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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the yemeni army officially announced the targeting of an american ship in the gulf of aden. the yemeni army issued a statement and announced that in support of the oppressed palestinian nation and in response to the aggression of the united states and the united kingdom in yemen, the navy of the army targeted the american ship gankopcardi in the gulf of aden with a number of missiles , which hit the target. the yemeni army in its statement. that the response to american and
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british aggression is certain and any new attack will not remain unpunished. researchers have developed a transparent implant that is placed on the the surface of the brain provides information about the neural activities of the deep brain. university of california researchers have made this implant from transparent and flexible polymer tape with graphene electrodes. filled with recordings from the surface of the brain, this product acts as a brain-computer mediator and produces high-definition data about neural activity from a deeper level. specialists of a knowledge- based company succeeded in producing an image recognition system . in making this product , face analysis and recognition tools using artificial intelligence are used to achieve design and manufacturing technology
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the image recognition system with the possibility of 100,000 detections per day is an image recognition product whose main tasks are monitoring the environment and traffic control . the type of presence and...
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the protection of that organization is reported. secondly, the image of that person is recorded and delivered to the legal authorities for follow-up. they appear differently places like museums where precious and valuable items are present and you can completely eat all the parts. this system registered and reported their changes. the hardware requirements of such a system are not prohibitive. in the design of this software , we tried to impose the lowest cost on the customer. in terms of price, the system is also competitive with similar foreign ones. what is necessary is not to change the camera , to change the nvr or dvr systems they have, but of course, because of the amount of processing that needs to be done, a server or a computer with a certain power. good power good
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it should be added that it can perform these processing tasks, but since the system is designed from the beginning in such a way that it can respond under load , it does not really need complex hardware in the same box that you are looking at, even if there are 200 faces and if 500 objects are present at the same time, this system is able to detect them . iran is the fifth country that has been able to produce caparis plant in the form of seedlings. caparis is also used in desertification projects due to its low water retention and fast growth . farmers also destroy this. they say this it is an invasive plant that damages our farm. caparis legji or kobar is a little known plant that grows as a car in most parts of iran. the plant is very drought resistant.
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it has very little water, it is very resistant to high heat and radiation, it is resistant to salt, flowers, fruit, twigs , stems, leaves and roots of this plant can be used and have many healing properties. reduction and control of diabetes as well as treatment of liver diseases indicates that this plant is a product that is very valuable in terms of food and medicine, and pickles are made from it, the price of 500 grams of which ranges from 100 to 200 thousand tomans, because the european market it is very good, it can be exported , its commercial product is more buds, the purchase is guaranteed, one of the economic benefits of the caparis plant is the production of mellow honey from this plant. caparis is both sweet and spicy. the price of honey produced from it in arab countries is 200 dollars per kilogram. these characteristics made a knowledge-based company think of producing seedlings of this plant. we were able
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to increase the germination rate of this plant from 3% to more than 95%, and now we produce its seedlings exclusively in the country. we are the fifth country to achieve this technology. plant capari 3 cobra. due to its advantages , it is a suitable option for development and cultivation in the country. it has a very high economic value. another point is that the plant is early blooming, that is, it starts bearing fruit immediately 2 months after establishment. this plant grows in the southern regions of the country. the sand dunes in shush have great development potential. and the natural resources organization has also done a project in fars province, which was done with the welcome of the local communities. it needs to be promoted. this plant is also a very good option for rural reverse migration because of the issue of disenfranchisement. institutions carrying out deprivation works can use caparis
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, it grows in weak soils and hot and dry environments and is one of the low water-retaining plants. based on these facts, the natural resources and watershed management organization has considered this plant as a suitable option for desert restoration. introduces degrees. specialists of a daneshbunian company succeeded in producing a cloud call center. this software can reduce the cost of communication between companies and businesses by 90% . managing phone calls in companies and businesses by localizing the cloud call center thanks to a knowledge-based company. this product is on the internet there is a generation. the new v pantrale lines, which, with the difference that it does not need any server hardware equipment or cabling, is a fixed line that goes everywhere and is presented as an application, which is a good alternative to the past methods that
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actually customers and companies they go to telecommunications, buy telephone line equipment, or switch to the switchboard. this knowledge-based company provides instead of providing. a telephone line offers a telephone center with many facilities. one of the facilities it provides is the possibility of simultaneous calls, which actually allows several people to make incoming calls on one line at the same time. having an internal phone output, defining working hours , calling a mailbox, printing calls, sending faxes, and chatting online are other features of this product . with the relocation of the company and businesses , it has the ability to move even to another province , another city, the number remains fixed and cannot be changed . this application software can
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work like messengers. have the features of an application, such as sending photos, receiving text messages, video, channel groups, and all the functions that an application has, we have a support section. that we respond 24 hours a day to all creative issues and problems of the program. this product saves money for companies and businesses . with 10% telecommunications fee, we provide all these services to our customers. this company has also gained the trust of communication companies. we now have a cooperation agreement with the major telecommunication operators in the country, and as an information technology partner , we are offering our knowledge to this
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group. the sea to this point it will be the beginning of the life of our gas. we are located in the 11th position of south pars. in this position , 12 wells have been defined for us to drill. there is and there is a well in the connection circuit to the platform . it should be put into production, according to this graph and in fact the signs we have, in order
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not to make things too complicated, we listen to the children that, sir, for example, we have seen these signs, check such and such things, for example, such and such issues for us , that with we do not face unpredictable events here, our operations are simultaneous, that is , we are producing from the wells that have already been completed , and we are also drilling our new wells . in the sea sector , there are 36 operating platforms, and these 36 platforms produced 75 million cubic meters of gas per day during peak consumption in winter last year. it is planned for this winter , which means that the oil and gas industry has plans, especially since the 11 south pars has been added to the circuit and is going to break the record of last year's development. gas 11 south parson gas field is done in two locations, we are currently in we are in the 11th position
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, which is being done by drilling 12 wells and producing 1 billion cubic feet of gas per day, which is equivalent to 28 million cubic meters of gas . here are the gremon separation tanks. we are now in the third floor, where all our wells are fully controlled. it is directed towards these reservoirs and after dewatering, the gas condensate is sent through a 32-inch pipeline with a length of 130 km to the south pars gas complex refinery located in busher province, slovi county , which is the largest gas complex in the country, since actually the process of the platform and refinery and the national gas network is definitely interconnected as. there is a field that we have to consider from the very beginning of the production well to the point where
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we actually inject gas into the pipeline. and we can inject the gas into the gas network sooner. this year, our major repairs were done with a new method . and other gas lines and units with maximum production are actually in service and we can produce in fact, we should have gas at the same time as major repairs, major repairs have a specific time frame. with all our efforts, careful efforts and extensive efforts, with an empathy, companionship and unity , we were able to save two days. returning to the production circuit on the 14th day, we worked on the 12th day, and
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these two days meant added value and revenue generation of nearly 6 million dollars per day for arzavari and khalq refinery. south pars in the dry sector, well, as you know , there are 13 refineries, these 13 daily average of 570 to the refinery they produce million cubic meters of gas, according to the gas officials of this region , nearly 90 billion cubic meters of gas were produced in the first half of this year. now, if we want to separate these refineries , we have 13 refineries. our second and third refineries produce an average of 50 million cubic meters . the fourth refinery's task is to produce industrial and petrochemical gas, that is, the same gas. he gives the carpet to industry and petrochemicals. the fifth to eighth refineries produce 50 to 59 million cubic meters of gas
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. the ninth refinery is one of the largest refineries in this area produce an average of 81 million cubic meters of gas daily. from the 10th to the 13th refinery , it is considered among the most important refineries here, and a part of 14 south pars on land, in the sea also comes to this part, it has gas production from 50 million cubic meters to 60 million cubic meters. after our refineries. we have nationwide transmission lines and sub-transmission lines for gas supply to cities, villages, and industry, which are more than 39 thousand kilometers across the country, and are currently in operation for gas produced in south parsi basin after traveling a distance of about 1000 km.
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kilometers to del koi. in this place, sarajeh gets lost, we actually receive gas from the main line in the summer season, we compress it with compressors and increase the pressure to almost 300 times, that 's why we use three turbo compressors that can increase the pressure to 300 to 320. this load of 320 times contributes to a large amount of about 12 billion cubic meters. we can store them in tanks. we have to harvest these in winter and autumn. in fact, our collection is done through 2 parts of refining. each part of us is about four and a half million cubic meters actually treated gas does we have two natural gas storage tanks in the country. serijah qom and shurije sarkhas.
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shaurije sarkhaz is also considered the largest storage mine in the middle east. daily in this tank ie. 7 million cubic meters of gas are stored in the storage tank of siraj, and nearly 11 million cubic meters of gas are stored in sharjah, that is , 1 billion and 280 million cubic meters of natural gas are stored in sharjah in the whole year , and 2 billion and 700 million cubic meters of gas is stored during harvesting in the cold season. last year , nearly 8 million cubic meters of gas was extracted from the sarajeh field the final refinement can be done and it is injected into the national network at the peak of consumption , it is transferred to enter the company's network and
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it is distributed to the east, west and north of the country from this point, such as tehran province, semnan province. gazvin province, alborz province, as well as north of golestan, mazandaran, even west of the country towards azerbaijan, zanjan, after the gas passes through the transmission lines , it enters the suburban stations. which is gas from gas stations in the city reaches 1,253 cities and more than 39,700 villages as well as the gas distribution network in cities and
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villages to supply gas to subscribers of various consumption sectors, including commercial households. special commercials such as hospital bakeries have been implemented , amounting to 442,000 km in cities and villages. the network has been implemented. explanation: a few years ago , gas came here because it was not a very cold place. what were you doing? about 3 years ago, gas came here. it was connected. alhamdulillah, it turned out very well. in the past , there was no gas. how was it? in the past , there was a chair, an oil heater, and a gas capsule. as
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you have seen in the documentary so far, producing gas from the sea to reaching the consumer is a difficult and complicated task. therefore, it is necessary to manage this valuable energy explain the mechanism of consumption to solve gas imbalance. we inherited a situation and condition that is energy imbalance and energy must be balanced. i can it is possible that this work and all these works can be encouraged by the popularization of work for low-consumer people, incentive mechanisms for low-consumer people. and this work is being followed seriously, according to the 15th budget law of 1402, the government, the ministry of profit and the national gas company are
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obliged to evaluate both the pattern of gas consumption and the price of gas tariffs with the meetings we had with the honorable members of the energy commission. 1401 was approved in terms of the amount, according to pelekan, the consumption of pelekan increased from 75 cubic meters to 100 cubic meters. therefore, the tariffs are the same as in december 1401. the cost of producing each cubic meter of gas without subsidy is at least 9,000 tomans and at most 12,000 tomans, which includes the subsidy per tenth, so gas subscribers pay a cheaper price. the first three-tier subscribers are low consumption or conventional. and in climate one, it means very cold cities like tabriz and urumi, 500 cubic meters per month, in climate two, it means cold cities like mashhad and karaj, 450 cubic meters per month in climate 3, that is
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balanced cities like tehran, isfahan and shiraz consume 400 cubic meters per month in climate 4, i.e. hot cities like dastful consume 350 cubic meters per month, and in climate 5, i.e. very hot cities like ahvaz, mahshahr consume 250 cubic meters per month. % of our subscribers consume 25% of our province's gas, if their number
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is 50% and the money they pay is 7% of the money we receive from the gas of tehran province , 7% is paid by those who consume 50% and in the category is actually our low consumption, but let's go to, for example, bad consumption although the consumptions are 2% in terms of number, they are consuming about 10% of the province's gas , and according to pelekani's calculations, they are paying 50% of the costs. let's calculate the consumption of this subscriber, which we have here, we will show abu zesh. there is a shared 10 units, their infrastructure is 360 square meters , their heating infrastructure, as you can see, since the year 1400, all the bills issued to them, both in
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winter and summer, are on step 12. we will check one of their receipts as an example their bill is from january 10, 401 to february 6, 401 for 26 days. in these 26 days , they have consumed 1,760 cubic meters. during this period, 26 units of consumption per unit are calculated. divided by 26 days , their daily consumption is calculated as 67 and 7 meters. the cube multiplied by 30 days, when the consumption of one month is calculated, 2030 cubic meters of consumption per unit in 30 days of the last year was high consumption from 1000 to 1000. 30, nearly 30,000 cubic meters, each unit is located on the twelfth floor , and
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6,000 tomans per cubic meter is included for them. how much was their bill? the bill for the same period was issued to them according to the law on targeting subsidies until the end of the fifth plan , and the bad energy consumers should have been issued without paying their bills. during the years in the 90s, unfortunately, these cases were abandoned and were not followed up, the gap between the cost price and the subsidized price became very large, and actually compensating this gap required a schedule. our idea is that if the government has been doing this since 1400. it started and until now they are gradually reaching this, maybe at the end of the sixth program you could do this follow the work, but we hope that at the end of the seventh program, finally, god willing, this
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issue will be finalized. rana zarbani of sed and cima news agency leave a trail of blood on the wall wherever they go, with military tanks that target ordinary houses. with fighters that bombard residential buildings. buck this war machine for this generation. almost every tank gas station or military plane of this regime is fueled thanks to baku's oil supply. the member of the turkish parliament points out where each and every zionist food comes from . today dozens of government members said that they are sad for gaza. i have to remind you that the pilots who bombarded gaza
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were trained in ghuniya. the fuel for those planes goes from skandgrun. according to bloomberg, the occupying regime imports 220,000 barrels of oil per day, of which kazakhstan and azerbaijan supply 60%. this baku, tbilisi, ceyhan pipeline plays a key role in loading and supplying energy to the occupied territories. 30,000 barrels per day, which if the oil from baku and tbilisi does not reach, the zionist regime will be paralyzed in providing fuel to the occupied territories. the export of ship and plane fuel from turkey to the zionist regime exceeds one and two billion dollars has arrived. in this table , it is the fifth source of oil import to the zionist regime of egypt. one of my goals as a minister is to try to make israel have geopolitical interests in the energy sector. last year ,
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we signed agreements with jordan, uae and egypt for this purpose. the uae and saudi arabia also kept the price of oil low after the start of the war by increasing oil production . so far, yemeni boats have only become energy arteries for the zionist regime. the port of eilat is not the anchorage of any commercial ship these days. now the shipping costs are 173. maybe if muslim countries like yemen supply fuel
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to this war machine. even the zionists could not depict such crimes . amneh sadat zabihpour of radio and television news agency. in the amendment of the election law , the national media has been given the permission to use its capacity to advertise the candidates for the parliamentary elections. an opportunity that provides equal conditions for campaigning candidates. launching 200 election channels as many constituencies was on the agenda of our colleagues in the organization. each candidate will have 20 minutes of video advertisement. use it is possible for the national media antenna to advertise
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the representatives. that no person who considers himself qualified to enter the parliament and thinks that he can solve a problem of the society by entering the islamic council because of not having financial resources or because of not having the support of political power and other powers do not be deterred from entering the election arena for tehranat ray islam shahr and fardis constituency due to the large number of candidates . these four election channels have been considered for a constituency in tehran , we hope it can help us that first we can provide this opportunity for the candidates , and secondly, this opportunity can be provided so that different regions of this constituency can hear their concerns from a representative who wants to talk to them more and pay more attention to their issues.


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