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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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becoming a tourism economy , the tourism economy creates employment and can have a very good income and added value . in this region, the issue of mining is very important for us, the issue of tourism is the tourism that can be done. it should generate income and create employment and improve the area . it has a very good environment. this is a fun place that has the best tourism areas . from this, god willing, this will definitely be of interest to the authorities in this area. my final point is for our loved ones, especially javad.
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my dear, i want to say that the future is very bright , dear young people of our country, it is a very capable country, we have many material and spiritual capacities in this country , god has provided us, we just need to think correctly and act correctly and use this capacity in the best way. this is important, but our country's capacity is not lacking. it has material and it has spiritual , especially the young people of bromand with willpower who could be the source of transformation in various fields to be i always said to my colleagues in the government , i said in the provinces that if a manager does not have the spirit of transformation , does not have the spirit of jihad, does not have the spirit of being a people , he must be left out of the way and the work
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should be left to a young and revolutionary force. see, our meeting is decorated with the pictures of great martyrs of this region. their holy spirits are watching over us. their job in the fronts was not to have a smooth road to cross this smooth road . ask their families . some of you were in the trenches with noble martyrs. hazrat reza (peace be upon him) used to be respected , i was a servant of imam reza, sometimes i sat and talked with him, and sometimes he hurt my heart.
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it was not the case that haj qasim had a smooth path, they say go on this smooth path and achieve these goals, secure the region , it was not like that, haj qasim tried hard , he was faced with obstacles, but by trusting in god, with self-confidence, he had confidence. there were many famous men and women who went and did great things. to be able to pave the way and turn difficulties into easy tasks, i want to our loved ones dear young people, i would like to say to the respected administrators of this city that the roads may not be smooth in some places, but we, our companions, are capable . god is great
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. you people in the holy defense gave a good test . the country is done. a lot of work has been done in defense of the sanctum and the sanctuary. i told some of the presidents who are meeting with me about science and technology parks. i want them to go to one of the centers that they visit in tehran or our provinces. yes, when they go and see, they say, we are surprised, how are you despite all this sanctions and threats, you were able to make so much progress , this is one of the blessings of this system and revolution.
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many times presidents and prime ministers who came to iran told me or i said this to me at international meetings and said that we are surprised how iran has been able to be so advanced with all these restrictions. yes, this is one of god's blessings and favors. our country is an advanced country. some people may not believe. there is nothing wrong with not believing . we may see some truths in rome, but there is no problem if they close their eyes or don't read. we move and we will not stop the jihadi work. we believe that by trusting in god with jihadi work in all fields
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, we can reach the top, god willing. the leader said that we have no way to the top. we are close to the top. fatigue is forbidden and despair is forbidden . all the fields are unity and oneness , the efforts of the shepherds, you must know that the almighty god has been the friend of this country and helped in various fields after this, the care will include the dear people, including the state of the government, with the blessing of your prayers , people, with the blessing of guidance. the leader and sincere prayer we have no doubts, god willing , these favors will always include our dear nation, and god willing, the government will serve as a servant to you people . the points raised by our loved ones in damavand
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, god willing, we will hold a meeting of the administrative council after this meeting. those points will be taken into consideration. because you took the trouble to be confined in this place, i must thank you and appreciate the honorable officials and for the presence of all of you , dear directors of the armed forces , our dear clergy, mr. haj ali akbari, who are one of the proudest of the clergy, our dear mr. haj hossein mr. shait i would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you, who are among the proud ones, and all the dear ones of the noble family of the martyrs, god willing, for all that you said. in the form of collective and regional issues , with what is in the form of individual issues , it is related to a family member, it is related to a loved one, dear sir and madam , who are present in this group as a request or actually have a letter, make sure
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to know your letters. it will be taken into consideration , please give me the amount you have. we know to pay attention to your letters and god willing, if you have mentioned the phone number, your service will be announced, thanks to the blessings of muhammad and his family. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers , hello, have a good day . welcome to the economy and market news. according to the announcement of the central bank, so far , about 6500 billion rials of 200 million rials of housing for the third child have been paid to 2255 applicants.
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the payment for this education has increased by about 100% compared to the previous two reports of the central bank that were published in august and november. increasing the percentage of banks' performance in paying a loan of 200 million for the purchase of construction or housing deposit for the third child of the loan that is based on the youth law. demographics and laws should be given to families without housing whose third child was born in 2019 and later. for families without housing who have a third or more child from the beginning of 2019 onwards, a loan of 4 percent interest for this education. . yes, the ceiling of these corrections is 20 million tomans, according to the statistics , until the end of november, that is, in the first half of the year, 1100 items have been paid to the applicants . from november to december
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, these payments almost doubled from five banks agent mellat maskan saderat iran tejarat and postbank bank tejarat with four times payment in the top. the list and banks of mellat, maskan, saderat and postbank are also in the next categories. this education in the amount of 6500 billion rials in the amount of 20. even though it has been two years since this law has passed, many of the services that are being performed are facing slowness. our suggestion is to create a system . people, both the transparency of the system and the speed in
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providing services to loved ones and the identification of bank branches . in fact, if we add something else to the system, it may face problems, but according to the representatives of the parliament , it is not difficult to implement it . general and nationwide
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sells its immovable properties 458 chapters of properties and independent properties under its authority . applicants have until 7th of bahan to submit their proposals. holding a nationwide auction of immovable property. in real estate auction no. 117 of the organization for the collection and sale of possessed property, 458 properties have been put up for sale. various properties were sold in this auction becomes these properties include commercial, office, industrial, garden and land properties and residential apartments . the expert base of these properties is more than 3 thousand billion tomans. applicants can refer to the website of tamiliki property organization, at the address of tamiliki. r. or the system of the government's electronic procurement headquarters to the address of the ir point of the iran headquarters
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and information about the details of the auction to submit a price offer. these properties can be sold in the form of a cash payment according to the conditions stated in the advertisement and auction. according to the officials of the property organization , in the previous 10 stages of holding property auctions unreasonable, about 250 in total. the property in the possession of this organization has been sold. mehdi anari, radio and television news agency. the deputy minister of jihad agriculture says, until the domestic production of red meat meets the market demand, the import of hot meat will continue. according to mr. peyman pak, imported sheep meat is sold at the rate of 282,000 tomans per kilo. also, 25 thousand tons of frozen veal meat is being imported. currently, the import of meat from countries such as russia,
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kazakhstan, mongolia, kenya and australia is being implemented. the effectiveness of importing hot meat. two the three weeks that were the january holidays, because the holidays have finally taken place in the slaughterhouse, like hot meat , it has to be done immediately in terms of logistics. by air and by land and customs were closed , we had a decrease in supply. this supply went from 200 tons a day to 30 or 40 tons a day, but now it has returned in the last five or six days. we are now continuing to import 200 tons to compensate for the shortage. domestic production and the regulation of the hot meat market are even planned by the order given by mr. mokhbar and the provision of land to the central bank of this currency for this import to 300 tons. it should increase during the day, tehran, but not now on the 5th. the province is taking place, alborz province, qomeh, khorasan, razavi province have started, friends, and
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zanjan and isfahan provinces have also been added, and now the volume will increase, the supply of those provinces will also increase. imported hot meat in these provinces is sold at market regulated rate of 282 tomans per kilo, which is another kilo. here in bahman square, but the free price of the gosfandi apartment . and from the spring of next year, the country's need for red meat will be met from within. but until then imports continue. officials of the ministry of jihad and agriculture say that the equilibrium price for red meat of sheep is around 400,000 tomans. the price that
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will be realized in the spring of the year and with the increase of domestic production. farzadeh azaribaga of sed and broadcasting news agency. the minister of agricultural jihad announced the guaranteed purchase price of wheat for the coming year of 17,500 tomans . according to the international association of qalat, the world price of wheat based on free width and delivered in the next two months is about 14,000 tomans. according to the announcement of the ministry of agricultural jihad, the price is set above the price a world to support farmers and domestic production. finally after 6 months of delay. the guaranteed purchase price of wheat for the next year was set at 17,500 tomans. the country's need for wheat is estimated at 13 million tons. domestic farmers provide more than 10 million tons of this amount. they enter the rest. from april 1 to the end of november. 1,700,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons have entered iran. with prices that
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go up and down month by month. the highest price that iran bought. it was in march 1401 with 530 dollars per ton, and after that we see a decrease in the price, approaching our previous prices in 1402, that is, in the 9 months of this year, the average purchase we have reached 404 dollars per ton. the head of the national wheat farmers foundation says that the price of foreign wheat is more expensive than domestic wheat. the global price is variable . when the wheat harvest is at its peak, the prices will drop . let us consider, of course, do this with the actual width price. you can be sure that the price of imported wheat will be higher than the price that i, the farmer, sell to the government
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. for the next two months with a free range of 50 thousand tomans between 13 and 14 thousand tomans, the price of each kilogram of wheat in the chicago stock exchange for july next year is estimated to be between 8500 and 1620 tomans, taking into account 30 to 40 percent of the costs of transporting wheat to internal silos, depending on the price of the exchange width. according to the announcement of the ministry of jihad and agriculture, determining the guaranteed purchase price in accordance with the price changes. global and to support domestic farmers. haratian, sed and broadcasting news agency. in the first 6 months of this year, 87 million dollars of knowledge-based products have been exported to more than 85 countries. to support the export of more of these products , the government is trying to make a support package. company
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knowledge-based or companies focused on knowledge of companies that seek to produce new products in various fields using superior technologies and using advanced industry. we have about 7,000 knowledge-based companies, of which only about 100 companies were able to export their products to other countries. however, due to the newness of these companies' activities in iran and the high quality of their products, the officials of the 13th government intend to help the products of these companies to be exported more easily. what we are trying to do is to create a market for them big companies that are buyers of strategic products and scientists should actually express their demand and supply to science-based companies. for this reason , the managers of the ministry of mining industry and trade in cooperation with the ministry of economic affairs and finance and science-based companies gathered together to design an economic package. so that they can
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facilitate the export of exclusive and high-quality technological products of these companies. the discussion of clearing the land obligation in the case of scientific companies should be more careful about its duration, the clearing of the foreign exchange obligation should be done in 3 months . very little, the first step is financing, financing for their infrastructure, financing for their support to enter global markets and compete with multinational companies. some of the ceos of these companies also offer new solutions , for example, in this package, the discussion of the liquidity of the companies has not been seen
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. today , in terms of temperature, we expect to see a decrease in temperature on the southern shores of the caspian sea . east and southern areas in the eastern part of the country, we see that it is raining in these areas. we expect that today the rains
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will be scattered only on the southern shores of the caspian sea. from late tonight, the rains will gradually start in the eastern and southeastern parts of the country. during tomorrow, friday. the rains in the eastern and southeastern parts of our country for the provinces of south khorasan, sisistan, baluchistan, kerman. hormozgan and the eastern parts of fars province will start . we expect that the rains will be in the form of rain, in the highlands and cold areas, these rains will be in the form of snow, due to the intensity of the rains, flooding. we are witnessing the general weather , we expect to see strong winds blowing in these areas in some hours, which will cause strong winds blowing in these areas and the soil will reduce the air quality and also reduce the visibility, but from saturday, as you can see, in in most parts of the country, we are witnessing a stable, clear and sunny atmosphere, which will continue on sunday, but from monday
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, a system of fresh rains will enter the country from the northwest and west, gradually in the northwestern parts of the western regions of the country. the sky will be cloudy and the rains will start in these areas on monday the rains reach the southern part of the caspian sea and the slopes of alborz. we are witnessing precipitation in the form of rain and snow in these areas on monday. strong winds in these areas in its prone areas will of course cause a decrease in air quality and visibility on saturdays and also on sundays. our country is witnessing the wind blowing from the west, we are expecting the sea in the next 24 hours may the caspian sea of ​​the persian gulf and the strait of hormuz be rough and during tomorrow
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this wind will cause the persian gulf of hormuz and the sea of ​​oman to be rough . thank you for accompanying us until this moment. various political and economic trends in the elections , competing with each other, the importance of elections in the selection.
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trends on the eve of the elections every day at 15:00 on the khabar network. it came all this way. just say goodbye to me, why did it happen like this, the story is not over yet , a good tv at a good price with long terms is in the iranian house, the price is in the iranian house, this is
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an opportunity, this is also an opportunity. these are also opportunities. this is a new opportunity during the 50 million days of digikala. anything you buy from digikala is a chance to win a daily prize of 50 million tomans.
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cultural and economic festival
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, commercial advertisements, marketing and advertising tools of the national media in the service of the development of the identity centered on the wider justice of islamic iran, and if you were looking for ricoh, i would like to introduce madin. . for every 35 million tomans purchased in cash or in cash , get a free vacuum cleaner with a reputable brand as a gift at the grand festival of home appliances city. for the duration limited in all tehran, isfahan and savit branches. sweep the presents home music city.
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it will be hit, god willing.
12:00 pm
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, please accompany us with the news section at 12 o'clock. during his trip to firozkoh, the president visited the nimrud dam under construction . after visiting this dam, the president promised that this dam will be put into operation in one year. mr. raisi, pointing out that the rebels it is not just for exploitation, he said: the movement to complete half-finished projects like hundred nimrod is on the agenda of the 13th government. we decided that the maximum


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