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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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the structure is failing, we want to increase the circulation of production, we see serious obstacles like this , when we want to increase the quality, we see that there is no basis at all because we have made our industry accustomed to assembling work . let's improve our car manufacturing , raise the quality, how and with what money? with what money , sir, i say, you have been here for 6 months now, mr. alilu , the manager has left you, did we have a money fight ? it doesn't work. if the government wants to support me, why should it support me in his private life where it should be supported? yes, it is 34,000, 34,000 . you see, i want to produce this meter glass
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by myself. you are right, you expect me to have good quality and not to break security. if you have it, i will press it, don't let it fall in my hand, all this is done, i will come and tell you that this product is worth 6 thousand tomans, you are the government saying this, i really want you to sell caesar tomans , what do we have in the rubber industry right now , what do we have in the industry right now we have transportation in the industry. we have medicine, i want to produce it in 3000 capacity i will lose 3,000 , now we are in common , mr. dara , we are in common. making a loss of 20 thousand billion tomans , this figure will reach 40 thousand billion tomans by the end of the year. you
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are the managing director of a company, you are an industrialist , you have a loss of 40 thousand billion tomans, because you are not allowed to sell your product at the real price , what happens to the money when you don't sell it at the real price? you don't have research and development , you don't have money, you are saying why it doesn't rise there , because the agriculture you are talking about is not the village you are talking about. the employee you have says that when he goes to buy a car at the government price , will he be paid? he is actually a dealer, and the person who went and deposited money is registered to buy a car. those who are pious should buy high or buy at low stock market price . what is the market price now? it is clear that we
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are one of the largest countries in the world in terms of cement production capacity. people always have a problem with cement . every person who comes to your office in the parliament representation had a problem with cement. well , we went to the prime minister and told him to take the cement to the stock market. he said, "i will give a gold medal. i will give a nobel prize in economics to anyone who shows me a stock market where cement can be traded. we said this, sir." the moscow stock exchange is above us, cement is traded in it, it didn't let cement enter the stock market until last year . it was fixed two years ago. today, supply and demand are equal. the brokerage network
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is no longer there, factories are trying to develop they are performing, the quality has increased, we also have exports , mr. daravi, look, millions of people are watching you on tv now. my steel was the same. look, it came to the stock market. it was fixed. you say that supply and demand are fixed. look, sinan, our production has reached a certain level. i have a documentary. i am telling you that it was research.
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it doesn't necessarily happen in the stock market, the fact that he didn't buy a car until the end of 4000 units , that is, before it comes out of the stock market. see, we have the capacity, the producer is ready , see all the engineers, all the workers of iran are heartbroken for this country, but the pricing system it's an order that paralyzes him. when you force a factory in the tire industry today to supply 70, 60, 50 below the finished price, we really have so much demand for tires. but we don't allow it to be transparently traded in the commodity exchange, so that those people should buy the manufacturer's shares instead of capital goods, they should not go and buy a car for 200 million tomans and say i will sell
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it for 300 million. it should be used. our cutting industry has 160 companies in all of iran . if iran khodro wants to be like 22, it should have more than 250 companies. yes, the automobile industry is a simple thing , it creates the largest economic situation after the oil industry , it can have hundreds of companies, it can launch all the knowledge of your foundations, but what are we doing now with a command pricing with a behind the scenes deal with in fact, what are we going to do to lose 147 thousand billion tomans , if instead of 147 thousand billion tomans loss, it would have been 147 thousand billion tomans of profit. how many jobs would be created, how much the province would be developed, how much work would be done by mr. alilu, mr. daravi , you mentioned a point that the supply of cars in the stock market creates a broker. please explain this so that we can get the answer from mr. darhi . we have researched two or three cases. this one
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was in petrochemicals, the other one was related to automobiles. many people go to the stock market when they ask, now or in petrochemicals. workshops or downstream industries have the necessary materials to take them to the stock market, which we gave a solution at that time, which was also successful, but because there was no proper supervision by the government of the previous government, of course , mr. nematzadeh did not believe in this discussion at all , and he brought the supply from petrochemicals. outside , he supported our methods which were mother's interjections he did not expand the lari network. i did this many times in the parliament because it was discussed in many places . they were also debated in the same media . an example is taking them to the stock market.
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obviously, because we are talking about cars, today we are talking about cars, no , let me say about the car, i will say about tamroshimi, it is not pedroshimi
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, don't people need materials that have workshops, for example, we finally had 24,000 units downstream, and 17,000 of them were active. 12 thousand of these or 13 thousand of them are fully active there are a few thousand tashm up to the limit of 17,000 semi-active and semi-active. see, this is the total number . we said what we said is either to withdraw from the stock market or to enter the mother cooperative system under the supervision of the ministry of labor. . in the car, it's like we want to say , sir, someone wants a dowry , he wants 10 refrigerators, he wants a carpet , we should give them all. people need goods, why do we bring them, what happens in the carpet, in the refrigerator, in the heater
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i don't know other household appliances or other daily needs of people in the same items like this. what happened there, that we don't see the need to take it to the stock market, why allow it, why don't we do the same thing in the car, so that there is no need to put it on the stock market, see every work i bought, i took it, i put it in my residence or hoarded it, i came back for the next 3 months, don't you know?
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i will offer these at one or two times the price. who said that the price came down when it was offered in the stock market? look at the exhibition and see what happened . first of all, what are the workers of the stock market ? i took your card there , it will verify your identity, i will pick you up, you should be considerate of that person, there is no profit when you buy it, when the market price is what to buy it for, the problem is that when the car is 605 million tomans in the market of tehran today , the car manufacturer is selling it for 595 tomans. does he come to buy it, or when we have 300 tomans , you can buy it at the factory from behind that place, he can come and make a deal, but this is your claim , we left, the price has come, stick to the floor like this, no one buys a car anymore, sell them, if anyone comes, then
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why the company? this is what you are going to do now region one, two, and i don't know, three, and go to these to see how many car showrooms have been added in the last one, two or three years, although there are all kinds of cars, some of them are only luxury, some are second-hand, but most of them are second-hand. you should go on 17 september i don't know about shush and khorasan. if these things come to the stock market, if they come to the stock market, see. the goal of the legislator or the goal of the economist in the economy is to bring down the exchange cost. when you bring it to the stock exchange, the exchange cost will come down. that's why it's no longer profitable for you to go to a broker. and buy second hand. at some point, everyone has them in this country or most of the people who were trading iron . we were also importing iron. it's true? everyone is looking for remittances and being iron. ok?
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why is that market crowded today? why did we become the largest exporter of steel in the region? because we brought this price , it became clear in the price of goods. the factory knew that sir, if i produce this product, it will cost me 50 tomans. they say 60 tomans, i have 10 tomans profit. what do i spend this profit on? i have petrochemicals for this example. we have a distribution system, well,
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it started with a single shop, later it ended in the markets, that is, when you you enter the copper market in isfahan , for example, 60 markets next to each other, why are there 60 shops sitting next to each other in the copper market? why, in order to find out the fair price and supply and demand, i know that i have to go to the copper market and buy copper and from from the beginning to the end, the price of drunkards is the same . later, this drunkards market became bigger. even now, the system that you are talking about, the stock market is actually working on auction sites. what you see in the global market of amazon, ebay, or china's alibaba are getting as big as they are, inside our own sites are growing because of the right. there is a customer, accept this, it is the customer's right to see all the manufacturers and choose the best price and the best quality from among them, you with the pricing command.
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it started, then it will be released. you have systems, you see that there are people for the lottery for profit because i win a car , say 200 million tomans. i was thinking of this, not me, for that 20 million, i was storing the car that you have , you can see that from the first day that it came from the commodity exchange. coming between 60 and 1300, the price has gone up because
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of my price and this to you if the price. today , it was discovered in the commodity exchange that it was not possible for the price increase to exceed the inflation of raw materials. so you have to say if we want to use the car maker ? if we want quality, if we want security , if we want competition? if we want to be able to compete in the market of africa and east asia? why us , having steel, having egypt, having its materials , why the iranian craftsman, who is better when it comes to the base of the carpet. these works create the world because it is up to you , not because the government did not interfere but tehran's carpet market is the same stock market, but i want to tell you that if you allow our car manufacturer to get its real price, the price will be discovered there, not that you will see that whoever
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was looking for a broker in this country has come to the stock market. that is, mr.
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it could not reach the level of the society's needs
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. don't worry with any capital , the government is giving the same money that you say it is now and not then pollen if you read it, you wouldn't have said with which currency. we read the reports after that about the removal of steel and the price of its order from the commodity exchange. 93,000 billion tomans created corruption . was this report of the parliament or not? why did you come and disturb the market? the real price was set. what do you mean
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? who do you mean? the parliament came and disturbed the market. the parliament came and set the price. the court sent it, the court read the report , we sent it to the judicial authorities, the one that did not investigate, what happened there, i want to say if you believe. in the steel industry, the stock market is blocking 93 thousand billion tomans would be corrupt. now, how can we not allow your opposition to your stock exchange to come to the parliament and make the same demand, let's say, sir, that in our own research, we got 12 thousand billion, which is 6 times the 2000 that he used to borrow, so he didn't give 12 thousand billion because of the existence of car mafia rent in the industry.
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with what brokerage processes, with what rental processes , they come to the detriment of all of iran
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, there was no suicide there, why didn't you go there? hand in hand or it should be provided by the factory it should be spent on employment, improving the quality of production, or actually increasing the capacity , so that the money can be cut off and the money can be given to the others to satisfy the worker, or he has to buy a broker , we can't create money, we can't work. or yes, we who can't put a money printing machine in the automobile factory say, sir, i want to give this car, for example, 300 million tomans for a car that costs 600 million tomans. well, we don't really have a magic wand , the point is that we should eliminate those rounds in the economy and create a transparent supply and demand system.
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it is not possible for anyone to be able to permanently find corruption in the commodity exchange , but it has been systematically created to prevent corruption, just today in the issue of coin certificates and these things have been corrupted, can you tell me why corruption? because you created rent command pricing , this is the only thing that needs to be fixed. you, not the most important reason , don't know much. they will take you. now, they will take the command price and bring it to the stock market. all the problems of our automobile industry will be solved. 90 will be solved. the second thing is this, sir. write, we want to do this this is that
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we don't need to work according to instructions or prices according to instructions or methods according to instructions. we do not need these. first, we emphasize that we should move forward with the law, and the protection of the domestic industry is in that law . it has been seen enough in the places where our domestic industry does not satisfy the market. we have also seen its replacement. closed exports will support the domestic industry face it will take, we are forced now to provide a one-sided, one-sided market, a legal matter, the second market plan , supply and demand , competition
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. in order for these things to happen, the government must get out of the economic centers, although we do not believe that it should get out of the car, we have another version for this , but wherever the government has been, there has been corruption, and these problems , mr. darawi, are yours for a minute. the point that i said this year is actually the year of containment of inflation and production growth. let's separate the order to clarify the supply and demand and the rounds. eliminate in the economy. doing these things means increasing production, increasing quality, creating employment and development. we tried it in the steel industry, we tried it in the cement industry, we tried it in the petrochemical industry, we have to do it in the automobile industry as well. the second issue is again in the notification of the supreme leader, he was told that the government should withdraw from this industry in accordance with article 44 . but at present, the value of these factories
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is loss due to the fact that the pricing has been ordered. even to the extent of it's true, they are not. first, we should remove these from the constraints of mandatory pricing, let them make a real profit, and then the government will hand them over to the people at the real price. the only way in this country for us to have a growing economy is to accept that the principles of the market should speak for themselves, not mandatory pricing and not actually creating structures that can create corruption. thank you very much to both guests. the program of all viewers. well, especially for the higher program that you have accompanied us until this moment , may god protect you, we are higher than any dream today, wherever we are, we are much higher.
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they used to say that whenever you take a fish out of the water , it is fresh. what does it mean to turn to the things we have not done, it is never too late, such as continuing to study , creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, this is the modification of consumption habits, managing electricity consumption now. a small part of people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and if they move a little and increase their accuracy , they can definitely return to the consumption pattern. take 5 minutes to check all the common electrical appliances in your home, for example, the lamp can be changed from this to this, no, no, yes, and so on. their consumption is 90% less than before. part of our electricity consumption is due to the devices that are not used, i.e. when they are ready to use or when they are in sleep mode, such as coffee makers, tea makers , microwaves, computers, tvs, etc.
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they use it when they don't need it. they must be unplugged. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and toilet, but we leave the air conditioner on for hours, which usually consumes much more than the lamp. if you get used to it, unplug unused electrical appliances be very careful when buying them, you will see that not only did we do a great favor to your pocket, but we also took a big step towards preserving the environment and vital resources of the country.
4:00 pm
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear countrymen , we present the 16:00 news together with my colleagues in the evening news group. the president of pakistan called terrorism a common challenge that requires collective cooperation to deal with it . referring to the need for diplomacy and interaction between tehran and islamabad, aref alavi said: two countries should enter into negotiations through diplomatic channels to resolve issues. to be alvi of tehran relations called islamabad brotherly and emphasized: pakistan has the right to sovereignty.


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