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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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in fact, our workers and industrialists, a very important point in this process should be taken into account is that all these missiles that were fired today are actually produced by our industrialists and our loved ones in the defense industry, whether in the army or in ministry of defense and this shows the level of that capability and our message as one of the most powerful armed forces in the region, which naturally any kind of program should have these considerations . mr. dr. saadullah hosseini, mr. dr. haji najari, iran's action is actually targeting the zionist axis of daesh in 3 parts. to do. a section of those who solidified the security of the islamic republic of iran. one was those who gave shelter to the terrorists and the third part was the point and issue that are the organizers of terrorist groups. from your point of view, simultaneous action.
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what messages does isis have for the zionist axis, both domestically and internationally, it has exactly the same message that we pay full attention to the various levels of those who threaten the national security of our country and we can give the necessary response in a timely manner. let's give them , in this connection, this is clear, and during the days of acceptance of the terrorist act in kerman, isis also later. after the fact that he issued a statement that i did this was almost re-read the actions of isis and its supporters led by the zionist regime. in many statements, conversations, and analyzes, this issue was fully considered that the major part of the support for isis is done by the zionist regime, and rightly so in this simultaneous operation that took place , to the strategic training department and headquarters of isis in adla.
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this rocket scattering and rocket launching operation was carried out and this heavy destruction was done and this compensation was done to the dead and injured and also to the group of their supporters who were in another area. the name of the province of kurdish provinces of iraq means, in fact, a clear and transparent message was announced that none of the oppositions that can harm the interests of the islamic republic. the security of the creators of the country will not be far away. let's go to the same issue that you raised, that is , what is the zionist regime's activity in the kurdish areas, especially the kurdistan region? well , there are several topics that i will explain, one of them is that we have a very close relationship with the kurdish people and the authorities of the kurdistan region, from a very distant history, from the time of their conflict.
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saddam's regime and even before that until today and we definitely look to the future with a very good perspective . like mr. blinken, or the spokesperson of the white house and the us state department, they said things that show that they are interested between us and a big neighbor , and that we want to have a very close interest, which is iraq. first of all, the americans themselves are the most aggressive country and in connection with this missile attack , they announced that this is actually a violation of the security of the country of iraq. we want to give them the answer that your bases are in iraq.
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the security of the people of iraq has become a threat, your interference during the past 20 years has caused various disturbances . it is not that other people from outside this region interfere in this field , but the main point is that some officials the elders of kurdistan themselves do not know why, because the presence of the zionist regime and their headquarters have existed in the past, some of them claim ignorance about this issue and say that this headquarters does not exist here to support the zionist regime. but i want to say this point in the past operations, almost two weeks ago, when the iraqi resistance came and took an action. it
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was that in the sphere of infiltrating the conditions of the zionist regime in iraq in the regions of the region , the zionist regime took an action, which later shows that the iraqi resistance knows that the zionist regime in the iraqi region has a base and we know it very well, that is, in fact , there is no danger in this issue that anyone can say that this action that has taken place, for example, an unarmed person or a non-spies can be killed in it, because these are the doubts that they have been creating this for the past 10-12 hours. i want to state this point when he was chosen for the zionist regime's spy headquarters in kurdistan region when no one
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was present there except for the officials and the spy officials. some people say that the family is there, there is a child there there was a lady there, this is not true at all, and the distance from this headquarters to the center of erbil is close. it was 30 km. you should note that the media creation should not create these conditions for the public opinion that this missile hit residential areas. mr. dr. haji najari, a part of your speech that emphasizes the numerous and continuous plans of the enemies of the islamic republic of iran system to disrupt security and diminish what is presented as an achievement in the field of the islamic revolution. let's take a step further, the different plans and scenarios of america, the zionist regime and western countries disrupting security and creating unrest and chaos in the west asian region and
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let's see what effect the islamic revolutionary guard corps did today with 24 ballistic missiles will have on the developments in the region . mr. the intention of the matter is that the americans actually live in this region and their existence is based on the existence of crises . these days, when the iraqi government officials, who clearly pointed out that the americans should leave iraq, the americans claim that because isis is still present, we should stay here. let's stay. so, who is isis? well , look at mrs. clinton's confessions. the
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region is one of the most sensitive regions in the world, due to its strategic location and oil resources. and finally, since the distant times , the powers have been seeking to dominate this region. well, if this region is peaceful, the people of the countries can live a peaceful life together based on the same conventional behaviors . there is no longer any need for the presence of the aggressive powers, so they must definitely be the center of attention. to create a crisis, the creation of the zionist regime in this region was to create a center of crisis to preserve the survival of the rulers. americans now in this region, by creating a crisis , they want to have their own survival and be able to influence the development of the region in this way. the explicit message of the islamic republic of iran is that the countries of the region are capable of defending their own security and
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iran's innovative action in this field, considering well, the activities that took place in the past , while respecting all the rights of the countries, are actually the answer to the problem that we are able to maintain the security of the region , mr. shadero, our time is very limited , and we also want to agree on a report about the targeting of missiles. explain to us these 24 ballistic missiles as i mentioned, the headquarters that was targeted was outside the city of erbil, a mosa spy headquarters under the cover of a villa that had a swimming pool and even a tennis court . the type of construction is made with heavy concrete and heavy reinforcement, which is so-called a type of use in military structures. this model of building facilities is because it is not cost-effective
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to build a house or villa. this 50-meter verter has not hit the tennis court or, for example, 100 meters beyond. the missile did not land on the road, all of them carefully, that is, the missiles, for example, fatiha 110 and fatiha 313, which are now about 400 kilometers away from the exact point of impact, or, for example, the elements of the irgc, especially the intelligence forces of the irgc quds force, because the mossad forces, especially
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the intelligence forces at exactly what time, in which regions, mossad showed the intelligence elites of iran dramatically at the regional level . thank you very much to everyone, younes shahedlou, the reporter of the sed and broadcasting agency, and of course, the editor of our defense desk . i say goodbye to you, i think about 3 minutes to at the end of the conversation, let's have a chance to see a report , let's go back and have a final meeting. the sound of iranian ballistic missiles was also heard in cyberspace. a user wrote: what's up? and he answered that nothing, health. the irgc combined the mossad's regulations and the terrorist gangs. that one reacted to this event with a common phrase among the people of virtual space. the name of the work, the name of the work, sobh, settlement of accounts with the murderers of the pilgrim martyrs of sardar delha. many iran's missile attacks on the mossad headquarters in arabil , iraq, isis in idlib, syria
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reminded me of the terrorist attack in kerman a few weeks ago. innocent people are martyring women and children, but we are targeting spy headquarters and gatherings of terrorist groups with missiles from idlib to erbil . it went viral in cyberspace and users made dozens of pictures about reyhaneh, the martyr of the terrorist attack in kerman, with artificial intelligence. maybe the secret of last night's operation was the girl in the pink jacket with the heart earring. missiles with a pink jacket and heart earrings. when we say dot zan, it means to hit the military and terrorist target in such a way that even the grass field and basketball court next to maqal. a user wrote under the photo of these point missiles to alleviate
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the pain of the families of kermani fatemeh sharifi , sada and radio agency, mr. dr. haji najri, a short summary and a clear message to both the terrorists and the enemies of the islamic system, to be aware that the system of the islamic republic is decisive. of security. he supports and protects his people . mr. dr. sadr al-hosseini. for the umpteenth time , the islamic republic proved that the countries of the region can support themselves well. they can ensure their own security. they can secure their own interests. so as soon as possible it is better for the trans-regional countries to get out of this region and put aside interference such as the attack on yemen. thank you very much to both of you for your presence and analysis on tonight's special news talk. to mr. shadli, who accompanied us from another studio, and as always and every night, i am grateful for his company. thank you very
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much. in the name of god , in the name of god , in the name of god, in the name of god , in the name of god. light upon light, in the name of god, who is wise. in the name of allah, who created the light
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, i am the light, praise be to god, who created the light, i am the great god god is great, god is great, god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. allah
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is the witness of ali hajjah, may god live with peace be upon him. hai ali al-falah
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hai ali al-falah hai ali khair al hai ali khair al-amal allah akbar, allah akbar, no god, no god , no, i felt for a moment that i was at the scene of an accident or
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lying somewhere, the narration of an opportunity, a chance to live again, something that made me attracted. . i have never missed an opportunity to regret because i was with god, god helped me in my youth, so i have never missed an opportunity and regretted it. there have been some neglects, but people regret it later
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and try to make up for it. sometimes i was lazy in prayer, i regret it. no, now we miss being able to pray two rakats of prayer while standing. i can't make up for it. there are times when we forget god and need to be reminded . unfortunately, i missed the chance. there have been opportunities that i could have done something that would be better for my life, but i didn't do it and i regretted it. later on, everyone has another negligence, but with repentance and with repentance, we can return to our original path. of course, sometimes these opportunities are repeated , the month of rajab is an opportunity
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it is an opportunity for divine values ​​and closeness to the holy nature of god and self-improvement . these days, which were introduced as outstanding days in our narrations, are all opportunities. every opportunity is also a blessing. every blessing requires gratitude . i feel that every year can i ask god to give me some things in these months? when they say, for example, it is raining now , j. god will give us time, let's not miss this opportunity. now one is praying, the other is trying. we both pray and try. in the month of rajab , the month of self-improvement and fasting, what do you do in this month, usually during the day? we take the recommended actions during the month of rajab for our self-improvement . it is a blessed and good month. so , what do you usually do in this month? we fast, we praise god
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, like the months of rajab, sha'ban, and ramadan that we have , every moment is truly a treasure for us. muslims, may god bless us with an opportunity he said in order to be able to serve well and from this opportunity. let's use it and feel good. it is one of the best months of the year and we fast in this month, i read the quran every night , and i come here for pilgrimage every day. in the past one or two days, there have been a lot of messages in the virtual space . in the month of rajab, here are some voices that came from the elders and this was our day . the month of rajab is an opportunity for a beginning. one of the characteristics that a believer should have. it is to be able to use the opportunities in his life. of blessing
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ha, from the moments that happen to a person and can benefit a person in his material and spiritual growth. these opportunities are very short and fleeting. sometimes it passes like the wind. god bless you. how many days are we in this world , god willing, that we all can make good use of these few days, god
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willing , we all receive divine forgiveness? the hug that is always open to me is vale nematian of sadave news agency. with our artificial intelligence capabilities, all levels of the system the governance of media governance in the age of artificial intelligence was the topic of the third artificial intelligence and media conference. one of the uses of artificial intelligence in the field is that it creates tools for many of the tasks that we used to do with computers in the past but now again. we used to do it manually and create an excel file. we used to make charts based on the excel file, now he goes and does all this by himself, and in the field of news, you regularly have series that
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equip you so that you can combine , synthesize, create a trend. can you predict what is happening in this field, prevent fraud , follow the news chain, adapt the news that this person who said this yesterday or 10 years ago is saying now and what is the difference between today and tomorrow we have news polls which are easy to do these days, artificial intelligence is a very powerful pollster, the necessity of content production , media regulations, media ownership, media management, among the axes of this conference, another work that was discussed at the same meeting, which was announced in the center the scholars of the majlis were with the colleagues of the majlis. it was us in a way, by amending some of the existing laws and adding a single article to them
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, let's speed up the path of legislation and influence on this issue of legislation . artificially, we need regulations and rules in this field more than we need laws or independent laws. it should take shape and flow that meetings like this in order to prepare and plan the issues, we must observe three principles. let's provide the coverage of these infrastructures , let's plan for this and do the same thing as fundamentally as we can. the second point is that we should actually move in the direction of protection and support for the activists in this field . let's keep it alive and up-to-date in this issue because you know that this issue is strongly
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related to the platform and the companies, in fact, the platforms and us. we have to take this position, the third is to inform and educate the audience of consumers of media literacy , virtual spatial literacy, because whatever we do, if awareness and vaccination is not formed in the user . it is very difficult to distinguish artificial intelligence from right and wrong . i think that these three parts, i.e. side by side, can be a model for the movement that we will have. artificial intelligence has provided 13 specialized reports. the last report was also related to the division of national work between different elements of the system, the roles and duties that each of these should have in the development and planning of artificial intelligence in the country . also, in the seventh program, there are materials related to the development of artificial intelligence and risk management its possibility has been seen. also, for the first time in the country, the pushti majlis center
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conducted the artificial intelligence law enema project , which was the demand of the supreme leader of the revolution. in the past years, we have successfully completed all the explicit generations by verifying 100 with the artificial intelligence. the implicit generations are also more than we have completed half of these implicit versions , god willing , we will finish this project by the end of the 11th parliament . what is the most interesting thing in mahd fesh? thank you for guiding us to buy carpets, i am satisfied. here is the plan i see some that are as if they are special
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. o allah, peace be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate. hello and good morning . dear viewers , welcome to the news section at 6 am. the first vice president's request to increase the share of the rural economy in the growth of the country's gross domestic product. in the first national conference on the capacity of the village in the national economy, mr. mokhbar called for a fundamental change in the approach by criticizing that in the past years villages have become producers and consumers.


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