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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and speed them up. hello , welcome to the news section at 1:00 p.m. the president appreciated the irgc 's actions to promote peace and security in the region. he said that security is the most important issue in any country and honoring all the military, law enforcement and security forces who are working day and night to ensure and maintain the security of the country. mr. raisi also pointed to the killing of 24 defenseless women and children in the last 100 days of attacks by the zionist regime on gaza and said: zionists, despite the support of all
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on the side of america and some western countries , they did not have any achievements in reaching the goals of their declaration, i.e. eliminating the resistance and freeing the zionist prisoners. anti-terrorist operations in syria and iraq have been carried out in full compliance with international obligations. the ambassador of our country's permanent representative in the united nations clarified in a letter to the secretary general of the united nations and the president of the security council. as one of the main victims of terrorism, iran has carried out targeted attacks against the bases and facilities of terrorist groups based in syria and iraq within the framework of the inherent right of self-defense and international humanitarian rights have been fully respected. done tuesday morning, in response to the recent actions of the zionist regime and isis against iran, with 24 ballistic missiles, the irgc hit the mossad spy headquarters in erbil, iraq, and the gathering of terrorist groups in idlib , syria. aimed the deputy of the legal commission
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of the iraqi parliament said: erbil should coordinate with baghdad regarding the presence of foreign military forces. referring to the targeting of military bases inside the kurdistan region of iraq or outside it, morteza al-mousavi added: the government of iraqi kurdistan must coordinate with the central government for the presence of any foreign military forces in this region. there should be no such problems. al-mousavi emphasized that security decisions are made in the government and the command of the iraqi armed forces, and any military force that is not coordinated and agreed with the government is a cause of conflict. the good news of the statesmen for the farmers, especially the palm of governors, mr. eslami. on the sidelines of the meeting
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, the government mentioned people's health and judicial security as two important priorities in the strategic document of this organization and announced the production of a nuclear product to get rid of common pests in the groves. by the end of the year, god willing , we will open three centers and these three to the center is a positive step towards preserving the health of people pests are agricultural products. and in particular , we have a new achievement for the palm groves sector , and the destructive pest that has hit the palm groves, which has not been eradicated with the conditions it has had so far and with common pest control, we have this with a new technology, in fact, it is nuclear. we designed and built a system for it and signed it this week .
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will be reported. according to the announcement of the government spokesperson, in today's meeting of the board of ministers, funds were given to farmers in the provinces of fars, bushar, sistan, to protect plants, especially dates, against various pests. baluchistan, khuzestan, hormozgan and kerman should be allocated. the guaranteed wheat purchase price of 17,500 tomans was approved. the minister of agricultural jihad announced this news and said: price council. the establishment of basic agricultural products determined and approved this price for the 1402-1403 fiscal year by holding several meetings with the presence of all members, including farmers' representatives. it was possible to collect records and receive a pension. the spokesperson of the government announced the approval of the regulation on the transfer of insurance records between pension funds in today's meeting of the government board. it allows the collection of insurance records
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and the transfer of records it facilitates both electronically and in different ways, it tries to provide the necessary regulations for the transfer of records, and to have facilities so that loved ones have an easier choice to choose their insurance fund . especially in the field of combining insurance records , he considered regulations that even it is possible to receive a combined pension, that is, a person who has two or more insurance funds in two or more insurance funds can receive insurance payment records. even the minister of communications and information technology has said some organizations under the ministry agricultural jihad and welfare organization are among the less efficient devices in the field of connecting to the national window of smart government services. mr. dharapour also
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announced that the services of the ministries of justice and power will be offered online in the national window of smart government services . the ministry of justice, the ministry of energy, the ministry of communications and education, as well as the ministry of health and the ministry of sports and youth provide more than 70% of their services . the first two that i mentioned are 100 % in the ministry of communications and 97% of our services are provided electronically. that is 3%, god willing. will be done soon at the bottom of my list of some there are institutions that need more special work . we are now holding meetings with them to quickly solve problems, including the ministry of jihad, the ministry of cultural affairs, and the ministry of oil. there are only 3 days left until the end of the first phase of the national health campaign. the national health campaign
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is being implemented in more than 180 cities of the country with the approach of screening people with diabetes and hypertension, which has now reached the participation limit of 43 million people. one of the goals of this program is to identify people with diseases. and creating a cycle to complete the treatment process, which is followed in the context of the electronic file and referral system to be in order to know the latest statistics of people's participation in this campaign, contact has been established with the director general of the non-communicable diseases management office of the ministry of health. mr. dr. edemad, greetings to you. please tell the viewers today's statistics. in the name of god. i am a servant. to you and the viewers of this news section, i wish you a good day. in the last 24 hours ending this morning , wednesday, the 27th of january, 85,124 people participated in this campaign, of which 1,274 people
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were diagnosed with new blood pressure and 6,243 people with new diabetes fortunately in days at the end of the survey, the number of clients has increased by about 20% compared to the beginning of the last week . accordingly, the total number of participants in this survey is 43565 people, which covers the population over 18 years of age in the country for evaluation of hypertension and diabetes to more than 70%. it has been reached, doctor , how many science universities, approximately 48 universities of medical sciences in the country out of 63 universities
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, were able to achieve this minimum coverage of 70% or the average that i presented to you, which is a significant and acceptable number and the quality of their coverage. it is desirable to a large extent because in from the beginning of the campaign until today , 8218 new hypertension patients, 457253 new diabetes patients , 9897 thousand people in the pre-hypertension stage and more than 2 million 900 thousand people in the pre-diabetes stage were identified. this shows that both quantitatively and in terms of the quality of the work, this campaign has had a significant value. about what is planned after the end of the first stage , what is the plan after
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this stage ? participation in it will never stop, but it is a 6-month program it has been compiled that the people who participate in this campaign and are at risk of contracting this disease are or are suffering from two diseases, one of the priorities of our colleagues is to take care of salam amed behvarz and the doctor on their desk as a priority rather than with calls the activity that takes place should be visited at least once a month by a health care provider, once every three months by a doctor, and once a year by internal specialists in the form of family health system to make sure that the disease control process is based on the recipes. clinically performed carefully . special thanks to mr. etamed general manager non-communicable diseases management office of the ministry of health.
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the minister of foreign affairs emphasized that only the palestinians themselves should decide how to manage the affairs of gaza and the west bank. mr. amir abdollahian, in a meeting with the prime minister of the government of the advancement of lebanese affairs , referring to the efforts of the united states to design how to manage gaza in the post-war phase, said: the motivation of the israeli regime to continue the war is the forced displacement of the palestinian people, and the american government is complicit in this crime because the zionist regime cannot continue the war without the help of america. najib miqati, the prime minister of the government of lebanon, and the palestinian situation he assessed the region as worrying and said: it is necessary to strengthen political efforts to end the war against gaza. with the withdrawal of zionist soldiers from around nasser hospital in khan yunus, the bodies of seven martyrs were discovered around this hospital. the area around this hospital has been repeatedly attacked by the israeli army in the past hour. some
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local sources in khanyounos described the airstrikes this morning in khanyounos as unprecedented . at least 26 palestinians were martyred in these attacks. gaza city was targeted by airstrikes since this morning and resulted in the martyrdom of 25 people. the number of injured people is reported to be dozens. the occupying regime released pictures of the terrorist operation in nablus this morning. in this operation , which was carried out with a drone , three occupants of the car were martyred. the assassinated person, abdullah abu shallal , is the infrastructure commander of balata camp in nablus. palestinian sources , however, announced that two palestinian brothers were martyred along with mohammad qatawi in this terrorist operation.
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the settlements in the north of the occupied territories are the targets of hizb missiles god of lebanon, after the zionist attacks on areas of lebanon, hezbollah did not leave these attacks unanswered. zionist fighters to six regions. hezbollah also
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targeted a number of military and zionist settlements in the occupied nabyoushe region of lebanon with different types of missiles in response to the aggression and attacks of the zionist forces. the media of the zionist regime also admitted that three security forces of this regime were injured. we were back after 3 months of clothes. we took some things, but it proved to us that it is not safe here anymore , we have to find a new house in another place. base samagheh and beyaz bilida were targeted with guided missiles and hefdestan base with barkan missiles and the gathering of zionist soldiers in the east of avon menahem town and ramya base were targeted with heavy weapons. ball house and tank. merkavas of the zionist military also
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targeted eight areas, including kafarkala, abbasiyya and around khayyam. the fighters of the zionist regime attacked the area of ​​ita shaab with three heavy missiles and trench breakers donated by the united states. hassan azimzadeh of the ita broadcasting news agency, branches of the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. islamic resistance of iraq, images related to being targeted hit a vital location in the center of occupied palestine with an advanced cruise missile. some news sources announced that this missile hit an area in haifa. zionist regime about khas. iraq's islamic resistance to the zionist base in erbil was confirmed. this base was targeted by the iraqi resistance two weeks ago. iraqi resistance announced. it will continue to attack the interests and bases of the zionist regime.
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we pledge to god and the people to pass the law on the expulsion of foreign forces. so far
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, 100 signatures have been collected and our brothers are preparing a draft of the law on the expulsion of foreign forces. although the zionist regime and the united states strictly cover up the amount, the western media and their losses in the attacks of the islamic resistance of zionist iraq publish statistics about this from time to time. the hebrew newspaper jerusalem times announced that three israeli military intelligence officers were killed in the attack on the israeli intelligence base in erbil on the night of the 9th year. iraqi resistance groups targeted a spy center of the zionist regime with drones, as a result of which three spies were killed. in this area , there is a place for american spies and aliens does not exist. although the zionist sources
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have informed about the existence of security headquarters of the zionist regime in northern iraq, the kurdistan regional government denies this issue. it is from iraq and must deal with any presence of foreign forces in the region together with the central government. the existence of the american and israeli headquarters has caused the anger of the iraqi people and they demand the expulsion of foreigners and the implementation of the parliament's resolution. a promise to the world of baghdad. the aggravation of the disagreements of the senior officials of the zionist regime turned the war cabinet meetings of this regime into controversial meetings. according to al-mayadin network, the voices of shouting and arguments between the ministers have become the war cabinet of the zionist regime sometimes goes outside the meeting. israel's war in the gaza strip has been on its 100th day simultaneously with the civil wars, which has sometimes
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been between political figures, sometimes between military figures, between cabinet ministers and sometimes between the prime minister and the minister of war. to the extent that, according to experts and analysts, the meetings of the war cabinet have become a place for verbal and political discussions and conflicts. in fact, discussions and controversies in the cabinet have been very strange events during the past weeks. we see such events every week. i must tell the viewers that this is the council that it is decided for war, but the disputes do not end there. it is strange that in one of the meetings when bingweer and minister of war mary riggio started to discuss , he easily took out a bag of corn from his bag and
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found that the minister of war left the recent meeting of the war cabinet requesting to implement changes in the cabinet or holding early elections to overthrow netanyahu. increased. according to experts and analysts, netanyahu is not only no longer in control of the security situation, but has become a symbol of security failures. the us secretary of state said that israel after operation storm volgaza is a witness to it , which has never been seen before. anthony blinken said in a conversation with cmbc tv: considering the new situation, the israeli authorities must make fundamental decisions about their future. the us secretary of state said that the decisions tel aviv has to make are not easy. before
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this, benny ganses, one of the members of the zionist regime's war cabinet, had warned that the situation that israel has been in has never been seen since its inception. un officials say gaza needs more aid faster. according to the france 24 channel, access to drinking water in food food is very scarce and expensive. the agitated crowd is scrambling towards the aid trucks. for the people of gaza , humanitarian aid is the lifeblood that allows them to live another day. we need important items like flour almost now. we live without flour for a month and only eat rice, but it is not enough to survive and it causes problems for some people's health. we
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really need flour and water. aid trickles into gaza from the south, but it is by no means enough to meet the needs. providing assistance it faces obstacles because the inspection process for aid entering gaza is slow. also, another obstacle to the continuation of the conflict. the united nations warns that the people of gaza will face widespread famine and disease if they do not receive the aid they need on time. it's terribly crowded here, we only have drinking water every two days, and non-potable water every three or four days, when you have to stand in line for hours, life is not easy anymore. conditions are difficult everywhere and every day.
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they sleep temporarily while building a fire in the open space is the only way to provide heat. oil company and gas multinational shell stopped its ships from passing through the red sea. newspaper. the american street journal wrote: this decision was taken after the american attacks on yemen intensified the concern of increasing tensions in the red sea. the japanese shipping company also stopped the passage of its ships through the red sea. the increase in the stoppage of ships from the red sea is that the united states and the united kingdom have attacked yemen several times since 6 days ago under the pretext of providing maritime security. yemen announced that the ships of the united states, england and the regime. it is a legitimate goal and other ships if their destination is ports without the zionist regime, they can freely cross the red sea. the 12th
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fajr fashion festival will be opened with the exhibition of selected works tomorrow in the historical cultural complex of saad abad. this festival continues until wednesday, the fourth of bahman . 1300 works. most of the works are from the province and about 20 visions participated in the fashion and industry section and 23 visions participated in the women's social level coverage section, and of course the design teams also participated, and this year we are now, so to speak, on that complete collection. who came or every participant who came presented 3 looks. special thanks to your company good day, god
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bless you. in the name and remembrance of god, greetings to you, dear viewers of the khabar network , we are currently witnessing calm and clear weather in the country, but we expect that from late tonight, the northerly currents will move towards the northern coasts of our country, in addition to the fact that these northerly currents will decrease keep the temperature in the northern belt and especially the caspian sea coasts , it will bring rain in these areas
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. from tonight, rains will gradually start in gilan, mazandan and golestan provinces. these rains will continue for thursday in these areas. and to along with the rains, as we mentioned , the temperature drop also happens in the northern regions of our country. for thursday afternoon, we expect wave activity in the southeast of our country to cause rain in the provinces of south khorasan, sisistan, balochistan , kerman, hormozgan, and east fars province, mainly rain and thunder. from saturday and due to the altitude of kerman province , we predict precipitation in the form of snow. we expect to have calm and stable weather in other regions of our country for the next few days , which in big and industrial cities will cause fog to prevail in these regions. another point. there is a wind blowing over the persian gulf and the caspian sea , causing the wave height to increase. the sea
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is rough and choppy in the persian gulf until the day. friday also has an increase in the wave height and the sea is rough. likewise , the caspian sea is rough for tonight until tomorrow . we have an increase in the wave height. marine warnings have been issued . marine activities during this period should be limited. for tehran, the sky will be clear in the coming hours. we will have a bit of cloudiness with the wind blowing for tomorrow, thursday, considering that we have increased rainfall in the northern coasts. for the height of alborz and the height of the province tehran, let's witness the increase of eyebrows. along with the increase in clouds that will happen tomorrow in the highlands of tehran province, there is a possibility that we will have scattered rains in the highlands. but as we mentioned, the weather will be calm for the next few days. calm weather and moldy dust are expected for tehran. thank you and god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the merciful , the merciful, in the name of hazrat fatima zahra, peace be upon her, during the 44 years of the islamic revolution, every difficult task has been made easy for the
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islamic ummah with the help of her name. it will be in the elections and we will open this network in the name of hazrat zahra athar, god willing , we hope that the blessing of this name will spread over the entire islamic nation, especially the people of iran, god willing, and god willing, with the blessing of this name. let us have a passionate election. with the blessings of muhammad and the family of muhammad, we will open the network of the choice of ali muhammad and the family of muhammad and ajl faraj ajl farajhiye
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