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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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let's look at a very big conversation that is happening in the middle of the population like india, for example, we are facing a terrible gini coefficient. well, the iranian society does not accept such a gini coefficient , the iranian society, its dignity, does not allow this to happen. therefore, this emphasis of mine is that we see the situation of our own country natively. another issue is that the embargo is an excuse for action. i didn't say it because we are sanctioning our population, i said no, sanctions as an economic reality, just as the leadership also said that all decisions should be based on the default. should sanctions continue to happen, are we in this situation where this is an important economic indicator, whoever says it is not and we should not pay attention to it at all , is running away from reality, the person who says that only the economic reality of the country is sanctioned is also running away from reality. if my whole point from the beginning
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was that when we have a systemic view , we should not talk like this, the population is a fruit that comes from a tree, that tree wants light, which means it wants investment, it wants water , it wants energy, which means it wants energy, and many indicators. other economic problems of the country, when these are solved, these will move. kurds are giving fruit to the population towards self-improvement , that is, there is no need to pass laws. yes, there are a series of cultural variables that we don't have children at all in our society. unfortunately, by a part of the country's media basket, media consumption is becoming a counter-value . these are the places where we have to work. look , i will give you a small example. when i say that sanctions and the economic situation on the population are quite effective, i will give you a small example. that is
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, let's review the minimum salary approved for workers in the last 10 years in the country . compared to today, shoes are one-fifth of the purchasing power of workers, which has decreased by five times. let's consider the salary floor for the last 10 years. well , by which family should this childbearing happen? it's not going to happen. the same workers and the same economic sector of the country want to do this . so, did we consider the conditions at all ? this law has been approved, and now it has been approved for 2 years, the floor of workers' salaries will be approved next year, and the next year will be half less than half of inflation. how can we see the youth law in the same parliament for 2 years in a row ? less than half of the inflation, the salary increase of workers will be approved, so, sorry, it will be included in the budget and then now that salary council approves , that's all. now
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we are seeing the government's proposal for next year's budget, the government of a large employer in a country where the largest employer has included about 17-18 in its budget, so this shows that in two months, the labor council will also be in your hands. it approves from top to bottom , why doesn't anyone object to this important indicator as a concern of the population, they don't look at it, so how can we have these economic realities, the bottom of the family's livelihood, minimum salary, purchasing power, all of this is a forgiveness. it depends on the value of the national currency that it is affected is it possible for us to look at such a matter in a one-dimensional way? by the way, all i am saying is that it should have a systemic view of the matter . your answer, mr. alami, see what he said. it means that the introduction they are making is correct, which means that we actually have a systemic view of the population at all. population is a multi-sectoral issue, it is dependent on housing, health , education, and many other sectors. in fact, the development and
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progress of a country is both a result and an effect on it , that is, both of them are there, but what is the bottom line or the result they want to get from them now? shouldn't something be done about the population? he left it to the next years , did not do anything about it, and in fact welfare policies. and the economy will reach such a result by itself. let me share the experience of the countries. look at the countries. i apologize before you mention the experience . how many of you asked what is the answer regarding these verses ? let me answer them. in fact , the answer to them is that in different countries , while you have your economy
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, you have your economic policies , you have your employment policies, you have your housing, and other relevant laws and regulations. but when you have to propose a specific policy for that period of crisis, for example, in bulgaria in 2006, a strategic population plan was implemented for 2006 to 2020, but before that came all the laws and regulations of all sectors that are contradictory . he corrected it with the crowd, and at the same time , if you see the program of the crowd. you can see that it has been attacked in many sectors, that is , it is completely a development program, housing, employment, health, otherwise , why is it like this? does it mean that bulgaria is waiting for development and then its population will be fixed
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, not that it has a special housing program that will fix its population. there is a special program for education and a special cultural program for the government board. as far as australia, in the same way, you should look at the population plan of australia . it's actually called population development, which means population development, not population increase . again, the first two or three pages are devoted to population increase, and then he said , "okay, well, now, what kind of transportation do i need to reach this population?" what kind of housing do i want , so these are not contradictory, but it will be a special program , that is, instead of excluding the population, you should say, i have nothing to do with this right now, i am doing my economic work, i am solving my sanctions, i am solving my investment. then people
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will come to the conclusion in their personal decision to increase their childbearing. this is a position, a position is that no, while i work on my economic variables and my welfare variables, we are collective variables. it works especially well. now, many european countries , while they have good economic variables , have different demographic policies, that is, england has been encouraging children for years, germany has been doing so for years, and so has bulgaria , if their economic situation it's good and it gave the same result as it did when they came next to him give incentives. they put a series of policies that yes, these policies may be different in our country because our culture is different, and by the way, now we have the discussion that culturally, our country has a lot of capacity to
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solve its population problem much faster than european countries. and it doesn't cost that much. in fact, if i want to give an example, the fertility rate in iran will decrease from 64 percent in 13 and 1966, if i'm not mistaken , it will reach 1 percent by 8 and one or two years, that is, within 16 to 17 years. the number is decreasing, we cannot attribute this to cultural changes. many say this well, modernity has happened in iran and very heavy cultural changes have occurred. the same change in european and american countries took about 150 to 200 years. we can call it cultural change, but how do we
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say about any other cultural variable that it should take 50 years to 100 years to change. iranians still have children . marriage is desirable for them. we have to wait for the population to settle let's let all our economic problems be solved, no, we have to solve both our economic problems and our population problem separately. let's do it and let me say this, we even in the secretariat , in fact, in the expediency assessment assembly , we told the gentlemen of the parliament that this law alone is not enough
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. it has been said that other laws and regulations of the institutions are required to be amended, and this is the most important article of this law, which means that now the ministry of housing must amend the rules and regulations for the assignment of housing. ministry of education. look at the higher education workshop. now in higher education, students are told that you should not go, in fact, you should not work while studying. well, this in itself is an obstacle to marriage, right, and there are many other laws that we don't have time for. and incomplete discussion of their population is much more important than that we come, in fact, only single. let's do it, that is, in a way, i will complete the orders of the trade unions in such a way that
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we have to move forward as a system, but right now it is like a crisis that has arisen in one corner of the system , while the rest of the system should not be forgotten. give that crisis a special thought , because it will come back later and damage your system, that is, if you don't think now , your growth rate will be zero in 1430. at the bottom of your society, it will become old, then it will start to reduce the population , all those dreams you had for the growth and development of the country will be wasted. mr. snafi , which part do you agree with and the last part of your speech and pointing out that if we do not make policies in this area, it will be over in fact, according to him , it is the dreams or other plans that we made for the country that are actually getting damaged. look i see the main problem in the fact that we
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see the population as the center of the country's problems. our issue for the future of the country is the development of what should be on the table. we must take a serious look at population as one of the variables affecting development. if so, what do i mean? i say that if we solve the problem of population , we assume that we have a situation where the population of the country will increase at all. let's assume that we can do this. i say, let's assume that it happened. if this happens , what will happen without the other variables that we explained in detail , what will happen, mr. alami? an assumption is not a correct assumption, it means we did not make such an assumption and we could not do it. first of all, the issue of population will take years to answer. it means that we are talking right now, according to the research we have done. in the best case, all these discussions are
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that people listen people, many times this is the most private behavior of people, that is, we are assuming that people will listen and people will come to this conclusion . if we add 100 thousand births every year , we will reach the country of 1400 and 20 with a fertility rate of 4 and 1430 of we will pass old age. this is a clear goal setting that we must do. but does what we are saying have two modes or should we not take any action now? it means that we will be caught at 1430. or we let ourselves be caught. we referred ourselves to the impact of unpredictable variables, but if
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we take action and at the same time work on economic variables, no one said that i told you economics, the science of policy making, employment, housing, these are one science that you have to work in a separate way, whether your country is densely populated or not. your country shouldn't be overpopulated , we have so many countries now that we shouldn't even say the sum of these two until it is solved. one cannot be solved, not these two , the population is completely intertwined, and now the welfare of the economy and all aspects of development, at the same time, you have a complication, you have a complication here, see this complication, for example , we sometimes have economic discussions in countries, for example, with 4 years 5 in 6 years, the regular program has been solved, but the population
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basically cannot be solved in 5 or 6 years, we have to wait, that means a lot of new action . i borrowed next, we would like to hear mr. alami's explanation regarding your question i want you to complete your order, after that i want you to answer this question with the total actually. this statement and the conditions that we talked about, what measures should the next parliament take into consideration, in order to make the discussion a little clearer, we can look at the issue superficially and say that the housing situation is not directly related to the population, but it is completely related to the housing. one of the obstacles is marriage and marriage is a prerequisite for having children in about
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10-11 million single people who are of marriageable age. when this government was formed, it gave a slogan saying, for example , i build 1 million 2 million housing units a year, but i i would like to satisfy the dear viewers of the vote of confidence of the current minister of housing, who wanted to become a minister after the late mr. ghasemi , to make a defense of this plan in the parliament . we don't have any problems, so i try that way. i do but i can't. this is an example of the variable and the prerequisites for population change, which if we don't look at it, suppose, for example, a new population is added to the country. right now, the country needs about one million housing units every year. lag in
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in the past, we did not produce this number in the past years. if we don't do this for the next few years, the desire of iranians to own a house will reach 100. now it is close to 100. it will take 100 years or 200 years for a family to own a house . let's look at it one-dimensionally, whether we are waiting for the future generation to assume that the success of this demographic transformation will be, whether we are waiting or waiting, in the field of housing, these variables are not all connected like a chain. who developed only one , all must happen together, but the problem is my words the current economic situation of the country shows that the possibility of rapid transformation of what we need in the population in these economic indicators does not currently exist in the country because of the need for extensive financial resources due to the fact that the investment rate
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has grown in the past many years. he didn't say that a pardon goes back to that issue of sanctions. it has created a backwardness in the country that does not allow the rapid growth that we want for the population to happen. in fact, i don't want to warn that if the population increases, this will happen. i say this will not happen, because just like saying that the family should make this decision and the family makes its decisions based on its circumstances, on the contrary, the politician will definitely look in his pocket and then make a decision, just two minutes. we have short-term measures and a series of long-term measures, and both of them should be done, for example
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, the issue of marriage, which is a very important issue, we have 116 million singles. at the age of marriage, we have a very large capacity to increase and their obstacles . now, finally, i don't know how many priorities there are, but housing and employment is definitely one of them. improving housing and employment is definitely effective on these, but in at the same time, i said that we should also have a special program, for example, you now have this option in the university when married dormitories. they have a lot of vacant land and the facilities of the ministry of housing have provided financial facilities for them. now our total number of married dormitories is 1,505 , while we have 630,000 married students , so we have two and a half million
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singles. . universities are coming, we have to solve these, and we also have to solve the country's general problem regarding the economy and welfare. thank you very much, mr. alami. also from you, mr. snafi , we are losing the time of the program. if you can be very brief and brief, if we don't solve the prerequisites , what is happening in the country now will happen in the last 10 years, the quantitative and qualitative process of the migration of young technical elites. even nurses, doctors , look at these in the past years, we have a population, we spent money on this, we spent money on education , we spent money on higher education , we spent money on the country, we matured a force. because the rest of the economic variables were not available , they were used from abroad, that is, we actually spent money the rest take this as a one-dimensional view of the issue
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. thank you . we have heard the views of two experts in the field of the requirements and requirements of population policy. thank you for being with us. today , wherever we are, we are higher. he says that he is scared and thinking to himself what to do and who to call. the reason for this
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american mother's fear goes back to that day. call it anonymous. i decided to put the phone on speaker and answered. but all i could hear was crying. i heard my daughter's voice saying, "mom , i'm in trouble." he cried again. in addition i heard this voice of a strange man. i heard that man came and took the phone from him and violently told me: we took your daughter hostage. at that moment , i thought to myself that i will never see my daughter again. but this was not a real hostage situation. maybe it is better to call it hostage taking by impersonating amir. one of the specialists of bham public security center. he said that this is a scam with artificial intelligence. they can take anyone's voice and use it to imitate the voice to make money. i had no idea what
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was happening. i was with my friend and we were doing our homework like a business. the insider wrote that this is deep forgery, that is , they use artificial intelligence to create sounds and videos that did not happen in reality. another example of deep falsification is this film, whose creator probably had political goals and made a public speech to american citizens with the image and voice of north korean president kim jong-un. sam altman , ceo of opena, one of the largest american companies in the field of intelligence. he says: this technology can be a big threat to the elections. these models can deceive people. due to the fact that
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we have an upcoming election and this model also has it development has become an important concern. but as forbes wrote, the benefits of artificial intelligence are so great that solutions must be found so that its risks do not overshadow its positive uses. artificial intelligence can reduce human errors. it automates repetitive tasks and facilitates work processes and is always available. however , what is the way to recognize the images produced with deep gel technology? business insider recommended that users ask themselves these few questions when viewing content on social networks. are the details of the image blurry? does the lighting look unnatural? has it arrived? do the words or sounds not match the pictures? is the source of this content? it seems reliable that in addition to the recommendations of media literacy , different countries have taken steps to regulate this technology. for example, in the law
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passed by china in 2023, content producers who use deep forgery are obliged to share their works with related government agencies and declare that they have produced it with deep forgery. canadian law has approved 3 steps to recognize this content. prevention detection and response prevention by increasing public awareness of this detection technology by investing in the research and development of deep counterfeit detection technologies and reacting with the adoption of new laws related to it. the european union has adopted various laws, including the dsa and gdr laws, to prevent the dangers of deep counterfeiting. in the meantime, nesam is the trustee of the industry. there is no magic wand to solve the challenges of deep forging development, says tech india. the only solution is legislation. fateme
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abedi of sed and sima news agency. various political and economic trends compete in the elections . the importance of elections in choosing a parliament niromandeh, the key is in the hands of our people , there is a telegram channel that plays across the country, why in these 6 months of pricing, your question is an interesting question, the board of directors does not want footballers. he should pay his insurance with what he does. we do not agree with any type of treatment. higher. tendencies debate on the eve of elections every day at 15:00 and 19:30 on khabar network. wherever we are during the day we are higher tomorrow. higher.
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if i want to sum up, our plan is to pay a loan of up to 300 million tomans for all our employees, that's why we suggest the horizon plan of the workers' welfare bank. of payment how is this plan for six to 60 months? by the way, even though his job is free, my brother took it very easily . he could even transfer his points to his first-degree relatives . very good, payment of loan facilities and guarantees for natural and legal persons in the horizon plan of refah bank . employees of refah bank are on the way. innovation , you came all this way just to say goodbye to me, why
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did it happen like this, it's still a story. not finished, a good tv at a good price with long terms in sarai irani , the last price is in sarai irani, the energy is cool, it makes
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in the city of household appliances , in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs asked the iraqi government to the bilateral security agreement should be committed. mr. kanawni said that the iraqi government is expected to fully implement the most important part of this agreement, which is to end the presence of terrorists in the kurdistan region. rejecting the recent statement of the foreign ministers of the arab league regarding the military action of our country against the mossad-affiliated center in erbil, the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs said: iran


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