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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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are you factory a or factory b , a newbie? well, we are looking for an explanation to make the system as you wish, the central bank could not produce as much as you wish, the country can be managed in the conditions of sanctions, so they are doing the same controls that you are switzerland has been sanctioned since 1997. yes, the most important rules of the international sanctions have been applied to iran. our argument is that the government does not have a problem with macro policymaking, we do not have a problem with monitoring , we have a problem with interfering in our system, where is the interference, where is the interference, one of them is that every time i want to produce something, these prices are
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i am the first to say that we agree with you that the government fixes a fixed price. i was the first to say that, but my point is that the price formula is not the same as it is now, for example , they have an annual increase, but that is determined by the government. you are not correct. but the optimal solution is not what mr. shahidi says that the government should gather its hands and come to our side
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. from last year to this year , get one of the lowest reports from the statistics center. down the highest price increase was in the home appliance industry. it is true that people do not have purchasing power. after the leadership's disasters and before, what a disaster it brought to the people. then we came to the program that we produce. see the competition and market economy of science. if the production goes up, the supply is more than the demand, the market load will be automatically balanced and the price will be balanced.
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if the product is necessary , the price will not necessarily decrease with the increase in production. if you allow the quantity from last year to this year, please allow me to run out of stock. then, i would like to double the amount of car production in our country from last year to this year. well, has the price come down, why is it because the product is a product, this price elasticity of demand is important, not the car, if it is like our product. don't compare like this
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, they didn't want a license plate, they said, sir, the same method of smuggling can come, then you know the car would be a third of this price, by the way, the government intervened there , the government came there.
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they are called in such a way that they think that the officials want to work for the people, but we see that this economic disaster is happening in practice. when we see the meat there was an increase of 136, chicken increased by 57, and fish increased by 85.
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for example, one of them is not a piece. see what he has done now. you think that the prices have gone up. you know better that the value of the national currency has come down. it will not go down if all the goods go up together. this is how we , the producers, why do the prices go up. when the price goes up, the first is we are harming ourselves as we are less able to sell goods with the purchasing power of the people. after 5 years, our producer came to the conclusion that he never wanted the price to go up, but when it comes. look at the currency price every day , it has created an expected inflation now for the next year what did you do in the budget? respected members of the parliament also approved 50 for the tax. the appearance of the case is 50. the tax is good. yes, the country has to rely on
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taxes. there is no reason to use other income, for example, to export oil money. this is all correct . i know the concepts now. the tax that goes up by 50%, first of all, this seller hears this news or that producer hears it. he says, "look, next year we will have to pay 50% more tax. to whom will this tax be transferred ? it will be transferred to the consumer." now you say your order. you say that the market is not competitive, the government should be enter, as far as we are discussing pricing , how will the government set prices for home appliance products? this is your question, and this topic of our discussion is development . he is going to import 80, 70, 50 as per the doctor's order, for example, 30% in some units. if the manufacturer is dependent on imports, then what should he do? now i will explain to you
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. please see this year. importing means a disaster. it means that a country that has sanctions on its household appliances needs your help. yes, the statistics are there . i am at the customs office . i am at your service. i am very surprised that you did not do this. i will not include other basic goods. i have to ask you, sir , what is the outlook for home appliance manufacturers in iran? are we going to gradually reduce this basic need and necessity of the people to zero , and become self-sufficient or not? it's going to be a mess let's do something in the middle of eating bread, let them take a slice and bring it.
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in fact, if you have to import , you won't have an advantage somewhere, and countries won't sell to you based on facts and evidence and international mechanisms . then what do you want to do with this lack of advantage? in chicken production, which is one of the largest industries in the country, we have 13 self-sufficiency factors. in chicken production , we have 15% self-sufficiency. we have no need for chicken at all
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. we should close the chickens and then tell the people, sir, we have no need. let's go , for example, import chicken from russia, if russia is a reason. there is no such thing as the slogan of self-sufficiency in the products you see is nothing but the same slogan, mr. shahid, now that we are in trouble, we can produce koreans leaving iran. in any case , in the case of a pure monopoly, the government should
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monitor and control it. in the orders that my friends actually broadcast before the program started , i wrote some points from some gentlemen . the seller's union had said that when the prices are not fixed, the price of the components is variable in fact, it is not fixed, this should not be true, but this does not mean that you should give up the final price, say, well, since the exchange rate, for example , is not fixed, then, mr. producer, you can price the exchange rate in any way, any formula you like. it's equal, you make the price of your final product 10 times. now what do you want the government to do, so i can get the answer from mr. mashedi. i'm sorry. in all countries, there are pricing rules. no, now we are talking here . what should the government do now , or with in fact, the agency of the competition council or
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support organization in any possible way should be the government of the producer please, sir, the producer of this formula , give me your price, so i can see where your costs are, how much do you pay for labor, what percentage of this final price is actually tax, or how much of it is overhead costs, how much of it is due to value, give me this , give me this price. the same formula that you give me, i agree with you , i will adjust your final price year by year, this is the mechanism, not the order price, not abandoning the market, it is not a formula. a certificate signed by the manufacturer himself , tell him, sir , i will be working for another 20 years with this price mechanism. the pricing components have changed in proportion to the change in the final price of rome, we will change this formula. it is a formula that can be fair for the producer and it can create prosperity for the final consumer, not that if
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the price of the field is equal, the price will be 50% for example. the product i brought to your presence was imported and needed to be imported. for example, the currency has increased by one percent, and the price of goods has increased by the government, in addition to the fact that the manufacturer has to guarantee that this 50% dependence on imports will be 40%. we are using the prosperity of this country, finally a little towards self-sufficiency, now they are completely self-sufficient under the table, but i say that the advantage should be created, mr. bozoran, the advantage is to be created. at the beginning of the work, there was no position, neither did japan have a position , nor did korea have a position, nor did the united states create a position. now the academic and university that mr. hassan khani says may be formulas there is another one, but let's accept that
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it didn't work in iran. which of these formulas is yours? sir, we are saying that if there is a severe shortage , it should not be created for a temporary period. we don't have a problem , but if the level of production increases a lot , as we have already mentioned about all the problems , let's say a little bit that really, in the last few years , the level of production of your products has increased. household necessities have increased sharply, some items compared to two three years ago, three to four years ago , it doubled, doubled, and half, so we had an increase . when we had this increase , production is still in the market .
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we do the highest control ourselves, because in you, when there are 10 importers, the manufacturer supplies the goods. a consumer who goes there sees that he compares each of the prices and he himself is the decider with these formulas of opponents? and one of them is saying that there should be rules. the rule is not to read the above statement every minute. yes, the general rule is that there should be no abuse. we don't have a major problem with that, but we have to wait in line for a few months for any product price. we now have a production unit to produce it.
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let's make a point about it. for example, i will tell you that there are no more than 5 factories in the world for tv panels. in the world, they are producing panels, that is , they are single screens, and that is the case. turkey does not produce them , india does not produce them, there are four in china, one is in taiwan, and even korea produces them. it is no longer at a large economic level, it should be at the level of those we have disadvantages
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let's go and produce the one that has no problem. i didn't chant , i said, sir , i did n't say such a thing, this is a fallacy.
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the year after the islamic revolution, the domestic producer of home appliances has grown a lot compared to before , and has created a position in this country. yes, the basis is you, not us , the final production, now you think the entire final production, for example german goods are produced in germany itself, we have the opportunity to bring them , now i will get the answer to mr. shahidi's question from you now you say a formula for each product , for example, for a vacuum cleaner, one for a rice cooker , one for a refrigerator, one for a refrigerator, or not , see the general rule, if you just give a summary , if the general rule cannot guarantee the well-being of the consumer
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, confirm the rule. it is not generally followed. no, now they say that we should not do it one by one. there should not be a general rule . do you believe in this, sir? how many products do you produce? you produce more than 50 products . this 50 person is in charge of 50 formulas. once and for all, the formula is approved. let it be from your side. we will be signed every year according to your own formula to be i will get mr. shahidim's answer in a minute , and then what about you regarding import and width? what does it mean? it means to import or not. in the sanctioned country, we have no choice at all. in fact, the ability to pay our currency for goods for import is very weak. for now, we are in a state of atarchy. in fact, we are under siege. it should be pointed out, and so should we. as much as we can, we should reduce the import of household appliances and the production of household appliances . thank you, mr. shahidi , for your summary in one minute.
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we really don't make a profit with the increase in price because our production is going down drastically , there is no consumer market, people can't afford it compared to other goods , finally, at the general level, now i won't even name the goods , after all, last year was the official statistics. inflation was 45. compared to inflation, we had a lower price increase than that. we tried to compensate for this to some extent by increasing production, increasing productivity, and increasing efficiency, but really, the factors that increase, such as the price of land, domestic goods, which are proportionate, such as steel for example, petrochemicals will go up according to the currency and the wages of the likes and the overhead of water money and so on electricity will find them, we can't have two
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abads in electing a strong parliament, the key is in the hands of the people, iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram playing with the whole country, why are you setting prices in this month? it's an interesting question. we don't want to be a football manager. who will pay the insurance, it will be discovered , it will be identified intelligently, i don't agree with any kind of treatment, we don't agree.
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pay attention, if the consumer price of a product or a basket of products is, for example, 20 million tomans, and we are supposed to pay 20% of it in advance , this 20% must be less than the consumer price. you can pay us like this, it will be 16 million tomans , and fees and commissions must be calculated based on this amount, so pay attention to the consumer price and the remaining cash. the specialized reference for household appliances in the city of household appliances is very easy, up to 300 million tomans , no real estate collateral is required. not blocking
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the guarantor deposit up to 50 million. my name doesn't want to pay back up to 5 years, not the real one, i said , wait, let me ask about the legal status of rome, sorry , can you tell me the terms of the roof for legal entities, up to 750 million tomans, with the same conditions , you can even transfer it to your employees. rial for natural persons and 7 billion and 500 million rials for legal persons, repayment up to five years , short-term deposit, long-term repayment , nikan melli project, melli credit institution, hello, ladies and gentlemen , welcome to flight 58 28 see, i wanted to know if the city really guarantees the quality, yes, it guarantees
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a back city. this quality is a city behind your shopping . we will host you at the central branch until 2 am. good evening, dear and respected compatriots. we have arrived at 16:00 and the news of this department is presented to you by all my colleagues from the frame of khabar network do. qom is the 13th province that was equipped with an election television channel. candidates for the march elections can present their programs to the audience using the capacity of these channels. seda and sima have prepared 20 election channels all over the country.


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