is very expensive and it is very important in terms of cost and type. in fact, the use of our mines is very important, although the manufacturers of steel structures say that by using solutions , they have reduced the cost of this structure . concrete is considered more economical, this structure we observe in the weight of the structure is lower than the amount that we want to consume from the iron resources of the country, the amount is consumed less, and the costs can definitely be reduced to 30-40, when in a metal structure for each square meter, it is now on average. we use between 70 and 60 kg of steel in
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extraordinary structures, maybe even now. more, but if we want to compare these in concrete structures , it will be almost half. another factor in choosing a structure is the speed during the execution of the project. i think you can collect 10,000 square meters of infrastructure for a factory in about 3 months or three and a half months , which is finally a situation in terms of timing. it's very good and doesn't have a capital sleep like concrete buildings. we created a design in the molds that increases the speed of moving the molds . previously, the molds were in smaller pieces . the roof was different. the walls were all designed in advance. the issue of windows and entrances all this has been seen in the design of the molds, it is completely implemented in concrete form and on the spot of
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the manufacturers. steel and concrete structures each offer their own structure, but the conditions the supply of raw materials determines the type of climate and the final price of the type of structure.
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what is the most interesting thing in mahd farsh? thank you for guiding us to buy carpets. i am satisfied. here, i see designs and plans that seem to be special for themselves. i have not seen these anywhere else. the staff treated them really well. i removed them . really , very well. i feel comfortable in my own home. if you ask me, i will say that respect is the respect of iran.
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it is 4 am tehran time and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. the minister of energy informed 10,000 chiefs of aberestani by the end of 1403. mr. mehrabian said at the appreciation ceremony for the activists and benefactors of water supply to the villages: the existence of 60 thousand villages in the country and the climate diversity made the presence of benefactors with the ministry of energy more important . forming this very valuable forum is a big step in popularizing this effective work and great service with the great efforts of zealous men


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