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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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get gilna as a gift by sending number 5 to 3085 of gilna publications in the name of allah, rahman, raheem. look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun on the day of pilgrimage of agha imam reza.
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god bless you, in the name of your friend , from whom it is, good morning to all of you, dear and respected viewers , good and happy, god willing.
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come tell me about tomorrow's dawn, a window open from tamasha . come tell me about tomorrow's dawn, a window open from tamasha . to magdeh, sing with me again about that spring that it is not called a happy dream. sing to iran's feet, be patient with its people, tell its flag with hope, i gave a kiss to iran, the heartbeat of my soul , iran, your pure name is on my tongue.
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come and tell me that from the dawn of tomorrow, open a window from watching to majdeh, sing with me again about that spring that is not there, a morning dream will come again to the light of our hope, a bright dawn from the breaths of our martyred lovers, a dawn from the presence of their drink, from the distant horizons, its light from the rain his hope and his life are from your happiness with me, iran, my heart is puffed up, my soul, iran, your name is pure, barzban.
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let's start with some commemorative ceremonies, that too in tehran, the 7th anniversary ceremony. martyrs the firefighter of the plasco accident is going to be held today on the eve of the month of sim, when this incident took place in tehran, the capital city . the reporter is with us, mr. meliki. good morning. you are very welcome. in the name of god
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, mrs. mazher, i am obliged to return your service to all the viewers . i wish you a good morning. i want the seventh anniversary the tragedy of the bridge. i would like to express my condolences for the incident that led to the martyrdom of 16 firemen and a number of compatriots. to all my dear compatriots in the fire department of tehran, and of course to all the firemen of the country, who are always serving my compatriots day and night , i wish you health and respect. we are alive. thank you very much for your request, mr. maleki. first, if you agree , let's reread the plasko incident itself, then let's go to the safety of other buildings. yes, yes. talking about plasko is really difficult for us firefighters, especially those of us who were there we lost those who we had memories with , we had lived with them, some of these martyrs, i was a co-worker with them, i had lived with them, martyr amini was the teacher of god , martyr soltani was one of my colleagues, martyr nasser mahvoz and
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your colleague, we served together in the same shift. in short, we had memories with all these two loved ones, so it was very difficult to work somewhere for 10 days and look for people who came to collect an accident that they themselves are innocent. sometimes they testify that they themselves have nothing to do with you they don't have accidents , they are not the cause of the accident, they are not the cause of the accident, they are not the cause of the aggravation , but sometimes it gets out of control, or secondary events and incidents then happen and lead to this situation. let's quickly compare that the result of 50 years of 56 and 7 years was naimni, which exploded again on january 30, 2015. it exploded again , it was warned many times, it was said many times that there was no cooperation from the business, from the board of directors, from
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the owners and insiders. when we were going, we saw a world of naimneni. it might be interesting for you to say that we even we were asking for a maneuver, very welcome. yes, we said that we would come and hold a training class. even a few months ago, the last exercise was held there in a very simple and compact manner that no one welcomed us. we held a training class in a building that they themselves called out of 3,000 people with fixed and 2,300 people with variable people as buyers , about how many people came to the class, and it was clear that there was a load in every direction. the collection of these events, the situation of the wiring , their storage, their stripes, their false ceilings and so on other cases went from hand to hand, well, somewhere , it finally comes out, this should be an experience for us, a lesson that if we
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prevent future incidents, then we can say that we have learned from this tragic incident and somehow we have won, but if not when we sometimes see that we witness such events in abadan metropol. one of our friends was martyred in the fire department, and today you are supposed to hold a memorial ceremony for these dear ones, which is the 7th anniversary of their death. there is one thing left about plasko , which we will discuss about plasko with all its bitterness. still, after 7 years, the news is still bitter for us who see the pictures, for the fellow citizens of tehran who must see the pictures , hear your voice and see your picture, it must be bitter for you and your colleagues who are finally in the depth of the incident instead of you. if there are any remaining points, let's summarize this part and move on to the next part
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. a lot has been said about the bitter minutes and the negative points. i want to look at this issue from another point of view. i wanna say. we are sincere to all our compatriots, our people, god has seen a lot the same thing happened to the people of my metropolis , even though they were upset at our feet , they cried at our feet and helped us and did not forget their love. i couldn't believe it even for a second during the ten days we were there. we would not leave that area alone . we would see men and women praying even in the middle of the night. very good things happened, which gave us energy. one day, he used to bring the whole rent from another city on a backbreaker he would drive us there without any cost . he insisted that i want to help. those who insisted on bringing food should help
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. he reminded us of the time of the holy defense that we were small, but we said what we wanted. i learned this generation from the same generation, and they never leave each other alone in times of hardship, even if our hands are tied in every way at that time, but at least we try to relieve the pain of those people in one way or another . who need help, i appreciate all our dear people, we also appreciate your efforts we are your colleagues. you mentioned that, god willing, we will be able to take an experience from the el lasko or even the abadan bridge incident and learn a lesson . it won't go under the rain that according to his excellency's order, a maneuver will be held in it , its problems will be fixed, yes, well , it is not a matter of construction, which is so easy. it cannot be removed from the city of tehran, i can only tell you this . in the past years, in the last 10-12 years
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, the fire department of the fire department was in the department of entry prevention. he talks about the safety visit of the building and behaves very strict. the good news is that in the last 10-12 years , we have had a tragic incident in buildings that did not get safety approval, that is, frankly , in a building that has had safety approval from the fire department in the last 12 years, even if it has not been renewed. they should have the same initial approval, or nothing happened, or if it happened, the systems worked on time, and i know this , we don't have an accident that led to death in this building . well, yes, this is very good news. it was an accident, but these systems are useless. itself in the first minutes of the operation the administrations have sounded, the sprinkler systems have worked and the incident has been controlled. our problem is with the old buildings , the buildings that were built 12.3 years
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ago. last year, four categories were obtained for us: critical or very high-risk buildings, the number of which was 129 in the last two or three years. a number that i think is familiar to the citizens was the number 129. there were very high-risk or critical buildings, which were plasco or even later, i will tell you about plaso, and the categories other than high-risk, medium-risk, and low-risk in the past year and a half, nothing happened to our building, despite how much we screamed, we actually have 129 bombs ready to explode in the city. this was only in terms of fire safety regulations. if our tehran is this big, only it has 129 buildings, we had a good discussion only in terms of firemen.
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but in the last year and a half, about less than the last two years, with the good cooperation between the city council and the municipality, and most importantly , the very effective entry of the judicial system, honestly, the food system , when they came in the middle, they realized that they, like me, are required to work hard. building in the last monitoring that it was done less than a week ago, 75 buildings have been built, we hope that by the night of eid, it will not be less than this. our area is the 12th district, the 11th district, the 20th district, the places with the worn and old texture of the bazaar area, these have the highest number of dangerous buildings, as we say about bad and bad buildings. it's fair to say about the buildings that i cooperated well
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with, for example, in the vicinity of the alidin headquarters , cher sakhtmun, which was so bad for me, and in the past few years, it was one of the most dangerous buildings, with a very good cooperation, which was managed by us. it is now one of the most dangerous buildings it has gone out of safety, its aluminum levels are very low, it is moving towards full safety , the aluminum building is the same, but it is still around 75. but when we see that no action is taken. we are forced to announce that legal and usually coercive actions
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are taken against the food system. thank you very much, mr. maliki , the spokesman of the fire department, for coming to the studio of the sabgahi program. hello , reporter. thank you . be.
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anywhere, the greatness of this nation is discussed . the love of these people comes from the sky, no matter how sad it is the fire will come, it will be made by us, because of the love of these people and you, because we gave, how much youth we gave . you saw in advance, whenever we believed in our god, we were able to deal with him no matter how we were . the future is near, there is a smile on our faces, we are the basis of our words until the end.
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little by little, the sound of happiness is coming from the streets, the corners are filled with the sound of longing again. a star falls on your feet because we gave you so much youth, you are so sad that everyone will leave like the fire of the sunny days of the happy sky, thanks to god, now the lips of fame are smiling more than before
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. we saw that whenever we believed in our god , we were able to deal with him no matter how we were , the future is near, we have a smile on our faces , we are the basis of our words until the end.
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good morning, dear viewers , god willing, let's go to the international section and my colleague, mr. shah soni, mr. shahoni. hello, good morning , we are at your service . we are one of the international news at your service the news that we will follow today at the international table, we are on the eve of gaza day , today and tomorrow there will be a conference and meetings related to gaza. since 2008, the fierce resistance of the palestinian people against the zionists has made this day known as gaza day. name it , i will talk about this issue with mr. sohrabi, an expert
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on west asian issues. mr. sohrabi, hello, good morning. hello, good morning to you and all dear viewers. mr. sohraei, please tell me that considering that 2008 and about 15 years ago , gaza day was named after the war that is now going on in gaza. what is happening now and what is the difference between hamas and the zionist regime compared to the 2008 war? yes, the zionist regime started a full-scale war in early 2008 with the aim of completely destroying the hamas movement, which lasted for 2 days. 2 if i want to address the dimensions of this war, in this war, which
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is known in israel as operation cast lead and among the arabs as the 22-day war or in some way the gaza massacre , it is different from the war that we are witnessing now. we can see that the dimensions of this war are wider today, but israel's goal was from 15 years ago until now, as you said, the main goal of the destruction of the hamas resistance movement in this part of the gaza strip and in the west bank, it can be said that according to the comparison of these two wars, israel's goals have not changed and the only discussion is that the resistance front and the axis the resistance whenever it was somehow able to succeed with the resistance strategy that it had in front of it and with the strategy that the resistance groups in palestine adopted against the crimes and mass killings of israel
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, an example of this was the 22-day war, which aimed to destroy hamas. and with a sort of full power of the zionist regime of the army the zionist regime started and approximately 145 palestinians were martyred and 5 thousand people were injured in the 22- day war. basically, the essence of resistance is that no matter how much you have some kind of power or how much you have a diet of some kind. kasib wants to destroy this resistance, the dimensions of this resistance will be wider. regarding this discussion, the fact that in the past 15 years, the resistance groups
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have become much more expert and more organized. sahib appeared with better discipline and order and better planning, the results of which we can see today, after 100 days of our war a few days ago. we witnessed that the military wing of hamas announced that it fired about 20 rockets from southern gaza to cities and towns near lebanon, and there 15 years ago, if the case ended in 22 days, today we see the resistance, which lasted for about 3 months. and in a way , he is fighting with the entire army of the zionist regime, which considers itself the fourth best military system in the world, and this is a sign that the resistance has appeared much better during these 15 years. somehow it has become stronger. ok. thank you very much , mr. sohrabi, goodbye. please , bye. yes, the next news that
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we will follow at the international table is the continuation of the dabus summit in switzerland. this summit has been held in switzerland for several days. mr. dr. amir abdullahian, minister of foreign affairs of our country, also participated in this meeting. more than 100 heads. the country is present at this meeting . mr. mohajerani, an expert on international issues, is here in the studio. hello, the reporter is here to talk more about this issue. hello, mr. mohajerani . good morning. welcome. hello and good morning. to you and all the viewers of the news network, mr. mohajerani, tell us a little about the davos summit and why some people believe that it no longer has the same function as it used to.
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there are governmental and political as well as business leaders of the world. you see, security and economy are two intertwined components. as long as these two are complementary to each other and one of them is disturbed, then naturally the other one is disturbed. unfortunately, the world today cannot move towards growth as a result of the actions and irresponsible behavior of the united states it has suffered from certain geopolitical crises, and this clear vision cannot show the future plans of this assembly. mr. mohajerani, what challenges are there in front of this summit, which some believe that it does not have the previous works. well, it can be clearly said that the regional developments, especially the aggression and crimes of the zionist regime against the palestinians in
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our region, which to some extent caused the spread of instability in the region, as well as the war in ukraine , are two of the important wars and political challenges that this summit is facing today. on the other hand, the prospect of donald's return trump, the former president of the united states , can also raise concerns at the global level to the white house, but this year, the davos summit has a special agenda. he also had it, and it was the examination of the challenges of artificial intelligence in the future, which seems to have caused concern among the members and participants of this forum . are in switzerland, tell us about the presence of the islamic republic of iran and the presence of our country in this
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summit. how much profit can it have for us? ok, how useful is it? well, there is no doubt that participation in international forums is an opportunity for every country in the davos meeting. now , let me say this separately from this discussion. pay and be present in this meeting , but the presence of mr. amir abdullahian in this meeting is in line with the strengthening of dipel. multilateral assessment has been done . as i saw in the news, he met with 13 high-ranking political officials and world leaders . well, naturally, there we can discuss the most important challenges and bilateral issues in the meeting with the leaders and the foreign ministers of their counterparts, let's check that this can definitely have positive achievements , on the other hand, he
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will be one in that place in that space. he made a series of arrangements to enter the international arena and various international arenas , which can be one of the positive achievements of multilateral diplomacy while attending international forums. thank you, dear viewers, for continuing the program, hello reporter, stay with us, khyber is very
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cruel, come to the battlefield of khyber, come to the field. the battle of khyber khyber khyber khyber or sahiyor khyber khyber or sahiyor khyber khyber or sahiyor or sahiyoon jaish muhammad and kadefun jaish muhammad and kadeem jaish muhammad and kadeem bode jaish muhammad and kadeem
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after the news with the continuation of the morning program, hello reporter, we will definitely be at your service sir mrs. mirsane, hello, good morning. greetings to you, mrs. hajipour. good morning to you too, and god bless you. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten the journey. greetings, politeness and respect for your presence, dear and respected compatriots, esteemed companions of the khabar network with the first part of the network's sabgah news series. please follow us until the end
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