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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 11:00am-11:31am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] the people are the same as the system, our system is the people's system, the system flows in the context of the people, and the people are the owners of this system, they are the owners of this country , and this is also an important issue that should be paid attention to, and this is of course our great opportunity, our great privilege, this deep belief of the people in their sacredness is this love. in the name of god. hello , accompany us with the news section at 11 o'clock. chargé d'affaires of the
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pakistani embassy in tehran was notified to the ministry of foreign affairs. following the early morning attack by pakistan on a border village in sistan baluchistan province , pakistan's minister of affairs was summoned to the ministry of foreign affairs an hour ago to explain about this incident. in this meeting while strongly condemning the incident of this morning's attack, the immediate explanation of the pakistani authorities is emphasized. a well-informed official in the ministry of foreign affairs also strongly condemned the incident in a conversation with the sada and sima news agency an hour ago. this morning, the pakistani side demanded an immediate explanation from the pakistani authorities to the border village in iran. the joint air defense exercise of the defenders of asman velayat will begin today with the presence of the defense units of the armed forces in the air force and navy of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, as well as in the air defense force of the air force and the army navy
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. this exercise covers 600. a thousand kilometers square will be implemented in different parts of the country. the general areas of this exercise will be from abadan to chabahar, i.e. the coasts of the persian gulf, as well as territorial waters and the sea of ​​oman, and about 400 kilometers into the country. the systems are participating in this exercise for the first time this year, and after passing the necessary tests and experiments , they will be organized for the first time in the air defense combat organization and, god willing
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, they will perform their own operations in this exercise. america's attempt to intercept the yemeni missiles that target the ships of the zionist regime with according to al-alam network , the yemeni armed forces say that the recent attacks by the united states and england will not prevent the continuation of operations against the ships of the zionist regime. despite america's inability to intercept yemeni missiles. its large number of destroyers and warships is a sign of washington's new defeat. this failure is added to the list of america's failures in the field of introducing itself as the world leader. but in reality, america supports the interests of the zionists in the world, and despite the attacks of american warplanes, which cost millions of dollars , to targets and bases in hodeidah. no one wants to play a role in this game
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. these air strikes do not make us give up our decision to prevent the passage of zionist and american ships through the red sea. these attacks have only strengthened our determination and determination and raised the morale of our mujahideen and fighters. the widespread anger of the yemeni people against the action of the international coalition in violating the sovereignty and horizontal integrity of yemen and the continuous threat and airstrikes of bombing areas of yemen has caused the people to increase missile attacks on american and british warships. palestinian people, stop. this is while you do not support them to get rewards rather, our religion has made it obligatory for us to support them. do you stop supporting these?
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does the enemy's behavior scare you? on behalf of the zionist occupation regime, the americans and the british insist on their own attacks on yemen , demanding the ability and strength of the extensive military equipment of various weapons and numerous naval mines. fajr film international announced in the provinces at the same time as tehran. this year, more extensive planning has been done to send cinematographers and directors to the city. we should have provinces that can definitely host them if the conditions are met be and watch movies with their people , hold review meetings, and we will
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have more excitement in the provincial atmosphere in addition to showing movies. according to mr. khazaei, during this period of the festival, the celebration of the first films will also be held. 4 thousand classrooms will be equipped with new educational technologies. the head of the country's school standardization and equipping organization said that 100 companies of daneshbovanian announced their readiness to equip and install new technologies in schools. ordinary boards are no longer attractive to children. most of the kids don't listen, and most of the school buildings use today's technologies bebe are the school renovation and equipping organization now has the latest construction technologies and educational equipment. showed while saying goodbye , i invite you to watch the speech of the president in front of the people of damavand
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. peace be upon you and may god's mercy be upon you . thank you very much . may god protect you. thank you very much. he granted success in these very virtuous days , the month of rajab, the month of worship and service, the month of seeking forgiveness, the month of attention to god, the month of self-improvement. the month of attention to yourself and attention to others for god, i am in the company with
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dear people of damavand , i pay my respects to the family of the martyrs . i pay my respects to the dear sacrificers and veterans. and i send my greetings to the holy souls of the martyrs , to the hardworking people of this region and this system . i
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thank god for this success that god almighty has granted me to be with you today, and i sincerely thank all of you for this presence. around tehran, every part of it, whether in the east or in the west , in tehran itself is considered a provincial trip, because the issues related to the cities around tehran, the population of the cities around tehran, and the issues related to these cities are significant issues. i have had maybe 10 trips to the cities so far. when we sat around tehran before traveling with our colleagues in tehran
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, we examined the issues of that city and in the city itself, in the meeting of the administrative council, god willing, the issues that the respected imam juma mentioned in his orders and the respected city officials conveyed to me my colleagues in tehran. to check god willing, in the councils administration will definitely be considered. the problems and fulfillment of your wishes, dear people , is the most central point that caused me to travel to the cities and definitely solve the problems of the people of this city , from the issue of water, electricity and infrastructure, which is to mention the communication roads that went to facilitate and
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i came to the people, especially since it is right here that it is located in a place that is considered to be the closest city to tehran, and in a way it is known as babza, peace be upon him, but the city of damavand is the history of this city and its people. and this city, their life at this point points and there are issues that need to be addressed. the issue of constructions in damavand city and the attraction it has for the people of tehran is implicit that many of you people are hospitable and hospitable, but it has its own issues, the many constructions that
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take place in damavand and the urban and rural developments that it is being found here . these can also be good opportunities. if not done properly , it is a threat to nature , the environment , and everyone. do not take place if accompanied ok, if this development is accompanied by the destruction of nature, the destruction of the environment, and destruction, this will definitely disrupt life, that is, instead of being a development , it will create problems, like some of the developments that we see in the world. these
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developments are taking place without considering the preservation of the environment, without considering the aquatic life, without considering the space and air that people should breathe there. instead of being considered development, this is a limitation and destruction, which i want to say here. we have destructive constructions for allegiance, even though it may be from people, it may be related to people's power let them be administrative bodies and be government bodies. we consider this impermissible, and i believe that with those who are connected to power, whether administrative organizations or people connected to power , we should do without any construction.
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if it is treated as illegal, it cannot be tolerated because someone is probably connected to a position or an organization or an office. it is allowed to destroy the environment, nature, and people's lives . it is definitely not allowed. therefore, development in this city is completely unacceptable. development must be accompanied. ok, by maintaining the regulations, laws and infrastructure paying attention to the privacy of the city and the village, the privacy of the road, the privacy of the river, if these are not respected, then this will cause problems for people's lives, maybe some people will be happy now, or a family will say, "it's good , our life has settled down, but this should not end at the cost of this." that for another it is expensive to create problems
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, so what has been said is one of the issues of population and load that must be given for developments , these regulations must be reviewed in the supreme council of urban development. i believe, and one of the things that, god willing, will definitely be followed in this trip is the revision of the construction regulations in this area. will. it was because these constructions are in the implied area, which is a necessity for people who want to build here from tehran and other places , but this construction must be accompanied. ok, with a set of rules and regulations, in some places , there is no consensus among the administrative bodies. one device confirms , the other device is not allowed. we believe that the regulations for population loading for development
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and constructions must be revised in the supreme council of architecture and city council, the regulations should be updated and announced to the people in a way that the rights are. for those who want to build, let it be protected and the cause do not create problems for the people, for the city, and for the future . don't see the destruction of the environment, the destruction of the hierarchy , and the destruction of nature. this cruelty to all people is not cruelty to the future . someone now, for example, i had an additional construction, or it is not for the defense of my family or my people, or for building and selling and handing over this oppression, by its nature , it is oppression to the future generations and this oppression cannot be passed over, so we
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believe that for the implementation justice definitely needs these regulations to be updated and communicated and everyone should consider themselves obligated in this framework. possibly if necessary is there any development related to constructions , whether in the city or in the villages , should it be done completely within this framework, the important thing is that we do not have the problem of water shortage in this region, yes , we have been suffering from a good year for 4 years and 5 years, and this is it requires a pattern of consumption. it must be accompanied by careful consumption so that it is not wasted and not wasted, but the important thing is that water management here is not less important than the existence of
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water itself . we have some deficiencies, but water management in consumption, some of the consumption is very important, and these consumption causes that the water cannot reach the places where it should be, and they feel that there is a shortage. with the underground reserves that exist, especially in these areas. if there is a good management of water, we will definitely not feel the lack of water, especially the issue of agriculture, because here are agricultural areas, livestock areas, especially agriculture , water supply can be done in some way, because we have the most water.
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our consumption is for agriculture, which means that maybe 90% of the water we have in the country today is used for agriculture. and this agriculture can be in the form of flooding , it can be in the form of drip irrigation, it can be in the form of subsurface irrigation. subsurface water supply when i was a servant of hazrat reza , peace be upon him, we had a model farm there , we tried subsurface water supply, which is a model of water supply . or 5 times in some products, which means that it is completely possible to provide water with the same methods as water for agriculture ok, it is not necessary for drinking or for industry. industrial water can be used for drinking water. it can be used for drinking water. it means that this type of
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water consumption management, thank god , is being designed and planned in the government in the ministerial complex, and we have this with our power. we follow it has started in this area, everyone is waiting for the water to arrive from this dam 84. where is it now? where is it for sure that this dam can be put into operation sooner? well, it has not arrived. we went to sadr today when we entered the first area. we saw that some of the houses located on the road or located in the reservoir of this dam should be immediately transferred to it has been placed. and the financing has been secured, it should be replaced immediately, that is, in another area that does not have any problems.
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it is a little bit, not too much. god willing , this work should be done as soon as possible. we said that it should be done quickly. we will be able to use this dam in less than a year , god willing. we can solve the problems that we have encountered the similar things mentioned by the respected imam juma and dear ones will be done quickly, god willing, both the water issue you mentioned and the construction of medical centers, especially in this region, are also on the agenda. half-finished medical centers are among the necessary items that we have in travel relations, in our travel relations, the issue of half-completed centers or exploitation. it has not been completed and we will definitely complete it , or the capacity has not been created for it
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to know the answer of this area that the location of this amount of population is fixed and the amount of population is variable. there is not only a fixed population here, there is also a variable population travelers who are your guests here for a few days during the week and are guests of damavand, they are also considered as part of the population here. this is of interest, that is, equipping the medical centers of the region. this is one of the points that are included in the travel itinerary. god willing , this will also be done quickly. our dear ones , whether mr. governor, what he said, or the respected officials who are present in this meeting, should know how to do people's work with ordinary work. it is not possible to do a jihadi job, see what the leader said. we have some delays that we could not have. in the field of water and electricity and gas and the issue
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we have energy and lags. it means that sometimes things have to be done. today we witness in the country that despite all the threats and sanctions, our people and our youth turn threats and sanctions into opportunities. great strides taken in different sectors. our country today. it can be said that it is an advanced and technological country. we are very advanced in the field of science and technology. our dear young people can create many honors in the fields of science and technology with their efforts. we in the country in the field of production, despite the fact that the enemy wanted us not to have production. today also in relation to machines and our production equipment has grown significantly. both in the field of production, very good steps have been taken
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, we have growth in production, and in relation to trade and export for these products, today our exports, whether in oil exports or non-oil exports , have set records in the last 40 years in the country, and these are in your hands. the enemy did not want us to have economic growth. he didn't want us to have production growth, he didn't want the wheels of production to move in the country, but today more than 6,500 closed and semi-closed production units have entered the production cycle in agriculture as well. very good work has been done by our dear farmers, it doesn't mean that we don't have problems, yes, but the problems should be solved with a jihadi work, manager. respected and my colleagues in damavand, my dignity and yours is service to the people. my dignity and yours is
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to be a sincere servant to the people. the knot can be untied quickly, because it is a problem that can be untied easily . are you waiting for tehran to tell you that communication with your headquarters is necessary, but it should not slow down the work, so you tell me , i have sent two or three letters to see what response tehran will give. yes , we believe in organizational communication, but it should not cause the slowness of work is one of the issues that must be fought . delay for weeks, months, sometimes years, and the producer will be disappointed, the entrepreneur will be disappointed
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, the farmer will be disappointed, and an activist will be disappointed. economic or social and cultural, what we have to do in the offices and organizations should be very careful about the work process and the flow of things in the organization that should be done quickly, these delays that are sometimes done in the organization and offices, this is a cause of disappointment today's task i and you dear office every
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where we are, creating hope in people's hearts. do it in our young, in our old, in our teenagers , in our students, in our students, in our city, in our village , and everywhere in our country today, our duty is that with all our behavior and actions, with our actions, words alone are not enough. it's not that people should become more hopeful day by day by taking action, that is, they should know that something has happened in the action stage and in the action stage , what happened is that when they see that a project that was left for a few months or a few years has come to a conclusion, people can benefit from it. people can solve their problems with this project or plan
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now, whether it is a road, water supply, electricity or gas. be humane, see that it is solved . this gives people hope. what gives people hope is the things that are happening today. when our dear one sees that he has a housing problem today , it can easily be said that he has formed a new family and created a ground for him. land should be handed over where it is needed. land should be handed over where housing should be built. housing should be built where jobs should be placed. if the job opportunities are provided , he can start working quickly. of course, in these areas , alhamdulillah, the unemployment rate is the same as in some areas we have a country in these regions , we do not see unemployment that has unemployment statistics like this, except for a group of educated people who also have good opportunities for them. i will tell you
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that the day the government started working in the ministry of oil we are 100 companies. we had scientists for our oil works. today, more than 600 scientists are working on oil fields. in the ministry of energy, the same work is done for water and electricity . we have more than 900 scientific companies active. recently , when i went to the ministry of energy, i rebelled, guys they are busy working in different fields the same wise thing that the leader said. knowledge-based companies mean the work of basic science, basic knowledge that can completely advance the work along with modern knowledge along with modern technologies that we in the field of our industry, agriculture, tourism, these areas are one of the important and central areas for the development
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of active tourism. becoming a tourism economy. it is very good and has added value to our damavand, our firozkoh and these areas of ours , apart from agriculture and animal husbandry and industries, which are very important and mines, the issue of mining in this area is also very important for us, tourism is an issue. tourism that can be profitable. create and create jobs and improve the area . it has a very good environment . this is a fun place that has the best tourism areas . this area will be my final point


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