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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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do a great help. the entire water industry can easily be located on the coasts, just as it is in the whole world. coastal water requires all of these, but as the head of the majlis research center says, to use this capacity, it is necessary we have not been able to do a detailed planning to create infrastructures such as road, rail, air and sea routes and makran as a development helper of iran as a helper for iran's progress, especially in connection with the corridors that the makran coast can be the expensive point of our connection to north-east, north-west and south-west corridors it is a country, and in fact, the main point of connecting iran to the ocean and warm waters, this is a very large capacity that the coasts of makran can have for the development of the country with its approximately 500 km width. of course, the news
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indicates that these infrastructures are being prepared for sea transportation. the first phase of shahid rajaei port development plan has been prepared. the capacity is 9 million tons . with kalantari port , we have a capacity of approximately 12 million tons. we will prepare the chabahar zahedan railway and of course the completion of the eastern part of the country khash zahedan has been put into operation. alhamdulillah, iran shahr, which we are now in this region , has made good progress. the digging of the tunnels has been completed, and a large part of hashem's lining has been completed. we will use all the capacities so that we can present this to the great nation of iran at the end of next year, god willing. the first vice president announced the creation of 27 new coastal cities on makran coast just a couple of days ago. the settlement of the population is also one of the axes of the expansion of the sea. we. makranmun region is an
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economic, social, political, cultural and tourism capacity. my estimate is that if we develop the makran region , at least 3% of the economic growth of the 7th plan , which the 7th plan said, i want to create 8% annually until the end of the so-called economic growth plan. we can compensate the 3% through the so-called makran region. it is called a hidden treasure. ganji that according to paragraph four of the general sea-oriented development policies announced on november 16, the government has one year to formulate and implement the sea-oriented development community plan with a special focus on makran beaches. faezeh agha babaei of radio and television news agency. defect complicated and of course rare sir
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he was a 6-year-old boy who had normal hearing on one side of the meatus tube and normal meatus canal. on the opposite side, the ear canal was closed due to the absence of the meatus tube . he has a hearing loss. almost 50% of his hearing is less on the opposite side. in this patient, the priority is to reconstruct the eardrum. we explain different methods to them. and we don't even say which one is better, we say, go look for yourself and choose the results that are better, and he had done this , he decided to come and do it our way. from ghazrov the ribs are used, and this method brings problems. the problem that exists is that we have to cut the ribs , remove 3 of the ribs somehow, the place is empty anyway. monet, then
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we have to shape this cartilage, design it, let it have three or four surgical steps, like the material of our rib cartilage is completely different from the cartilage of meat , this is imaginary, that elastic, then the skin must be repaired on it, then the repair tissue that comes will get this thickness, then luck. there is breaking and catching, it is deformed, it becomes deformed, so the results of the pain that the surgeon spends in these 4-5 hours. this is done by an artist very artistically, and in the end he is happy.
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by preserving the blood vessels of this area, by preserving the nerves of our area, our facial nerve is very close to this area, if we are not careful, damage to the facial nerve. we hurt the patient, not only may his earlobe not fit well, my face will be damaged , that's why, by focusing with a microscopic eye , we prepared a tissue by preserving the vessels, i.e. the veins, and the nerves of the area, we put it on the prosthesis and then put the skin on it. this method is used for ear manna reconstructed with a special method from the skin of the face , so this prosthesis must have a cover first, their color is white. usually there is a cover , so we can leave the skin, but if we leave the skin , because this tissue is not a living tissue, the skin will turn black and fall off, so there must be a strong fibrous tissue behind it that will hold it well and the skin that wants to form on it. and give the patient a suitable color shape
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, use it later , use the blood supply of the underlying tissue. where do we get this from? there is a tissue on our temporal muscle. that fascia is on we rotate the vascular pedicle, this whole prosthesis method creates a cover , we put the next skin on this next cover, with my help, this eyelash sleeps, the shape sleeps, and the skin is placed on this layer of natural tortures of the ear, and that state comes alive. this artificial organ is safe for the body and has a better appearance in the world . this method is a method that if done well, you cannot
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make an appearance and then open the ear canal. the best time to restore meat in this new method is four to five years old. in this method, the surgery is a single step, and if the surgery is done well, after 6 the reconstructed auricle will look similar to the healthy ear. soltanian of radio and television news agency. unveiling in this meeting, the document of the system for improving the productivity of higher education, research and pure technology and the signing of the cooperation agreement between certain universities and the executive body were concluded in this meeting. this meeting
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was held in allameh tabatabai university with the aim of improving the productivity and using the capacity of elites in the form of a specific university plan . special attention and investment in science and research and technology. if we look at it with this kind of perspective, then it will be a ministry. ministry the science of the ministry of education and the ministry of health is the main one. they must have a blank check for the program to implement their programs , the basis of which is to meet the needs of the society and improve the quality of education. one of the important points that increases productivity is that we implement the goals and plans and the actions included in them that can be evaluated and used to evaluate productivity in the ministry of science , research and technology of the vice president. vari is considered separate from efficiency. this is the second national document of productivity in executive bodies
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the first document will be prepared in the ministry of foreign affairs , when it becomes effective that the adaptation of the training given to the students is in accordance with the real needs of the society . it is to be able to use the resources we have, the most important resource we have, in my opinion , are the faculty members and students, who are actually our universities, to solve the problems of the country's inefficiency. . with five universities in tehran, alam and sanat, tarbiat modares, shahid beheshti and allameh tabatabai as a designated university with the ministries of energy, communication and information technology, economy and finance, cooperation, labor and social welfare, and agricultural jihad . in fact
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, we had two joint programs with iran's national behrib organization. one of the universities of moin bahrib executive bodies, which symbolically in this meeting of five universities with five executive bodies. as moin universities, they have concluded a memorandum of understanding. at the level of the provinces , this path has also started, that is, provincial universities as a measure of productivity. province in different areas they are role players. at the end of this meeting, 10 major productivity issues were loaded into the system of needs and ideas, and members of the academic community were asked to cooperate more. hossein kashanian, sed and broadcasting news agency. the legal articles that are included in the law of manuzodai are all of them. it is related to their executive bylaws, and naturally , it has a lot to do with
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the quality with which these executive bylaws are written and, more importantly, with what quality they are implemented. according to article 10 of the law on removing obstacles from the electricity industry, energy subsidies should go to the people instead of the power plant owners based on this article, the ministry of energy has been mandated to gradually eliminate energy pricing in cooperation with the ministry of petroleum and the budget program organization. during the chain of production, transmission and distribution of electricity, take action and transfer all the subsidies before the final consumer of electricity to the end of the chain . the final part, which is the consumer, should be paid and everyone should pay for their energy according to their consumption needs, i.e. gas that some of the industry pays up to 7 thousand tomans per cubic meter. power plants are delivered for 75 tomans.
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the expectation is that if this regulation is implemented correctly, the power plant fuel will be freed, as a result, the electricity rate will be freed, and the electricity rate will be much higher than the current rate, because a large fraction of it is due to the fuel cost. article 10, which is a very important article in the law of the development of the electricity industry. optimizing energy consumption can be economically justified and also increase productivity in thermal power plants, which means increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the power plant as well as renewable energy in the country. god willing, it will find more economic justification. now , if the price of electricity in a free space of supply and demand, like the energy exchange, is discovered and real, we will arrive at an electricity price, where this electricity price is the real price , where all the demand is. he says his desired rate, and all the supply also says
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his desired rate . in a balance, the final result is obtained, which is the final result . in this space, the investor should see his task more clearly, see at what rate he can sell his electricity in this space, and see the return of his investment. guarantee a little more and based on that guarantee, we will witness the return of coldness. let's increase investments in this field and not experience these summer blackouts again. in this regard , the necessary instructions have been prepared and are being planned in the relevant commissions in the government. the action will be approved by the honorable board of ministers and it can be implemented from there. now, the ministry of energy has announced the executive regulation of article 10 of the obstacle removal law with a delay of 10 months. tina salehi of the sedah news agency will announce the electricity industry in one month
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we had water for two hours during the day. people are trying to get water. they are going to other cities. now , i hope to god, the water has increased and it has become much better. they say that providing water to the villages is the grace of god . in this field, anyone should take this path. he has done great worship and considering the special problems we see in our country in the field of water, i think it is very important that one can move in this direction and provide valuable assistance and services that will help us in the field of water. according to the lack of water, especially in the southern region of khorasan, we helped to meet the needs let's raise the city a little, our villages are the most valuable creation of god, whose dimensions are wide
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, and it has dignity for us, it has credibility for us. well , everything can be a community . it was a day when we could walk in those areas and see these scenes, and god help us to help. and let these friends enjoy safe drinking water. donors who have provided water to 3656 villages till date. we have 14 stories so far. while announcing our readiness for any kind of support for our loved ones, we are ready
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to help in meetings that are actually councils and think tanks. and at most, in fact, we should have the support that , god willing, we can take a big step in the so-called water supply, and now the association of benefactors of the drinking water supply of the country has been formed. god bless ali muhammad, the formation of this valuable assembly is a big step in the people of this effective work and great service with the great efforts of zealous and charitable men who are always thinking of helping dear people over the years, the formation of this forum is for
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everyone to come and make a move if they want. in this cooperation, the ministry of energy and the country's water and sewage company, with the efforts of the benefactors, provide water to they speed up the villages. the ministry of energy has announced that water supply to 10,000 villages is planned by the end of the 13th government. tina salehi of sed and sima news agency. managing phone calls in companies and businesses.
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my right eye was weakened in terms of nearsightedness. it was a smart opportunity to start again. after i went to the doctor, i saw that my nearsightedness in my right eye was very weak. the challenge that mr. rozbahani faced. i had already made a pair of glasses for the blind. in fact , i can read the texts that were placed in front of the blind . i can read them to the blind, illiterate and even children. i will help and read any text like this one that they put in front of me. by
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using a camera embedded inside the glasses , we were able to actually see the space of the human eye. lorestan province is one of the western provinces of iran. when this young inventor was faced with his own poor eyesight , he took steps to solve this challenge. in fact, this idea was made by using the human artificial eye. the first input camera was actually made. it receives images, in this part , in this part, it automatically recognizes the text in the images , in this part, it takes pictures or videos it takes it and sends it to our tool via wi -fi. our tool reads it inside the glasses with a speaker or a hand-held device. but the important feature of these glasses is the translation of moton into farsi for all people. you can put the glasses on your eyes and put the english text in front of it. let me tell you, this glasses
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translates the text in almost two to three seconds from any language in the language of this province, which is the 13th province in the country in terms of population. after this invention was registered in our country , we presented it in germany and south korea in the name of our country. and of course, mr. rozbahani too looking for the commercialization of this invention. currently, different countries are inviting to manufacture these glasses under the name of human artificial eyes, and i would like to actually sell them in our own country under the name of our own country. it will be made, and god willing , we are looking for an investor to get the commercialization of these glasses. in addition to inventing an artificial eye, mr. rozbahani was able to use his medical engineering knowledge 19. another vote, including smart shoes and bracelets for patients, will also be registered by samia tarhani of the sedah and sima news agency broujal.
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various political and economic tendencies in the elections. compete with each other. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key. it is in the hands of the people . there is a telegram channel that is playing across the country. this month, there is no pricing. your question is an interesting question. i don't want a footballer to pay his insurance according to what he does. we don't agree, above the trend debate on the eve of the election every day at 15:00 on khabar channel. wherever we are, we are higher and higher
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. they used to say that whenever you take a fish out of the water , it is fresh. what does it mean to turn to our own actions? it is never too late to continue studying creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, this is the modification of consumption habits, management of electricity consumption, now a small part of people's consumption is outside the consumption pattern, and if they move a little and increase their accuracy , they can definitely return to the consumption pattern once a 5 take a minute to check all the common electrical appliances in your home, for example, lamps can be changed from this to this, no, yes, and , for example, they are not used, i.e. in ready-to -use mode or in sleep mode, such as coffee makers, tea makers
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, microwaves, computers, tvs, etc. electric devices that are off when they are off they consume electricity and should be unplugged when we don't need them. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the bathroom and toilet lamps , but we leave the air conditioner on for hours , which usually consumes much more than long ones. if you get into the habit and remove unused electrical appliances from the power crisis and take the utmost care when buying them, you will see that you have not only done a great favor to your pocket, but also taken a big step in the direction of preserving the environment and vital resources of the country. in an unprecedented action, 77 reputable human rights organizations from all over the world from three the top official of the american government, joe
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biden, president, secretary of state anthony blinken, and secretary of defense lloyd austin have filed a complaint in a court in the state of california for the accusation of genocide in gaza. the reason for the complaint of these human rights organizations and civil activist groups of the world as plaintiffs in the case against the american president and his two ministers. it is that they have failed to fulfill their duties to prevent genocide in gaza by violating international law, including violating the genocide convention and the declaration of human rights. according to this 42-page complaint, biden blinken and austin should appear as defendants on the morning of the 6th of bahman the case will be filed in the northern district of california. american analyst and media activist mike figueroa says: this is the minimum.
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gaza continues in the hands of the zionist regime and with the direct support of the american government throughout this country, even behind the fences of the white house. we are here in front of the white house to ask him to end these attacks while the biden administration is trying to deliberately expand the scope of the gaza war by attacking yemen. the war in gaza must end as soon as possible , a ceasefire must be established now, not later. majority. the 535-member us congress favors government policies this country is in full support of the zionist regime and its continued attacks on gaza. meanwhile
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, 65 members of congress, along with 175 state and local officials of this country, demand a complete ceasefire and stop the zionist regime's attacks on gaza as the root and they have become the cause of all conflicts in the west asian region. ali rajabi , new york broadcasting news agency.
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a two-bedroom apartment. a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of fixed monthly salary, all with a special gift for the first person. remember , you must be a winner because washland has hundreds of prizes every month. buy washland today and get a prize at the end of the month hey guys, look at sirzmini, i saw your health file , i adjusted your movement plan, and considering that you have knee pain , i adjusted your exercise plan with your trainer so that your movements don't put pressure on your knee. also, check your exercise plan. any questions you have in arman's discussion section. exercise, ask me, sure , thank you, bye , bye, until monday, correctional movement specialists and physiotherapists can send the number 6 to the number 20087 to register . sport. anytime and anywhere
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i have a refrigerator or a chest of drawers with any coach. it is not finished yet. the refrigerator is good, the price is good, the long term is in sarai irani, and the price is in sarai irani . it doesn't matter which site i buy third-party insurance for my car. you didn't say what weight i should give you. let's go, it's better.
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shahreh tazmin says that a city is behind this quality. a city is behind your purchase . we will host you at the central branch until 1:00 am. one and a half million domestic and foreign hotels in fly today. ashmareh bozhir city of household appliances, for every 35 million tomans purchase in cash or cash, one free vacuum cleaner with the name authentic business, get a gift at the same moment for a limited time in all branches of tehran, isfahan and sari , sweep the gifts in the city of household appliances.
9:00 am
good morning, dear and respected compatriots , the 9 o'clock news, together with all my colleagues , we present to you the presence of the minister of foreign affairs of our country in continuation of his diplomatic meetings and bilateral talks in davos, switzerland with the minister of foreign affairs. saudi arabia met and discussed. in this meeting, hossein amir abdullahian and faisal bin farhan exchanged views on economic and commercial cooperation, as well as the latest situation of the war against gaza. the minister of foreign affairs of our country is also in davos with the prime minister the government of lebanon, the representative of the un special envoy for syria and the british foreign minister gurch.


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